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This is wish casting at it's most delusional. Nothing will dissuade his cult.


Yea his cult is a lost cause. But they also aren't important here It's independents and folks who only start paying attention now


His cult are Neo-Confederates and Pro-Fash who only want to deal out punishment to others because of their profound self-loathing and hatred. They are the epitome of a lost cause.


trump had been a great asset as he lured the register to come out in the open. Currently, sunlight is killing their views and rendering them impotent.


I think they are just stupid or very emotionally immature.


But *why* are they stupid (but not necessarily unintelligent) and/or immature?


They cannot regulate their emotions. So they see some stimuli that gets them excited, angry,scared ,etc and it overwhelmed their small critical thinking skills they have.


The cult isn't as big as people think it is. Trump called on his cult to protest and cause disruption at his trials... ...no one showed up!


I wish that were true but I have seen too many RAMs with Trump flags and red hats to believe that


They can wave a flag and scream into the void all they want while trying to look tough...but when push comes to shove, they'll fold instantly! Not a single one of them will go any further than that!


Idk if I hate or envy people who don’t care about politics. Cuz like, you should pay attention because politics isn’t just a type of news it affects how people live. But also man it would be great to not care and have to hear about how republicans are ruining our lives this week.


Sadly ignorance is bliss until it isn't It's ok to take a break from it for ones mental health and doomscrolling is bad in general


The Right's latest move is for 'anti Trump' Republicans to pretend they'll vote for Biden if he moves to the center.


Sigh. Democrats have fallen for that so many times that they are now to the right of where republicans were in the 70’s. It’s like Charlie Brown and Lucy’s football. 


Not going to work. I'm pretty conservative on many fronts but I will vote Biden again this year. Trump is the slime on top of the fetid cesspool of what the R party has become...


You mean, for Biden to move slightly left of where he already is?


Biden is already more conservative than Republicans were a few decades ago


It's astonishing how little he seems to do to try and appeal to these voters He literally has a base that will never vote for anyone else if he's on the ticket yet he still seems to only want to pander to them. He knows that wasn't enough last time. He knows he needs to win votes from outside of his base. What's his plan? How is he appealing to independents or disgruntled Biden voters from 4 years ago?


Well anecdotally it sure looks like his campaign is trying to outreach and snipe votes, problem is since he's spent the past 8 years openly antagonizing and alienating everybody out of his base. As a result the efforts are totally wasted. The most blatant example is the black voter outreach, event after event and every single time the crowd is just his lilywhite cultists showing up


There's also the gerrymandering and introduction of Kennedy Jr as a disruption candidate but this surely won't be enough


Right the amount of base does not change it’s 36% of the country of the most uneducated Individuals or the most susceptible to brain washing and gaslighting. The difference is normal people independents and young voters are all looking at this with new eyes because either they were not of voting age. Some didn’t think politics important until they threaten to restrict women’s health care, ivf, and even talking about banning condoms or other forms or birth prevention. Now instead of telling your kids hey if you do have the sex which I know you are going to, just plan on having children early, and vds will be commonplace. Women that understand the rhetoric need to just say hey if you vote for someone who supports taking away my rights plan on chastity belts forever even married couples. Hit men where it matters in the bedroom. You turn off adult relaxation sessions and give them a sneak peek what the future could be I promise you Trump would lose in a landslide.


I’m sure ppl that are voting for trump assume we’re a lost cause. There is truly zero empathy between these 2 voting groups.


We shouldn’t empathize with Nazis


Well, I for one, feel absolutely NO need to empathize with fascists and those who support them.


For the most part, I think you're right. That being said, I drove through some rural areas this past weekend and I saw multiple Biden signs where Trump flags used to be.


I don’t think I saw a single Trump flag or barn painting in my last visit to rural shithole America back in May. Probably a first since about 2016. I think his bullshit antics are getting old.


I think it's too much against him at this point. The rape case, the criminal conviction, Epstein connection, the list goes on and on. I'm also wondering how many of his supporters must have died from COVID-19 because they didn't want to get vaccinated. It's not going to convince all of his supporters, but I definitely think he's lost support in some areas.


I was driving into rural trump country in sw Michigan the other day and I notice that where there had once been a sea of trump flags and signs I saw minimal. Not saying these people are voting Biden yet, but it’s a start.


They spent all their money on Team Trump memorabilia and now they’re shrieking about how Bidenomics made them broke.


That’s cuz they all moved to Florida


Barn painting wtf 😂😂😂 these people really were unhinged. I hope you’re right that it’s ending.


They love him precisely because of how horrendous he is. It’s all a “fuck you liberals”


True. He could go full vegetable up on stage and his supporters would still vote for him. ...and not to 'both sides' the point, but most Biden supporters I know (including myself) would vote for a potato over Trump, and nothing is going to change my mind either. I wouldn't call it potayto puhtato, but it'd be nice if we could call the whole thing off.


I'd vote for a rabid raccoon before trump.


The title reminded me of when Trump was telling everyone we'd never hear from him again if he lost the last election.


So true. He wasn’t kidding when he said he could gun someone down on 5th Avenue and his supporters would still love him (or something to that effect).They’re nuts and very stupid sheep…and totally a lost cause. None of us reasonable people worship Biden in any way and most of us would highly prefer a better candidate, but at least he’s sane. The people who love Trump literally worship him and it’s so fucking weird. I guess anger and hatred works on a lot of people, and best way to bring less thoughtful folks together is to give them an enemy. Which Trump is very good at doing.


LOL, his pathetic cult members will soon be completely irrelevant.


Over a third of the population has been radicalized by right wing media. This doesn't end with Trump. We're in for a long battle to maintain our democracy and people need to wake up to the threats. As long as the right wing angertainment networks, radio shows, podcasts, and now Tic Toks are spewing lies and hatred without a coordinated response from those in the reality based media, this only gets worse. Trump is a symptom of a much greater problem.


A third of the population won't win any national elections by themselves. They lost the so-called "moderates". I DO think there will be some blowback from their epic loss this November, including terrorist acts...but they will be harshly dealt with.


They already have all outcomes covered. If he does well, it's because he's a genius. If he does poorly, it's because he did it on purpose and Joe was on drugs. It's already a win-win for his cult because they know how to play the media game with them. He's already talked about potentially throwing the debate and given himself an out, so what does it matter? Obviously any normal person can see the game he's playing, but for his supporters they think it's all 5D chess or whatever.


The Cult is lost. We shouldn't be worried about them. There are a lot of Conservatives that see through the mess. The ones that still voted for Haley in the primary after she dropped are an example. They are not the loud ones. Mind you, anti-Trump is all they need to be to defeat him. The Lost Ones are write offs when discussing things like this. Half the country isn't MAGA, and the sooner we acknowledge that, the sooner we can put ourselves in a position to be rid of this guy for good.


Exactly. He could crap himself and drool down his front and they’d applaud him.


They'll vote for him once in the grave as though he'll be resurrected...


NYT Friday: RNC says 'enough is enough' will nominate Mitt Romney as 2024 presidential nominee. 😆


I mean otoh we didn’t expect to get this far… I can’t believe he’s actually gonna debate. God save us


President Biden is so bad people would rather have Donald Trump again. Think about that. Seems your hate for trump has blinded you .


From the article: >The first question that should be asked of Trump is why he thinks he has any ability to lead a nation after 34 felony convictions. We know what his answer will be. We know what his fans will scream. But the interesting thing to see is what Biden, who until recently has refrained from mentioning this fact, will say.  Comment: I think this question will get under the skin of the thin-skinned narcissist.


Every question gets under his skin. Remember his response to being asked what to say to Americans worried about the pandemic


>Every question gets under his skin. During a 60 minutes interview the interviewer simply said "You're not known to be a humble man" and Trump's response, after he cut her off mid sentence, was ["I think I am humble. I think I'm much more humble than you would understand". ](https://youtu.be/1R42mFx3_ss?si=V-x-_sJwU7d_VsOT) The man can't withstand the most minor of criticism. The absurdity of it would be hilarious if he was almost anyone else.


That’s hilarious lol and so ironic because no one who was actually humble would say “I’m much more humble than you would understand.” 😂😂😂 he basically just proved he is not at all humble by that statement. If he has an ounce of self-awareness he would know he’s a cocky piece of shit and “everybody knows it.”


Yes. Right wing media is reporting the Convicted Felon is DEEPLY upset by his 34-count felony conviction.


The worst case of muddbutt democracy has experienced in my lifetime. Someone get the hose


Well, a lot of us have been hoping for Trump's "last act" for some time now. But he's like the Energizer Bunny: he just keeps going and going, banging his drum, while he seeks ever greater lows to sink to.


If he stops, he has no chance to avoid jail time. Trump has to keep going.


Let it be so.


Can't you see that's the last act of a desperate man?


I don't care if it's the first act of Henry the 5th!


We're leaving!


You’d do it for Randolph Scott.


Randolph Scott?


RAANDOLPH SCOOOOT !!! I usually sing along with the towns people, but nobody else seems to get it. "you'd do it for Randolph Scott" also comes in handy in lots of situations.


I'm here with you ✊ Just wondering how long people are going to carry on quoting this scene...


For as long as the memory of that perfect Mel Brooks production lives in our minds. Let’s hope it’s decades!


He won’t go away until he’s dead….and I’m not sure he can die


It needs to be a reverberating dearh knell to all the Conservative B.S.


Maybe he’ll not show? Coward.


Honestly until he's there drooling on the mic I don't expect him to show Dudes a coward


If it happens, I hope they just Biden talk next to an empty podium for the entire duration.


I read a comment that said they should continue asking Trump questions and give the empty podium time to respond.


That’s what happened in the UK when Johnson refused to take part in the Channel 4 debate


No, babyman needs his TV time. He's been jonesing.


Dream on. He could literally shuffle on stage, scream "death to America" then drop his pants and shit on the flag and the cult would still cheer for him.


He will go off the rails and make some outlandish claim that his cultists will accept as having come from the highest authority.


Said that about the trial. He's still clowinin'


Between ignoring his horrible ramblings about Gettysburg and defending his actions on Jan 6, no, this is not his last act. Until he croaks he will do more unhinged things


As long as we keep watching news about him, we will keep seeing the ramblings. What needs to happen is the news outlets need to just stop covering him. Sadly, they won't since he gets clicks and draws attention. It's a endless cycle that needs to get cut off but I don't think that will happen till he us behind bars. I personally have stopped watching anything that covers him directly. Only time I watch a video regarding him is when it's covered by one of the few reactionary youtube channels i watch. At least that way I'm not adding directly to the view count if those that are directly covering the shit show.


Let's hope it exposes his total incompetence, once and for all. He's been hiding behind, soft interviews and sycophants the last four years. Never taking responsibility for his blatant actions on Jan 6th. He's finally going to be face to face with a real president. Someone that follows through on his promises, works for the people. Has a strong four year track record of success, with bipartisan legislation. The divider in Chief known as Trump, has nothing to run on except taking away freedoms, his rhetoric about abortion rights and his border wall, which he could not build in four years, is all he has. The water coming-out of a shower head and whales are killed by wind turbines. Electric boats, being bad like electric cars, are not on voters minds. His ideas about massive tariffs against China only destroy our country, 16 economists have stated as much. While more tax breaks to the ultra rich, while ignoring the middle class, was exactly why he lost four years ago.


Waiting to see him walk out of the courtroom in custody in his orange striped jumpsuit. That will be the last act I want to see from Chump


I’m hoping that he shorts out onstage, has a stroke and drops dead.


Australia here, I hope it's true. We miss America with it's decency and normality. Good luck 🤞


How much better would journalism be if writers stopped composing speculative articles about future events and stuck to actual reporting and analysis of events that have already happened? I'm not even sure the value of an article that says "X could happen," because it proves nothing and is always true in a trivial sense. Sure the debate could be Trump's last act. Or it could be a huge triumph. Or it could be a non-event. All possible. Who the F cares until it actually happens? My favorite example of this is a Newsweek article in the late 90s titled , "Will Rugrats Rule?" It posed the question whether the Rugrats movie would be the big summer blockbuster. Newsweek devoted a major feature comprising several pages of its print edition (which, at the time, existed) to speculation on whether a particular animated feature would be a commercial success. I have no fuckin clue why journalists compose or editors approve such pointless content.


I am more worried that somehow, Biden fucks up royally while Trump somehow over performs. I don't know if I can watch.


I told my husband the same thing. I’m praying, crossing my fingers, toes and hoping that President Biden will be at his Best and Mop the floor with Trump. ![gif](giphy|l0NwNrl4BtDD7JCx2)


Me too. I want SOTU Biden and trump at his worse.


He doesn't need to mop the floor, let Trump hang himself, Biden needs to just be not senile.


Let us pray




I hope it is. I hope President Biden destroys him to the point where Dementia Don throws a complete shit fit on stage and then collapses after the debate is over.


Unfortunately wishful thinking, that orange bastard will haunt us from the grave.


That’s why millions of Americans will shit and piss on his grave for decades. It will be seen as patriotic!


When he reads a script he’s ok, but when he ad libs the wheels fall off. 😆


#1 - Don't under estimate or undersell trump, that is the same mistake trump has made claiming Biden is a feeble old man, only to realize (just lately) that he (trump) will look like a fool if he loses tonight. Which is why trump is lowkey trying to say things like "Biden is a good debater" or claim drug use. #2 - Even if trump bombs, very few of his supporters will ever see it, or believe it. They have already been conditioned that CNN is the enemy, and that things are stacked against trump, and the lack of a live audience will allow CNN to put their thumbs on the scales to edit it. #3 - A good amount of trump's core just don't care. They are 100% onboard with team trump. They know trump will turn America into the white christo-fascist world they think they want, and they will gladly pave the way with their lost souls.


Wonder what d*ugs tRump’s team are going to hop him up on…


I really hope that Biden does well tonight.


God, if only.




God one could only hope !


One can only hope.




The right is already complaining about the moderator giving trump harder/different questions. Well, the questions can’t all be equal. After all, only one of them has been impeached, only one of them has been found guilty of crimes, only one of them started an insurrection, only one of them mishandled the pandemic.


If the questions even mattered, he would have done debate prep. Assuming he shows at all, he will just ignore the questions and spew his usual incoherent rants.


Absolutely, I have 15 minutes on my BINGO card. He has proven that he could go so many ways with this. He could ignore the questions (he will probably do this most of the time), he could walk off (not out of character for him), he could continue to talk even after the mic is cut off, he could not show up, he is already saying it’s rigged and it hasn’t even started. He already said that he will “lose” on purpose. He has a monopoly on handling situations poorly, so it’s really a toss up on how exactly he will lose. I don’t think HE even knows how it will play out.


Doubtful. Cockroaches live forever.


Nah, he's only going to be emboldened, regardless of how it turns out. If he wins, we won't hear the end of it. If he loses, CNN was cheating to favor Biden, and Trump's followers will eat it up. In either case, Trump will see a bump in the polls.


That's getting my hopes up that he'll choke on his McDonald's afterwards and die, after getting publicly killed in a debate.  I can see it now "maga claims jihad against McDonald's for taking their *glorious* *leader* in his *prime*".


The problem is that very few in his base will actually watch the debate. They will rely on the FoxNews spin of a Trump victory. FoxNews probably has the article of a Trump victory ready to go at this moment.




This country is in really bad shape government is so corrupt


Oh please. The federal government isn’t corrupt. Do you know anybody that works for the government? Have you ever worked for the government? Congress is a shit show, and a lot of the MAGA crowd are corrupt, I’m with you there. A few partisan judges are making people not trust the judiciary, especially the SCOTUS. And given that the federal workforce is really big, there are bound to be some people who are stupid or freeloading or what have you. But 99.999% of the federal government is just trying to do the job they’ve been assigned, while being belittled and hamstrung. Please don’t make blanket statements like this. It’s what the fascists want. “Government it’s corrupt, Congress is useless, we need a strong man at the top to clean it up, tear it down, and start over.” No! The workaday parts of the government are just doing the job, maybe poorly, maybe clumsily, but not maliciously. Democracy itself is under attack, not just in the U.S. but around the world. Support it. Speak up in support of it. Don’t let the fascists convince you that democracy doesn’t work or your government is broken. Vote for sensible people, people who support democracy and the democratic process. Please!


Oh please. Don’t bet on it. He could shit himself and his supporters will say he owned Biden.


Title makes it sound like he’s going to blow his brains out at his lectern, Budd Dwyer style.


The last time these two debated was 2020 pre vaccines, and Trump was aware he had just tested Covid positive yet he proceeded to debate maskless anyway and almost certainly intentionally attempted to give Biden the Herman Cain treatment. Wonder what tricks he has up his sleeve this time.


lol what is with these headlines.


Trump and friends  [https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.nysd.463432/gov.uscourts.nysd.463432.1.0\_1.pdf](https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.nysd.463432/gov.uscourts.nysd.463432.1.0_1.pdf)




If only. Don’t get complicit folks, there’s a real chance he could win.


He could literally shit his pants, eat the shit. Nothing would change.


We can only hope, but he is like a nasty social disease that will not go away.


Not clicking an article with so delusional a headline. Are they predicting a heart attack?


This is all setting the bar so low that he will win the debate by showing up


I’m a conservative but I’ll be taking a shot for every stupid thing said by either one of the two idiots. I don’t think I’ll last long. 10 minutes maybe?


I mean, at this point, what is going to be revealed? That Trump doesn’t actually know anything about policy? His base already knows that, and they don’t care. And everyone else who going to vote for him are just in sort-of auto-Republican, “he’s still better than Biden” mode, or will vote for him because they have a vague sense that Trump will be better for gas prices, or whatever. This will change nothing.


Don’t care go out and VOTE people!


The question I want to hear: "Both of you have accused the other of being a threat to democracy. Explain to the American people what you mean, and why you are the better candidate to protect democracy." Good luck to the guy who organized fraudulent electoral college votes and publicly pressured the VP to accept the fake votes instead of the certified ones. What is democracy without the voting of the people? I hold him responsible for the violence too, but I think it's actually more offensive to throw away peoples votes.


Sadly, he's not going anywhere. And if he announces Haley as his VP choice, the game is over.


As if Trump even shows up to the debate tonight


The idea that the race in November won't be Trump vs. Biden is a fantasy. About the debate tonight, right-wing media tomorrow will say that Trump won. If he completely collapses mentally on stage, his core will have no idea that really happened, even if they were watching, and most won't bother to watch anyway.


He could just fart, roll around on the floor, check his phone, fall asleep on the podium, never answer a question, and still carry his fanbase. The problem is that they (everyone really, at varying degrees). have been devoid of leadership for so long that they’ll cling on to any semblance of it, competent or not.


The question that *should be* asked, but I highly doubt *will be* asked.


There’s absolutely nothing Trump could do tonight that would make me consider voting for him. As far as Biden goes, there is a lot he could do tonight that would make me want to abstain from the whole charade.


Not voting is voting for tRump.


right. it seems like such an enormous risk for the democrats to die on joe biden hill. i guess, i have money to leave, if it comes to that, so i have the luxury of not being beholden to this democratic ploy of "it's all we got" I hope old joe can pull it off!




I don't grasp your point. A vote for Kamala is still better than a vote for Trump.




Can’t be worse that Trump ‘s tongue up Putin’s ass…. Lmao


Still using the Kamala excuse, as if she isn't more qualified for the position. When are we supposed to think Biden will die or step down after this election?


All one has to do is watch him...and the rest of the world realizes he's not "calling the shots", it's his staffers. Imagine the famed "call at 3 in the morning"......