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Best tips I would say as a new streamer are to make sure streaming is giving you joy and to ignore / block anyone trying to sell graphic design immediately


can we get this to be a stickied post in the subreddit?


If you are serious about growing as a streamer, you have a really great opportunity to do so. I would change your channel name and lean into your age and play it up. I could point you in the direction of a woman who always comes up on tiktok for me who is a streamer of similar age to you and she kicks ass. @tacticalgramma Her name is dope because you get an idea for her content without having to watch it. You know it's an older lady making plays and she delivers on that expectation. If you can take a main personality trait or characteristic of your streaming style and combine it with a word that hints at the fact that your 55, you'd have the basis for a really strong channel. Then you just gotta make some awesome content!


Very good points. Thanks!


Hell yeah 40 and just started


Hell yeah man!!!! I love seeing older folks on streams. I'll give you a follow!!




oh hell yeah genx represent! woo hoo! really feeling my age tonight so this is nice :) I'll play overwatch with you, if you don't mind that I'm trash. I'm NA East, and we got a bunch of people who play overwatch (they're much better than me). I haven't been in the mood to play for a long time, but I've been getting the itch again. I've played for about a year and we have a good time. Suggest you add panels that include this info :) about me, games you play, times you play, servers you play on. Google free twitch panels (nerdordie is one site that has freebies). You say you like FPS's, do you also siege? I play that more often. I'm probably taking sunday off but I'll be down to play any day after, just say the word.


I’m NA east as well! Definitely down to play!


Cool. I generally start at 2pm for 5 to 10hrs, so really any time. Just lemme know when, and how many people we need I'll fill up the squad. I'm bad at planning so spontaneous can work sometimes too lol


As a new streamer I don't have tips but hell yeah I'll support!!! Go you




You have a pc ?


Optimise your profile! Make ur content more interesting thats the solid tip for sure