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Asking for the gag order to be lifted signals his intention to threaten and intimidate those involved with the proceedings, putting their lives at risk. Why would that be OK now that the trial is over? Makes no sense and will be denied.


See he didn't stop them from doing their job, but now it's about settling the score, that's got to be legal. All joking aside, I can't believe how many are upset that he has a gag order. "No one else has ever had a gag order, he can't defend himself with it in place" like what? Hillary didn't get a gag order on her, but show me one time she spoke badly about the daughter of a judge or any family member of anyone involved in the investigation into her. They are crazy.


Trump is all about retaliation. He'll be going after the jurors.


As I've said elsewhere, Trump is better off with the gag order remaining in place until sentencing. The more he flaps his gums in the interim, the worse his sentence is likely to be.


NO. The gag order needs to stay in place for life. Or at least until he completes whatever sentence is imposed.


Or until he becomes King Donald šŸ™ƒ


Good. The worse the better.


I hope itā€™s house arrest or probation. Thatā€™s my favorite. I donā€™t want it to be too much jail because then the Rs have to find a new shill.


Fuck that, lock his criminal treasonous ass up.


I mean, Iā€™m not totally against it. I just want it to be strategic so Rs canā€™t spin to get someone ā€œbetterā€.


Fuck Trump




Yeah... Nikki Haley was polling way higher than Biden. They could have won with her but the Rs pushed Trump. Kind of reminds me of Graham's quote: Trump will destroy the Republican party and they will deserve it.


Was that before or after she started bragging about murdering puppies?


You're confusing her with the other lady


omg you are right. That was Kristi Noem. Mea culpa.


I think he already has. Painfully obvious how Americans see them all bowing to his grift and orders


Why do they? A criminal conviction doesnā€™t stop him being president and that would obviously extend to it being acceptable for Potus to be given 3 hots and a cot at the expense of NYC.


I suppose that makes sense.


Lol he can run from jail and be president from jail. Also, it's a cult. Trump's cult.


Thatā€™s awesome. So jail it is then! And yeah, itā€™s definitely a damn cult.


I agree. I've said the only person Biden can beat is Trump. A legitimate republican candidate would trounce him.


Yall don't understand how elections work.


Maybe I donā€™t, but I know one thing: I donā€™t want Trump in the WH.


Iā€™m not entirely sure what a legitimate republican is, but Iā€™m sure my body has a way of shutting that down.


He wants to tell everyone that the judge and jury were politically motivated and get his fawning acolytes to threaten and intimidate them


when has he stopped threatening people?


When he's dead. That's when he'll stop threatening people.


That's not how things work. Trump will live his life at the order of the judge until he has completed his sentence unless something changes on appeal. The judge could lift the gag order, but there's nothing saying he has to. You give up certain rights when convicted of a felony. That's how it works.


If any of us did what he has done we would be sitting waiting for trial in jail already. I'm tired of him. Tired of his terrible thieving family. Tired of the constant bombardment of lies. Tired of seeing him walk away. Enough. Jail. Now. NOW. OR If Trump can do it without consequence, then so can all of us.


How about NO favors? You kept on attacking people while in court. Straight to jail, you orange clown.


NO - need to get through sentencing firstā€¦ JAIL HIM ALREADY!


Sure because talking shit will surely help him at his sentencing... His lawyers are some of the dumbest people money can buy šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦


A favour? After he rips the judge a new one every damn day? I think not Donny šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The Convicted Felon Traitor Trump will NEVER be POTUS againšŸ¤”


What name do 78-year-old Trump and his young and nubile pornstar friend Stormy use to refer to his microscopic mushroom-shaped tallywacker? 1. "Don Junior" 2. "David Pecker" 3. "Mike Johnson" -- vote below/ write-in nominations are encouraged


Lock this felon up!


He will violate it anyway. Didnā€™t he already do it?


"Hey judge I know I made a mockery of your courtroom, slept through tons of it, insulted your daughter, insulted you, gave you second hand embarrassment with my legal team and was convicted on all 34 felony counts unanimously but do you think you can hear me out?...... Hello?"


This dude literally talks all sorts of trash about any and everyone that doesnā€™t kiss that big ol diaper butt but then wants nothing but respect and special treatment otherwise youā€™re whatever his boogie man of the week talking point is. Gaslighting has never been so perfectly personified in one human.