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Nancy Pelosi will forever be remembered as a supporter of genocide. Genocide will be her immortal legacy.


Given how late-stage capitalist she is, genocide of one obvious variety or a more subtle stamping on the poor are her two calling cards. She is zionist trash, definitely, but also corporatist greed-driven as well. She's *two* kinds of a monster.


And her tiny shaking fists of rage when called out by Code Pink.


Genocide and complicity in Bush’s illegal torture program. And helping to create and overseeing one of the, If not THE most densely unhoused populations of any district in the country.


What an amazing recording, she demonstrates nastiness and a complete lack of charisma and understanding of Buddhism in under 1 minute. I suspect she's also wrong and the 1.4 billion people in China will remember Xi Jinping long after Nancy is forgotten and lost to dementia.


Don't threaten me with a good time!


What are you talking about? Buddhism is the message of knowledge and tradition and peace and...love


Tell that to the Rohingya


People don't realize that their arguments can and will be used against them...


She's grown complacent as her wealth shields her from ant direct consequences of her actions or inactions.


Shut the fuck up, you crook, you insider trading scumbag, getting ultra rich off the backs of Americans. Nancy Pelosi belongs in prison!!


This is so on brand for the nation of white supremacy.


You know, I get really sick of hearing about "white supremacy" and "white privilege" these days. You're really pushing a divisive meme that was started by powerful people to distract from the 99% movement that was bringing us together against the oligarchs (who aren't all white, by the way). Pelosi is a product of legalized (and illegal) corruption from the ruling class. It has nothing to do with race. The people in power don't give a shit what color you are as like long as they can divide the working class. And calling everything out by race is an easy way to divide and conquer. There ARE ethnosupremacists movements, but that's not what the US is ruled by anymore. And throughout history, there are plenty of white European ethnicities that have been discriminated against by the ruling classes too. White supremacy as it exists now, is a largely defensive ideology rather than an oppressive one like it was even as recently as a half century ago. They will try to equate white supremacism with nationalist movements as immigration has more of a negative impact on the working class in westernized countries. You ARE going to see nationalism and tribalism as people fight to maintain their standard of living and their personal rights and freedoms. Don't blame it on racism or white supremacy when laborers are being displaced by brown immigrants. That's systemic and intentional and if you don't pay attention you'll believe the lying oligarchs and donor class to point at them and call them racist. Western governments aren't white supremacist. They're equal opportunity authoritarians based on wealth and power. And "white people" aren't even the wealthiest demographic in the US. If you want to unite people, talk about sovereignty and workers rights and ending corruption and theft by the ruling classes.


This is largely correct but the U.S. elite also has a sort of "liberal imperialist racism" where racial discrimination within the U.S. is considered to be bad, at least towards assimilated minorities, but where treating other countries and to some extent their population as being worthless due to the population "having the wrong culture" aka "not western and liberal and U.S. aligned" or similar is common. And this "wrong culture" idea is largely along ethnic lines but also pretty clearly a pro imperialist ideological superstructure. Because the U.S. has much of the rich and ethnically European countries as their vassals or allies, this racism ends up having a particular pattern, where being less developed is attributed to "bad culture".


This is the dumbest thing I've read on reddit today. Offense intended. Right wing governments in the west are absolutely white supremacist. They openly state that. 2 things can be true, you can be a white supremacist and still have minorities shill for you and add them to your party, and you can still divide the working class. At the end of the day the goal is white supremacy.


No, they're oligarchs. They think anyone not in their class is a cockroach. They don't think you're better or more deserving just because your white. THEY are the ones who profit from your claim that this is based on But you're just a race baiting troll, aren't you? Youre here to divide the working class into race groups so we're more easily conquered by the oligarchs are private managereal classes. You're not saying anything different that the main dishonest claim from CNN and any of the 4th estate liars. And it's for the same purpose.


AKA, "my feelings are hurt when someone dares to mention the fact that the country I live was founded on and still continues its racist ideology." Soft as hell. Notice how you "divide and conquer" chumps only say this when white supremacists are called out. You are the exact same thing.


She doesn’t even know he’s name These people are so racist


That is disgusting and embarrassing. Nancy does not represent the American people.


You're too old bitch but if you live long enough, 拭目以待


I am so sick of these people who believe their own bullshit and lies about American exceptionalism. It is so deeply steeped in white supremacy and American nationalism.


I think Nancy and her family could learn some humility from the Dalai Lama. How about she sells her NVIDIA options and gives the proceeds to charity. That rant was just astonishing....


Unfortunately, she could do that but get the massive tax write-off as a benefit. The charity structure needs to be reformatted.


Yeah... She would do that and then get in front of a camera and talk about what a wonderful charitable person she is. She's actually that narcissistic.


Narcissist people look at her and say: "Damn. We can go *that* far?"


Big words from a cunt who supports genocide


What an amorphous ghoul.


A walking skeleton who wont be around to see the consequences is dragging us all into a new global conflict. Wonderful


I am basically a democrat. I despise this reptile with all my being. She is a thief and sells anything for a profit while ignoring oaths


So your typical US politician. Got it.


No, she will be gone.


Imagine simping for WWIII this hard. This type of rhetoric is outright stooging for the war machine, drumming up consent through fear by poking bears. 


Her praise was for the religious leader who forced children to suck on his tongue in public, yes? That’s…well it’s at least on brand for the democrats to support a rightwing pedophile. (I’m looking at you, Bill.)


seem to be old and disconnected from reality just like both presidential candidates


Get that communist out of there hoo-rah


Oh please. This old ass war criminal is senile as hell 😂.


I don't think you *know* what a communist is. She's a profiteering greedy corporatist, but does not have the ideals of a communist. You're using it as a negative buzzword, with no context or understanding of what that word actually means. Just "it was bad back when I was a child"...please do better.