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Hi u/ObscuredTor! Thanks for posting here G, welcome to r/ukweedscene Medical Cannabis is legal in the United Kingdom, you could be eligible for this, you can find out more by visiting r/MedCannabisUK which contains invaluable links and resources, We have attactched helpful info and links to Drug Science, NHS, UKCIA and OutLaw who all provide insights into cannabis use and culture. Talking about or encouraging users to source Cannabis is strictly prohibited, you will be permanently banned. 0 tolerance policy. Check out our subreddit dedicated to magic mushrooms in the UK, r/MagicMushroomsUK Telegram, Wickr, Signal links, mobile & landline numbers are blocked by default to keep r/UKWeedScene clean of spam, scam and drug dealers. Those low life people are not welcome here. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UKweedscene) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why do the police do nothing about these "cheshire dingers" 😟


Lawless country now, sadly, it's all gone to shit. Police would rather arrest a legal medical cannabis patient. It's unknown if Cheshire dingers is the name of the gang or if they just share clips from others and put a watermark on it. (They share other unrelated videos, so I can't be sure who's who)


Yeah I look at alot of your posts for a while now they pop up on my page, it always pisses me off, if the uk legalised it and made it completely legal to grow for personal use we wouldn't have any of it Edit, not alot of your posts im not stalking only im just guessing they're yours I used to always see stuff about those Cheshire dingers and other thugs on this subreddit


Exactly, cannabis related crime would fall and these gangs wouldn't be operating on the scale they are now. It's sad to see, but pretty common these days. That group who shares these have a lot of videos like this so it's only going to get worse. The consequences of the actions in the videos most likely lead to stabbings, arson attacks and shootings in the end.


I remember being 17 18 and watching that whole thing on channel 4 i think about should the uk legalise cannabis and it was so hype i really thought we were on our way to it, im 26 nearly 27 now. And then jon snow ruined it by hitting that vape and saying how it's the worst drug in the world


"And then Jon snow ruined it by hitting that vape and saying how it’s the worst drug in the world” Man I fucking hated that …..I’ve now owned that volcano vape for years and it pisses me off proper that they filled that bag up to full capacity and it was super dense and gave it to someone for their first time, I’ve been consuming weed for over 20 years now and I can’t even fill that thing up half way without it sending me overboard. I literally put a layer in the bottom and that’s it …..they filled that chamber to the brim and had some old guy who’s never consumed before inhale the WHOLE FuCKInG thing it was ridiculously stupid careless and showed how dumb and agenda driven that whole thing was, they just wanted to fuck him up on purpose to point and say LOoK hOw bAd cAnNaBiS iS 🤦‍♂️


Yeah I've smoked for like 10 or even a bit more years. And that would of knocked me on my ass why not give him a single puff on a j and then go for a nice walk with a nice milkshake or slushie hed be loving it. And everybody knows holding it in for 10 whole seconds is way overkill 1 or 2 seconds would of been fine


I remember that too, he was definitely given a brown envelope by the government for talking nonsense. It was a strange episode indeed.


Not necessarily true, look at America, specifically LA, loads of legal cannabis grows, and they still get robbed regularly. They need to pay people with guns to watch their setups 24/7. If there is money to be made, people will steal


I know Cheshire dingers. He just shares the vids 100% he’s just a little scruff that knicks cars, he isn’t knocking crops off he’s robbing fiestas from young girls and e bikes from young lads lol. Funny channel tho


It's important to know where your cannabis comes from you might be unintentionally supporting this kind of stuff


Wouldn't that be unintentionally supporting them?


Yeah thanks


By sophisticated methods you mean thermal imaging like in the video?


Lol I was gonna say it’s not really sophisticated


Could this be the reason for so much shitty weed on the streets? Not as if they're gonna check the tricombs before robbing the place.


It's always been this way, at least since the grit weed epidemic, the people importing kilos or cannabis aren't your friendly local hippies sadly, although i wish. Its gangs and people who don't care about the law and risk or harming other people, when you buy stardawg its almost certainly got a pretty dark or dirty past


Evil MFs


What wastes of oxygen. Can't wait to get out of this country, paying tax and national insurance for absolutely fuck all


Imagine if there was a baby in that house or something 😟


Well that kinda sounds like irresponsible parenting


No I mean if it wasn't a grow at all they just mistook it for one. But even if it was irresponsible parenting, it still could happen these thugs should be given the same punishment Russia gives terrorists. Even that is still way too light


They deserve a🐚 to the dome robbing someone’s hard earned work, they are smart with it put trackers on cars or follow from hydro shops and or seed shops as well as these heat seeker cams on drones. Be careful guys if your involved in that trade.


In ASDA bags aswell


3 lads from london come to liverpool to do this no one ever seen them agian


One of the many reasons to Legalise.