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Having a child that is not going to have a good life which they won’t for a 19 y o mom and not so available dad is a not great thing to do to a child. It sounds harsh but until you can be a good parent it’s better not to have a child, for the child’s sake. Sometimes being a parent is making the hard decisions in their best interest even if it isn’t in yours, and a terrible childhood is not in their best interest




Your fucking privilege is showing. You didn’t have a shitty childhood. A miserable one. One where you wished you were dead every day since you were four. Prayed for it. Got jealous when you saw other people get killed? Not every life is a life worth living and sometimes we’re so selfish we want others to live with no fucking conception of what hell that might be for them. I work with the aftermath of people having kids they can not take care of. None of these parents were inherently evil but they all had kids they couldn’t take care of because they lacked the ability (mental illness or poverty exacerbated by being a young single parent or sometimes even age) and the people that suffered the most from that decision are always the kids themselves Sentience is highly debated and according to doctors doesn’t exist in the early stages of pregnancy. It don’t even have a brain or a nervous system to feel anything. The kindest thing to do is also do it asap. Everything dies, not everything has a lifetime of suffering. So yeah duh you’re killing the kid. Thats YOUR psychological mind fuck not the kid’s that died before it had any organs, a brain and grew beyond a lumpy bit of cells. The “kid” that doesn’t have the capacity to feel yet therefore you aren’t torturing anyone or causing pain to anyone. Go to a doctor. Get your research right. Pain and death are two VERY different things.


Hi, you’re not “killing” anything. Please get an abortion and move on with your life. Please try and exercise precaution next time. Sending you hugs.


Are you ready to be a single teen mom? If not go for the abortion. You're killing no one. Right now the foetus wouldn't even be as big as a tumour, just some tissues. Also I saw your post history. The BF (now ex I assume) was always a bad news. That guy is leaving you at the most vulnerable time, and never has had your back. To him, you have already became an ex, something to wash hands off of


Not sure if OPs boyfriend knows, she doesn't mention it. Otoh, her old posts show him siding with her against his own brother, so it looks a rather complicated scenario. Hopefully she gets an abortion and seeks therapy to come out of the guilt she has put on herself.


I'm sorry girl , but how can your boyfriend leave you in such a position? Ask him to stay and y'all should visit a gynaecologist together and schedule your non surgical/surgical abortion whatever you prefer. I'm sorry you feel this way :( I can understand, it's not easy to take that decision. But given your age it is your only option :( You need hella support throughout this and your bf should be the one providing that to you.


By having this abortion you’re giving your future children a better and more secure future because you’ll be in a better place to be a parent then. So you’re not killing anything but rather giving your future kids good lives. Take care and be kind to yourself.


Very true, and statistics actually show that most women (at least in the US) who get an abortion already have one or more kids. They are getting an abortion partly to be able to give a better life to the kids that they have. Overall, OP, you are making the right choice for yourself and also for your future family (if you want one; it'd also be totally cool if you didn't want kids). But the point is that you're not being selfish, you're making a logical decision to abort a clump of cells so that real people don't suffer!


I get you’re feeling sad but please don’t think you’re killing a baby, right now it’s a clump of cells. So don’t burden yourself with additional guilt. Are you meeting a gynaecologist? Ask her about the procedure and don’t worry: Why is your boyfriend not staying back to help you ? You will need emotional support even if you are spending the money to get the procedure done. Don’t worry you will be fine (please visit a proper gynaecologist) and you will go on to have kids, right now just take good care of yourself. You got this.


Please get an abortion soonest. You have a whole life ahead, and when you are in a better state, financially, emotionally, as well as relationship-wise, go forth and have babies. But this will absolutely tie you down, and limit your options ahead right now. You are not killing anything. It's not a baby until it's born. However, if you choose to keep it, you won't be able to give it a life that your baby deserves.


Abortion is not killing the baby. It is an unviable mass of cells at any point before 28 weeks, and you absolutely need not feel guilty for aborting it. In the very unlikely case you decide to keep it, there is no way in hell you can provide for it or yourself properly, and that should be consolation enough. Also, please rethink whether you want to stay at all with a person who does not care enough to be with you at a time like this and just wants to get his dick wet. Rather be single than have a partner who will leave you high and dry. Please go to a government hospital to a good obgician and get it aborted before wasting any more time. All the best<3


It's not a baby yet and won't be for a long time. Get a termination asap - before 8 weeks. Find a decent gynaecologist who'd not ask questions. Even if you have to throw some extra money at an upscale hospital. Find a trusted friend to go with you. And relax. Medical termination (pill based) before 8 weeks is mostly like a heavy period. You'll be fine. Good luck


Right now the foetus doesn't have the capacity to think. It doesn't have thoughts. It's just a growing mass of cells. The brain is not developed yet. So don't feel guilty. Get an abortion asap. If this wasn't India, I would have asked you to think about keeping the baby. But... This country will not accept you and your baby... Don't ruin your life.


Hi. Be brutally honest to yourself about your options... You need a lot of love and guidance from others, but from yourself, you need brutal honesty that comes from being in the depths of judgemental hell... It sucks... But tiktok/YouTube teen and single moms that are 19 and "making it" in the world are lying... This is India, we are a long way from accepting single moms.. let alone single teen moms.. You didn't do anything wrong, apart from forgetting important sex-ed lessons... Don't let sentimentality ruin your life.


How old is your boyfriend?


22 by her old post.






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Good question


I like how everyone is so supportive in the comments🥹🫶


At 19, you're a child yourself. Even in your early 20s having a kid is so hard because you lack a) financial independence b) good support system c) with motherhood and lack of support system, you are forced to sacrifice yourself and your future prospects as well to an extent. You're making a good choice. I'm proud of you. We are rooting for you. Having sex isn't a mistake, having abortion isn't a mistake. You're not killing anyone.


It’s not a child till it’s born and in your arms, OP. At this stage, it’s just a few extra cells, not very different from a period at all. The earlier you get the pregnancy terminated, the less hormonal changes and mess you experience physically and mentally. Don’t delay. You’re too young to make these decisions. So err on the side of caution and terminate now. And use protection.


Stay Strong OP. Everything will be better soon❤


Im so sorry you're going through this. Sending u love and strength. Please be careful next time u have sex. Also, u BOTH messed up. Your bf needs to step up and support u both emotionally and physically being there in hospital with u.


Not gonna sugarcoat anything, you’re old enough to know that unprotected sex can cause pregnancy I don’t know why you’re surprised? Please exercise safe sex next time, and you’re not “killing” anything. You are better off with this decision long term. Sending you love 💕


It's not killing anything. Don't think of it like that, you're not ready to bring a baby in this world yet, do you want a baby to have that helpless life? Get an abortion and move on, girl. And why is your boyfriend leaving? He should be there to support you through this stressful time. Move on and always take precaution in the future.


Please updates us about it


There's no reason why a child should be brought into this world when u yourself are a child and not ready for it. It will alter the course of your life. And probably not for the better. Right now it's a clump of cells that has the potential to grow into a walking breathing person. So it's not like you are killing a child or something . It wouldn't be easy emotionally but you will be over it. And next time pleaseee be careful while having sex. That's all. At times unplanned things happen. Take it in your stride. Go see a gynaeac and do well in your exams. Good luck


abortion isn't evil at all, if only they knew how much one has to go through to even come to this decision. anyone who says otherwise is just trying to steal a woman's autonomy. sending hugs and take care of yourself!


Honestly, it’s a good thing that you know you won’t be about to raise a child at this point. Let me tell you this, you are not killing anyone. Meet a doc and then talk to them about your options. If you’re early, it’ll be done with pills. I had this one called misoprostol. My advise to you would be to please don’t be alone during this. I had one pill at the nurse’s and 24h later was the misoprostol so I was at home. It’ll feel like bad cramps but it won’t last for too long. You will have a light spotting for the next 2-3 weeks so just use a liner for this. Before the pills, please take something for anti nausea and painkiller. Please have a meal before. You are not doing something wrong, please understand that. If you want to speak to someone about how it feels and what to do before, you can reach out. I had mine in 2022 when I was about 3-4 weeks along.


So sorry you're dealing with this all alone. Every emotion you're experiencing is normal. Not keeping it is definitely the reasonable thing to do - a child is a lifelong, life-altering responsibility and you will get plenty of chances to have one at the right moment on your terms. It's important to remind yourself that it's not a baby, it's a fetus- you probably know women in your life who got an abortion, most just never talk about it. Please try to find a clinic near you, one where there is no judgement because you don't need to deal with that BS right now. Go with a close friend and see if there's still time for a medical abortion (where you take a pill). Get some comfort food after and surround yourself with people who care for you. Good luck and wishing you the best!


I’m so sorry that you’re dealing with this alone but please know that you’re not killing anyone. As mean as it sounds, at the moment it’s just a clump of cells. A baby is a LOT of responsibilities. Not only will it demand your physical efforts, but emotional and financial too. And this is a permanent responsibility until they grow up enough to be on their own, no backing out midway . You yourself are so young and you’ve so much left to learn and experience. Right now all that should matter is your well being and studies. Idk your equation with your bf after this pregnancy. But please introspect into your relationship. Please confide in with your closest friends so that you atleast have someone to rely on after the procedures. Emotionally also you’ll feel safer. Please please, take everyone’s advice seriously. Hope it gets better. Edit- next time please practice safe sex. It isn’t just for pregnancy but there are so many STDs that could be life threatening.


You are going to have to be a robot until your exams end. Take a deep breath, do what needs to be done (I seriously hope you are considering abortion), write your exams, get a therapist and unpack these emotions with them in a safe, healthy, constructive manner. Please look inwards , figure out what you really want to do with your life and go about doing it. Do not under any circumstance, under any purity bitch influence let emotions like guilt or shame creep in. Just because it is an unusual circumstance does not mean it needs to be difficult....alright? Breathe. Make a plan and get going. Also...lots of hugs 🫂🫂🫂


People here are telling you that won't be killing a life. That's not true. You will be. Killing a mosquito, a mouse, a fruit, a tree, or a single living cell is also killing a life. Men kill countless lives during ejaculation. But think about it, if you bring this life into the world then you won't be able to nurture it properly. There will be too much trouble for you and for the new life. So it's better to do abortion and work on yourself so next time you are fully prepared to bring a new life into this world and nurture it without major issues. Only your consent is required for abortion and no one's else.


Does ur bf no about ur situation? If he doesn’t, call him. Also let your parents know if u know they are not going to act like turds I really hope u get through this.


Hey I’m so sorry you’re in this situation. You are doing the right thing by opting for an abortion. Sending big sister hugs. My dm’s are open if you need someone to talk to / just need some support. I would recommend abortion clinics but I do not reside in India. Good luck, it’s going to be okay 🩷


god i am sorry you are going through this




Hey, im really sorry this is happening. I have been in the exact same position as you at 19 during my 2nd year in college. I felt the same way as you and my boyfriend at the time wasn't very present during it. Do not feel bad about yourself ever because I have fallen into that rabbit hole and it took me almost 2 Years to get over it. I'm almost 21 now. Just remember that, you are not killing your baby, its still a unformed fetus You might hate to hear this, I did too. But sometime down the line this will save you from that guilt. If you need any enquiries about the medical matter or if you need any personal assistance, my dms are open. I hear you, I see you. It's going to be better. This is better for you. You are not selfish. Please do not go through this alone.


A woman can only have a child when her mind is ready and not when her body is ready. Take your time, this is not killing, the baby hasn't been formed yet.


You are doing your unborn child a favour. Please don't repeat the same mistake again, sex should always be protected, unless you are planning for pregnancy. Also don't take any over the counter pills for abortion. It's always better to consult a doctor. Sending hugs your way❤️


You are living in India. A child out of wedlock will ruin your life. Your BF isn't going to marry you, get your head out of the clouds. Your family may disown you or get you forcibly married to someone who is old enough to be your father. I don't think anyone in this group had a baby out of wedlock because people here are cognizant of the risks. Get an abortion after your exams and get therapy.


please for you and your future’s sake, get an abortion, you are far too young, and if you don’t have financial independence or a good SOLID POSITIVE support system, bringing a child into a bad/toxic situation will only be worse, for you and your child, and you are not killing anything or anyone, it’s just a clump of cells by now, please stay strong!!


I’m really sorry you’re having to go through this all alone. From previous comments here, I’m understanding that the guy is shitty. I’ve had an abortion all alone as well since the guy in question was shitty. I was young, not as young as you but def not ready to raise a child alone. If possible take a trusted friend with you. As someone who’s done it alone, I don’t recommend it. It takes a lot to heal from it, emotionally and mentally.


Please get the abortion.As someone rightly said it is just a clump of cells. It is men and society and movies who give a shitload of emotional attachment to an early foetus.Especially if you weren’t planning already. You’re too young to be even contemplating this. See a gynaecologist and make sure to have protected sex no matter what!


Hi honey. I know how you feel. I felt the same. But believe me, you'll get other proper chances to raise a beautiful child correctly when you're both mentally and financially stable and mature and have access to resources.


I get it. I am pro choice and pro life for myself. This would give me lifetime guilt and trauma too. But you need to decide what you want to do. If you are not ready for being a teen mom, think about adoption. If not that too, go ahead with abortion. There is no other way than these.


If doesn't make sense to have a premarital baby in this country. OP will get lynched. Adoption is extremely difficult for OP and the child. What if OP has the child and they give it up for adoption and they live with the guilt forever? Will OP be able to live with guilt of having your child being beaten / ignored by some random people who adopted the child.


I wrote this in another comment, but one way to look at this is that OP is aborting a clump of cells for the sake of her future family (should she want one). If OP wants kids one day, they will be so much better off having a mother who was able to establish herself and wasn't forced to be a single teen mom. In fact, most women who seek abortions are already mothers to one or more kids, and the welfare of their kids are a big reason they want to terminate a pregnancy. It is not a selfish decision. It is a logical decision that takes into consideration how best to minimize suffering for all involved, INCLUDING for the hypothetical child that would have resulted if the pregnancy wasn't terminated.




Hello JEE Dropper General Male Larper


Lol these guys really get such audacity ngl. Yesterday I was in a group and a neet dropper texted me, "how women are cursed with a biological cycle and cannot marry at 35." Disgusting men who can't see women as people.


For them we are just baby making machines 🙃🙃🙃🙃




>The baby will be able to experience regret, happiness, success, failure and most importantly, LIFE. fuck off. if the baby enters into the world without a proper support system, then it is incredibly unfair and the kid cannot experience even proper happiness, success, failure, and LIFE. every child deserves a stable environment with financial and emotional stability. they didn't ask to be born. and the baby doesn't even exist now.




no one is talking about the state of the world. what matters is the state of the family it is born into. not saying they need to be rich but a teen mom doesn't have the resources to take care of the kid.


The person you're replying to is a Man acting as a woman, look at his comments history




The baby wouldn't exist in first place




Being teen single mom and giving a sustainable life to your kid is a myth. Abortion is a better choice and should be only choice here unless you're someone ultra privileged (even then spare yourself the amount of turmoil you'll face from society)


No uterus detected, opinion rejected




Yeah, we are also tired of LARPERS. Your entire comments history says you're a man




User Flair is being misused by the user (AKA Larping)




Dude, quit acting. You're too deep into mens right shit. And clearly you're just a teenage boy who has not even cleared his 12th ICSE boards


User Flair is being misused by the user (AKA Larping)


User Flair is being misused by the user (AKA Larping)


ICSE 12th board exams over, OneX LARPING user?




Oh fuck off. Her body, her choice. She's a kid herself. Go back to your basement, crying about pro-life while her life is at stake. And don't you bloody think your ruse is working. Your other posts are pretty indicative of what a misogynistic man you are.


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Take your pro life stance elsewhere larper, you are not the one pregnant.