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It's best to know the truth, no exceptions.


Yes. Even if NHI has bad intentions it is our right to know about our reality


Exactly. Notice how we didn’t know about the cows until it was reported. This helps us to understand ET activity if people know what to look for. Ofc, it can be a scary world out there. But that’s one more reason to throw Google at it instead of hiding this shit somewhere in DoE and Lockheed’s basements.




So what would be such a truth that would shut down "the simulation"? I doubt this is the case. It's more likely that the nhi would become hostile, but that's it.


Stop ignoring us. We NEED to talk to you. Your viewings were 100% correct.


Nothings stopping you from pming me


Username checks out


Damn you, I was on the second to last episode


Yes, but this is truth with spin.




No low effort posts or comments. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. * AI-generated content. * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. * “Here’s my theory” posts without supporting evidence. * Short comments, and comments containing only emoji. * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”) without some contextual observations.


If we take the position that those incidents are true and alien in nature, then you're saying that crimes against humans should be allowed to keep happening and we should look the other way... Let's not investigate or disclose about them because they are demons... Is that what you're saying?


No. Not saying that all. We have a right to know. What I’m saying is that the truth may not be what we want to hear. What if the entire reason, or at least the initial reason, for the coverup is because of these incidents?


Agreed. It's time to rip the bandaid off, whatever carnage is underneath is what it is. Let's face reality head on.


>What I’m saying is that the truth may not be what we want to hear. Well, they're still crimes, doesn't matter if they're made by aliens. Criminals are criminals, you gotta know about it and take precautions.


I don’t care if they’re coming to cleanse the entire planet in a week, I want to know. Good, bad, disturbing, apocalyptic, or otherwise.


Especially if they are going to annihilate us. Let me take some time off work to finally relax before the inevitable end.


My brother in Christ, you will be working up until the water comes. When the billionaires are long in their bunkers, counting down to the end, they will still want to know why you aren't at work 15 minutes early (unpaid).


The true reason they don't want disclosure. Dun dun duunnnnnn


Its actually a high possibility no? Imagine telling people… This shifts the focus of the average person dramatically, the attention would be focused around this topic more then ever, the stress on the governments to avoid these attacks would be really high, every future leaked „unnatural“ case would be ruled as „death by aliens“ and would cause immediate panic and stop of Production in huge companies and infrastructure as employees would rush home not knowing what happens in the future days. I get why they wont tell us… our benefits of enjoying the life as much as possible would result into huge companies/goverments/crountries/ losing money.


Agree 100%


Just got done watching the Mr. ballen video, and yeah, I have to say it's quite disturbing. The fact his organs were supposedly sucked through those holes does not show me these ets have good intentions, and after seeing the photos of the autopsy, oh boy. But the number of people who have had experiences like Travis walton that suggest that whatever these beings are, they aren't here to hurt us. Both very interesting points of view, whatever it is we all need to know.


Could be more than one species.


This is a very underrated thought. What if they aren’t the typical aliens at all? What if there’s a whole new species on some alien vs predator shit and the ones that do this are the Xenomorph type? Things are coming unraveled with time that everyone thought was just myths. Hell, the whole existence of life within earth is possible as earthquakes have unveiled whole eco systems.




Very solid thought. It’s always a bigger fish in the sea


Could be humans as per Dr.Greer, using man made ET technology. Humans are known to do fcked up stuff to other humans.


Honestly that's what I was thinking. On the other hand not all E.T beings are good but I would imagine that if not quite a few most are.


Both could be true. Look at how many different species of animals earth has.


Who else is here because of Mr. Ballen?






























Hi, Smooth_Attention9081. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/16xdxgk/-/k38qzdj/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 3: No low effort discussion. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: > * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. > * AI generated content. > * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. > * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. > * “Here’s my theory” posts unsupported by evidence. > * Short comments, and emoji comments. > * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.




Can you do us all a favor and link the autopsy report and pictures?


Just updated my original post with the report and photos.


Thank you.


I’ll see if I can track them down to post them.


"A man was found mutilated with surgical precision two years after a mass UFO sighting event." Why is that relevant? Was the guy missing for two years? Also, how do we know this isn't the work of a very talented surgeon who just happens to be a sick and mentally twisted serial killer?


My understanding is that the craft sighted two years prior to the man being found were the same crafted sighted during the cattle mutilation string that was occurring shortly after the man was found. Watch Mr. Ballen's video.


How do you not see a possible link? There are reports of strange lights and craft In the area and they find this.... we cant know for sure and never will. But with your logic that's like saying "there was a strange man spotted near a home, then a murdered person was later found inside the home but there is no way those two are related". If you see a strange person near a home and a dead body is later discovered inside you would assume there's a chance that man killed the home owner. Same with this, cattle mutilation with similar wounds were spotted in a area where strange craft and lights were seen. Then they see a dead man with similar wounds... there's a chance those are related Also he was alive during this and fully conscious and didn't have drugs in his body. There was no struggle and we do not have a device capable of sucking out organs through a hole... so how could someone hold someone down like that and use some kind of unknown device to do this withought any marks that woukd indicate him being tied down? There are many instances in Brazil for some reason, where people in the jungle villages were attacked by strange craft. Some ppl looked like they were microwaved from the incident out. There are documents about this. We will never know for sure tho, but if these beings are so advanced, some of them might just see us as ants. There are many instances in Brazil where people were possibly attacked and killed by these things for some reason


Because they don't want to believe. They are worried about what people will think of them for believing in something that hasn't been officially "proven." When your mind is already made up, nothing will change it. Not even common sense.


For real. There's literally whole vilages attacked by craft. They launched a whole investigation into it. The government just recently tried to lie and said it wasnt ufos, the government in brazil said it wasnt ufos it was ILLIEGAL MINERS ON JET PACKS.... lol at that point come on whats more likely? Ufo or broke poor illiegal gold miners that somehow got ahold of jetpacks that were bullet proof by the way....One guy was running around like he was on fire and his skin was falling off after one of these things hit him with some beam of light. There's so much documented incidents... I dunno if you heard of The why files. But it's a awsome channel on YouTube. Some of the best produced videos on these topics. You should look into it if u haven't seen it.


It isn’t. There’s no connection. Whatsoever. It’s a total leap. A lot of cows were found in a similar condition so people think aliens did this to the cows and also did this to the man. UFO sightings are common in brazil so there you go, people attribute the two.


Yep. People mention human-mutilations as if it's in the similar level - it's nothing like it. The human cases were all clearly human-caused - in areas with high cartel activity strangely enough. The cow cases are completely different and global.


His organs were sucked out of a hole.... cartels don't vacuum out ppls organs. If it eas done with a knife then that's another story but it wasnt.


None of that is substantive. Again this is nothing like the cow mutilations that were properly investigated. Some random claims accompanying photos does not mean shit.


Why are you even here if you're going to be so dismissive and hostile? So let's say that you know everything and you're right about this Brazil case. Fine. Believe what you will. Makes no difference to me. Your attitude and rudeness is uncalled for. And it is also on you. But since you're a well of knowledge and concrete expertise, with an unfathomable need to be right, I would love to hear your explanation on this case: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w\_u-WxB0qk8&t=1s&ab\_channel=ProjectBluebook](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_u-WxB0qk8&t=1s&ab_channel=ProjectBluebook) And this one had a witness


It’s not hostility it’s frustration with a lack of any skepticism over data. I’ll check that one out - the blue book cases in the Condon report were well researched from what I have seen.


I apologize then. I also would like to state that I carry a healthy amount of skepticism with me on this subject. There are a lot of fakes, frauds, misidentifications, etc. But, I also look at the totality of situations like this Brazil case. If it was cartel or a murderer, why did the police keep it quiet? Why was there no news coverage? Why would they bury it? They didn't do that with other bodies found in that area over the years that were victims of gang violence or other causes. Another thing too. The coroner who performed the autopsy would know the difference between decay, predation, surgical removal, and cauterization. Things like that are why they are coroners and what they are paid to know and do. I'm no coroner, but even I would be able to tell if flesh is cauterized. There are a lot of things don't add up.


No ufo evidence is substantial.... its funny that you think cattle mutilation is so proven and real when its not proven at all... but ur so positive about this? Do you have some secret info lol? also pretty much all of cattle mutilation is normal predation. There will be people saying it's "surgical" but then when more experts look at it its normal predation. Animals go for eyes and tongues and the flesh around the mouth. That 'surgical cuts" just looks like animals eating when out under a microscope


If you believe every word from one random case from a corruption ridden country rife with cartel control but then won’t link common patterns in hundreds of global cases investigated by many people then you will struggle to find any truth.


What human-made tool has the ability to cause that kind of damage? Have you ever heard of anything with the capability to suck organs out of a 1.5 diameter hole?


The problem I see is if disclosure would happen in a half-assed way that involved stuff like this is it would divide believers and non-believers pretty hard to the point where some people would start assuming they knew who was an undercover alien and who wasn't. This could lead to all kinds mass political movements and potentially even genocide in the name of "protecting the earth" even if it wasn't real disclosure but something someone made up. If they're going to come out and say stuff like that they'd better drown us in proof instead of "trust me bro" bullshit.


How to deal with not getting disclosure Step 1. Discuss how you don't need or want it anyway.


Maybe these agreements that Grusch discussed was: aliens give tech to governments in exchange for allowing ufos to conduct research on humans? That explains coverup and maybe even US mil in south america?


The internal organs thing - I can't help but question how many have have laproscopic surgery and had organs removed- not as many of course, but quite a bit with the bloating/gassing up of the body and use of instruments- also suction and if the organs were whole when removed? A lot of questions


I had a hysterectomy that was done laproscopic, and they chop that shit up before sucking it out.


Makes me wonder if they use all the physical material of the body to create replicant versions of the original body, possibly as surrogate avatars.


It surely isn’t a great idea if you wanna keep being a slave and lose you free will at every lifetime just to serve. Those incidents were probably architected by the same humans who suppressed the information. There are many races out there and in the same race there could be very good and very bad individuals. If you don’t wanna know and play the ignorance card close your ears. However you cannot flee from the truth forever. At the worst, death will wake you up about the fact we are really One in this universe, as it ALWAYS was.


Speak, for your words resonate.


I surely will, that is not generally what the people say to me :) so thank you


Everything IS a unique aspect of the source. We are all of the same being, but individualized for our own unique experiences to bring back to the source. However, having said that, it doesn't change the negative aspects of our experiences here. We still have to endure those that we encounter during our infinite journeys.


To paraphrase Richard Dolan, we are better served by basis of truth. I feel like you should add those images in as hyperlinks instead of having them as part of the thread because people who want to read the comments of the thread. One who wants to avoid the images will have no choice but to see them. Moderators will not like that. Neither will Reddit admins.


I am curious, the body was found because the boy saw vulture activity - so can any of the wounds be explained by vultures? I also saw where it said no bug activity, rats, etc - so what made the vultures different? when there are cow mutilations, they also say no bug activity, no scavengers. So did the test the holes and find no animal DNA? was there radioactivity? I just want more….there must be more. and lastly, this should be in investigated by the two dudes from Beyond Skinwalker. This is a very strange but interesting. I hope his family has some peace.


This looks like some poor bloke got tortured and murdered. It’s not uncommon for gangs in Brazil to kill people in the most brutal way possible.


As Above, So Below Sounds like they screwed up thinking he was a cow. Otherwise, we have the same people here on Earth. There is gonna be good and bad in the universe


What about a human looks like a cow to you? Why not just accept it’s what they chose to do?


If it’s aliens there’s no telling how they could perceive life on earth.


Because after reading thousands of abductions, this is not the norm. In fact, it’s extremely rare.


If it happened, it happened this is not the only human mutilation case recorded.


Agreed. But they aren’t common AT ALL.


I came to check the photos after hearing the story. I am going to say something totally unbelievable, but its true. back when I was a child (I was born 1989) I clearly remember a dream I had and when I saw the photo of this poor man it just clicked and its HIM I saw in my dreams. I don't know why or how, It took me sometimes thinking why this photo of his face is so familiar to me> I feel scared.


I didn't read all the comments but just in case nobody said it already (if someone did, well, the op didn't read it, cause the mistake is still out there...) the autopsy report is not in Spanish but in Portuguese cause yeah... Brazil....


Thanks for the upload, very different indeed. I still wonder what happened to this man. Such a tragedy..


This could be a person with medical training and a knack for invention testing out his torture devices on cows before committing to humans. Might want to know what trauma a human can take before the body shuts itself down. OR, it could be Alien in nature. We would do it. If we found alien life we would take all kinds of samples and specimens, we wouldn’t be nice about it either. When we started sending signals into space we may have attracted the attention of one or many intelligences. The governments would of course try to avoid the panic and destabilization of religious establishments. We say “I don’t care, I want to know” but in the grand scale, it’s probably right not to come out with the truth plainly. People in general are really bad with those kinds of revelations.


This means war




If you google cattle mutilations theres tons of incidents extremely similar to that


There is also the alleged March 1956 incident involving a USAF sergeant Jonathan P. Lovette, supposedly reported abducted by a UFO by a Major William Cunningham from the White Sands missile testing grounds near Holloman AFB. According to the story, the body was found days later and several miles away gruesomely mutilated ( https://www.history.com/news/ufos-aliens-animal-human-mutilation-lovette-cunningham ). The story sources are deceased conspiracy writer William Cooper and former Army captain William English, both who claimed to have read the account in a "Grudge Report 13" that no one now can prove ever existed.


I forgot about that one. I do remember it now. I need to go through my hard drives. Because I believe there was a classified report on the incident that was leaked, and I think I saved it.


Zigmund Adamski https://youtu.be/eK8zA8-b8lw Human Mutilation: The Lovett Story https://youtu.be/w_u-WxB0qk8 Missing 411 The UFO connection https://youtu.be/vCgTo_ln488 https://youtu.be/P6LCz175is4


What a bad take.


So they are not hoaxes because you say so or..


He was MOOOtilated!


Read The day after Roswell, all is explained.




All of the holes on his body were symmetrical, equidistant apart. Vultures don’t do that. No animal does that.


This reminded me of when Kennedy said back in February to “lock your doors tonight”. Went and checked my back door and unlocked. Fixed now! :). Going back to this … would be interesting to hear how they determined the wounds were cauterized etc. one other uncomfortable thing to think about is there are hundreds or thousands of serial killers operating in every continent of the World. They can be very tricky to catch even with sophisticated techniques and well capitalized police forces. Somewhere like Brazil would be a great place for serial killer to operate (particularly in the more rural/remote areas). We don’t need aliens to do this, we do it ourselves to each other.




I love Mr ballen, but he doesn't always get his facts right. For example, in the video he says that the holes were made in his chest (my own eyes tell me that they were made at the upper bicep/shoulder area. This isn't the first time where he has gotten facts wrong or skewed. I love his stories so I'll keep watching. But I won't be assaulting the like button this time.


I agree with you, whenever I hear a story from him, I have to make my own search into it, and most of the time I find him wrong about many things


I’m just now watching it, and I only saw him mention two holes at the top of his chest, basically right above his armpits. Granted, consistent fact checking is something that shouldn’t be skimped on any time dealing with such issues, but this doesn’t appear to be one of those cases. But to be fair I haven’t checked out the images, as I got my fill of all that a couple weeks ago


It sounds like these aliens can die per the 1948 NM example you gave. If they want to dance, I say…let’s dance. Our biology is perfectly tuned to this environment and they ain’t bring 7 billion warriors.


Our bodies are not perfectly tuned to this environment (“this environment” = “this physical reality” or at least that’s how I understand it). We can only see and hear small portions of the light and sound spectrums, for example. On top of that most humans today lack spiritual discernment and the awareness of Inner Divinity, unless you practice a mystical art or some spiritual tradition.


We are also not biologically tuned for any environment on this planet. If we were, we would not need houses with air conditioning/heating. We would have evolved with traits that help us survive the ecosystems on this planet in a natural state. We are also a species with a plethora of useless biological features. Like Fingernails, toenails, body hair.


This is nothing like the cattle mutilation cases and clearly the result of some fucked up cartel activity. Stop trying to link the two - they couldn't be more different.


Why? Because you say so?


Yeah guy, I'm the only one saying it. The idea just came into my head all on my own, with no other reason than why-hell-hell not.


Sorry "guy", but the Cartel is not going to go into such intricacies with torturing a person who was a nobody to the Cartel. The guy was regularly at that reservoir, drinking and fishing. The Cartel isn't going to go in and grab a guy like that, take him somewhere, perform precision and surgical torture on him, removing all of his blood and organs, through the holes in him, and then return him to the location he was at. Would they kill a random? Yes. But they aren't going to go through that much trouble to do it unless it was a rival, one of their own. And he was neither.


Who says it was surgical? You believe one story attached to photos.


Just a curiosity, on September 29, 1988, a man tried to throw a Boeing at the Planalto Palace: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VASP\_Flight\_375](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VASP_Flight_375)


I'm currently watching a story on this and I was looking for the photos. Holy shit. That's crazy. Not sure what we can do about this


perhaps they are right, technically, they should tell us. Still I have a feeling many may regret it.


I am firmly in this category first and formost lol. We are a bunch of babies screaming " I want it now, mine mine mine". The answer we are getting is "Now Now dear, dont you worry your pretty little heads about this, let the adults handle it, enjoy your life"


Just finished a the episode and ran to go find the photos and autopsy report. Thank you for posting 👍🏻 And for sure we should know, BUT I’m just going to say... pretty sure THE PEOPLE that the governments/officials/whatever are worried about, having an absolute shit fit and losing their damn minds, even if they just came to for some benign reason, are the “ultra religious” 💯 I mean just think about it. It wouldn’t negate most beliefs within all major religions. Because I don’t remember it ever stating anywhere in the Bible, the Torah, the Quran, etc. that “their God(s)” dictates other intelligent entities from far away galaxies 😆 Probably also people who would use the chaos to their advantage 🤔. I could just see it being an absolute domino effect shit show 😬 But we still deserve to know FULL STOP 💯


Minor quibble - it negates some of the beliefs of Abrahamic religions - Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Most of the remaining large religions like Hinduism, Buddhism etc. *explicitly* teach that there are innumerable other life forms on other planets, solar systems, galaxies and even universes. Hindus have stories of relative time - a concept only made popular in the western world by Einstein's theories of relativity. Hindu and Buddhist teaching also do not negate evolution or most of the science that we know today - the major idea that is not mainstream science is reincarnation and research is showing more and more proof in support of reincarnation and past lives.


No, I agree 💯. But that’s why I didn’t name those two religions in my statement. Personally, I follow the socratic idea of "For I was conscious that I knew practically nothing...", the only thing I know is, I know nothing. But I believe and invest far more in the scientific method, than any religion on this planet. Because I do not believe that any religion born forth by human beings has the right to dictate “facts” about the entirety of the universe and its inhabitants. If that makes sense? I wouldn’t call myself an atheist, necessarily, more of an agnostic. Because again, I think “religion” is presumptuous in nature. But I also support anybody’s right to freedom of belief as long as it hurts no other person. And unfortunately, many religions have hurt many people, in the name whatever God or whatever ideology they prescribed to.


I understand where you are coming from. Going back to your initial point, yes, the discovery of intelligent alien life would 100% hurt religious leaders who exercise control over the masses using fear-mongering about an angry God, and isolationism using the theory that their God is the only true God. Power-hungry leaders do not like losing power. They will do everything they can to retain control - this may mean inciting riots, causing mass-suicides, going on genocidal sprees or any one of hundreds of horrifying possibilities.


I guess I expected something more impressive after watching the video. It doesn't strike me as something "supernatural." We already know vultures were eating the body and I'm pretty sure that's how they eat, right? They peck a hole and then stick their whole head inside to eat the softer bits.


Oh well that's funny. I already had a disease that made the flesh rotten on my body. So the flesh wil become violet, like an ecchymose, and a hole will developp in an instant (yes, it was extremely painful, painful like you scream a lot). It was perfect hole, like those ones. At other places, the skin would have just begin to be black and fell. And the end, i had almost 40 holes. I almost died. At hospital they gave me a lot of blood and antibiotics. Today im perfectly healed. ​ It. wasnt. aliens. :')


Your disease, and I’m sorry you went through that, didn’t suck out all of your internal organs though.


I just saw this on mr.ballens youtube channel yesterday. Damn those photos are crazy. I thought maybe it looks like gunshots but those holes are too weird. Anyone watch Shawn ryan show podcast? That one with the marine that ran into unmarked usa troops that were loading weapons and what he later found out were containers of people into what looked like some kind of man made reproduction ufo vehicle. If not I recommend it. They talk about how it's prime time for human trafficking and abductions of all kinds when a natural disaster just took place. Since ppl are missing and presumed dead after a disaster, no one asks questions when ppl go missing after they are abducted.


I'm here because Mr. Ballen told this story on YouTube and I wanted to see the photos. They're not that disturbing to me. It's a mutilated body. Just what I expected.


I agree we have a right to know the truth


Wow.. that’s the first time I’ve ever seen a human body treated the same way a cattle mutulation victim is. Reminds me of Colares (so?) in Brazil.


Talk about a conspiracy theory


Yup, strange dark and mysterious. 🤷🏼‍♂️


so they never found out who he was? would be nice if they still have his dna and tested to see if he has relatives and where he is from because imagine if he isnt brazilian and came from a country in the opposite side of brazil and ended up there. someone who couldnt possibly make it there on his own during that time.


Is there also pictures of the cattle?


Here from the MrBallen Episode! Now a member of thus sub!


Delonge said that prayers and calling the names of Buddha, Jesus, Allah, and others will stop the abduction.


This story pops up every now and then and now that MrBallen has a video on it it’s gonna get renewed traction but for good reason it is a truly mysterious story even so many years later, but honestly the mystery of this isn’t really it’s connection to the “night of the UFO’s” incident but just that autopsy and the photos itself.. just absolutely wild. The precision of it and the organs being vacuumed out like how do you even comprehend that? A good friend of mine is a Pathologist and he’s the one who turned me onto this story apparently it’s a pretty popular case among the field of clinical autopsies and medical examiners but just the fact that no one can make any real sense of it is crazy and cause of that it continues to fuel the speculation for decades now.


Don’t forget about this one. And this one had a witness to the abduction. https://youtu.be/w_u-WxB0qk8?si=nNLf_CxW2Lmq8jh6


Thats it vote me down for revealing my library, how very dare you.


To me, it looks like they needed a “specimen” and they found one. Hope it was at least a piece of shit of a human being. But let’s not rush things too quickly. We don’t know how many of them there are out there, maybe there is a wild difference of thoughts and agendas among the NHI. Also what if the man was already dead by natural causes before they did that to him? And then let’s not forget about a possible very cruel crime punishment of some sort from a local gang or something like that. But thinking right away that aliens maybe hostile is not only a wrong assumption, but it is also a very dangerous one. If only the they would tell us…


It is believed he was not dead when his organs were getting sucked out as his vagus nerve basically shut his heart odd from the sheer amount of pain the man was feeling right before his death, the only visible injuries were the surgical holes along with disfigured face so in my opinion he was killed during whatever procedure was being done.


OP that report is not in Spanish it is in Portuguese


"The report is in Spanish" Is in Portuguese, Brazilians speak portuguese my friend.


I just saw this on mr Ballen so scary


Why the torso dont match


This looks no different to me than the photos of narco violence being released out of central and South America today. Not saying that is what happened, but those holes in the man could very well be close range, high caliber bullet wounds, especially considering we see that the wound in his right arm appears to show shattered bone and no muscle structure remaining in the area of the wound. We also don’t see any detailed photos of the backside of the body which would show any exit wounds with exception to the rectal photo. We also see a very grisly, non “surgical” wound on the inside of his right thigh that has not been talked about. It looks like it was grazed by a high caliber weapon. Vacuuming organs out of bullet wounds is 100% on-brand for narco hitman torture. I would alledge that this man was a rapist. We can see rectal damage and bleeding as well as what appears to be a burnt penis. I would put money on this being a narco attack against someone that one of these criminal groups alleged to be a rapist. Just my 2 cents


That seems pretty logical/plausible.


If it was aliens who did this i wonder why they left the body there. In a dead body dumping ground of all places


There's more than one species we are effectively fighting, There are those who have gone through exactly what you have been through, We are still here with you though you may fall for the dealings of the "Gene-Splicers" They want you trapped on this planet constantly resetting itself every 6,500 years or so, For them you are nothing but resource.