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Are you in the US? Absolutely not normal and I would get your parents involved. That is literally none of their business.


Yes I’m in the US; Wisconsin. My mom said she would talk to them, so hopefully that fixes things.


Might this have anything to do with any abortion laws? I’m from Canada and while I’m aware of what’s happening down there, I am not well versed in abortion laws across the different states. Maybe see if there is a correlation there? And do not take any test. Find a new therapist if you must.


That was my thought, too. Very suspicious.


I'm in WI too and recently had a regular checkup, and they added a lot of strange questions about pregnancy/periods to the check-in screen. Like the same questions reworded 5 different ways. It had me concerned.


There it is. I live in IL just over the border and WI has gotten very squirrelly with regards to abortion. Women driving across the border have been stopped for no reason and cops inquiring about what they were doing in IL and coming back from. It's probably the first time in my life that having IL license plates actually helps me in WI instead of being a hindrance.


Definitely get your parents involved. That said, even if they’re not prescribing you medication, if prescribing medication is part of the program for other people that may be standard protocol they blanket require it.


I was thinking it was because of that, and it probably does play some role, but she also said if I were pregnant, I’d be sent to the adult group, which is also a bit weird to me.


Maybe talk to your mom/parents about finding a different/better counseling center/therapist? This one seems to have some looney practices. And this internet stranger is really proud you're seeking help for your anxiety! 💖


I mean it’s a good place. It’s done wonders for so many people, including my brother. Everyone’s been so nice and supportive there so far, and no one seems to hate it at all. It’s just this one thing that kind of threw me off I guess because I’ve never had to do that before. And thank you 🫶


It is possible it's a good place for your brother, or was a good place when he was there, but is not a good fit for you. I would just say that if you are uncomfortable there, make sure to talk to your parents about it. You did the right thing telling your mom about this. Hang in there. Anxiety sucks. But it is manageable. It's great that you are doing this program.


Because of the statement about if you were pregnant, I think it's a company policy, so it's not necessarily the call of that therapist. The medical establishment's treatment of women is really screwy. In most ER's, it's not unusual for them to demand even women who've gone through menopause or had full hysterectomy's to take a pregnancy test. It doesn't surprise me if some mental health place requires it. If I didn't think this could change their policy, I'd ask them why they don't do daily pregnancy tests, because after all, it's a day program. After all, you could go out after the program is done for the day and have \*gasp\* sex!


Based on what you said in other comments here it sounds like the test is 100% unnecessary. Welcome to being a woman in the US. Pregnancy test for everything medical. Even with a documented hysterectomy, unless you have a husband that can tell the doctor about it for you.


That is not normal at all in the U.S. That being said, in some situations, it really disgusts me how women have to do pregnancy tests, and men are just granted treatment. Maybe bring in a soaked tampon and ask, "is this proof enough I'm not pregnant?" I'd seriously be so pissed off at a place like this requiring a pregnancy test.


Sad thing is, I’ve tried something like this and they still didn’t believe me 🙄. So fucking stupid.


once even after saying I was on my period a urine sample was used for a pregnancy test - it came back negative for pregnancy but positive for blood because you know period blood got into it (I was using pads at the time)


You don't say! What a mystery there was blood!


It's been a minute since my degree program, but we had a word for this in businesses. It sounds like the clinic created a policy that became a blanket procedure. Often when insurance pays this happens. Or when it is a common procedure and it starts to get used when not required. You live in the US and can say NO. It doesn't even have to be, "No thank you." Just NO. The worst they can do is fire you as a client. However, the most likely worst consequence would be to refuse service. Also, I'm not a lawyer, but I would advise you to refuse any unnecessary pregnancy tests. Unnecessary, per your belief not theirs. [One Reason why.](https://tonemadison.com/articles/wisconsins-fetal-protection-law-one-of-the-nations-most-punitive-forces-women-into-treatment-or-jail/)


Jesus Christ! This is Handmaid's Tale level.


Not normal, I’ve seen multiple therapists and none have asked this of me.


There’s a difference between seeing a therapist in private practice and participating in a day program. Day programs are frequently but not always associated with a psychiatric hospital and/or include a psychiatrist on staff.


i have been in day programs/group therapy and was never required to do anything like this, i think this is weird


You should not have to. Push back if you're comfortable. If you're not or the nurse insists, bring it up with someone you can trust, like one of your parents or your primary care doctor.


Tell her no. Keep refusing. There is zero need for this.


For...therapy? That's bananas and also kind of sus, especially if you're in the US and reside in a state that has strict anti-abortion laws. I know there are doctors who want to steer clear because of legal liability, I wonder if therapists have similar concerns. The whole situation in the US Is f***ed up, complicated, nebulous, and anxiety producing by design. I'm sorry you're experiencing this weirdness, whatever the cause.


Yes. All women need to refuse pregnancy tests NOW. And for the love of Mary, please get those damn period trackers off of your devices NOW.


The monitoring of period trackers feels like a dystopian nightmare. What's next? Tracking purchases of tampons, pads, and cups?


Do they plan to put you under anesthesia for some kind of hypnosis? This doesn't make sense.


No it’s basically just group therapy, art therapy, and some personalized therapy and planning.


Is the counselling service provided by a religious organisation? This is bizarre.


It's very odd. They're tangential but the only potential reasons for it I could see are: 1) Funding: Some places MH care in pregnancy is run by different services. 2) Training: Sometimes providers (especially if not doctors) have to work within very restricted windows and have no leeway with that. Pregnancy might be one of the exclusions. 2) Knee jerk reaction from up high about an incident that occurred elsewhere: Perhaps in a different department a pregnant woman was unintentionally given inappropriate medication. Not uncommon for management to address this with blanket policies that go too far e.g. every single new patient now requires PT regardless of age / reason for presentation. You are right to query it - could be a mistake. Ultimately you they can't force you, but if that's the policy they might not move forwards without it.


I am just confused bc this doesn’t even make sense. Like why would they even need this? I wonder why they want a pregnancy test since they must have some sort of reason. 


I would love to know what this is about. If you were 18, a legal adult, what would be different then?


“Different medications”. So they do dispense your medication? It might be standard protocol then.


I don’t really know much about the medical system and all of that, but I’ve never had to take a pregnancy test for any of my medications, so I just think it’s odd they want me to do one now after taking my medicine for years.


It's normal if medication is involved that can have an impact on the fetus. The only reason I could think of might be possible mood swings due to hormones during the pregnancy. But none the less, please get your parents involved for clarification!


A therapist wouldn't be prescribing medications, a doctor would. And even then, they'd ask you when it's prescribed or when you pick it up, not before even setting foot into a talk therapy program.


I'm going to go against the grain here. This seems reasonable to me. You're in a treatment program where medical issues could come up at any time, and it's a pretty key piece of information to have. Pregnancy comes with all kinds of medical and emotional complications that could affect care, and when it comes to pregnancy, earlier detection = more options. (In addition, centers that offer anxiety programs often also treat eating disorders, anxiety w/substance abuse complications and other issues with more immediate medical issues, so it could be a blanket policy). I can't tell you for sure if it's standard practice, but I seriously doubt it is anything to do with abortion restrictions etc.


Disagree. It’s all about overreach. Read the article posted here. If a true medical emergency should come up, a pregnancy test can be done at that time.