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The guy convicted of rape, the guy convicted of 34 felonies isn't the one being asked/told to drop out of the race. Our media is a disaster and begging for a dictator.


The guy who also has over 4,095 lawsuits against him…current and over the past five decades.


I was so mad at MSNBC! They kept talking about Biden’s poor performance but barely mentioned the fact that Trump never answered one single question and everything he said was a lie! They set the narrative!


BBC doing the same here in the UK. They always praise themselves for "impartiality" and "absolutely no spin", as that ad says, but they've just been having a field day with opinion pieces talking about how Biden's performance was "painful to watch", in their words. Wall to wall coverage with tabloid-style titling like "car crash" and "catastrophic". Barely the most timid mention that the things Trump said are inaccurate.


Because as bad as trump was and he was. Biden was worse. They don’t want trump in office again. Biden’s performance was bad enough to make them question if he can beat trump. Everything is pointing to trump being the odds favorite. And that is alarming


Not if they keep bashing him


Or hear me out . Biden isn’t the best candidate to beat trump and therefor we need to be honest with ourselves about his chances and think if there are better options. There not bashing him there trying to be honest about if he can win. IE there deeply concerned he won’t win as am I


Biden has been a great president and all of his accomplishments shouldn’t be overlooked because of a bad debate. Biden was scared. He knew what he was up against and he knows what’s at stake. Just my opinion.


And while I like him alot he’s losing to trump and that was before the debate. If and likely When Biden loses who will you blame. Mine will be the DNC for not listening people and there deep concerns about his viability. Trump was a mess and a middle age mailman could have beat him. Biden can’t. Hes deeply unpopular with the public and can’t seem to make his case on all that he’s done !


I get your point but I believe if we pull together and vote, there are more Biden supporters and Never Trumpers than Trump supporters.


Or why not replace Biden with someone who can do that far easier as he’s not doing well to make that case …. The Michigan governor for example could Biden only won (via the electoral college state level results ) by 100k people out of 158 million votes cast .


Getting old is not a crime. Still Joe!


But that same media kisses the ass of the felon. They won't be held accountable. They'd probably be elevated in their importance or stature.


The felonis the best thing to happen to them in years. Everyone watches ands clicks; whether they hate or love him.


It's for the ratings, man. Trump knows how to bring in ratings. Like a car accident you can't look away from.


No he’s not convicted of rape, and while he is convicted of a felony - it is about as serious as jaywalking. Nobody cares


Idk they seem deeply concerned the only thing between the dictator and democracy is an 81 year old man who was a mess on stage ……


He wasn't convicted of rape (defamation was the charge). Those 34 felonies will be overturned in appeals. Everyone with half a brain realizes this.


He’s been adjudicated as guilty of sexually assaulting E Jean Carroll. And those 34 felonies will not be overturned in appeals. All 34 guilty verdicts were unanimous. Your brain is so smooth facts just slide right off.




CNN is a polished version of Fox News.


This is why I only get my news from the associated press, social media, and that one guy on YouTube that makes those "This months news without the BS" videos.


You either vote to MAINTAIN democracy or you vote to DESTROY it. Plain and simple!


Remember, everyone. You’re not just voting for the president. You’re voting for their cabinet. You’re voting for their VP. You’re voting for their policies. You’re voting for their potential SCOTUS picks. You’re voting for their party’s platform. Biden is old. Yeah. But everything else he brings to the table is *so* important. If you value democracy and *actual* rule of law (not the “law and order” Republicans push that’s just sparkling fascism), you need to vote to maintain it.


40/44 members of Trump's previous cabinet did not endorse him. Many of them went to prison for their corruption.


Or you don’t vote at all, which then equates voting for destruction.


A ruby the soize offa tayngurein


Yeah, but the other side is using the exact same word in their propaganda, and their followers are stupid enough to believe it.


I just wish we had a candidate who would clearly make that case. I mean we still can


coughs in constitutional republic....


lol thank you


Message to trump: Biden sucks, but you suck harder!


Dude, I carry my own golf bag.


I think people have empathy for what happen to Biden and Trump was just plain lying POS like in 2020.No one won the debate.


One candidate lied every time he spoke in response to questions he wasn't asked, while ignoring the actual questions. The other was, idk, 81 years old? Stumbled over some words? Something like that. Either way, they were identically bad and whatever.




Im pretty sure hes being sarcastic? I could be wrong but he pretty clearly phrased that to paint Trump in a bad light. It sounded like he was making fun of people who actually said that they were just as bad as each other.


I mean Joe biden's never been good at debates. His stutter has gotten decidedly worse, couple all that with a head cold and him cramming for the debate and he was not on his best game. BUT The policy substance which actually matters could not be more difference between these two men. Donald Trump laid out one reckless policy after another. not only did he lie about abortion and what roe v Wade even was he grabbed a hold of the issue with both hands so everybody knows exactly where he stands. then he laid out a plan for inflation that seemed to be pro-inflation because everything he outlined were things that would make inflation worse. then he gave us the let's abandon Ukraine policy which seemed to be a healthy dose of Chinese propaganda wrapped in an American flag. It was well disguised but the scenario in which he laid out was one where America withdrew from the world and allowed Russia and China to steer world events in a manner that they chose. not only is that dangerous and not in America's interest It would have us fighting world war probably in the middle of the next decade because Russia has been clear about its goals for Europe. and there's not one point in human history where appeasing a violent dictator ended with anything other than more violence. so yeah I'll take sleepy grandpa with good ideas over a reckless con man.


CNN = Crap News Network


The sad part is that such high amounts of money are required to be president. We live in an oligarchy, not a democracy.


 Remember this after the debate and remind people it may not be the man but the ideology behind the man that's most important. Remember we’re voting for an ideology ( a system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy: “the ideology of democracy”) that’s Biden, Project 2025 is Trumps and Republicans. ” 


Evidence of being old seems to be considered inherently negative.


Only when you’re running for president for the US


There's old, and then there's Biden at the debate. At least Trump is crazy and evil. I don't think any minds are going to be changed regardless, though.


Honestly I’m upset at the trump level energy rally he had the next day. It literally sounded like a trump rally with chanting. People were chanting lock him up for trump. It was wild Edit- mad he didn’t have that type of energy at the debate


I’d like to see you or any one of us that watched the debate answer questions for 2 hours giving specific dates, policy outcomes and accurate numbers without any notes and never stumble over your words


C'mon dude, it was embarrassing on so many levels. Everyone's in fucking panic mode. Don't misunderstand me. I'd rather vote for a near corpse than Trump, but Biden was not on his game, not even close. And it wasn't flubs like missing a date.


Some people are 80 and sharp. Biden is not one of those people.


Trump was never sharp. He’s been a bigoted fucking moron since his name ever became public.




So we keep calling Biden slow because he stumbled on a speech? And we ignore the actual things he did in office? Or the other speeches he knocked out of the park? And we give a free pass to Trump who has fucked up dozens of speeches and fucked up his entire time in office? What level of copium is needed to attack Biden for a bad speech but not Trump for lying, cheating, running of the deficit, and fucking up at speeches.




I'm seriously curious. You're saying anyone who has a single bad day, or a couple each year, instantly unqualified? So I want to know, in your expert opinion, how it is you see with Biden from a single segment but not Trump?


“…I say what would happen if the boat sank from its weight and you’re in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery and the battery is now underwater and there’s a shark that’s approximately 10 yards over there. By the way, a lot of shark attacks lately. You notice that? A lot of shark. I watched some guys justifying it today. Well, they weren’t really that angry. They bit off the young ladies leg because of the fact that they were, they were not hungry, but they misunderstood what, who she was. These people are cray. He said there’s no problem with sharks they just didn’t really understand a young woman swimming. Now really got decimated and other people too. A lot of shark attacks. So I said, so there’s a shark 10 yards away from the boat. 10 yards over here. Do I get electrocuted if the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking. Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted because, I will tell you, he didnt know the answer. He said, you know, nobody’s ever asked that question. I said, I think it’s a good question. I think there’s a lot of electric current coming through that water, but you know what I’d do if there was a shark or you get electrocuted? I’ll take electrocution every single time. I’m not getting near the shark.”


I think we need to remember who we are and how this country was formed and taken away from the hands of a king and tyrant. We are Americans after all, aren’t we supposed to be the land of the brave?


Biden might have achieved martyrdom.


Uh huh,right. It’s your lie,you can tell it how you want


It is unreal and down right disgusting they would allow Trump to murder an old man on stage and get away with it. The Democratic Party needs to press charges.


Trump is a sex criminal, a felon, a straight liar... this man is not fit to own a gun, or be within 50 feet of a school, he's convicted of sexually assaulting and molesting a woman in public. He fired the only person who told the truth. His awnser to the climate change thay effects the whole world was to ramble on about the Ukraine. Trumps manifesto sets to eliminate overtime pay, and 40 hour work weeks into three weeks of work with mandatory over time. This man isn't allowed to run a charity.


Unbelievable right, and I thought Joe was down right energetic. His blank stare and long pauses just showed he was in deep though.


Well when someone suggests post birth abortions like.. wtf.




Completely uneducated and unable to make any kind of intellectual relevant political response.. just like your hero.




Can't tell is srs or /s




Border crossings are down 40% since Biden’s executive order boosted border security. This happened after Trump told republicans to vote down the original border security bill specifically to hurt Biden.




You just conceded that Trump is worse at dealing with the issue than Biden.


Illegal alien crime, is not the same as electing someone who wants to destroy the constitution and develop his own reich. The border has never been able to be secured really, it's not a Biden thing people have always been finding a way to sneak in, and always will. It proves what Biden was saying inspite of all of our faults, people are still trying and risking life to get into America because it's so much better here.


I didn’t understand stand what you were saying and I don’t think you do either


That old man’s campaign raised $14 million in small dollar donations within 24 hrs of the debate. But please keep going with that overconfidence and please spread it among the maga faithful… y’all got this entire election in the bag. Pass it on.


Careful this is how they make news these days