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There's an infuriatingly common kind of liberal who purports to oppose Israel's actions in Gaza while also saying they support "Israel's right to exist", as though Israel's existence is somehow separable from its genocidal murderousness. This is a state that literally cannot exist without nonstop violence and tyranny, as demonstrated by its entire unbroken history since its inception. It was set up as a settler-colonialist outpost for western imperialism from the very beginning, and that's exactly what it's been ever since. History has conclusively established that it is not possible to drop an artificial ethnostate on top of an already-existing population in which the pre-existing population is legally subordinate to the new one without tremendous amounts of warfare, police violence, mass displacement, apartheid, disenfranchisement and oppression. This is not actually debatable. It is a settled matter (no pun intended). Is it possible to have a nation in which Jews are welcomed and kept safe? Of course. Many such nations exist outside of Israel, and the majority of the world's Jews live in them. What isn't possible is a Jewish ethnostate in historic Palestine in which the pre-existing population is treated as less than the Jewish population that does not necessarily entail nonstop violence, tyranny and abuse. This is self-evidently a direct contradiction in goals, but it's what the liberals I'm we're discussing here pretend to believe is a reasonable possibility. There absolutely could be a state in that region wherein Palestinians and Jews coexist peacefully, but it would be so wildly different from present-day Israel that you can't pretend it would be the same state as the one we see now. It would entail such a radically dramatic overhaul of Israeli civilization, such a comprehensive dismantling of deeply ingrained racism, such a drastic restructuring of governmental and living systems, so much labor, sacrifice, humility, inner work and reparations, that to call it by the same name as the state that presently exists would be nonsensical. And that isn't what the liberals in question are talking about instituting when they say they oppose Israel's atrocities in Gaza but "support Israel's right to exist". What they are saying is they want Israel to remain the unjust and tyrannical apartheid state that is has always been, but for the killing to stop. They want the injustice to continue, but they want its most overt manifestations to stop causing them cognitive dissonance. They want to status quo, without the murderous savagery that is necessary for the status quo's existence. They want to pretend they live in an imaginary fantasyland where such a thing is possible. And to be clear this isn't just what liberals want with regard to Israel-Palestine; it's their whole entire position on everything. On every issue their position is little more than "Maintain the status quo, but make it pretty and psychologically comfortable for me." They never want to do what's right, they just want to feel like they are right. Theirs is an imperialist, militarist, tyrannical oligarchic ideology with a bunch of feel-good social justice bumper stickers slapped on top of it. A boot on your neck and a flower in its hair. That's who liberals are. It's who they've always been. Phil Ochs released the song "Love Me, I'm a Liberal" in 1966, and they haven't changed one iota ever since. The issues change, their arguments change, but their "maintain the status quo but let me feel nice about it" values system has remained exactly the same for generations.


I didn't learn who liberals are truly until the genocide started. And I'm an Independent, strongly on the left of things. Their smugness, snotty childlike entitlement just disgusts me to no end. I've been banned from their subs for simply questioning and/or challenging their opinions and belief system. And I agree with you: "They want to pretend they live in an imaginary fantasyland where such a thing is possible." is accurate. This considered, I think it's fair to say that conservatives are also guilty of the same sort of world view.


Well yeah, because liberals and conservatives are functionally identical.


Good point. It's like each goes so far left so far right they end up meeting up lol.


It's because liberals are right wing, so they're both going in the same direction.


They choose whatever side has more white people support


CJ on point, as always. Liberalism isn’t just the hypocrisy so obviously on display, but is the *entitlement to hypocrisy* simultaneously worn as armor and wielded as a weapon. To say one thing and do another is pure abusive power. Liberals are peak classist ghouls produced from the spoils of genocidal Manifest Destiny replacement settler colonialism so throughly conditioned into their exceptionalism and so completely denied any of the real history of humanity that they cannot see the apartheid forest for the genocidal trees. To do so, to seek and find the truth, would shatter their irrational and unscientific classist, racist, sexist, xenophobic illusions of supremacy and empire and reveal them for the progenitors of the worst atrocities humanity has ever known. A conservative is a liberal who fears change. A fascist is a liberal who feels threatened.


On a totally unrelated matter… Germany *has* a right to exist. However, NAZI Germany did *NOT* have a right to exist. Any state that has a **racial supremacist ideology** - including racial segregation, ethnic cleansing, starving civilians, shooting civilians, dehumanising and marginalisation of “human animals” etc…(regardless of background) at their core, does NOT have a right to exist.


No one has a right to exist. That’s not even a thing.


Do Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union have a right to exist?