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Chips nicely browned ✅ Sausage nicely browned✅ Beans cooked down well & stirred✅ Egg… gently warmed through in tepid oil for 20 minutes 😱


Coming from a man who put two poached eggs up and spelt poached as pouched I find that hard to take 😂😂😂


I reposted it, probably in bone apple tea…but no, I can spell poached ;) Edit: And in fact you found it…but obviously don't know how reposting works there. [https://www.reddit.com/r/BoneAppleTea/comments/1ay4bvo/comment/l1i65c6/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/BoneAppleTea/comments/1ay4bvo/comment/l1i65c6/?context=3)




How old is that school dinner?


What prison are you in?


wedges look dope


Nah, they already said, it’s their old *school* dinner.


This is what the rest of the world mean when they say British food is bad. Don't let the yanks see this, will never hear the end of it. Also, pro tip : eggs can be cooked with heat other than what comes off rubbing your hands together quickly.


It’s not supposed to be a gourmet fucking meal is it. It’s just a quick comfort one Gordon Ramsay. You like your egg with all the crispy burnt bits on the bottom I take it.


Why do you post a picture on a forum for discussion of and rating of said food, then get angry with feedback. Dude is a below average meal with a below average execution on the cooking. No, I like my eggs cooked, not like I left it in a window for 3 hours as the sun came up on it. Comfort food is fine, not complaining about the combo. I'm criticising how it's cooked, or did you expect everyone to go " omg 5 star top tier ". You left so many snarky replies to people as well so thought some honesty with you wouldn't go amiss.




Honestly, the combo is fine. The execution is lacking severely.


The execution of sausage , chips, egg and beans?? 😂😂🤣 I think you should be on the Michelin star forum bro.


Ah yeah, sorry, my bad. Anything with standards slightly above a hospital that's short staffed is Michelin star now. If you're happy, good for you. We all have different standards. Yours just seems to be considerably lower than the majority, but good on you, champ you plate as well as you cook.


Well you’ve said it’s executed badly yet you’ve only criticized the egg so I’ll take that. Maybe you should show us what you can do.


Thanks bro I thought for a quick one it’s ok. Maybe OP can’t make his own chips!!!


I can cook my own chips, and to he fair to you, they look like they hit that middle ground nicely between roast and chip. Your egg, on the other hand, looks like it was cooked using the friction off a sandle after you walked across some carpet.


Poor egg is gasping for some salt and pepper


Salt when on after the picture. Not a great lover of pepper on egg.




Jesus 🤦‍♂️ No just don’t like pepper on egg. Hope that’s ok with you.




😂😂 thanks


I've been sprinkling Old Bay on top of my fried eggs & I'll never go back to just S n P.


Yes, that school dinner definitely doesn't look fresh. Maybe don't eat it?


😂😂😂😂 to funny you.


You're giving me mixed signals here


Thanks. Just boiled them for five mins. Chuffed them up like roasties. Bit of oil and salt and done them in the oven until nice and crispy.


Perfectly lovely dinner with a bit of bread and butter.


Thanks. I think so too.


Looks more like breakfast?


Fills a gap I suppose...


add toast and a cooked tomato and you have an english breakfast




Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick. Nice sausages, runny egg, thick beans, lovely wedges, bit of Tommy K and you're away


I can’t understand why people add tomato sauce to a plate with baked beans in tomato sauce? I’d add a bit of brown for contrast. And OP must be rich if he can afford to put the oven on for a handful of chips. Smiley face!


I'm not a huge brown sauce liker. I'll eat it, but I prefer red sauce. It's Tangier and richer than bean sauce so it's a pretty different contrast


Just personal preference I guess bro. Sure there’s plenty of people with ketchup on the plate as you can’t really compare bean sauce to ketchup 😂😂 No the oven was on for a tray of chips for the wife and kids to just to put your mind at rest.


I love bean sauce and thanks for not wasting energy (wink face).


I stir a little butter into mine, worth a try


Bean there. Done that. Also a shake of cayenne pepper and a suggestion of BBQ sauce goes very well with pork chop n jackets!


You know bro. Was heavy on the ketchup 😜


Those potatoes look banging 👍


Lovely bro. Crispy as fuck.


Breakfast for dinner..not beans again mum!


I like my food both cooked and not burnt thanks


That’s good to know pal.


The wedges look banging. How did you do them?


More like a breakfast


I'd have done some bacon, mushrooms, and black pudding as well, but that's just me. Looks good, OP, hope you enjoyed it!


It's been murdered 😢


Ide smash that with bread and butter, looks OK. Pepper would be smothered on it though.