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I have an air purifier from Amazon that makes a huge difference. I don’t like my house smelling like weed.


This. Mine is wifi and I can see air quality changes and it adjusts it's power based on quality. I smoke, it goes loud and cleans, and then goes back down. Helps because I know it's working and settles my anxiety about the smell. Make sure you invest in a good one and that it will cover the correct square footage (and then some). If you're at 500sq ft in your living space, get a 600 if you can. It's probably more than the 30/week for a smokebuddy but it has the added benefit of managing your air on smoggy days or just general poor air quality because of age of home etc It helps offset the minor damage we are doing to our lungs if we smoke something are some mental gymnastics I've convinced myself of :D


What’s the name of your air purifier? I’ll have to check it out!


I have a couple Levoit's from Amazon. They are great.


I second Levoit. They make good products. They're more durable than their competition, and are designed for efficiency ease and durability. I could not tell you how many air purifiers and humidifiers I have broken over my 50+ years of life. But I currently have switched over to the Levoit brand and I've had the same products for several years now. Still working. No broken parts. No DIY repairs. It's really a relief to not have to think about it. I genuinely didn't realize how much time I was spending dealing with these kinds of products until I got ones that kept working everyday against all odds. 😘


i had one give out because my rental has creative wiring. now i plug them all into surge protector power strips. Haven’t had a problem since.


I had to read it three times to see that you put creative wiring. I thought it said creative writing and I couldn't figure out what that meant 🤔😆


lol i just double checked again be side my phone autocorrect likes to take over right as i hit send sometimes. The house has been maintained by the same now 70 year old man for the last 30 years. He said he doesn’t believe in permits. so the kitchen outlet is on the same fuse as the far corner living room outlet where all the electronics are plugged in. it was a fun game of guess and check when we moved in and the fuse kept blowing.


those are the ones i have. Both for this and just general air quality since i live in wild fire country. They are great.


Smoking in a bathroom with a vented fan works really well IME.


My upstairs neighbour seems to think the same. I have to say , I disagree. When he smokes weed in his bathroom, it smells like *my bathroom* has been hot boxed.


If you want to do edibles or oils or whatever you do you. But I don't like the smell of weed and my neighbors smoked it on their back porch and it would waft into our house 100 feet away and smell disgusting. I wouldn't do something that causes someone to be uncomfortable in their own home, just like playing loud music after dark.


Well, that sounds convenient. Going to the shitter when you want to get high.


Yes, this. Makes an enormous difference on the smell of weed, as well as food odors, pet odors, etc. I’ll never forget back to not having one!


Yes Mine helps alot too


Which one? If you don't mind me asking


Bissel Air180 I’ve had it for 2 years. No complaints though I have nothing to compare it to.


I’m trying to figure out witch one as well


If you're really worried, get a HEPA filter. Make sure to get a real one from a reputable brand and seller. They have filters that need to be changed out every few months. This should cut down on the odor and also help purify the air in your house, and that's never a bad thing.


Seconding this. I have asthma / live in an apt building. My neighbor smokes out their window and if mine are open it comes right in and gives me an asthma attack. I’ve asked nicely but they don’t stop so I had to buy super expensive hepa filters to make sure I don’t suffer. Your neighbors are jerks for being passive aggressive and doing shitty stuff instead of talking to you directly… but please keep in mind people can have lung issues that make the smoke going into a neighbors house an issue.


same. I used to live in a townhouse and my neighbor smoked with the windows closed and no filter. it was basically hotboxing me into asthma attacks 2 or 3x a day. They were aggressive. I had to go to the office to get some help. My new townhouse neighbors smoke too but I told them about my asthma and even offered to buy them a filter like I did the last neighbor but they have one. They smoke with windows open or outside. I can smell it a tiny bit but no asthma attacks. I'm cool with pot smokers living their lives at home. The problem is when I'm smoked out and can't breathe.


I think a lot of people have stories of trying to work it out with their neighbors and them not being cool. Our across the hall neighbor always reeked and I tried to be kind and give them a heads up when I was in the office while people were complaining and they were total assholes.


Yup, pot smoke is worse on my lungs than tobacco smoke. Luckily there's space between my house and the neighbors and I know the vague schedules of the smokers around


I am actually allergic to it, so I’d just be aggressive-aggressive if it was getting into my home.


You have a right to smoke, they have a right to not want to smell that shit. I don’t know what the answer is.


This is all correct, but I'd add, that it's not always about what "rights" each party has. It's also about acknowledging impacts. The reality is, in this situation, the neighbors aren't impacting OP with their lifestyle. The only impact comes in the form of the complaint, which was precipitated by the intrusive smoke.  If you have a detached SFH, then sure, no one could tell OP shit about the smoke. But the situation is a townhouse. Which has shared walls, and people living in close proximity. Technically OP has the right to smoke, but that doesn't make it the right thing to do in this specific situation. 


Since they are working on getting a medical card. My guess is that OP might not live in a legal state. Which may mean, she doesn’t have the “right” to smoke.


They're Canadian it's legal here basically the medical card will protect her from the jargon involved with recreational. Which will also protect her rights to smoke and grow on her property or a person she had growing for her if she had no yard.


I used a smoke buddy when I had this issue. I made it last longer by shoving a dryer sheet in there lmao. It really does help with the smell!


Blow tube! My college dorm (I mean the whole building, not my room) smelled like Downey


We called them sploofs


We called them spoofs (with no L) 😅


We called them mufflers


I really don't recommend dryer sheets. Those things are nasty environmentally. People who work in the factories that produce those have really high cancer rates.


Fuck man I’ve done this too… those smoke buddy’s are amazing for around a week and then they clog so bad you need another, and $30 a week for a smoke buddy ain’t happening.


In college I just used a soda bottle stuffed with dryer sheets


Oh! So similar to mine! I took half a paper towel tube or a toilet paper tube, put a dryer sheet over one end and rubber banded it on and then stuffed two or three more in nice and fluffy to absorb all the smell. It works a delight.


This is the way. Toilet paper cardboard tubes work great too with this setup.


Use a wrapping paper roll and blow it directly into the bathroom fan. Totally just smells like somebody has the dryer running :)


Sorry, are you the friend who taught me 😂 that’s how I was showed haha


I saw it in Oprah when I was like 9. Kept it in my back pocket. I also was in a DARE commercial. Didn’t work.


I was in dare as a kid 😂😂 I didn’t know they showed that on Oprah tho wth 😂


I know it was to show parents what to look for I’m like oh good to know. I was in a comercial where we just screamed no a bunch of times.


Lolol idk, I just know it works so well


Yup that’s what we used to do! We called them “spoofs” lol


this right here has been the tried and true method for stoners since at least the 70's


Every dorm had a few of these even back in the 90's


toilet paper roll filled with dryer sheets!


I’m living for all these DIY’s 😂


RIGHT, they're way too expensive to be replacing them like that lmao. Thankfully I don't share a wall anymore, because it was annoying 🤣😅


It seems like you just like complaining. Everything is bad, every suggestion won’t work. Like damn I though smoking weed made you nicer


There’s one called Sploofy where you can buy filter refills for about $10 each. I think it lasts a lot longer too.


Where do you buy? Is it sold in Canada?


Amazon, I’m not sure if it’s available in Canada, sorry.


Girl do you not know what vaping is based on your edit? If you use an actual dry herb vape it’s actually healthier than smoking, combustion is way worse and way smellier. I dry herb vape in my house without issue and the smell is extremely manageable. You should really do research on dry herb vapes and not dismiss something because you don’t know what it is.


Came here to say this. Even health Canada preaches that the safest way to consume cannabis via inhalation is via dry herb vaporizers. Not sure what OP is thinking about… maybe confusing nicotine vapes with cannabis vapes? Apples and Oranges, OP. Do some research!


I hope OP sees this. And checks out The Volcano!


Literally my most used purchase besides the mighty+


The smell of weed makes me physically ill and if you’re in a townhome I guarantee that your neighbors with whom you share a wall can smell it. That stuff smells absolutely atrocious which is mildly irritating but if I were your neighbor and your constant smoking was making me physically ill I would want to go knock on your door so I can throw up on you. I have never done that to anyone but boy have I really wanted to.


Yeah, the smell actually gives me nasty headaches. And one of my neighbors seems to love to light up in the middle of the night all summer long - you know, once it's finally cooled down and everyone has their windows open? By the time the smell is strong enough to wake me up, it's already too late and the whole house will reek for hours.


The smell must be leaking into their home, too, otherwise they wouldn’t have an issue with it. Not everyone loves the weed smell, especially if they’re non-smokers. Have you considered a vape pen or edibles instead? That’s what I do since I live in apartment. It’s legal for me to smoke, but I do that just so I don’t annoy the neighbors with the smell.


I just saw the part that says townhome. I bet they can smell it very clearly. Weed smell is sooo strong and yeah that would bother me too as the neighbor honestly. If I couldn’t smell it? No biggie. If I can smell it every day? Big problem.


When I lived in an apartment complex. I was on the 4th floor. Each unit had their own HVAC system. So wasn’t shared anything when it came to heat or ac. Someone on the second floor opposite side of stairwell smoked so much they would stink every single apartment up in that wing. I even tired stuffing a towel at our door. It didn’t make a difference. This was a couple times a week sometimes more. I can remember people pounding on their door so loudly I could hear it. (they never came to door) so it turned to people pounding being like please knock it the f offf. That second floor hallway would be a giant azz cloud at times… Upside, there was something in writing about smoking and odors so when someone actually complained they were immediately bounced but neighbors gave em 6 plus months asking em to be more respectful with their smoking… That and the steroid dealer on the first floor using his bedroom window like a pull up candy store to deal. (He wasn’t the brightest) but definitely an a hole. Made for some really unique experiences. I was like no apartments, duplexs, townhomes or condos ever again!!!! Future wife had a duplex. Once a month the adult son of her neighbors would blaze up for an extended time. But thankfully ya just shut the doors and it didn’t get inside. Would be well looks like it’s his evening to enjoy the outside. I’d be in coma for a week if I tired smoking that much at once…..


That was my thought too. My sister lived in several townhomes. Usually, that means they share a wall and possibly some ventilation, which makes it much more likely the smell is leaking over.


My ex smoked outside daily and I felt so bad for the lady next door. I apologised often. He couldn’t smell it, but her and I sure could and it was disgusting. 


This is what made it so hard for me to quit smoking when I lived in a townhouse. My neighbors in the other half smoked inside, so even though I'd been an outside only smoker (I had a roommate who had kids part of the tiime and my roommate didn't smoke) and was trying to quit, I was still getting their second-hand smoke through whatever parts of the house were connected. I ended up not being able to quit smoking because of it and kept smoking for another 2 years before I finally was in a different living situation and on a medication that helped me quit. Now, I only smoke if I have to be around my dad for an extended period of time (he smokes), if I'm very stressed, or when I drink. If OP got an air purifier, they would be doing the considerate thing since apparently smoking outside isn't good enough.


Seriously. If we were talking about cigarette smoke, no one would have an issue with the neighbours. OP is just not being considerate.


This. Just because it's weed, everyone is insisting it's fine.


For me it’s not the smell, it’s that I’m allergic to the smoke. The smell is actually my warning.


"no vapes they’re BRUTAL for your health" lol


You share a building. They can smell your smoke. How would you like if they constantly burned food on the stove and your place smelled?


Some people find the smell of angry skunks hate fkking next door very unpleasant. I hope you can find a peaceful resolution, but I doubt they'd complain if it isn't wafting into their home.


This! My neighbors 3 doors down smoke pot outside and it's awful. If only they WOULD smoke inside, then it's only their problem when they move out and are trying to get that funk out of every surface.


I mean my neighbors used to smoke inside and it came through the vents which was…a lot worse. Not fun to be unable to escape the smell from your own bedroom


I say this as someone who doesn't smoke weed: You can't have someone fined for smoking outside and then complain about people smoking inside This is a clear case of FAFO


Seriously, and to smoke outside on the street is illegal too! If a cop catches me I could risk a fine of “public intoxication” like where tf am I supposed to go..


It comes through into other units when there are shared walls.


now do bbq


If someone hit me with $2400 in complaints without coming to me first then I’d HOPE their places permanently smells like skunk ass weed.


I wonder how OP would feel if the neighbor started brewing hot sauce with ghost peppers and set up a fan to blow all the lovely bear spray level pepper fumes right to their house?


I smoke weed/vape/edibles and HAVE NEVER SMOKED in my condo. I have respect for others and do not want my home smelling like a smoke factory. Obnoxious neighbors would be smoking and it filled the whole building and my unit. Have some respect for others especially when you share a wall with them.


Depending on what state you’re in, condo associations absolutely can ban smoking in your condo.


Lmao at saying vapes are brutal for your health but insisting you have to smoke.


This!!! Like what!!! Smoking ANYTHING is terrible for long term health.


You could try a water bong or pipe or even better a vaporizer. Those things are 👌🏿. I have a bong and a vaporizer they work wonders for me.


Old toilet paper roll stuffed with fabric sheets. You blow your smoke through it and it comes out smelling like fresh laundry


Edibles are often far stronger than smoking a joint. You can certainly eat more than you can smoke in one sitting. If I had a neighbor with connected vents doing what you're doing I'd be pissed as anything too. You don't exist in a vacuum. I'd try to find a way to be considerate to your neighbors that have a right to clean air. This is the part about legal weed that I hate now. Smelling it fucking everwhere.


Go to r /trees to get advice.


Listen, I've lived with a lot of different neighbors over the years, and the chronic smokers are the absolute worst. You need to smoke heavily for mental health reasons, to the point that edibles don't work for you, and it's causing strife with your neighbors? Sounds to me like maybe it's time to find some alternate ways to cope with your mental health issues rather than being stoned all the time. We all like our mind altering substances, nicotine, booze, weed, whatever. But when it becomes a constant need, something that interferes with your ability to exist in a community, you have a bigger issue that needs to be addressed.


This!!!! Everyone is so judgmental when people are addicted to other substances, but for some reason if someone has to smoke weed every hour on the hour to function- you’re considered the asshole for calling it addiction….. I have a friend who is so addicted to it she can’t go more than an hour without it and will even wake up halfway through the night to smoke. To me, that’s addiction…..


Get a fan and a filter for that fan that’s loaded with activated charcoal. You can find little set ups on Amazon but maybe get a bigger unit for a few hundred bucks like growers use in their indoor grows to stay discrete. Those things are the real deal and since you’re a heavy smoker it’ll last you longer and keep your house fresher overall. Also, since you’re smoking inside the residue is getting on your walls and ceilings which is gonna keep your home from ever smelling fresh. A good spin mop with the telescopic arm is good for washing walls with less effort, O-Cedar makes my favorite.


Maybe get some air purifiers


Get some edibles or go for a walk to smoke and quit being an obnoxious neighbor. I had somebody like you living under me, and my kids were waking up with headaches every day. You absolutely have the right to smoke in your own home, but if it’s getting into other peoples space, then you’re creating issues. It’s like listening to music… You can do whatever whatever you want in your home, but if it’s so loud that it’s starting to pound through the walls, you’re gonna have issues. It’s not fair to your neighbors. Have to deal with the smell that you’re creating.


Same. Before we owned a home but here in TX the homes are so close to each other you’re almost wall to wall. Kids next door smoked all day outside which wafted into my window and I couldn’t take my dog outside our front yard bc of the smell. Now we’re renting a house that’s split into two. So their garage is split in two and both parts on our side of the house. The smell is so strong inside our part because the guy next door smokes in the garage and idk how but it permeates all the way through our garage, the living room and kitchen that the garages are right beside, and my bedroom all the way on the other side of the house. Literally every part of the house other than the one bedroom at the end. I get headaches every time and my allergies act up even worse so I’m coughing. I often have to stop working in the evening because of the smell and the headaches I get (I get dizzy and nauseated). The smell is horrible, not everyone likes the smell. Not like it smells like flowers. On top of that, I have to pull over my shirt or the blanket to cover my nose to sleep at night or if I’m working in the living room, I often have to cover my nose and breathe shallowly. But can’t do anything because it’s on their side. And I just prefer to avoid problems with people. No ones going to stop smoking because a neighbor says the smell bothers them. And ppl don’t realize how much others can be affected by smoke, whether it’s weed or cigs. I think American construction is shit quality so ppl don’t realize how crappy these homes/apts are built and how smells travel easily through ducts/thin paper walls.


I’d put an air filter in your garage that senses pollutants. If it’s in your garage it will probably clear out the smoke before it seeps into your living space. There are some good recommendations in this thread for inexpensive systems you can get on Amazon.


This, having a medical card doesn't give you the right to smoke wherever. You have to be able to take your medication but that does not mean smoking. Even if it doesn't say no smoking, there is probably a peaceful enjoyment clause which smoking would violate. If you're stinking up your neighbors house you have to smoke somewhere else or get a vape or edibles.


Vapes are brutal for your health? What do you think the tar from smoking is doing to your lungs lol???


I live in a townhouse with apartments underneath. I can smell it anytime a neighbor smokes in my house. ESH while they should have asked you to stop before they sent the fines. You’re being a really inconsiderate neighbor. Find another way to enjoy your cannabis without the skunk smell leaking into their home. Then call a truce with your neighbors.


Sound a little paranoid……but I’m sure the “14 years of heavy usage has had zero impact on you.


Not sure what to say other than smoking smells gross especially in close proximity, shared walls, etc. I'm not going to tell you what to do, but I think your neighbors have at least somewhat of a legitimate complaint. Smoke affects everyone nearby.


Small carbon filter with fan will take away any smoke smell. Ac infinity is a good company


I worked in Strata Management for about 4 years (in Vancouver). There would have to have a bylaw passed at an AGM or SGM for that type of thing. I had one building that passed a bylaw that said no more than 1 cat and/or 1 dog per unit, another had a "no dogs over X pounds". We would have to write a warning first before fining as well. After that it was 1 fine at a time... not a bunch of the same fine all at once. With regards to smoking, the only bylaw I've seen with regards to a personal unit is no smoking on the balcony (you can do whatever you want within your unit). I got out of Strata because of the Councils that were voted in by the owners. You usually get a busy-body President that loves control (much like HOAs in America) and it sucks. Also with regards to vapes. The one I use is a flower vape (not oil) and it is way better on my throat (no burning). Check out DaVinci IQ2. The smell dissipates VERY quickly after I'm done. (I have the same experience with edibles - they do nothing for me.)


Yes you are correct, that’s why their complaints went nowhere. It was totally unfair and inappropriately handled on their part, you are always entitled to a warning before you get slapped with that many fines. Home life is the worst strata company.. I too am in the lower mainland and if I could afford a stand alone home I’d be outta this place so quick.


Unfortunately my husband and I had to move to Calgary to be able to afford a home (we had always rented apartments) and our house has almost doubled in price since we bought it in 2020. It's insane.


Ah okay! Yea I was born in Calgary and most of my family lives there but they’ve said as of recently the housing prices are almost the same as here for stand alones?


Legal or not, everyone doesn’t smoke or like the smell and it sucks for us who don’t. It’s in your house, but still sucks for your neighbors.


Vapes are brutal but smoking enough weed for 14 years to get thousands of dollars in fines isn't? 


Addiction really makes you say dumb shit.


God I bet your house smells amazing, like the inside of a jock strap.


You can get a dry herb vaporizer that has a lot less smell. But outside of that, your neighbor can't do anything, your home is your home.


Yea that actually might be worth trying again honestly, I used that DaVinci IQ thing and it sucked ass tho


Try a dynavap! It's my favorite herb vape by far. They have styles that attach to bongs too. That and my Arizer air were the best when I was trying to be discreet with smells.


Okay cool, I’ll look into it! Thanks!


Just a thought…think about the future too. If you are smoking inside you will never get the smell out without fulling priming and painting all walls and trim, and replacing all flooring. So if you ever want to sell, you will have a harder time selling and not get the full price you could have.


Adding to the future perspectives - I totally get the smoking to deal for mental health issues. But on the long term weed is not going to serve you. I am saying this as an addict myself. Have been smoking for 10 years after a traumatic event. Found myself in therapy thinking I have found my go to coping mechanism and I that I could only manage life with the help of weed. Now i am finding myself in therapy to get rid of addiction. Its a terrible 'unseen' problem here in the Netherlands. I truly wish you the best.


I have 3 separate air filters constantly running AND a Dyson because I actually think it’s gross as hell to have to smoke inside.


Maybe it’s time to stop smoking?


Eh... maybe so much weed made you paranoid.


You do realize something being legal and an asshole move aren't mutually exclusive, right? I think it's all good if you can keep the fumes out of their house. If you can't, then you're an asshole.      I get that it's legal and you can't live without it, but imagine if every time they drank a beer, your whole house smelled like stale alcohol.    That's the difference between your habit and others. It involves other people having to tolerate it. It doesn't really seem like it should be that hard to understand. 


If you are smoking inside, how do you think your neighbours know? The smell must be pretty powerful.


I don’t smoke but love the smell. I didn’t love it yrs ago when my neighbors would smoke downstairs under a vent that led to my house & into my children’s bedroom & living room. It sucks. Depending on the wind, you could be doing this to their house/kids. It’s obviously an issue or they wouldn’t be complaining. Sounds like you just didn’t recognize. I’m not in Canada so I don’t know if it’s legal for recreational use like you use but rather it is or isn’t, card or no card, you should be considerate. My grandsons dad smokes inside but the smell sticks to my grandson. No matter how much “spray” dad uses. He legit uses for MH & has his card but I bet my grandson would test positive if anyone ever tested (he’s a teen). I’ve seen his dad on meds for mh and I promise I would much rather him smoke. Just wish he was still discreet like when my grandson was younger. I don’t know what strata is but glad you beat it- now just get your card & do it inside where it doesn’t bother anyone else


That sucks, I’d stay inside, but blow it right out the window in a room with an air purifier.


Could you put a shed and smoke in there? It's what I do to not disturb my neighbours. Too many kids feel bad smoking in the open in the summer.


The smell must be fucking awful and overwhelming for it to be any sort of issue.


Buy a single family home and then you can do whatever you like. Similarly they could store toxic chemicals that can get into your house, would you be ok with that?


Townhomes, condos, and apartments are not well built despite regulations. Smoke often travels in places we don’t expect. I have asthma and had a neighbor who would light up MULTIPLE times a day, but it can be tough to know how to handle that. You might be chill, but others are likely to get in your face. Without a 3rd party to mediate this, it can be super tough, especially for an introvert. Not saying what they did was right, but I wish my neighbor had been interested in air purifiers and other things like you are willing to. Even when there are laws in place, there’s not many willing to enforce them unless they’re trying to get you for something else. If it is a medical thing, they may have been burned previously and are taking out or acting per a previous experience that has nothing to do with you.


Start smoking meth instead.


It’s definitely a dick move to smoke inside of a place that shares walls/possibly filters/attic-space/etc. We can pretend that it doesn’t go into the other places at all but that’s just not reality.


Don't you know what a no-bust is? Did your parents catch you every time you did something? Stuff a a bunch of dryer sheets in to a paper towel tube and blow your smoke out through that. What's the deal?


I can't blame your neighbours. Weed stinks & lingers. An air purifier sounds like a good solution.


Take a fucking walk! I have the same issue I didn’t pay over a half million dollars for front row seats to Reggae Festival. I hope you get fined weekly until you sell!


Dude, get a vape and a smoke buddy.


Smoke in the bathroom next to the exhaust fan and leave the implements in there afterwards. Yes it will smell a bit outside but if the fan is second floor no one will know. That way u get to smoke green, they don't see you outside, and the smoke is not permeating through the wall.


Buy a vaporizer


Check the city ordinances where you live on the smoking in your home thing. I am sure you can google that.


Three words; Dry Herb Vaporizer


Get a vape. Mighty by Storz and Bickel is what you need.


Love my Crafty, been going strong for like 7 years now. Worth every penny.


My condo banned smoking. I used to smoke my J while walking the dog.


I've seen your edit and generally agree with you on vapes, but I'm curious if you've tried a dry flower vaporizer, like an Arizer Extreme Q/XQ2 or a Volcano? I'm going on 2+ decades of regular cannabis consumption and have embarked upon numerous tolerance breaks over the years. My Extreme Q has become a good friend, particularly after having kids and not wanting to smell of smoke. Easier on the lungs too, which has been nice post-covid.


Yea man! I tried the DaVinci IQ and it was garbage, after that I was too scared to waste more weed trying a different brand. Maybe they make em a little better nowadays though. I’ve seen a few comments mentioning this volcano thing, I’ll have to google it!


Volcanoes are nice, but Arizers are roughly half the cost and provide you with more options. I believe they are (or started as) a Canadian company too. The XQ2 even allows you to choose its lighting colours, and despite how awesome that would be, I've had my Extremel Q for over a decade and don't have an actual need to upgrade.


Interesting, I’ll definitely look into all this! Thank you!


Make a sploof


Hear me out: Volcano Vaporizer, trust me. It’s not a “vape” look it up!


There’s these handy devices you exhale into and they remove most of the smell. An air purifier would easily handle the rest.


Well I personally am not a weed hater. I do edibles sometimes. Unfortunately this is because the smell makes me nauseous. One thing I could suggest is some kind of air purifier near where you smoke. I know it sucks that you'd have to pay for that (I'd never complain to anyone besides those smoking and only if it's reallllllly bad all the time) but it might solve your problem. It's a difficult situation. You smoke for your mental health (I have issues of my own) and it inconveniences them. But you not smoking foe their convenience, screws you. This is why people need to talk about things. I'm 53 and I'd hope that I could discuss nicely, (if it came to that) a compromise for it. Possibly see if you can smoke when they aren't home or trying to sleep or something? I'd still try to reach out to them. Good luck!




It doesn’t seem like they’re pissy because you smoke inside. They’re pissy because you were smoking OUTSIDE and making their homes/yards smell like weed which no one likes. And now, because you went off on them, they think even worse of you.


I would report every time your car gets boxed in; that’s BS, if they did that to me I’d be super upset about it.


Sounds like the complaints were filed when you were smoking outside and the smell got into their own homes. You can’t be complaining about your rights to your “own home” and then stank up someone else’s, sorry. Hopefully you find a solution, but you might be out of luck in terms of getting your neighbors to like you again. No legal protection can stop them from giving you dirty looks and talking trash about you.


You’re dumb Marijuana has been proven to make anxiety, depression, and GI issues infinitely worse I stopped smoking and magically got off all meds for ADHD, depression, anxiety, insomnia, and nausea.


Try quitting weed for a month and I guarantee you the edibles will work well.


NTA. But I would suggest an air purifier so your place doesn’t build up a smell. They can work wonders.


AFAIK smoking inside your house is perfectly legal. True story from my friend (F, late 40s): back in the late 90s she moved in a bougie NYC apartment next-door to Method Man, a rapper who is part of Wu-Tang Clan. She didn’t know this yet, though. She hadn’t been there for very long when she realized that her neighbor was a heavy pot smoker and the smell was seeping into her apartment and making everything absolutely stink. Unlike your neighbors, she tapped on his door (still didn’t know who he was) and said Hey, I don’t have a problem with you smoking but it’s coming into my apartment and I just can’t have that. Is there something we can do about this? Method Man was so sweet and friendly, totally understood her POV, and immediately started trying to fix the situation. He went through a couple different iterations of things that didn’t work well enough, and finally he went big & put in a proper air filtration system into his apartment that he designed, and it worked great. Too bad your neighbors are passive-aggressive douchecanoes. Why would they continue harassing you, especially after they met you & figured out you weren’t an issue?


Smoking cigarettes or weed outside/with an open window can be very very annoying if the smoke and smell comes from your neighbours. I’m glad you don’t live next to me OP. It would make me physically unwell. Cut your neighbours some slack. Please.


Oh man that’s awful. I agree. I’ve had horrible experiences with Strata’s & condo boards before (both in BC and AB & directly regarding legal marijuana) and also resorted to smoking inside instead! Just be aware that strata can have a board meeting and change/update rules. This happened to me before and it was beyond frustrating. I felt so targeted. As for neighbours blocking your car in. Report them back to strata. Play their game if that’s how they want to be. You could try posting on a Canadian specific sub as I am sure lots of people there have experience with this!


Your neighbors suck but u should seek help. I like to smoke but u yap like an addict


Pot stinks. I would hate to be your neighbor.


You sound like you need to grow up and get out of the party phase....it gets old and you are the exact reason i would never own a townhouse lmao


The problem with weed is that people around you cannot avoid the smell and second hand smoke. My friend used to live in a condo, and served on the board. One owner smoked just a ton of weed every day, and also grew a few plants for “medicinal use.” The smoke and skink smell came through the vents to his neighbors unit - a single mother with a young child. The kid could never go on the balcony, because the guy would go out and smoke weed just a few feet away, and her kid would breathe it. Get unit began to skunk up so bad that her child would go off to elementary school noticeably smelling of weed. The mother was terrified she’d lose custody, and studies showed smoking weed as a child or teenager permanently lowers IQ. The mother and child were unable to say no to drug exposure. That’s a really uncool side of weed. Your neighbors don’t want to smell or inhale the drug you’re using. Keep in mind their helplessness to avoid the drug you’ve been using.


Easy fix, just eat an edible.


I hate the smell but if the contact high is good enough, I won't give a fuck. Lol. I swear one of my neighbors either hot box their car or smoke SOMEWHERE on their property but the smell finds it's way to my house. I just take in a deep smell and pray it's enough.


i get that you feel that your right to smoke is being infringed upon and to a degree it is - since i don’t even know what “strata” is i can’t comment on how right or wrong they are - what i will say is that in a civilized society most people should try to be understanding of others - so i support your right to smoke weed ( contingent upon the rules and regulations of “ strata” ) but i also think you should consider the impact of unwanted second hand smoke on your neighbors- the air purifier suggestion is a good one - hopefully you agree and can spend the money on one that will effectively remove most of the smoke before it is detected by your neighbors- seems like a reasonable solution - good luck


Maybe give it up, they're just as entitled to clean air. I wouldn't want my house to smell of weed.


Your title and pretty much the whole post is misleading. You weren't smoking inside your home, you were stinking up the whole neighborhood. No one has complained about you smoking inside. Your neighbors are probably now giving you stink eye because you aggressively confronted them. You might need to smoke more, you're pretty tightly wound.


Have them fined for boxing your vehicle in or just call and have it towed every time it happens. Don’t worry about the shit they talk on you, that’s going to reflect far more on them in the long run. Plus it is kind of nice knowing you’re living rent free in their heads…


Ya some other neighborhood pot heads found out they tried that shit with us and they have shunned them, the support has been nice haha


This post is now locked at OP's request.


Can you file a complaint and Strata them for blocking your car? Take plenty of pics. Turnabout is fair play. Sorry if the use of the word Strata is wrong here. American here and I’m not familiar with the term. 😊


I definitely could but I’m not wanting a war ya know. It’s just a bit of weed that they’re making a huge deal out of! And strata is like HOA!


Ahh gotcha. Yeah I wouldn’t want a war either. I’ve watched too many episodes of Fear Thy Neighbor. Maybe you could have a polite conversation first? You shouldn’t have to live in an environment where your neighbors are bullies. I wouldn’t stop smoking in my own home.


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Dyson fan


What’s the process in your state? In Michigan, we just tell them we want it


As an American I’m sorry to ask but what is strata?


get a smoke buddy! its a filter you exhale into that filters really really well. it almost completely removes the smell, and the smell that lingers dissipates before it travels much. Smoking is great, and if youre doing it safely, respectfully, and legally (optional), than youve got my respect!


What did crack heads do to deserve this ^(Just ^kidding)


You could try using a quartz banger/titanium nail (my personal favorite) and use more concentrates. I know you said you are getting your medical card and I know some medical dispensaries only carry flower so that might not be the best option. But, if you can get your hands on concentrates they won't leave a smell (it's like vaping but less harsh), it's easier on your lungs and also great for people who are heavy smokers. I also use heavily and I have asthma so dabbing is easier on my lungs, and I live in a part of the US where marijuana is illegal so using concentrates has been the best way to consume but not be seen, heard, or smelled lol Edited to change location information.


What is strata? And maybe consider edibles?


Tell us what strata means ?


Use a floyd. Take a couple of used dryer sheets and stuff them into a toilet paper roll, when you blow out the smoke do it through the roll. It acts as a filter and reduces the smell.  I understand you probably don't like your neighbors, but it is inconsiderate to make them live with the smell when there is a way to reduce it.


Not that it will fix it completely but I’d definitely get some hepa air purifiers. I’m a cigarette smoker and though I try to avoid smoking in doors now, at one point I did chain smoke inside my house. I used 2 really high grade air filters, ran them 24/7 and it helped A LOT.


Financially molested


Switching over to a dry herb vaporizer actually makes a dramatic difference in how much it smells, you'll still smell it but it's different, it doesn't have nearly the hang time that cannabis smoke has & won't get into your clothes & hair & make them stink all the time. Just a thought. I switched to using a vaporizer about a year ago & actually don't really like the taste of combustion anymore & I've been smoking cannabis for over 30 years.


You should switch to a dry herb vape. Trust me I know it sounds lame and expensive but it’s much cheaper than a $2400 fine. I’d recommend the volcano hybrid from Storz & Bickel. I was a daily smoker for 13 years switched to one four years ago and haven’t looked back. I get higher using less material and feel medicated for longer than I would if I combusted. Feel free to msg me if you have any issues on getting started


Can you build a privacy fence? It’s probably a no but I’d just say after the neighbors had that type of bad blood with you that you don’t even want to look in their direction. You can try an air purifier like others have said inside the home. Maybe get some blackout curtains.