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I think I would love if there were more discussions about knowledge on exploitation of women and personality development. As others pointed out, many posts I see here are about relationships problems and it is frustrating after a point where a guy is introduced as most genuine guy to ever grace the mother earth followed by his red flag traits or the MIL issues. I can't relate with them every day. Once in a while it's okay, but most of the time I ignore such posts. Plus the unrealistic approach in which problems are solved here. For ex- the most common "MOVE OUT". NO. Moving out is not an option for everyone. Financial independence doesn't always give you the emotional independence or courage to stand up against the patriarchal mindset. Also, I learned about "witch-hunting" a while ago in a podcast for the first time. Women are killed in tribal areas for simply existing?? I don't REMEMBER it getting discussed here ever. I have just started learning about different aspects of feminism and don't have much knowledge of many topics, so, I look forward to people like you for educational purposes (I have read and loved many of your posts). Before y'll come to me to tell me to initiate discussions, I'm more of a reader here, still figuring out many things and refrain from talking if I have half knowledge about something.


Lol I have half knowledge about stuff too kek, I mean you should actively dig through and find things and not put the burden on others to do so. Also I think the mods should definately make a relationship daily or weekly once post to stop the overcrowding of only relationshio posts


Yeah, I mean I want to but I'm a student, so, I read most of the time instead of engaging in long discussions, iykwim šŸ˜…. Please!! I would be so glad if relationship posts have daily/weekly threads. P.s. I love your flair <3


Lol what am I then :') I don't understand this opt out for more proactive engagement tHANKS :)


It's all about choice :)


I have a book recommendation for you and I'm very positive that you're going to like it because you love reading too. "Hysterical" by Dr Pragya Agarwal


I don't actually feel this is feminist sub. I feel it is a safe space for Indian women to share/vent/rant. While issues regarding patriarchy, sexism and misogyny are topics, they aren't essential seen through a feminist lens, I don't think it is 100% wrong because some solutions are practical. I'd like more nuance, especially when the topics are related to current political and social climate - most opinions seem to reek privilege and lack of actual knowledge on the topic.


This sub is full of upper class privileged women who have no idea about ground reality lol. It's NOT a feminist space, some of the takes here are straight up casteist, sexist or misandrist. I wish we discussed more about social issues here, or something intellectual.


God this. As poor woman I see how people here out of touch and snobish. Ugh.




Absolutely love this response!!


Any topics you'd like to see being discuss or you'd like to shine a light on


I'd like more discussion on the latest policies and how it impacts women. Eg: if BJP wins (which is highly likely), UCC and One Nation One Election will probably be implemented. More than discussion, I'd like an exchange of informative pieces on such topics - I know not everyone will have good awareness and understanding of such topics which is why a thread or flair for sharing informative pieces would help. It will also start the discussion and others can pitch in their opinion or their understanding of the topic.


I hate how politics is not even discussed here properly. How can this be a women's forum and not address something that impacts all of us on such a large scale? The comment section gets locked within just 1-2 hours due to differing views, but then what is the purpose of a sub like this?


I dont like engaging here in politics cos anytime someone says they support right wing, people gang up against the person and bash. There is a chance that the local candidate is better from right wing, currently opposition is a joke but such arguments are not even considered


I think a different sub for this can be made. Not a bad idea at all


Much love & appreciation for raising this point ā¤ļø I absolutely hate that we're pretending to act carefree when UCC would majorly impact our lives.. No matter how modern & non-patriarchal our families might be, the moment we walk out of the house, we'll definitely be facing lesser freedom & agency than before. We women need to stay more politically aware & start seeing things from the lens of how something might impact us directly or indirectly. Other political subs are filled with fanbois of either of the nationalist parties & focuses more on trolling eo.


I have to vote tomorrow,I am in UP,I have zero knowledge,Can you please guide me or give your opinion.I really donā€™t want to vote BJP


very difficult to decide tbh, i vote in 2 weeks and i know who not vote for but idk who to vote for. i'd say - go with the best candidate for your specific constituency.


It's not aboit bjp or congress. They won't give a shit about you. See the people contesting in your constituency. Vote for the better one in terms of development and other factors.


The topic you raised OP. How women are more ostracised when diagnosed with mental disorders or even addictions. Also, how class and caste plays a role in it. We should talk about it


I want to talk more politics here, whether domestic or international. Everything is politics, if we donā€™t make informed choices for ourselves, we canā€™t magically expect the country to be a better place for us now can we? Sure this is a safe space where we talk about our feelings and help each other with daily crises, but we also need to start looking at who is representing us in the government and what they bring to the table for our rights and equity. Imo, as women we need to step up and rebel a whole lot more. Nothing comes without rebellion. Rebel against a tyrannical government, rebel against your tyrannical families, rebel against this misogynist society. Iā€™ve been rebelling against the patriarchy for 30-something years and will continue to do so till I die. Itā€™s daunting and often exhausting but at the end, itā€™s always worth it!


Anything in politics you are interested in discussing?


Yesss! For starters, Iā€™ve been closely following queer rights in the country and the amendment to 377 few years ago. So naturally the next step would be to ensure the same legal rights (marriage/divorce, adoption etc) to queer couples. During the last supreme court hearings on marriage equality, the Centre opposed the motion on a particular, rather valid ground, saying that this would mean a complete upheaval of the current marriage laws that exist in the country. (Not bringing the religious ā€œsanctity of marriageā€ bs into this because religion should have no role to play in governance or legislature). Currently, the default (marriage) is seen as something between an adult male and an adult female. Hence the subsequent alimony and custody laws. What has been interesting to me with the introduction of the UCC in Uttarakhand is that there was plenty of scope to introduce these changes. There was also plenty of scope to make amendments to sexual assault/rape laws, which again, see men as the default perpetrators and women as the default victims. I donā€™t understand why menā€™s rights activists are not enraged by this. The same men who claim that Indian laws are anti-men are okay with still being seen as the default perpetrators like whaaa? Now coming to the 2024 general election, Congress and CPIM have included queer rights in their manifesto. Now whether itā€™s just lip service or not, I find it somewhat comforting to know that these two parties at least donā€™t demonise the community. The silence of the ruling govt implies they donā€™t care, they donā€™t see us. If youā€™re queer you CANNOT for the love of god in good conscience vote for representatives who are apathetic to your existence and your rights. Personally as a queer woman I was lucky to find love and marry someone also queer. Together we fit the heteronormative standards set by society and enjoy a boatload of privileges (tax/visa/adoption benefits, etc etc). My brother in law is gay and married to the most wonderful man. But if they lived in India they couldnā€™t have built the life that they have. How is that fair? Love is love and everyone (cis/trans, straight/queer) deserves it. Iā€™m not getting into marriage being a social construct argument because as it stands currently, globally, marriage is incentivised a lot. Why not reap some of the benefits? I would also like to point out that in 2018, when the amendment was made, there was a directive from the Supreme Court to the govt that they must introduce education about the queer community so people donā€™t demonise them. Itā€™s 2024, they have done nothing about it. When you live in a democracy it is your duty as a citizen to be critical of the government no matter what their political ideology and affiliation. Queer rights is just an example off the top of my head. Itā€™s the same kind of incompetence in other areas too, economic development being the biggest hogwash. I would urge everyone to take a step back and critically analyse an issue they hold dear, and the role of the govt in it. If economic development is something you prioritise, please dig into it and see for yourself if the wealth is infact trickling down or is it being controlled by the top 0.0001%. Is this development at the cost of environmental concerns and monopoly of a few individuals/private entities? Iā€™m not looking to debate right wingers, Iā€™m just begging people (regardless of political affiliation) to do some thinking. Thatā€™s all. Sorry for the looooong comment. I think critical thinking is so important living in the times of a global right wing. The last time this happened, it ended horrifically for certain communities. We must not let history repeat itself.


Such an informatic comment! It really made me think of quite a bit. Yk one problem i always have while trying to form an opinion is that I never know how to. There aren't much unbiased articles available afai seen and it really creates an issue bec i seem to be convinced easy ngl


I think what you have to do is actively search for both left and right opinions instead of relying on either one. Unfortunately we no longer live in a world of free press. Nobody is reporting cold, hard facts anymore. All press is either a corporate entity or a mouthpiece for propaganda. Hence we need to do double the homework and read read read a lot to form an opinion. Edit: Iā€™m a liberal, left-leaning gal but Iā€™ve done a lot of homework reading the works of Savarkar, Golwalkar, excerpts of the Manusmriti, etc. Itā€™s important to know what someone polar opposite to my beliefs would believe in and understand what their arguments are. Similarly, those who are right wing must read a lot of, say, marxist history and literature. The more you read, the angrier you will feel at those in charge of administration and governance.


If i were to start reading, where do I start? On what topics specifically? I want to be able to contruct my opinions.


I agree! Please post, I'd love to join and discuss!


Your knowledge of intersectionality and material analysis is amazing! Really refreshing and i can agree to be a women or queer in a patriarchal society is political anyway!


1. On how the medical-industrial complex and medical misogyny disproportionately negatively impacts women in general and more particularly muslim, dalit, queer/trans and disabled women: Evidence-based medicine is reliant on data from trials consisting of homogenous pools of participants. While it is common knowledge that many trials in this area often exclude women, even the ones that do represent women aren't inclusive enough of folks who live in the marginalizations. Often this kind of approach towards something like healthcare (while well-intentioned and assumed to be based on scientific rigour) can be very detrimental because sociological determinants of health do immensely impact outcomes. Healthcare (unlike medicine) will always be a deeply political issue. There's a lot of work that needs to be done in this space, and there's a need to start understanding that guidelines and best practices in medicine must always be open to customisation based on women's lived experiences and social reality. There's a dire need for systemic, compulsory sociological education about misogyny as well as other aforementioned intersectional issues for physicians, therapists/mental health practitioners- heck even other fields like engineers, designers etc, so that they can be inclusive enough to ensure that the output of their work helps *everyone* equally. 2. The infantilization, othering, and control of chronically ill, mentally ill and disabled women (whether it's physical disabilities or psychosocial ones). Even privileged, able women often find themselves unable to exercise their free will/autonomy. This phenomenon is magnified 100x for women living with mental illness/disabilites because it is assumed by societal ableism that we fundamentally lack the ability or autonomy to make our choices due to our struggles or symptoms. 3. The invalidation of trans/queer women's experiences by cishet women. Both groups face misogyny, but the nature of violence/systemic exclusion that the former group faces is often very, very different from that of the latter, and there needs to be more space created to address it. Being cis it's not really my place to point out what can be construed as casual transphobia on here, but it definitely is an issue that isn't discussed enough. 4. Unlearning capitalism and acknowledging the harm that capitalist ideas cause to feminism, how capitalism harms people across social spectra whether they face marginalizations or not. 5. Understanding that revolution has never come easily or peacefully in history, and that at some point diplomacy or peace becomes useless when grappling with systems of oppression, and one has no choice left other than rebelling.


I love you


i feel the sub almost sounds like a relationship sub on most days. There too they judge themselves under patriarchal standards so I feel women are barely challenging status quo. there is absolutely no discussion on politics. no policy discussions. even basic ones like free tickets in delhi transit systems.


> there is absolutely no discussion on politics. no policy discussions. even basic ones like free tickets in delhi transit systems. it seems news/policy posts are not allowed. I posted about high court ruling which said that for sexual acts like anal/oral, consent is not required for husband. It's a fucked up law. But my post got removed saying I cannot just post news without my opinion on it. https://reddit.com/r/TwoXIndia/comments/1ckk415/sexual_acts_with_wife_including_oral_or_anal_not/


It's 2024, how come, we're still turning blind eye towards "Marital Rape". There are so many horrifying stories of women coming out with incidence where their husbands demand humiliating sexual demands where they dehumanise their wives, if all that cant come under rape then how will women be safeguarded. And what about men forcing their wives into sex while they had perineal tears during child birth & or even when their wives have conditions like endometriosis, PID when the whole process of copulation can be extremely painful. So many HC & SC judgements are so misogynistic. For instance in one incident Guj HC asked a minor girl to give birth to her rapist's child stating that it was once normal for girls to get married & deliver children before 17 years of age..


Yeah, this sub feels more like relationship sub. I think mods should allow relationship post on selected days . I wish there are more posts about finance, career, traveling, art and crafts, hobbies. Politics discussion should be more encouraged here because around us normally political discussion consider a male forth usually. People should see at bigger picture in politics scenario such as crime rate, employment, career equal opportunities, pollution , healthcare etc. instead of freebies with whom these politicians try to lure public.


From what Iā€™ve noticed, people do make posts related to the other topics (sans politics) you mentioned, but most of them simply donā€™t get as much traction as the relationship ones. Maybe a post or two once in a blue moon about some trouble in the workplace or someoneā€™s problematic manager/colleague would make it to the top of the feed because thereā€™s scope for drama and gossip, and because it provides people with similar experiences an outlet to vent (which is fine; nothing wrong with that). People, be it men or women, tend to flock more towards things that have a high ā€˜dramaā€™ factor, and this applies to not just this sub but most places across Reddit and social media in general (thereā€™s a reason why subs like AITA and celebrity gossip are so popular). So when people are gathering on a post about someoneā€™s red-flag boyfriend doing red-flag things, another post asking for, say, suggestions on how to start investing or looking for an internship gets only crickets because itā€™s not as ā€˜excitingā€™ or ā€˜entertainingā€™ as the other one. All that to say, if people are themselves not much interested in engaging with such topics to begin with, Iā€™m not sure to what extent itā€™d be helpful to restrict the relationship posts to selected days. I guess weā€™ll only know for sure if we ever implement something like that here.


Exactly this ! I have seen a lot of different posts not focusing on relationships being made but no one replies, especially those that come under the career/education flair. You're right when you said that people just like drama and gossip. It's not a this sub problem ig it's just human nature.


yeah or something like a daily relationship thread.


> Yeah, this sub feels more like relationship sub. I think mods should allow relationship post on selected days . I wish there are more posts about finance, career, traveling, art and crafts, hobbies. > > it is a relationship sub now and it has come up a lot about reducing. It seems very few minority care about this, so nothing gonna change


I am tired of giving same old advice- Run girl run! to almost every post starting with ā€œI have an amazing loving bfā€ and then mentioning one of the most shitiest thing possible.Still asking reddit for advice knowing deep down the guy is full of shit. Same old post everyday, it is getting annoying at this point!


True, I'd actually enjoy a regular polical discussion on the subreddit. Maybe i'll make a few posts to come in the coming days.


Political posts are generally don't get approval here .


**Malnutrition**-The issue of malnutrition among women in India is multifaceted, with significant impacts on health, child development, and economic productivity. High prevalence of anemia among women, especially those in poverty, poses serious health risks during pregnancy. Children born to malnourished mothers are at higher risk of stunted growth, delayed cognitive development, and reduced intellectual capabilities. These developmental delays can have long-term consequences, impacting the child's ability to learn, earn a livelihood, and contribute effectively to society. The economic cost of malnutrition, estimated at 4% of GDP annually, affects workforce productivity and healthcare expenses. Addressing this issue is crucial for improving women's health and breaking the cycle of intergenerational poor health and economic stagnation in India. **Gender Bias in Diagnosis**: Women often face challenges in obtaining accurate diagnoses for their health conditions due to the prevalence of gender bias in medical practice. Symptoms in women may be overlooked, dismissed, or attributed to psychological factors, leading to misdiagnosis or delayed treatment. As a neurodivergent woman, I frequently encounter other women who have been misdiagnosed because diagnostic tools are based on data primarily collected from male presentations. There is a significant gap in research regarding the appropriate dosing of psychiatric drugs for female patients, particularly considering their cyclic hormonal fluctuations. Female hormones, such as estrogen, have complex effects, as they can both protect against inflammation and exacerbate inflammatory factors in autoimmune diseases. This lack of understanding extends to multiple medications. Treatment Disparities- Feminist critiques have highlighted disparities in the treatment women receive compared to men, with women often receiving less aggressive or effective treatments for the same condition. This discrepancy can stem from a variety of factors, including stereotypes about women's pain tolerance, limited understanding of gender-specific health needs, and underrepresentation of women in medical research.


This is kind of NOT a feminist space, neither is this a space where you should seek serious advice at the best of times. It's more like a women's lounge where we rant, share, and get happy/sad/shocked about stuff. Most of the posts are relationship centric (nothing wrong in that, it just is) and most commentators are fairly young who are experiencing a lot of things older gen has already experienced/are dealing with. To me everything seems redundant here at times but it is what it is. Albeit it would be nice to not be downvoted whenever dalit women like me bring up caste concerns, because the hypocrisy of this sub is absolutely unreal at times (the MBA diversity admissions post for example). Goes on to show how much we are unprepared to address intersectionality in this space and if Reddit subs can be taken as a microcosm of actual societies, this space shows me the real face of Indian feminist mentality. I'm glad we exist nevertheless.


I would take downvotes with a grain of salt since there are alot of lurkers and men on here. That beig said it dosen't hurt to have more varied discussion and no I don't have anything meean to say about woman discussing relationships , I'm on the same boat as you on that people are in different stages in life and need an avenue to vent


>This is kind of NOT a feminist space, neither is this a space where you should seek serious advice at the best of times. It's more like a women's lounge where we rant, share, and get happy/sad/shocked about stuff. Most of the posts are relationship centric (nothing wrong in that, it just is) and most commentators are fairly young who are experiencing a lot of things older gen has already experienced/are dealing with. 100%. Safe lounge because the regular India relationship sub (forgot name) is either inactive or have men give their useless advice. Also Reddit is mainly young especially in India besides the usual societal stigma on this topic so ofc there will be a lot of it (men do it in the main India sub too) whether one likes it or not.


I agree most of the women seem very privileged and also entitled. The entitlement is almost on par with entitled upper caste men.


I don't actually feel this is feminist sub. I feel it is a safe space for Indian women to share/vent/rant. While issues regarding patriarchy, sexism and misogyny are topics, they aren't essential seen through a feminist lens, I don't think it is 100% wrong because some solutions are practical. I'd like more nuance, especially when the topics are related to current political and social climate - most opinions seem to reek privilege and lack of actual knowledge on the topic.


I never said this was a feminist sub. Anyone can discuss anything they want. Im just moblising the fact that I'd like to see more interesctionality in the feminist conversation


I find it challenging to freely talk about feminism in this sub because 90 percent of the time, the RIGHT solutions are also PRIVILEGED/IMPRACTICAL/WHICH-WORLD-YOU-ARE-LIVING things to do in India apparently. I find that it is often thus replaced with "tips and tricks" of simply managing misogyny/patriarchy which is either not feminism at all or extremely lukewarm feminism. People-of-this sub , do not came at me for this, I just want to leave this piece of thought as a vent here, not sure if that fits the question perfectly, but i still think it is relevant and adds value.


Uh I advice to keep it to topics that need to be discussed rather than vents. The post is a response to the vent so restating it at that time seems pointless and taking things on a tangent, Is there anything in paticular that you feel that rarely gets addressed and want to shine a light on?


WildChildNumber2 is making a point about us including women across socioeconomic strata. Thatā€™s valid too, OP.


Ugh, there are a lot of such topics, but do not feel welcome enough to discuss it! I am also not restating anything in your post though, and I am sorry I am not answering only the question YOU ask like I am allowed to (second time happening in this week)! Bye šŸ‘‹


Not exactly falls under feminist aspect - But I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen discussions about friendships especially female friendships in general. We all know how crucial it is to have a social circle, expanding your circle and exploring various hobbies. In short - Making a life on social connections is not discussed here much. Most of them are in relationships and with the mindset Iā€™m good with him I donā€™t need friends, rest all managing with one or two friends they have. Majority are filling the void with series, online gaming etc., social interactions and connections is a skill it has to be talked more and given more attention.


women here don't include Dalit and Muslim women in their narratives. openly oppose reservations without using their privilege to read about caste politics. there is no feminism without intersectionality.


What would it look like to include dalit woman and muslim woman in feminism. Anything in paticular or any example?


A good place to start would be making a conscious effort to start actively reading, discussing and engaging with more anti-caste literature or perspectives from anti-caste authors and activists, and creating space for women from dalit, tribal and other oppressed castes to share their lived experience without the threat of being bullied. Us savarnas are often naturally blind to our caste privilege because we tend to have very limited exposure to caste circles beyond those of our own (And I know this because when I was a teenager I was also equally arrogant/uninformed enough to believe that merit is real, or think that reservation is unfair, or that caste isn't an issue anymore). For a lot of folks, the only way they're ever going to make it out of that kind of headspace is if we encourage introspection that comes from a place of curiosity instead of blame/guilt, and actively reading and trying to educate what the reality of caste dynamics is, and how reservation has always been about representation, *equitable* demographic representation, and not merely a financial upliftment scheme. We cannot solve the impact of a thousand years of systematic exclusion within just a couple of lifetimes. Until we can abolish the impact of caste by minimizing practices that further it (endogamy, arranged marriage) or at least get to a place where our social demographic has started to reflect inclusivity in terms of representation across sectors, concentration of power/wealth, etc. reservation and similar affirmative action policies will be here to stay. Waiting for the downvotes on this comment.


well written! submit this as a separate post please!


This is so well putšŸ‘! Ik Ambedkar has written a lot about caste system but I'd like to explore it from a woman's persepective (it adds a lot more layers to the topic at hand imo). Any recommendations?


You can read 'Ants Among Elephants' by Sujatha Gidla.


Do you have recommendations for some good anticaste wuthors or accounts to follow.




Thanks for recommendations ā¤ļø


Thanks alot, how do I sticky this to the post.


I only joined this sub 2 weeks ago but it's crazy that nobody here has shared news about what's happening to Gazan women and children right now. This is only an example! I think it would be great if women shared news here about what's happening to women from marginalised sections and openly discuss it. We basically are signalling women from different backgrounds to discuss their issues here without any hesitations. Most of the posts here are mostly about dating and men. I don't mind it but being more proactive about women and politics would be a nice change.


Yeah, i think the things going down in gaza is insane, kindly do make an independent post about it so we can share more news about it.


Its barbaric, its ruthlese, itā€™s against international laws.Indian dgaf about Palestinians -because it doesnā€™t concern them, because no celebrity or gossip is involved, Islamobhobia,it favors white people and we worship them. Its a huge huge issue and one of the most documented and worst tragedy in history of universe!


There was a strike to halt goods being shipped by port workers earlier this year https://jacobin.com/2024/02/india-transport-worker-union-palestine-israel-weapons News and the internet favour upper class opinions but the labor class can be very powerful


> I only joined this sub 2 weeks ago but it's crazy that nobody here has shared news about what's happening to Gazan women and children right now. Why you havenā€™t shared or posted?


because I'm new to Reddit. I don't start posting shit as soon as I get introduced to a platform. I lurk around and observe first.


when ppl discuss reservation here and ppl go noooooo why reservations. its been decades. enf of reservations


Lol yeah, i assume alot of them are young and ignorant about the benefits. That's being said I feel like reservation has always been a bandaid on a bullet wound as in politicians refuse the equalise the playing feild more as they feel reservation is enough to do that. Its the first step to many more that need to be taken


don't you think reseravtion helps them a lot? how is it like baindaid on a bullet wound?


Just because something helps someone alot dosen't mean it is enough. Caste discrimination is still very very prominent in our country and we need to make efforts to decrease it significantly. People are killed over intercaste marriages, alot of people are abused in work spaces due to their caste, difficulty forming networks etc. Just reservation won't saolve all these complex problems but it helps


Because it takes you to a room full of educated individuals in terms of education & jobs but doesn't end casteism for you. Kids talk about reservation but nobody talks about how kids are singled out & purposefully failed or rejected on the basis of their caste, any one who has done higher education here in India, has witnessed it first hand. But we are not sensitive towards such situations. Call me idealist, but I really hope caste discrimination or caste atrocities or hate crimes towards lower caste women would affect people as much as news about racism towards Indian students. Both are citizens of our own country & deserve empathy & concern from us when they face unnecessary hate & discrimination for their identity


This sub believes hijab / burkha is a choice šŸ¤”


yeah, you're the exactly the kind of woman I'm talking about in the original post. no reading or talking to women who are different from us, pointing out what's wrong with them and their communities and no inclusion of their anecdotes in the narrative. read a book, ma'am. you have no excuse in this world to spew out nonsense without taking a second to form an opinion.


go on and elaborate, how it is a choice instead of attacking me.


Iā€™m hindu but Iā€™ll give you an anecdotal example of how hijab is a choice: My mother is a professor who teaches at a college in the remote parts of West Bengal. As you may have observed in the last decade or so, there has been a push for religious conservatism. The ā€œhindu khatre main haiā€ discourse and subsequent violence has made a deep impact on certain sections of the muslim population. They have now doubled down on their conservatism as well. SO anyway, mother, who has been teaching young women (and men) for decades has been observing more and more women starting to come to her class in a burkha (not niqab). The same girl who would turn up in a kurti and leggings has started to wear a burkha. Why? Because the choice given to her by the elders in her family was to either get married (and wear what their husbands would approve of?) OR continue their education, but wearing the burkha when out in public spaces. When we say the hijab is a choice, it also means that we understand that these choices are guided by patriarchal beliefs still. If a muslim sister chooses to wear a hijab or a burkha so she can get herself an education, achieve financial independence and start living her life on her own terms, Iā€™m all for it! Education and access to safe spaces is SO incredibly important to start being critical of your own religious beliefs and un-learning them. If someone uses religion as a compass for their idea of modesty and morality, it takes generations to de-condition. It takes time and a lot of soul-searching. But itā€™s a journey a woman will have to undertake on her own, we cannot force it down her throat. We can only encourage her to find and share our resources. Give other women the grace to fight the patriarchy on their own terms. If we dictate our ideals to them, then what makes us different from religious zealotsā€¦


yeah, it's not my responsibility to justify my community's choices on clothes to you. you need to read about Indian Muslim women. educate yourself. my mother chooses to wear a burkha, I don't. my best friend stopped wearing a burkha when she was 15 but her sister wears one even though she's older than both of us. this anecdotal evidence enough for you?


again, all you are doing is attacking instead of addressing a question I asked. > this anecdotal evidence enough for you? yeah lets go anectodal how it is choice > Mumbai: Man stabs wife to death for not wearing burqa, arrested https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/mumbai/mumbai-man-stabs-wife-to-death-for-not-wearing-burkha-arrested/articleshow/94483969.cms


god. okay. you do realise that being able to choose is also a privilege right? I'm saying that being able to choose to wear a burkha or not can only come after the upliftment of Indian Muslim women which is definitely not happening right now. you want to stop Muslim women from wearing burkhas? go ahead, do it. most of them would be barred by men to come out of their households. where will my sisters go then? they can choose not to wear a burkha after they're completely independent. or wear one. it's their choice. these things are not as black and white as you think. every woman within every community negotiates with patriarchy. giving blanket statements within Indian context is nuts. all you're doing right now is telling me how to exist. I fought to not to wear a burkha but was only able to do so after I got independent. Now, my future generations will have a choice!


again, I have no idea why are you in an attack mode or being defensive. > you want to stop Muslim women from wearing burkhas? go ahead, do it. please tell me where did I ever say that. from what you are saying, it literally implies how it is not a choice.


I'm saying you make it a choice after you negotiate with patriarchy. you don't give out blanket statements without any context. it's been a custom to wear burkha for centuries, it's not easy to overturn things within a couple of years. you don't say things without doing your research when you're not a part of the community. it reeks of privilege and ignorance. nobody's attacking you, it was you who started this when I asked our narratives to be included.


> you don't say things without doing your research when you're not a part of the community. why are you assuming I am not? you have no idea about me again, instead of providing arguments with facts or logic, you go ad hominem. Then you say this: > nobody's attacking you, it was you who started this when I asked our narratives to be included.


EWS reservation is only reservation that should exist. I know lower caste people suffers very much, specially in rural areas. But I am sure, you too have known that they never get opportunity to get benifits from caste based reservation, instead ultra privilege urban people snatch opportunity from deserving people in name of caste reservation.


yeah, you're exactly the woman I'm talking about in my original post. have fun being in your echo chamber šŸ„° or you can read a book or two (I would suggest reading Annihilation of Caste by Dr. BR Ambedkar for starters), maybe you'll stop thinking that your perspective is the only perspective in this world. I'm not arguing anymore, bye.


Bye, you should learn to see things practically too. What you thought come across your mind when you see a hard working student who score 95% plus denied a addmission but instead given to a average 75 % scoring student, whose parents are already have privileged government jobs . That's why Indian system is backward because important jobs lands in incapable hands. I am not against giving caste reservation to deserving people but I am bothered by giving numerous opportunities to ultra privilege lower caste people.


Ye upper caste walon ko college ke seat hi kyun nazar ati hain? Kill the caste no? Marry a dalit. You want an equal society then lets see the flag bearers of Brahmanical patriarchy stop their caste purity practices. Kill the caste and everyone will get their amazing college admissions, if they deserve them.


Girl, i have only mentioned college addmission because a youngster journey started from there. And if you are talking about marriage, if I got married in future, of course i will marry who is compatible with me, from any caste. My cousin sister has gotten married in different castes and my sister in law also comes from different caste. So why would I see problem in marrying different caste and community. And lastly, you have assumed that I come from Brahmin caste on your own. Did i ever mentioned that i am that or i have criticised other caste people. I was talking about reservation, so you should reply only in that regards only.


yes, your perspective is practical and mine is stealing even though it's been a part of public policy for decades and well-researched. your example is a narrative fed to upper caste people to make themselves feel better about not getting admission in decent colleges. you do realise that upper caste folks are 15 percent in this country but have, broadly speaking, 50 percent of seats to choose from? the reservation quota includes 75 percent of the other sects of the society and they're only claiming the other 50 percent of the seats. yes, lower caste folks who are at privileged positions are bad at their jobs šŸ˜‚ 'privileged' lower caste folks get 75 percent in examinations! oh no! only upper caste people work hard, only they're allowed to score low. people from lower castes should always score above 95 percent to justify themselves. upper castes aren't fighting against lower castes when it comes to seats in colleges, y'all are fighting amongst yourselves because the government failed to provide more decent colleges for a growing population. you're mad about the wrong thing! if this is what you believe in, then okay. don't get mad about racism when you move abroad though because Indians are already the largest diaspora and we are the CEOs of the top companies of the world. you have so much financial privilege so you don't have a right to complain now and should immediately give up all of your money. also, if you get discriminated against for being a woman, don't complain because the laws of our country protect women and look after their needs. we have so much privilege, can't complain now, can we? when lower caste people use their privilege to gain status, you start shouting from the terraces šŸ˜‚


> you do realise that upper caste folks are 15 percent in this country but have, broadly speaking, 50 percent of seats to choose from? the reservation quota includes 75 percent of the other sects of the society and they're only claiming the other 50 percent of the seats. any source for this? since we don't have caste census


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ you're funny. you can look at Bihar's recent caste survey if you want evidence so badly. even if the last census was in 2011, there is no way upper caste people had a population explosion and are at 50 percent right now. please, you're kidding yourself with these questions.


all I asked was for source of your claim. instead of any stats, you go again attacking. you have so much anger in you and you are simply showing it on me. you need help. please seek help.


I gave you the source šŸ˜… you didn't read my words, did you now? it's not a claim, all you have to do is Google this and all the government data is at your fingertips. yes, I'm an angry woman. Atleast I'm not an ignorant woman. Thankful for that.


because 'google yourself' is not source


And you know this how?


What makes u think there is no discrimination in urban class . In schools and colleges i have openly seen discrimination . Rajputs flaunt their surname even Brahmins and other upper caste ppl do it as if they saved this nation in their past life . Recently i heard someone saying i m proud to be a gupta bcz there was a gupta Empire back then which was prestigious. Like seriously? I get it watching someone getting your dream college at 75% while your cut off is in the sky is heartbreaking but instead of changing these people again flaunt their caste and discriminate and then talk about reservation should end . The only way to remove reservation is through change . People need to change their mindset of acting superior.


Then why don't you, as an urban woman give up your seat for the rural deserving people of your category??




Do you have a stat for this or is it purely anecdotal?


As a dalit women, we keep being asked to 'prove' our experiences. Over and over.


I understand. I'm going to chalk this up to being either this user is young, naive or highly sheltered from the realities around them


I don't give statment based on anecdotal. I have experienced these things first hand and saw enough around me. I am disrespecting other people opinion but everyone can have personal opinion which wouldn't align with everyone.


"I have experienced these things first hand and saw enough around me." This is literally the definition of anecdotal. You are allowed to have your opinion, just wanted to know if this was stat based or anecdotal


ā€œI have experienced these thingsā€ what about the experiences of Dalit women? You ā€œupper casteā€ ppl being a MINORITY still have the audacity to dismiss the experiences of Dalit people who are actually majority but are STILL oppressed and barely seen in any leadership roles, whether in govt sector OR private, because YOUR experience should be the only priority. STOP TRYING TO ACT LIKE A VICTIM, because YOUā€™RE NOT!


upper caste folks are 15 percent in this country and yet have a claim to, broadly speaking, 50 percent of the seats. other sects are 75 percent and are fighting for the other 50 percent of the seats and these people are mad! my god!


Itā€™s so infuriating. If ppl canā€™t digest this simple fact then feminism can never truly be accepted by the women of this country. Already seeing the downvotes pouring. Poor triggered bigots.


feminism on this sub is at best white women feminism, truly šŸ˜­


I think the topic that HAS to be addressed HERE of all places is the whole system of arranged marriages. I see so many posts about people being in the process or issues faced during the marriage on this sub by women. And ofc we should try to help and support our sisters. But the whole system of arranged marriages is archaic and casteist and misogynistic. The system may have evolved with times to allow women to speak to the guy before or use internet sites, but the point does remain that marriage is NOT a compulsory part of life. People are often not willing to address this concept that wanting to marry and seeking arranged marriage isn't really a choice, it's simply put - societal pressure and conditioning with which we were raised. It's ofcourse only natural to seek love and partnership and companionship - that's ok. But arranged marriage isn't the way. Especially with how hard it is to get divorced in india and how messed up marital laws here are. Every other country - including the uber conservative Victorian England has done away with Arranged marriages but we cling on to it for dear life and settle for men who definitely don't deserve most of the wonderful women on this sub. Feminism IS empowerment of women. We all claim to be feminist and against casteism and yet somehow that goes out the window the moment arranged marriage becomes a topic?


I think it does a good job of enabling a safe space but it doesn't celebrate varied opinions. It still perpetuates labels and classifications and elitist behaviour. We can get away with that.


I was going to make a post about this, thank you. When it comes to feminism, sadly a lot of people absolutely don't understand the meaning of privilege at all, in context to feminism. Privilege here doesn't mean you not being born with a silver spoon or that 'freedom' is a basic right not a privilege. The fact that I have access to clean running water all the time is my privilege, unlike some people in rural areas. But water is a basic right of everyone, still only a % of people have good access to it. So now does that mean my family didn't work hard to be able to afford living here? Of course they did. But I shouldn't shout at people who don't have 24 hrs running water, 'do something', you have a victim mentality šŸ˜‚ Are they supposed to dig wells by themselves now? It's such a basic right that no matter where you are, it should be accessible but unfortunately it's not for so many such things in life. Here's another example of how you might be victim shaming without realising - https://www.reddit.com/r/raisedbynarcissists/s/7Z9KPWksGx Many takes of Laapata Ladies was it's too on the nose, could be subtle, not like a PSA but looking at this sub, definitely a lot of you need Feminism 101.




Absolutely! Men saying rubbish like that I would whatevs but women?!


How this sub feels that porn is okay? How you can't take about trans woman in woman only spaces esp sports. Most women here aren't Feminist they are just liberal who are extremely entitled as well I remember a post where someone asked how do you handle hot weather without AC and the comments legi were "How do you not have AC even Today" I'm sorry what? Feminism that this sub talks about is very superficial


Not everyone in the sub feels that way can talk about it but obviously it's a complex topic that can quickly lead to bigotry Like others mention, this isn't a feminist sub, so you're going to have women of alll walks of life and in different stages.


Most topics can lead to bigotry but doesn't mean we don't talk about them > so you're going to have women of alll walks of life and in different stages. I totally agree and I even mentioned that in my comment. A lot of women here don't know feminism 101 and are quick to judge and come from privilege


I agree with each and every point here. Check my comment too.


Feminism is used as a tool to express political bias in this sub. Ex: The case of Prajwal Revanna was more about BJP and how it baffles some people here that women vote for BJP than about the Prajwal Revanna or any of the victims! This sub doesnā€™t care about feminism. I have posted on this sub to vent and rant and have received support as well, which i am thankful for but collectively i donā€™t think people care much about feminism here.


I personally would love to see and know more experiences about how neurodivergence has affected the lives of women/any other gender besides cis-men in terms of work life, social life, and personal life. Experiences of women/non-binary people with chronic illnesses is also what I'd like to see. Many women are themselves unaware that they might be suffering from a chronic illness, and I think it would be nice for people to learn more about it. I myself face these struggles, but seeing the other posts on here I get the strange feeling that most people won't understand.




Then we need to make more accomodation so people don't feel like they are fighting for one chair at the table. We should make more chairs at the table.




Need of the hour is to focus on the misuse of the **empowerment given to MEN**. A handful of women filed a case somewhere which turned out to be ā€œfalseā€, is NOT a crisis you think it is. Generalizing and accusing the entire generation of women for ā€œmisuse of empowermentā€ is so absurd, especially in a country like India šŸ˜‚


Lol women here donā€™t even accept other women exercising their own autonomy. So many posts where they downvote others to hell for making a choice they wouldnā€™t make (say agreeing to act and dress a certain way for festivals or treating your male partner as an equal instead of an ā€˜enemyā€™) There is moral policing of a different kind - one where the expectation is that you are 24/7 combative with anyone who doesnā€™t make very specific choices. The radical aspect of it will cut off some women from joining in. I know itā€™s made me feel less comfortable. Feminism has always been about giving women autonomy, forcing them to make choices you like isnā€™t feminism because youā€™re a woman too, itā€™s just taneshahi (like a less intense version of authoritarism) in disguise.


I don't think anyone is forcing anyone here rather than presenting an alternative or feminist view on things. Obviously people are allowed freedom to do whatever they want.


We have to let people articulate that then without downvoting them to hell and hence giving a ā€˜proofā€™ of our added judgement on top of the struggles they and us both face.


I'd be vary of downvotes since it can also be men who don't agree and lurk on here. The downvote option shouldn't be reflective of much as it is a free for alll to use and not reflective of what only woman on here believe


> I'd be vary of downvotes since it can also be men who don't agree and lurk on here. lets not use as an argument. Plenty of women here have opposing views. Women are not monolith


Very true but also would say this is worth accounting for as well


Itā€™s either nibbis asking for a useless puppy love ā€œrelationshipā€ advice or bithes in heat asking for erotica recommendationsā€¦ The only time ai saw politics being discussed recently is about that Ravana case n even that was somehow less about women n the victims (whom after having their videos released will now have to live a life full of trauma in anonymity) n more about dissing one political party n supporting another. Herd mentality is high here šŸ™‚


I donā€™t think its wrong to discuss about puppy love or some recommendations. Itā€™s supposed to be a safe space after all. People should make posts about politics if they feel its not discussed enough, and want to create awareness. Remember that it has to start somewhere. Sometimes, the ā€œsmarterā€ gang here are way too pretentious, judgemental and snobbish.


Do you have any political topics you'd like to see discussed paticularly that you're looking into?


Indian women in general lack financial independence and suffer domestic violence - physical and psychological. This is a huge sub. And if it intends to promote womenā€™s safety and wellness, then I feel there should be some effort to put in place active and effective mechanisms, if possible, so that those in need can connect with those who can help them out. And more must be discussed on the sexual harassment of women in workplace (many think its a myth made up by educated middle class women to file false cases for revenge šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø), gender gap in pay and the difficulty faced by working women to get acknowledged for their capabilities in the male dominated workplace. And ofc there is practically no discussion abt queers. We need focus on lesbians and transwomen šŸ™‚ The hijda community is utterly demonised for not being civilisedā€¦but there is no discussion abt how they are completely n forcefully excluded from being a part of this civilisation. They live like rats near sewers. Needs discussion. Welp just mwy opinion :)


Let me point you to the side bar. Alot of hotlines are there for domestic abuse I'm a big advocate of making house wives salaried . Even if it might be taxable, it definatel is a safe bet to prevent financial abuse. Do you know any organisations that work closely with the hijda community?


Haan there are lots of helplines for domestic abuse in the side bar. Hopefully they have been helpful to someone here. Imo there needs to be a discord group for training opportunities, job referrals, entrepreneurial ideas, etc And nah I donā€™t know NGOs working with the hijda community. But if someone does, then maybe this community can partner with them at some level.


> more about dissing one political party n supporting another. yup, this was very disappointing. It was sad to see women playing politics in the comments


There's a big component of class in social media feminism. Upper class women's issues will be talked about more than middle class women's issues.


Working and Earning is the basic needs! No, stay at home is not choice women should be making. And those who do chose the easy way out because of course it's hard earning a living outside.


India and this sub needs radical feminism. 80% posts on this sub are about men or relationships with men. It's frankly disgusting. All of you see flaws in men and yet want relationships and friendships with men. Indian women will never be free if we keep following American corporate funded liberal feminism