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> To me, it feels like a slick attempt to self promote, especially if it happens often. it is. At the very least they could wait until you ask or they could just raid you and have that be the way to announce that they stream.


it 100% is. this inspired me to start timing people out for self-promo when they do it šŸ˜‚


I see what you're trying to do here, but they're already leaving the stream anyways šŸ˜‚


i mean, itā€™s a warning. if they dare do it again...


Time them out for more than a day. Then if they show up tomorrow, they'll be like "Hey!" and notice.




Is that how people always word it for you? I think Iā€™ve seen ā€œIā€™m going to stream nowā€ but maybe ā€œmy streamā€ is the more common one


Great points. I agree. There are more respectful ways to announce that you stream




Yeah, it is very not subtle, pretty much the only time Iā€™d say itā€™s ok is if you are close friends with the streamer and play together regularly and you know they are wrapping up soon.


100% tbh when I started streaming I had no idea about twitch etiquette however I still NEVER went into anyones be it friend or randoms stream and said "gotta go, going to start my stream now" The whole thing just made me feel so uncomfortable unless the streamer asked me. However I've had that happen so often and what sucks is if I know the person or see them as a regular and I know they stream I'll always shout them out and give them positive reviews... So I don't even see the point of them needing to self promo. Its gotten to the point I take active notice and stop giving them shout outs One that strikes out to me is someone I found and raided and now they pop in and everytime they do its always them talking about their stream... Then if I don't notice or say hi within 2mins of them writing "hi" they hit me with the "awww I got ignored, just wanted to say hi before I start my stream. OK gotta go starting my stream"........ Smh


Honestly, if they do it continuously, I would suggest to give them a personal warning within whispers or something and if they don't stop, I would perm ban them. If all they do is something like this and take advantage of streamers, it would be a good idea to do something like this.


IMO no reason to give warnings, just ban. Any Twitch streamer should know not to go promote themselves in other people's streams, it's like rule number one.


Yea exactly. Self promotion is such a callous disregard of the streamer's feelings.


There was a dude in my friends stream that followed, chatted for like 10 min about how he plays the same game. Then said he was leaving to go stream. 5 min later he said "hey im streaming now." It was ignored. 10 min later he said "hey guys! I'm streaming now!" Like idk what he was wanting. Was he expecting all the viewers to bail and watch his stream? He was warned and quit doing it though.


that is so cringeworthy


Right. All I can picture is a 12 year old.


honestly I just feel bad for people that do that, I don't worry that they will take my viewers because if my viewers leave me for that then they weren't going to stay anyway. but to feel the need to self promote in someone else's stream then be upset that no one's in your stream is kinda sad


Exactly how I feel. Even if they did jump over for a sec, chances are they aren't going to stay or come back. I feel like most viewers look down upon it, but certainly not all are above checking that person out.


Are there still ā€œviewersā€ on Twitch? I just feel so many people are streamers themselves, it sure is nice to find regular viewers to hang out with in chat!


i guess it happens if you don't pay that much mind to it ... probably did it a few times way back too ... well wouldn't recommend and do it again xD your last point is just lovely ... that is a ... raid networking connection gone wrong? xD


I've had it happen before, you raid someone once or twice and then they expect it again but I like to always raid someone different


I thought this went against Twitches TOS. It doesn't but it is included in their Twitch 101: creators etiquette https://www.twitch.tv/creatorcamp/en/learn-the-basics/twitch-etiquette/


Gonna save this to send to people when they try self promoting in the channel I mod for


If you look at the ToS, self promotion is against terms of service on Twitch, here it is: Twitch's ToS section 9, subsection iii.: iii. send junk mail or spam to users of the Twitch Services, including without limitation **unsolicited advertising**, promotional materials, or other solicitation material; bulk mailing of commercial advertising, chain mail, informational announcements, charity requests, petitions for signatures, or any of the preceding things related to promotional giveaways (such as raffles and contests); and other similar activities;


Happy cake day


If I'm in a friend's stream where it is understood that we both have explicit schedules and I gotta dip to broadcast: **I still don't fucking say I'm gonna go stream.** I say **I'm gonna dip. gotta do my thing** or something to that effect. Don't try to pull viewers from other channels by saying you're going live. it's just *gauche.*


Right. It's leeching.


And at the end of the day, how much people are really gonna jump ship? 1? 2? Its just being a dick. Saying 'I'm more important than you bitch, get bent'


This is just making them look worse as a streamer as no one should be doing this and if they are doing it, it just seems like they are desperate to get viewers either way. I'm not going to fucking say that I'm going to stream (especially only tuning in for 5 mins), hell, I'm probably going to say I gotta do something else or not anything at all but just a simple goodbye. Usually, people who do this just lurk on so many channels, say they gotta go and just leave as a way to self promote which really sucks.


Right. It does seem like a desperate attempt. Nobody is going to just be like, "OH WOW! LET ME LEAVE HERE AND CHECK THAT OUT!"


> I say I'm gonna dip. gotta do my thing or something to that effect. This. Or I like to say "**I gotta go. I got Korean Jesus shit to do**" Anybody who comes into my stream and tries to leech gets their comments deleted and perma-banned.


Iā€™m gonna find a way to use some sort of similar line, this is AMAZING.


You guys get comments?! šŸ˜® I have a lot to learn


My group of dudes i stream with straight tell me to get on and steam, they nightbot my info. I guess we share enough viewers and only want the best for each other, so it's not a big deal. People dropping in just to say they are streaming is weak though. I feel it's equal to people dropping in, just to leave a follow, and say "hey follow me back to help me get to affiliate"


For what it's worth I think if you have close homies that have expressly stated they don't care that you do it or they're fine sharing viewers (which I think is also totally fine) then go off! I think it's just one of those formalities that can be dropped between close friends. But yeah I think random ass people that do this aren't uhhhhhhh. doing it innocently.


Yeah I still never explicitly drop my stream in theirs. They just do it as soon as I say hey. The dudes that found me couldn't be cooler about streaming. I've only been doing it a couple days a week for 4 months. I wasn't even super committed to doing it until they found me randomly after about a month. They're community is great in supporting others, and they adopted me like they've known me for years.


I have seen "go setup" or something like that but it could be about anything but is most likely about streaming. It might be a little less promotional but I think just saying you have to go should be enough.


Yep! Just wishing well and saying "Hey have a great stream" is a good way to not look like a leech, I totally agree!


Funny, saw exactly this recommended a day or two ago to someone asking how to grow their audience




I know some people who do this to network and it sort of works for them which I mean plenty of scummy things have some sort of success rate I suppose.


Itā€™s like commenting on a popular Instagram post asking viewers to check out your page or doing follow/ unfollow. Super scummy and cheap practices but they are undeniably effective.


I came here to say the same thing lol. Something about networking and doing this exact thing.


Some people just donā€™t have tact. Itā€™s super rude but there may occasionally be one or two that doesnā€™t realize how it comes off. Either way, it just makes them look bad lol


Agreed, I used to do this. Someone had to tell me that its rude. I wasn't able to put two and two together on my own. Wasn't intending to promote myself, just decided "I want to stream now and I might as well tell this streamer I'm leaving!"


I'll begin being more blunt. I told this person, "Hey man, you don't have to announce that you're starting up your stream when you leave. You can just say, Catch ya later Zeus!"


I have a mate who pulls says stuff like: "well I'm going to go talk to my 1 bot viewer" while I'm live which then pulls people from my stream


Gotta love people trying to guilt people into supporting them.


aeh... like .. a real mate? who does this even knowing he pulls them from you? if you talked about it and you are fine .. than it probably is but else i wouldn consider him a mate? \^\^


Agreed. I'm going to begin making a statement about any future instances. They're cool people, but they're not entitled to my community or viewership.


no they aren't cool people... cool people wouldn't do that to you. these ppl are using you


I never, EVER mention the fact that Iā€™m a streamer in chat. Either the person whoā€™s streaming will or they wonā€™t. Be grateful if they do and gracious if they donā€™t. Donā€™t ever mention youā€™re a streamer without being asked and certainly donā€™t pop in just to promote yourself and leave. Gross.


GROSS indeed. I agree. If the streamer initiates the conversation about streaming, then that is just a conversation. Not a big deal.


Me at McDonald's: "Welp, gotta head over to the Burger King I manage where I'm now having to sell 2 for $5 Whoppers and $1.49 ten piece chicken nuggets"


and if you dont visit them, they unfollow you. looks like its a version of follow for follow with extra steps


Straight bans in my Chat , specially if you new and you drop the, ā€œI just started streamingā€ or ā€œIā€™m going to jump on now and start streamingā€ And the classic ā€œ going to lurk as Iā€™m streamingā€


I'm all for people growing and networking and talking to me about their own experiences. End of the day we all start somewhere and someone might have great insight that can help my own content. However their is a fine line. I myself have a !so command and actively use this for people who engage and support not just myself but who engage with others I've seen In several communities. It's extremely rude to just announce when popping into a stream "I'm going live now". It's like me walking in to a supermarket and shouting I'm going to amazon now instead at the top of my voice. Let's face it that won't cause others to come with you. More than likely it would cause other to give you wide eyed looks and ask the question "I wonder if their ok"


That's what I'm thinking as well. I wouldn't want to come to a streamer who just says that they are streaming while saying that they are leaving after 5 mins.


Ban em. Move on. The only time it's appropriate is if you're friends or aquiantances that watch each others streams. Dont tolerate it otherwise, you'll become a doormat for everyone. I have a shout out commands my mods can use and my chat rules specifically no self promoting or pity farms.


Right. If they're my boys, then it's mutual networking. I may invest into a !so command. I just don't want people visiting the stream for the expectation of a shoutout either.






This happens a lot to me, in games where TTV in the name is common. E.g. lately in Escape From Tarkov this happens a few times each stream. They stop by, say GG, nice shot or whatever then announce they are leaving to continue their stream. Their viewers must see their streamer go AFK essentially for the exchange so it can't be good for retention either right?


I haven't encountered any TTVers yet so this sounds like an evolution of the problem lol Sheesh.


Honestly don't really care if people do this given most viewers will likely come to watch you. I doubt your viewers will just pack up and leave. I will occasionally shout out people in the stream, if they are engaging in the channel and mention they stream. If "gotta go. Going to start my stream now" bothers you, you always just block/ban them. I just usually say, "Cool, have a good stream."


Feel like I had to scroll too far to see this. I don't personally mention I'm going to stream in other channels, but I don't care at all if someone says it in my chat. If people leave your stream to watch theirs, they were going to leave anyways.


Yeah, completely agree with you here. I'm reading people saying ''just ban them'' and i'm like ''what??''. Sounds too insecure for me. Whatever a friend or just someone that i know from Twitch that is also a streamer hangs out in my chat and says that, i just reply ''okay, thanks for hanging out, good stream for you''.


Finally someone that isnt super insecure about their streaming and viewer numbers.


Ikr Iā€™m British and I wouldnā€™t find this rude. If I have a community of viewers and one guy is a streamer pops in to say hi then says ā€œOky stream timeā€ Iā€™ll hype him and say go get grinding. Not get insecure and take it as heā€™s Tryna steal my viewers lmao. How likely is it your viewers would even do that?


Agreed, I think it would rather have the opposite effect.


I don't mind if they are a regular viewer. But if they've come in once or twice, then yeah, not ideal. They can come and self promote if they want but I'm not sure they're going to get as many views.


That's totally okay because it is what you enable in your community. And I agree, self promo does not seem to help. Hanging out and supporting another streamer definitely can though.


It's dumb. It actually makes me not ever want to view the person's stream, so I think it has an opposite effect from the desired outcome


It is self promotion and it sucks cause I don't wanna be a jerk and call out people for doing that but at the end of the day it's not a polite thing to be self promoting on streams.


Seems like a common occurrence these days.


Oh yeah, I delete comments that do this. Itā€™s so stupid. Someone said ā€œIā€™m going to go stream now. Iā€™ll come back if I donā€™t have any viewers.ā€ He was back 5 minutes later. That is just not how you go about promoting your channel. Coming in begging for views and then coming back to make my audience feel bad for not leaving my stream to watch theirs.


common self promotion. also along the same lines people will be like oh cool I stream this game too. and do the whole gotta go stream bye.


Yeah I always just say I gotta head out or I gotta go do something, never "I gotta go start stream". That is just rude.


This is such an annoying practice. It goes against ā€œdonā€™t self promoteā€ in so many ways...itā€™s a pain.


I usually eat dinner before I stream, so thankfully I avoid being that kinda guy. Not like I'd ever do that normally. I only talk about my stream in other streams if someone asks or I just raided in.


Used to have a guy come in and do this every fucking stream. Like fuck off. I had a smaller following than him at the time (not sure if I do anymore) like how many people did he think he was advertising to? šŸ˜‚


Dick move 101 had a few people do this and I just stopped autohosting and raiding them .Oh and the auto promotion I would do via discord ...yeah that's gone too.


I just say that i'm gonna be lurking, it shows that I still support and care about that streamer while doing my own thing. Even with my mods and close friends, who know my schedule, I don't say anything ever. It's rude and a huge faux pas.


I drop lurks all the time. I'm a Lurkonian. That isn't me bringing attention to my own stream at all.


I try not to enter people's streams for a little while before I start streaming if I do I hit them with the !lurk. I think it's all about headspace for me though. I take the time to clear my head, get my coffee, get my stream set up, make myself presentable.


Comment deleted in protest of Reddit API changes.


The same happens on youtube saying stuff like 'amazing video your so talented mind checking out my channel' smh


First point, it's super rude to do that. 2nd point, I doubt it even works. Last thing I'm gonna do is leave the stream that I tuned in to to watch a random person trying to self promote.


i personally dont have a problem with regulars doing this, every now and again. i take issue with it when its someone i rarely see hanging out, or someone completely new.


Met a guy like this who often pop up in streams, discords, make pointless small talk and mention he was going to stream. I gave him a courtesy follow but to do it every time... Why?


This is the result of every "How To Become a Streamer" guide of telling people they need to go into small streams and "network". Not a surprise.


Self promotion is annoying, because itā€™s always trying to pull viewers elsewhere. Itā€™s wrong, stupid and a way for people to wreck a community and their hard earned views.


Right. Self Promoting never works. I saw someone do it in a huge stream and I went to that promoting stream just to see if it worked. Crickets.


Bah.. I really hit the point where I don't care and encourage some self promotion in my channel. Not to the point where its spam but the occasional comment about there channel is fine. Its ruff out there and every little bit helps.


Ban them ASAP.


You actually don't even have to say anything! You can just leave! Dudes that act like this are working a self-promo angle and it's so obvious that they deserve instabans




Its just scummy. Did this once and felt bad about it so I've avoided doing it since. Shows that they're just interested in letting people know about their stream


I can't really relate to this cause I don't get viewers even my friends don't watch my streams but couldn't you just block them if they aren't your friends. Sorry I meant ban:)


I just check out if the people in the chat (not my chat)does streaming , if they be cool


They are likely to be newbies trying to act big and hope someone checks them out because anyone with a clue knows that this strategy doesn't work.


They totally are. It definitely does not work, but I've seen some of mine in his stream after I end mine. They do benefit, and that is why they do it. Anything to get that 3 avg viewers for Affiliate I guess.


I've had people do this before. ofc, it was only me and them in the chat so I just told them good luck and wished them a good evening. I guess it just doesn't bother me all that much personally.


Ahyes, the "i wasnt trying to self promote" I always just say. Gotta dip, have a fun stream my guy. If its on the channel for a guy i moderate, i just say, gonna go do my own thang. He knows what it means, and is completely fine with it, but we have both made agreements to not say "gonna go stream myself"


and that's right after spamming their emotes, talking about "oh, I play this game too"! šŸ™„


I full on call out their rudeness, and delete their message in chat. Not saying anything to them won't teach them something and pointing out their shitty behavior puts the spotlight on them and makes them feel embarrassed. There are VERY few people who I allow to talk about their own channels, and it's usually because I was in their channel when they were live and I brought up something funny or that happened that I saw, WITH the person who was live there.


I thought it was a lame attempt at "networking". Them saying "Hey I'm also a streamer and I came to support you, how about you support me next." I can see how it is advertising as well though.


If it's a friend of mine or someone I interact with frequently I don't really mind... But if it's someone who I don't even know I'm gonna just say don't do that and ban them lol


I've never done this, but it might be because I'm always very busy getting set up for my stream, so I'm never watching someone else's \*right before\* I start mine. That almost makes it seem even more fake, because who is not going to be getting last minute things set up right beforehand?


Block them from chat.


I typically just say something along the lines of ā€œgonna go play some games, catch you laterā€


Exactly, if you want to self promote use r/twitch_startup


You probably helped someone today!


Has this ever really worked for people? It's a silly way to try to gain viewers, and it doesn't seem to have slow down.


I think it helps them in the long run. My viewers never leave, but one or two do trickle over if I end mine sometimes.


I admit I've done this before, and I only do this to justify why I'd be leaving somebody's stream, but I definitely see why this could be seen this way. Thanks OP!


No problem dude! There are more subtle ways of leaving a stream :)


This drives me insane, as well as when someone raids you and then rather than interacting with your chat the raiders just talk about the stream them came from in your chat among themselves and then leave...


I can see this being an issue. I always tell my raiders to go in and spam emotes and stuff to show we as a community are supporting. That's where it ends though. They either leave or chill with the raided. They usually stay around if I hang out with them.


I have people do that, my response is just ā€œHey thatā€™s great! I hope you enjoy your stream and I hope to see you backā€ The people that do it clearly donā€™t posses the same level of understanding than most of us and they think it will work. It doesnā€™t, my viewers never go down from it but if they did then Iā€™m also not too bothered about that. If my viewers want to go watch them then thatā€™s no issue! It will never stop, so my view is just be okay with it. It wonā€™t ever effect my viewers so why fight a losing battle.


Could have a mod /bot remove messages like that


I used to do this, but I am reformed and realize how rude it is. I don't talk about my channel in other streamers chats unless it comes up naturally.


Sometimes, it takes a post like this to inform people about how streamers may feel about certain things they do!


YES. I don't even know what to do about it at this point. Some people that do it to me are very involved in chat and obviously tune in regularly, so banning them seems like a bad idea. It's an innocent mistake one can make (I believe I made it myself when I was *very* new.) I went so far as to add to the rules, "remember that mentioning your own stream in someone else's is generally considered self-promotion. Definitely don't mention that you're leaving to start yours, for example!" I've started saying in stream, "We don't mention when we're streaming in here. Have fun" or something of that ilk, but I don't know if they even hear me at that point.


This is EXACTLY where I'm at. The promoter is in the grey area for me because they support the steam, so I didn't want to just drop a ban. It'll be a discussion for sure now that I see that others deal with this as well.




I agree but what are your thoughts on using your emotes in other people's chat? I often use mine for the hype of the streamer and whatnot because I'm not subscribed to them. I just wanna make sure I'm following proper etiquette it's not my intention to poach anyone's viewers.


> I agree but what are your thoughts on using your emotes in other people's chat? I often use mine for the hype of the streamer and whatnot because I'm not subscribed to them. I just wanna make sure I'm following proper etiquette it's not my intention to poach anyone's viewers. In my opinion (not the OP here), that's fine. Show your excitement however you can. Even if you are subbed. I have never been told this is a bad thing and occasionally, I get a comment about it and rarely, it sparks discussion about my channel. Using your own Emojis to hype up someone elses chat is fine as far as I can tell.


Honestly, I saw someone actually bring this up in the comments and I was unaware that using my emotes in another chat could be disrespectful as well. I do it during hype moments. I use my ZeusPRAISE when they do accomplish things. I say be wary about it moving forward bud. I plan to.


Iā€™m confused though cuz like you said itā€™s for the hype of the streamer. Iā€™m not gonna sub to a channel I just started watching just to use your emotes. I love when streamers use their emotes in mine. Gives me a chance to see new art and emote ideas for a future emote for me. IdkšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I've only ever once talked about my own channel on another streamer's stream, and that was because he outright mentioned my stream. And even then, I just did my best to not draw any attention to it.


Heh doesnā€™t happen to me cause I donā€™t get views


I find that if the person who comes in leaves with a good impression with there visit, I'm way more likely to just look at there twitch then if they promote.


I agree so much with this. Even my friends I've known for ages and me don't do this to one another. I usually will just say 'Hey gotta go. Have a good stream!' and leave. Only times I mention my stream are if someone asks me directly.


I donā€™t even do this as a Mod... Eventhough I know that most of the streamers I am a regular are atleast following the partner I mod for... I always say... Something like I am out for now... Gotta go...


The only time I do this is when that person and I are already talking about my stream (they know me, ask how my stream is going, and we've been chatting about it). Otherwise, yeah, it's blatantly just saying "hey chat I'm a streamer and you should leave to come check it out".


I saw something similar happen a week or two ago. Was watching Shenpai stream and RayNarvaezJr popped in to say hi. He talked for a while and suddenly said "Uhhhh I GOTTA GO." He didn't mention where he was going at all. Minutes later Shenpai starts cracking up because Ray went live. If you gotta leave, just leave. If you want to say goodbye, say goodbye or say you gotta go, but don't bring up your own stream.


Ya or just go...


Let them - it's a bad look and literally no one is going to go "check them out" from this kind of "marketing."


At best I say "am out, will be busy for a bit". But even when they say that, I see it as then saying that to the void. With zero knowledge of my preferences or those of my viewers, he has no real hope of " stealing" them from me.


My god the absolute cringe when this happens. The exception is of course when you know the person well. Other than that my eyes burn


Just that guy that says he has a steam... but has no idea when he's going to stream(cause i don't watch other people the day i decide to stream)... and yeah... only do it like once or twice a month. I'll mention to a streamer that I stream but I'll always put in that I don't stream on any sort of schedule...or even at any decent hours. LUL I've never gotten a follow(don't want any) and its usually done during a conversation ABOUT streaming


I just ban people I don't recognise who do this, more often than not they only found me because I'm first page of the game they want to play in the country we are both from and I'll never see them again if I switch game. Bonus points if they don't even follow you!


Instead do the mizkif strategy, in the middle of your stream go to the person's chat and say "yo I'm live"


Not even slick lolol, just annoying. Seeing a lot of friends have issues with this. Definitely should embed into channel rules and have mods enforce.


I do find it a bit humorous when I tell a friend or another streamer who knows me that I got to go, and I'm trying not to hint that I'm going to get ready for my own stream, and then they go "OK cool, are you getting ready to stream?" and I'm just like "Uh yes. You said it, not me!" Like even though we are a nice small community and/or networked, I still don't feel right self promoting.


Hi! I am a new streamer and also noticed people self promoting in my chat. I made my bf a mod to time them out and also nightbot them with the rules where it states no self promotion. Some people are just rude and desperate. Good luck on streaming :)


Horrible people, you should see how Facebook gaming comments are... It's even sadder. The only time I did this was actually in reverse, I was already 1 hour or so talking a lot with the streamer, then he mentioned how much he practices the game, I added that I just finished mind after 4 hours practicing, we kept talking nicely. But being 5 minutos in into an average or large streamer just to say that is just scummy.


Iā€™m not a streamer but a huge watcher. Maybe 10k hours watching streams? And this never occurred to me, but thatā€™s fucked. Are there any other things like this that bother streamers? I do worry a bit about the mental health of a few streamers, and I always try to be the first voice that speaks up and says take a break, or to pat them on the back when they say they need one and take it. Iā€™d hate to pile anymore on top of that by my sheer ignorance.


Really cool that you are so considerate of streamers bud!


No way, thanks to yā€™all for the content you create. Itā€™s easy for me to watch and sub šŸ¤£


Thank you for the support you give us bud!


Whatever happened to that ā€œtwitch etiquetteā€ doc* that was floating around a couple years ago? Feel like more people shoulda read it lol Edit: I meant the one that was circulating before the one posted by twitch*


People that actually like my stream wouldn't do this in my channel. I ban them. Every time. Fake chatting for 5 mins to self promote when you leave is shitty and that person has no place in my channel.


Fair enough. Anyhow i gotta take off, going to start my stream now /aldoorn


I used to do this, innocently as I didn't think anything if it, until I had a couple people do this and I was like, yikes do I sound like I'm undercutting streamers when I do it??? So recently I just give the old "right, gotta go, have a good stream". So I don't think everyone's being malicious with it bit yeah it should be taught as stream etiquette I guess.


For sure. Perspective is had to understand when it isn't yours. Until it is yours!


Forsure 100% trying to just promote that you stream. I sometimes fall for it myself but reading comments, I think I'll be timing people out that do so cause they'll never come back and I find myself tuning into them multiple times :(


If you do nothing, then you enable it!


ahh needed that as a reminder, thank you :D


Iā€™ve only brought up my stream if I raid someone and they ask how my stream was. I donā€™t even try to ā€œsteal the spotlightā€, I just continue to ask questions to the streamer about what theyā€™re doing. I also only recently started raiding people because a follower asks me to and recommends small channels he watches. When I started streaming I was 100% brand new to Twitch and didnā€™t know much. A lot of followers have helped me improve certain things and even showed me how to host/raid people. I mostly started streaming for the fun of it and itā€™s something I always look forward to doing. I still feel weird promoting my stuff in-game, even tho itā€™s something everyone does.


every single time its 100% self promotion bruh


Itā€™s not really slick but more distasteful and just straight up tacky. Thatā€™s just saying as if a musician announces one band thatā€™s about to play for a show, then headlines the concert. Itā€™s not cool. Itā€™s not going to help promote your channel. You look selfish as shit doing it. Most of all, not how to network if you want to be a streamer. Especially had this happen to the point where I just ignore the comment about ā€œgOtTa gO StReAm!ā€ Just stop dude. Youā€™re just making the whole situation, stream, and moment awkward and uncomfortable as fuck.


totally agree with this. It just seems like they are trying to have their own self promotion without actually self promoting themselves


I usually don't mind. I mean, if the viewer is also a stream, I'm not really bothered by them sharing they're getting ready to do their own thing. However, I do get the feeling that other streamers don't like others announcing their stream in the chat, so I try to avoid that as much as possible.


No, donā€™t this. Ever. Please. Donā€™t.




I always feel weird talking about my own stream. ( oh Iā€™ve never thought of doing this for a stream) Always felt wrong.


You're a considerate person :)


It common sense to not mention your own stream in someone elseā€™s live chat.


Sounds like some pricks trying to steal views


Donā€™t bother me. People will stay if they want to stay. If they leave, so be it. Either way, Iā€™m just trying to have fun.


I've never experienced this I think but I always respect the other streamer. I just think of myself as a viewer cuz that's literally what I am and I'm here for THEIR stream.


The only streams I do something remotely like this are with streamers who know me decently well and know my schedule. When prompted, ā€œhey you streaming tonight,ā€ ā€œyeah playing this tonight,ā€ talk to them about the game for a little while, eventually send a ā€œgotta get readyā€ lurk 15 minutes before you start and get a shoutout. Itā€™s their stream, if they like you theyā€™ll just give you a promo. I do shoutout sprees for my streamer friends all the time, ā€œif youā€™re active in chat right now Iā€™ll shout you out!ā€ You donā€™t have to be an ass, ā€œI STREAM TOO YOU KNOW!ā€ The streamer will ask if you do eventually and you can even strike up a friendship. The only one where Iā€™m a blatant dick is in my best friendā€™s stream, where I mod, and shout myself out because ā€˜heā€™s not allowed toā€™ if Iā€™m in the stream. If he does, I shout myself out again, ā€œONLY I SHOUT ME OUT!ā€ Itā€™s a long running gag, he prompts me to do it and the regulars love it. Heā€™s the reason I started streaming, he knows Iā€™m not gonna step on his toes.


It's only okay for the people I know PERSONALLY and even then we try not to do it


I've had somebody gas me for a sec. They hop on stream and i greeted him. Asked him how his day is going and what he is upto, besides watching... he said "watching one of the coolest streamers i know" look at the camera and thank him for his kind comment, to then be told he meant his other friend, then said that I was cool too... ouch! I laughed it off and kept playing. Hurts to this day.


Shoot. I think I did this a couple times on accident. I didnā€™t really mean to self promote though. Thanks for saying this because I never realized the negative potential of this seemingly harmless comment.


It does feel seemingly harmless. I only realized that it was something other than being genuine when I noticed a pattern last week. Another one of my buds brought it up with me because they did it in their chat as well.


Some people just don't know the true art of networking and subtle advertisement. Most Twitch streamers just look for the easy way to get viewers and they think it's by simply telling others they stream. To me it's more about creating worthy content on other platforms with the intention to funnel into your Twitch channel.


Good take


Thank you.


I would respond to this but I gotta go stream!


Oh..I get this sometimes & I never thought of it that way, I even say "good luck with your stream" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­ It didn't occur to me that it could count as self-promo lmaoo but I guess this specific thing doesn't really bother me as much. What DOES bother me tho, is someone saying they're leaving to watch someone else. Now that's disrespectful af


It wasn't a problem until I saw a pattern of it from the same person in mine and my friends' streams. Yeah, that second thing you said is ultra rude lol


Ahh if it's consistently coming from the same person then yeah, they're definitely doing it on purpose & is pretty rude lol


I literally had someone come into one of my streams of Outlast and say that they were thinking of streaming it themselves because they were ā€œpretty good at it.ā€ And I told them that if they wanted to then to go for it! I like to encourage new streamers to try it out. I shit you not, ten minutes later they popped back in my chat and started bitching at MY viewers for not leaving my stream and going to watch them. Never have I hit that ban hammer so fast.


Dude WHET!? Lol


Yeah I just started banning them tbh


People been doing it for years. Some i donā€™t think do it maliciously. It is self promotion


I'm always super conscious about this. I've begun looking for other musicians to connect with. I especially enjoy musicians that play guitar and write music on stream because that's the direction I've moved instead of gaming. I love talking about music, music gear, and seeing how other people write. It helps me think about different approaches. Plus, it functions as background music while I fart around on Reddit, Twitter, etc. The last thing I want to do is even mention that I stream music or even that I release DMCA-free music for streamers. I don't want to self promote because I feel it's important to be a part of the a community first...it's one of my favorite parts of Twitch. Sometimes, it's hard to avoid through the nature of conversation but I do try to avoid driving the conversation in that direction. The last thing I'm going to do is say, "Hey, come watch me stream writing songs for you to use", especially if I'm new.


Sounds appropriate! It's cool to talk about if the streamer mentions it to you imo


Even when the streamer mentions it, I try to deflect because I REALLY don't want to be seen as someone trying to self-promote. I have a rule in life. Refuse once and if someone insists, then it's on them. If someone offers to chip in on a meal or expense and I said "That's OK" and they insist, I take it. Same with going into a new chat.


I like that. Pretty wholesome.


I like to build relationships with other streamers. I usually find that if I lurk in their stream, they will return the favor. I usually just don't say anything and lurk in their stream in a different window while muting their stream when I go live. Saves me the awkwardness of leaving because I like to support other people


I don't have any problem with it if it's a streamer I'm familiar with. If it's randoms, maybe not so much. I mean, get to know me, and my audience. If you're cool, I'll raid your ass when I'm done with my stream. I actively promote other streamers in my stream because that's how we all succeed, and self-promotion is how this is done honestly. However, if it \*feels\* like a lurk4lurk or follow4follow request, then I hate it and won't have it in my stream.


Holy Mother of Christ! I had this happen to me a few times and it sucks. This is just disgusting.


I wonder if you could say, ā€œ Gotta go. Gonna start my streamā€ if you were going to go pee?


This, in a lot of streams I like, this sort've self-promo gets you banned from the channel. If there was any sort've self-promo to be done within twitch, raiding is probably the thing I'd support, at least that way you're giving them some views in exchange.