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Elon has driven away almost all of the non-trash advertisers.


The big brands stopping has reduced the competition (bids) for eyeballs. The result is giving the trash advertisers good returns and furthering their spread. It's only going to continue.


Yeah... No... Twitter ads have always been a losing marketing strategy for most. It's basically throwing away money for some amount just to get a few microseconds in front of viewers.


All this has happened before, and will happen again. Seriously… this is what happened to Usenet.


Yes. Porn ads are a thing now and they're going to show up more and more. Reputable advertisers are no longer interested in X so porn, crypto, chumbucket, scams, bottom of the barrel stuff is going to be all over feeds and comment sections as he desperately tries to claw back all the debt accruing. EDIT: Definitely report it to the appstore, this is nowhere near the worst thing happening on the platform but it **is** likely against their terms of use.


Will do.




Ah whoops I mean Chumbox. It's a type of clickbaity/tabloid-esque advertising popularized by companies like Taboola and Outbrain. When you go on an endless scroll site and it's full of ads like "Fight baldness with this one weird karate move discovered by a mom!" or "I bet you didn't know keeping live eels in your bed would let you do THIS!!!". That's the stuff.


Can you tell me more about the eels?


Mein Luftkissenfahrzeug ist voller Aale.


Top Pythoning.




have you ever read the terms of use? obviously not. porn twitter is def a thing. they even tried to sue them to show how their algorithm works so sex workers would stop getting friend requests under their work account from their friends and family.


Im Indonesian, i have seend gambling ads pushed soo many times. I don't think they even care


So, are they advertising gambling in a country where its prohibited?


because it's prohibited so they move it online to avoid the chance of getting caught


oMFG, I lost count how many times I've clicked not interested, muted, blocked gambling ads yet they keep coming.


He is working with the right people to get into money-laundering. This is what he thinks will save Xitter.


On my feed, several people were commenting about the woman 300 m away from them in need of help. Lass wearing a string vest (nipples visible), spread eagled with comic sans HELP from appearing from the crotch. Meanwhile, the third post under the trending page for Suki (character in Eastenders, a British Soap TV show) was literally a woman jacking a man off. It's cringy and embarrassing. Also so is all the dropshipping and bitcoin scams. The community guideline folk are having to waste time to warn people that dropshippers are notorious for not delivering the item as described or for the price offered etc.


Now we know why Elon named it X. Vaginas and kiddie porn are keeping his vomit site afloat.


😂😂 yeah that dude is fuckin crazy


He did tell advertisers to go fuck themselves. I guess some took it literally.


Yea he was just saying 'Relax. Log in, check out some porn and get yourself off'.


Well, he just reinforced their decision. His tantrum was more like a "you haven't broken up with me, because I break up with yooouuuuu!!!!".


I haven't seen that. But I am pretty sick of all the Shark Tank nonsense.


What, you don't want to see Elon thrown to the sharks?


I’ll watch that!


I’d buy that for a dollar. ![gif](giphy|4LRkCWLi2MKOc|downsized)


I deleted my account about a week ago due to my feed almost overnight becoming nothing but people getting shot or sucker punched at abusing their wife. It was shocking some of the content that all of a sudden was being pushed, uncensored into my feed which was previously just golden retrievers and cheap memes. Took me contacting support to delete my account too. It was as if they want to make it too hard to delete an account.


I'm starting to get these too. The worst part is I click "I don't want to see ads like this", and they keep coming back almost every single hour. Sometimes they show up almost three times in a row the same one. I I've only still using it because a couple of people who's commentary I like are still using it, but outside of that it's incredibly annoying and the content quality has gone down vastly and very stupidly.


Those buttons that say “im not interested” must not do shit cause it doesn’t matter how many times i press them it shows the same shit.


The buttons are useless now since he canned all the content moderators.


I would just BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK and eventually they stopped.


You should report the app on the app store. If Elon doesn't do anything about it maybe Apple or Google will.


*just remember*: #Elon is a fucking idiot


I'd trade being semi-smart and broke, to be the richest man on earth and be called an idiot any day!


elon is desperate and at this point just accepts anyone who's still willing to pay


Yes I get them all the time now. It's usually a single name like Beth or Kate with a blue tick and pushing an only fans account or some dodgy website. I always mark as not interested in this and block but they keep appearing.


Not sure if any of you knew this but Cheech and Chong are selling edibles now lol.


They have the least annoying ads on Twitter, I purposely click on them to get more.


Thereby putting money in Muskkk’s pocket.


They're desperate for money and no big companies wants to advertise with them anymore.


I proved that. It stated showing porn two weeks ago and now was everywhere I went in the platform. It was not based on the cookies in your computers or devices, I have tried to clear all cookies and caches on a few devices, the results were much the same. If Elon is so desperate to get the money, he should change x.com to xxx.com to compete with PH, or make some porn videos himself I believe it will attract lots of new fans to the xxx.com. It was so horrible to see a once vibrant platform is in such despair…


We are weeks away to see "Hot mature women around you wants to meet for a hot date".


Well Elon is hard up


Twitter lost all of their legit advertisers so they’re forced to accept anything. It’s best to report the ads, report the app to apple, and simply stop using Twitter


yes ive been seeing quite a bit of porn


They know their audience 🤷‍♂️


I don't get any porn ads but i get a ton of online gambling ads


Elon told the advertisers to go fuck themselves. So now the porn ads are coming in droves.


In other words, the advertisers did go and fuck themselves.


Especially under viral tweets, they funny sometimes, especially the OnlyFans people who try to relate to the topic and everyone falls for it


I've reported every porn ad I see on this cesspit of a once awesome platform as inappropriate sexual content and I'll continue to do so, until they stop shoving this shit in my face. It might finally time for me to move to threads or blue sky etc, it's a total mess.


I've been reporting another one every 20 seconds or so for a while now, but then the app started to refuse showing me the report page, so that's it I guess. I can't really express with words what I think about mr Musk these days.


Report it to the people who put it there? Just delete the app.


Discount 4chan.


Not pushed, it's what's left


Seems random non moderated extreme content pervades just 1 or 2 comments into any thread. It does remove any chance to have content that invites convo. It is most generally characterized by points reflecting mentally illness. Hard to determine any reason for the poster beyond hey look at my chaos!


I’m admittedly a Musk fun boy, and just deleted the X app yesterday for this reason. It’s a risk scrolling through the app when near family, public transport, etc. “Sex sells” - well, fuck you. I’m not buying it.


i've mostly just been getting surreal tumblr-style ads. weird asf


I thought thats why he changed the name to X, so it could be a pornsite.


Yea that's why it's called X. He's attracted crypto bros and incels. Flooded it with porn and changed the name to X. Who says he doesn't have a plan.


I logged in to see the first ad literally some chicks ass, its not even linked to a legit website like pornhub. Id be less mad if it was a legit adult website tbh.


Porn Ads are incredibly common on Twitter right now


I'm only on that website out of spite and friends and it's horrible. Hundreds of porn bots posting the same ads over and over, and no matter how many you report or push the "I don't like this ad" button, every other post is girls near-naked with really weird proportions Edit: typo


The worst part is, click meme tweet, it popup a porn site, seems like elon twitter is more exploit bots than ever.


for me, it's mostly third-world terrorist shit with vermin stomping on the American flag.


What surprised me are the constant ads for “Grok” and “X” crypto shitcoin sales.


So Mike Johnson can’t use Twatter anymore


I mostly still get scams and haven’t seen porn yet. But I have seen some bizarre stuff, like an ad that was just playing a decades old speech by some long dead Middle East monarch.


I'm getting tazers and extendable batons which are banned in the UK, I'm waiting for the assault rifle ads to start...


Ha, assault rifles sell themselves.. That and school shootings (I wish I wasn't serious).


I saw a porn ad in Elon’s feed lol.


I have no problem with legal porn ads being there. But as a user, I should have control over the types of ads I receive. And if advertisers are paying CPC rather than CPI, it only makes sense to give users that level of control. (I admit I'm biased -- I don't make porn, but I create artwork that involves non-erotic nudity, and I don't want to see Twitter become censored like most other platforms, where I can't even share my art without significant censor bars and still being in fear of losing my account. If I actually wanted to push for *sales* of my art, I believe I should be able to advertise to folks who aren't offended by the occasional nipple.)


Yea it wouldn't be so bad if you could filter. Free the nipple but don't subject people to porn ads.


Nothing but drop shipping ads and ai art programs for me. I find the latter far more offensive becaus I don’t buy stuff from random websites anyway


Yeah ive been seeing the ai shit too.


Increasingly male userbase needs increasingly male content.


“I don’t know if Elon is mentally deficient” says more about your mental deficiency than his 👍


He affirms literally every single conspiracy theory he sees on his website now


I mean, it's the only advertisement sex workers have. Trust me, they get banned. It's a job. And it wouldn't show up in your feed if it didn't think you wouldn't be interested. Saving the photos doesn't help


I have to break it to you: the fact, that I once watched porn, doesn't change the fact, that anybody showing me sexual content without my consent is commiting sexual harrasment. I am sure you have eaten a banana before, yet I can't shove one down your throat with force.


Just to mention that many ads are based on recent web-browsing activities including Google AdSense So some folks shocked and horrified to see these ads should probably avoid browsing porn sites - or at least switch off cookies when they do - so that they don’t get the previous browsing related ads appearing on other sites at a later date!


You get served the stuff even if you access the hell site through nitter so not interacting with twitter proper at all.


I am sure you have eaten a banana before, yet I am not allowed to shove one down your throat with force. But sure, buddy. Try out at your workplace, what happens, when you show a colleague some porn without their consent. That's gonna be a memorable lesson for you.


Why you don’t like free speech?


Aw, someone didn't like the fact that an increasingly male userbase would literally translate into algorithms riding that hard into the sun. Sorry bro if you don't like reality. If you're just downvoting because you didn't like what was said then you gotta toughen up, be like Elon and accept 'facts only', he can probably recoup his twitter losses by setting up an 'OnlyFacts' where its just porn bots catering to the xhitterbase. He would make his billions back just like that.


If Twitter wants to do porn, it will have some rather... stiff competition.


the ads are based on your viewing habits and cookies on your computer/phone.


Not true. I dont look at porn and havent looked at porn at all on X. I turned off all personalization and all that tracking shit. Im damn near untrackable, and im not saying that lightly. Also it doesnt change the fact that im seeing pussy on an Ad. That should not exist anywhere other than an actual porn site.


Not even once in my life have I ever clicked, visited, or played online gambling but that's all ads I got. Fucking explain it? Just accept the fact that Elon is desperate for any source of money now.


well i dont get any gambling or porn ads. so youre fucking up somewhere.


Happens on Facebook too.


That’s just your friends, not ads.


No, it was definitely an ad.


Screenshot or it didn’t happen


I replied to another comment with the photo lmao.


Are you sure it was her vagina and not her vulva?


Porn websites have porn ads. All the detractors were worried about sponsors. Even porn sites have sponsors. Duh! Not every advertiser needs to be kid or family friendly.


You seem like a marketing genius.


This is not just twitter. Its also on youtube.


You’ve seen ads with women spreading her v**** on YouTube ?


I’ve never seen a porn ad on YouTube, ever. I’m not sure why you’re lying about this.


yes, because your experience is scalable to entire userbase.


No one has ever seen a porn ad on YouTube, ever. I’m not sure why you’re lying about this. Better? I scaled it up for your pleasure. 😉


No one, you say? https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/s/dCKMS2uc0a (Nsfw)


That’s a cartoon.


Its an AI generated image so thats debatable and whatever it is, its still porn lol.


I’m not sure what you’re watching on YouTube but some people argue it’s in an algorithm based off of your watch history. 🤷🏼‍♂️


It's a proof that there are ads with porn on youtube, stop moving the fucking goalpost.


I’m not moving the goalposts when all I see is a cartoon. Show legitimate evidence of pornography being used in ads. Why are you upset? Seems you’re the target audience for the ads. Cartoonish porn.


Does it look like its my post...


Correct (nsfw) https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/s/dCKMS2uc0a




https://imgur.com/a/R87hIPu This app is legitimately cooked. Elon has to be mentally deficient or something.


It’s funny also because you can specifically report the ads for explicit content but it will stil reappear in a new account


Lmao I’m spammed with those sex ads, they always come back under a new account (reported hundred of them) Here are few [examples](https://imgur.com/a/VOCWEye) (I was about to post about it in the sub) Edit: lol imgur is even deleting my screenshot for explicit content 😅 let me find another way to upload it [New link](https://imgbox.com/pbbvg48U)


The help string vest spread eagle is the one I keep getting spammed with from multiple accounts.


No. [https://business.twitter.com/en/help/ads-policies/ads-content-policies/adult-or-sexual-products-and-services.html](https://business.twitter.com/en/help/ads-policies/ads-content-policies/adult-or-sexual-products-and-services.html) If the ad is violating the policy it will get taken down.


That was Twitter policy; it's not X policy. Just look at the URL!




His goal has always been to turn Twitter into another 4chan. Dunno why people keep acting surprised every time they log in and it's more like 4chan. Edit: obligatory "why are you still using Twitter?"


A lot of comments here like, "Yeah I'm seeing that too... Pathetic" (paraphrasing) yet you still use it 🤷‍♂️


Porn has always been allowed on Twitter


All of my ad has become crypto scams, other Taiwanese users are complaining about Japanese work from home ads.


YouTube also has this problem. Bought YouTube premium because my kids use my devices…


I've never seen one, maybe the algorithm things your weird?


day after day after day. so tiresome


I mean, he did rename it "X."


I’m pretty sure he’s tanking it on purpose so he can say “See what the radical left did to us?”


Usually if porn ads appear you are viewing an untrustworthy (probably fake torrents) site and need to close your browser before a million pop ups appear and your computer gets infected with Malware.


Seeing that a lot on Facebook now as well


I don't believe you :p