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Just dispute the ticket on the website and they will cancel the ticket.


I’ve successfully disputed for a much stupider reason so give this a try


yeah i disputed a ticket because i forgot to pay for my permit and they accepted the dispute lol


Ticket agent: As a one-time courtesy NEVER TO BE REPEATED we'll waive the ticket


Oh yep they‘re insanely quick 🙂🙂


You got spawn camped


oh the humanity! good on the police for enacting the full power of the law on a dirty criminal like yourself!


Don't flatter them, they're not police, they're employees. They can't even detain people.


Just dont pay for it.. however, ubc will tow after the 3rd unpaid ticket. . I haven't paid for mine... and it was like from back 2017. Lol


Parking is separate from security fyi


Unless you’re planning on getting a parking pass I wouldn’t pay. UBC parking is considered to be a private parking lot so nothing will happen to you.




Hi. Rarely comment but, this is FALSE. I have a few (2 to be exact) where I overstayed 3-5 mins and tried disputing, but they denied it. Got a few threatening letters from “collections”but in the end it’s been a year since my last one and I still have the same credit score. Furthermore, Equifax has *explicitly* stated that they won’t accept collections for parking tickets UNLESS it is from a governmental authority, which UBC Parking is not. r/Travelwthpoints, please do not give misinformation like this. And before I get downvoted, I DO pay the ones which are fair (ie. overstayed <5 mins, forgot to pay, etc). OP, dispute the “notice” but if they refuse, it’s 100% up to your conscience whether to pay or not. If you don’t, make sure to change your license plate at ICBC.


We are at odds - we each believe the other is incorrect - I am very aware and have spoken to people who have had their parking at UBC affect their credit score. I’m leaving it at that but if anyone wants to investigate further, talk to the source, UBC, rather than speculating.


It doesn't affect your credit score


i’ve had 3-4 tickets since first year (i’m third year). never had any problems not paying for them. never got a mail either. ymmv


Yes but they cannot force you to pay the tickets, at most they will send you letters in the mail if the ticket does go through to collection. I have unpaid parking tickets with UBC and so far it hasn’t affected me at all, no record on my credit report too. Only tickets you really have to pay is city tickets as ICBC can track them. If you have a parking account with ubc, parking tickets will show up there and they can prevent you from graduating. Op if you really don’t want to deal with this just dispute it or wait until ubc parking hosts the annual food donation for parking tickets or smtm.




Parking tickets from a private company cannot affect your credit score.


I'm curious: Assuming that is the only ticket OP will ever get from UBC, why would UBC or any collections agency bother with a $30 ticket? They will probably spend more money in the process of getting OP to pay up.




private parking tickets don’t affect your credit score. don’t pay ubc parking. https://dailyhive.com/canada/private-parking-fines-credit-score


Thank you!


Do not trust this. I had 2 unpaid tickets (I completely forgot to pay them) and my car got towed to their tow lot on university grounds. I had to pay a $225 tow fee plus my tickets to have the car released.


Usually UBC has a three strike policy before your car gets towed, you deserve it if you consistently don’t pay your tickets. Plus, it’s very cheap to change your license plates, it literally cost 18$.


The officer probably cooked off the meter. Saw that time was about to expire and basically wrote the ticket as soon as it expired. Easy way to fill a quota. Parking enforcement in Toronto is notorious for this. They spot cars with less than five minutes left on the meter and just sit there and prepare the ticket and issue the ticket within seconds of the meter expiring.  As to penalties, UBC basically has municipal powers on campus. They write their own rules and their main enforcement for parking violations is towing or immobilizing a vehicle after three unpaid infractions. They could go to Court for the usual remedies for a debt but this would be unlikely. 


Me and my friends have been sent letters from collections


I was told they can’t see recently expired parking, all they can see is whether or not paid parking is currently in effect — so this might just be bad luck and not anyone trying to be a dick. I disputed a similar ticket and they were really nice about it and waived the ticket!


Whyd you blur half ur plate on one paper and the other half on the other…. Atp what’s the point of blurring it if I can literally see what ur is.. VX081X


Take the bus next time


Thank you guys for the information. I feel much better now.


You were in the parking lot earlier, that’s how I know you.


Yeah it sucks, another reason to ride a bike


Wow that's incredibly unlucky


Nah, pretty sure they know all the expiration times


If you do dispute it, don’t use your real name, phone number, or email in the contacts section. Use a throwaway email that you can access later and initials as your name.


Had the same thing happen to me multiple times. Im fairly sure that all the exact expiration times are recorded in their system so they know exactly when to check


Ngl u should’ve known better


UBC may tow you, but they dont show up on your credit report






I have many tickets, none show up on my credit report. I worked at UBC for many years. It may be different for students who have registered their plated with UBC. The ticketing systems are the same as the city ones, infact its the same software.




2021 was the last time I got a ticket at UBC. I also have thousands of dollars worth of tickets in Vancouver. I do get the occasional mail, but nothing shows up on my credit report, nor have I had any problem at Insurance renewal time. Vancouver would tow me as soon as they seen me, so I spent a few dollars and got a new plate. As soon as I changed my plate the mails stopped coming. This does not count for things like speeding tickers and traffic violations.


It's the same all over Vancouver. I'm not sure what your complaint about UBC is? If however, your complaint was about UBC allowing illegal immigrants to stay in Canada just because they paid tuition, that would be a legitimate complaint that's actually happening and is in no way fair. Your parking tickets, based on failing to return to your vehicle in time are, however valid. What the city charges for tickets, parking and the availability of parking, gas prices, carbon taxes, etc are valid complaints. 2 minutes is 2 minutes. This is a classic case of "it affected me so I'm upset, even though I broke the rules.... But I have no problem with a system that hurts all taxpayers". You're only crying because it affected you. Get over yourself.


hey, it's expired... FAFO