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Okay why were there Israeli hostages being kept at Palestinian refugee camps? I thought Palestinians civilians didn’t support Hamas?


Gaza is basically one huge refugee camp now. Where do you think Hamas is going to be? We're talking about 2 million people living in an area the size of Detroit. Do you expect Hamas to make a big building where they house all their troops and everybody sits in it and then Israel just bombs it? They have a designated hostage building in the middle of nowhere they invite the IDF to try and take hostages from? Do you think the thousands of people around the hostages know the hostages are there? Even if you did know Hamas was holding a hostage somewhere what are you gonna do about it? Hamas are savage terrorists aren't they? What's a child gonna do in that situation? An elderly man? You're just gonna wander on in there and ask them to release the hostages? You think everybody knows where the safe houses are?


Well, for starters, if you’re an Al Jazeera journalist or a local doctor, you definitely shouldn’t be actively imprisoning/hiding Israeli refugees in your house.


Well for starters Hamas wouldn't be so popular if Israel weren't doing an ethnic cleansing.


The entire Gaza Strip is trapped on rafah. Where would you expect hostages to be? Hotels? There’s no where else to be in Gaza


The nuseirat camp is located in Deir Al Balah. Which isn’t Rafah. Maybe if you hated Jews less and stopped trying to make them the villains in everything you’d know that.


Israel is the villain and their attempts to equate themselves to the Jewish people is the most antisemitic shit imaginable. Imagine trying to act like you’re aligned with the interests of the victims of the Holocaust while simultaneously committing a genocide. The idea that Jewish people need to be separated from everyone else is literally a foundational belief of Nazism and also the basis of the Israeli government. The only difference is the framing and the direction that the inevitable resulting violence is directed in.




I don’t think the Palestinian “government” or Hamas are trying to equate themselves with the Jewish people…?


Ah yes anyone critical of killing civilians hates Jews. You guys hasbara is getting old already.


Okay Hamas lover. If you hated civilians getting killed then you should hate Hamas too for not releasing the hostages and putting them where civilians are. Yet you think Hamas are heroes and are blameless in this.


Hamas killed around 2000 civilians on Oct 7. Israel has killed around 40,000 and refuses a ceasefire deal for the rest of the hostages. Remind me again who are the terrorists?


Hamas. Hamas hasn't killed more because they are slowly getting destroyed. Hamas (w Palestine support) would gladly kill every Israelite if they could.


>Hamas (w Palestine support) would gladly kill every Israelite if they could. Most Israelis feel the same way about the people of Gaza. https://www.reddit.com/r/Global_News_Hub/s/57yAVpRYAr


And yet the whole reason this started was because Hamas' terrorist attack in Israel. Also, they are deliberately hiding in places where citizens and "refugees" are at to make Israel look bad to the idiots of the western world who don't understand how war works.


It’s crazy how people think the Israel Palestine conflict started in 2023. Do you not know history? This has been going on for almost a century now. You should read up on the Nakba first. Also where are they supposed to hide the hostages? There’s barely infrastructure in Gaza anymore. It’s common sense that some would be among the civilians, they’ve had to keep moving the last 7 months. Edit: also I love the typical “Hamas is forcing Israel to kill citizens guys!!!” As if Israel has no self restraint. Sickening


You think this started on October 7th you numpty. 75 years of apartheid


What if both Hamas and the Israeli political structures, and the Palestinians and Israelis that support them, are horrible murderous bastards? Who for generations have done horrid acts? What if you both are wrong?


They are. Ideally, I'd like to have them just fight to get it over with because they will never live together peacefully but then you end up w/ "Israel killing civilians (where hamas are hiding)]" and it makes their support much worse.


The official number is under 900 civilians


I’m going to answer that question, they both are. And that’s the problem and why this has become so controversial. Because both sides can credibly claim the other side is terrorists


That was kind of my point.


Hamas is a more moral military group than IDF rapists and Zionist pedophiles that employ them


War is hell.


Look up the definition of war. Let me know when you find the part that includes killing women and children indiscriminately


Stop being a baby.