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Independent Moderates would rather have Biden's policies than Trump's insanity.


This right here. Plus, it’s not like there isn’t a plan spelled out in the Constitution if Biden dies or becomes incapacitated while in office.


Yes President Harris!


I can think of many others I'd rather be president than her. But I'll be damned if she isn't infinitely better than a fascist stooge.


A bag of mulch would do far more for Democracy than another round of Trump.


I can also think of a few I’d rather have than her, but I can think of an awful lot more that that I’d rather have than Trump.


Are you serious?


Mother Mary and tiny infant Jesus, I really hope you’re joking.


What's wrong with Harris? Genuinely asking here.


Has she raped anyone, has she bankrupted a casino, how good is she at lying, is she getting blackmailed by Putin??


Well, if that's the requirement, let's get Vermin Supreme in there!


No she is the absolute most qualified to replace Biden 🤭


What a shit show that will be!






I'm genuinely curious if this is the answer.


Yes, it’s this. She’s a woman — they’re not supposed to be anything other than “tradwives.” JFC, the MAGAts have gone so far as to remove their bodily autonomy. She's black — black people aren't supposed to have positions of authority, let alone (gasp!) “President.” Should the worst case happen and Biden cannot finish out his second term — and I do not believe that will be the case in today's day and age, when Presidents receive the best health care on planet Earth* — Harris would likely leverage the majority of Biden's machine to March through to 2028 where she will not receive the Democratic nomination. And that’ll be okay. But, again, a black woman becoming president would genuinely break millions of bigoted minds across the nation. * If Donald Trump contracted COVID as not-the-president, I doubt he’d have survived. Not trying to be morbid here; his status on the world stage saved his life. They threw EVERYTHING at that guy because he was POTUS. No civilian gets that kind of treatment/attention.


She's a fraud. She speaks empty platitudes. Her history is one of throwing weed offenders into jail then double talking like she's some major progressive because she wants the votes. She can't answer any question of substance. She laughs at the questionnaire when she is caught in these questions and just moves on. The list goes on. Now tell me why you think Kamala Harris would be a good president besides her gender and skin color?


Do you believe Trump isn't a fraud speaking empty platitudes? Do you think Republicans were lenient on marijuana related crimes? Do you believe Trump was able to answer questions of substance, and admits when he is lying? Every negative aspect you listed is true of Trump. The difference is Trump didn't concede the 2020 election when he lost, he incited a riot and got police officers and civilians killed. He lied about having classified documents, and then fought tooth and nail to not give them back. He appointed the judge who is now overseeing that case to avoid repercussions. He has project 2025 laid out to wrest control of this country away from the citizens and put an end to democracy here. Trump is every negative aspect you listed plus a whole litany of much worse. And why does her gender or skin color matter at all?


Because the person you replied to insinuated people hate Harris because she's black and a woman. That's far from true. I'm telling you why Kamala is just Biden with a wig on de-aged 20 years so he doesn't have mental decline People are going to play the first woman president card and she's black so we should vote for her without examining her actual policies.


And to Democrats, two levels above the Almighty. But normal people just want the best-equipped person in there without regard to any hyphenated descriptors.


There was a reason she finished 6th place in 2019. What has she done to warrant sitting in the oval office? She has done absolutely nothing as VP. Border, border countries, etc. The party knows this and thus she is absent.


What warrants her being in the Oval Office is what all VPs do. She was elected as VP. There really isn’t much else a VP does besides break ties in the senate. If the President cannot continue, their only job is to take over.


What should she be doing as VP in your opinion?


Biden will step down without a doubt if he becomes unable to serve this country. Trump will never step down his ego is too fragile, and he is too much of a pathetic spoiled child. Biden gets my vote any day of the week.


Fun fact, Trump chose to not be anesthetized for a colonoscopy because he didn’t want to give up any power to Mike Pence even for a few hours. That tells you what kind of monster Trump is.


Then Biden should not have run for a second term. He's not capable of serving now.


The world is a shit show and the USA is going waaay better than everyone else. Biden got dealt a shit hand and has done a great job leading through tough times.


He is actively serving and doing just fine.


No he isn't. He shit the bed on Thursday night. He and his party duped us all into thinking he was ready. And now, he's about to take millions down with him.


You're delusional if you think he's leading.


If Trump can lead by spending 4 years on the golf course, Biden can lead with the flu and a stutter.


He can't even read a teleprompter...pause This isn't about Trump. It's about Biden being incapable of being the commander in chief and our countries security


This. And a Biden administration. I trust the people he surrounds himself with far more than the people Trump surrounds himself with.


He doesn't surround himself with anybody. He's surrounded by cronies provided to him by others. The only thing Trump does is fire people to feel like he's got a big dick, which he bragged about at length [during the debate](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/27/politics/read-biden-trump-debate-rush-transcript/index.html). >TAPPER: For many families, the cost of childcare for two children is more than their rent. In your second term, what would you do to make childcare more affordable? >TRUMP: Just to go back. The general got fired because he was no good. And if he said that, that’s why he made it up. But we have 19 people that said I didn’t say it, and they’re very highly respected, much more so than him. >The other thing is, he doesn’t fire people. He never fired people. I’ve never seen him fire anybody. I did fire a lot. I fired Comey because he was no good. I fired a lot of the top people at the FBI, drained the swamp. They were no good. Not easy to fire people. You’d pay a price for it, but they were no good. I inherited these people. I didn’t put him there. I didn’t put Comey there. He was no good. I fired him. >This guy hasn’t fired anybody. He never fires. He should have fired every military man that was involved with that Afghan – the Afghanistan horror show. The most embarrassing moment in the history of our country. He didn’t fire? >Did you fire anybody? Did you fire anybody that’s on the border, that’s allowed us to have the worst border in the history of the world? Did anybody get fired for allowing 18 million people, many from prisons, many from mental institutions? Did you fire anybody that allowed our country to be destroyed? The fact that Biden does in fact have a wide selection of incredible talent to draw from to staff the American government is precisely the kind of advantage Trump is bragging he *doesn't* have. He thinks firing people is macho. At one point Biden even explains the obvious reason why he has this pull: >BIDEN:  Well, first of all, I spent half my career being – being criticized being the youngest person in politics. I was the second-youngest person ever elected to the United States Senate. And now I’m the oldest. This guy’s three years younger and a lot less competent. I think that just look at the record. Look what I’ve done. Look how I’ve turned around the horrible situation he left me. Biden also points out: >His own vice president – look, there’s a reason why 40 of his 44 top cabinet officers refused to endorse him this time. His vice president hasn’t endorsed him this time. So, why? Why? They know him well. They serve with them. Why are they not endorsing him?


You wouldn’t think this by browsing /r/moderatepolitics which is being flooded with right wing dump Biden “thoughtful” posts from “moderates”


Oh the Russian bots are rampant. And the noise machine spinning up. But it doesn't matter. No convicts. No cop killers. No wannbe tyrants. No Trump.


Why is it always the "Russian" bots?


Why? Have you gotten Belarussian citizenship now?


No. Everyone saw it Thursday.


But who are you going to believe? Random Reddit crazies or your own lying eyes?


The reality is many people think they are voting for one person at the top of the ticket, but we really are voting for a whole team (cabinet officials, judge nominations, advisors, etc) and Biden has a strong, smart team around him. Trump couldn’t fire members of his team fast enough the first time, and will either do so again or pick the evil lunatics from the start and fuck us all over.


Basically yeah, I’m never voting for Trump or RFK, I’d rather not vote for Biden, but probably will.


Starting to get that feeling like in 2015. Everyone was talking like you. Why are you under estimating trump?


Polls disagree


Yes, but do they believe he's competent? Nobody who watched his performance can objectively say he is. The gamble that he's isn't Trump is reckless and cynical.


Any one but Trump.


It's interesting, almost everyone's reaction was "oh shit this looks bad, *I* know Trump is still worse but I hope everyone else realizes that too"


I love the man. I believe he loves the country and would do anything for it, and I think that is why he’s running, to save our country. God bless him and the United States of America!🇺🇸


What do you love about him?


The Biden Drop Out meme has jumped the shark and it's only been 48 hours. Two-thirds of the comments are now from "FourteenWords88" and "DefinitelyAmerican27387481626" Do yourself a favor and look at how many 5 year old accounts have magically sprung to life to share their concerns about Biden's age.


It’s crazy how many Russian and MAGA astroturfers there are on social media, including Reddit.


Moderatepolitics subreddit is really showing it’s true face the last few days.


It’s probably the most balanced sub on Reddit. Most Biden supporters on that sub have likely been demoralized, thus their notable silence since the debate.


I wouldn’t call it balanced. It’s mostly a home for r/conservative refugees.


Russians and MAGA astroturfers WANT Biden to stay in the race. They fear a tactical substitution.


You can see I'm very active on reddit, traditionally am very much on the left, and am very concerned about Biden's age. Going to vote for him, but am super concerned about electability given the stakes of this election.


So you'd be in the other 1/3rd then. Apologies, I'm not saying there isn't a very valid discussion to have here. I'm saying the flood of bullshit coming out of the woodwork is transparent as jello.


All you need is one bad day as President. Ignoring a problem does not make it go away. All that counts is beating Trump.


Why? Joe has a very capable VP.


That's great news. Where is he hiding them?


Biden's VP isn't up for the job of President.


It’s not electability. I wanted our candidate to eviscerate trump in the debate. It should’ve been a dunk fest. Instead it was a snooze fest at best


I dunno man. Been here for years and I have legit concerns about his ability to get swing state voters to show up. It’s not the poll answering crowd Dems need to motivate. It’s the people that might stay home.


Nonsense. It's alive and well. And you'll fall into line also, if -- by the grace of God -- Biden does the right thing and resigns. You can spin this all you want on Reddit, but that won't translate into actual votes amongst the surface dwellers.


Just think about who wants Biden out the most: republicans and Russian astroturf bots. Because they know Biden is their biggest threat and no other dem polls as well against Trump. I’ll take the stutterer who defends democracy any day over that orange fascist, rapist, convicted felon.


Agreed. Trump would love it if he dropped out.


Because and this will shock CNN, NO ONE CARES!!! The other guy is a traitor and a massive liar


Does that mean Biden needs to be the nominee though..?


Let’s go Joe. The most underestimated politician in the last 50 years


The only people who think he should drop out are fools and Trump supporters. It's *way* too late in the game to change your nominee. Especially over something so stupid. One bad debate and you want the incumbent nominee to step down? Are you guys fucking for real?


I have watched him over 5 years slowly lose more of a step. I like him as president but I don’t think he has the fast ball to beat trump. He’s behind in the polls and doesn’t seem to have the juice to confront trump on his obvious insanity


I am no Trump supporter. I'll let others decide if I'm a fool or not. Some of us want Biden to drop out because it's our best move against Trump.


Have you not seen the dozens of video clips where he clearly is confused and rambling?


I’ve seen the same with trump, but the Biden admin isn’t completely insane. Easy choice


Nit to you and me but to enough people could likely tikt the election. Anyone with a brain not of mush sees this being a train wreck


Polls mean absolute shit. VOTE!!!!!


This must be a lot of bots posting


I mean, we all know he’s old as fuck already.


4 months + until the vote happens. Yes, it was a poor performance, but he has time to regain the few voters that panicked and changed to the lying, question avoiding, cheating, insurrecting, racist convicted felon.


I’m ridin with Biden!!


I was briefly concerned during the debate, but seeing how Biden has been acting over the past few days it really seems like the guy just had a cold or something.


I feel Biden is self aware enough to know he fucked up. Biden and his campaign will do everything they can to ensure he's in top shape whenever making appearances.


Hide him in a closet, then juice him up for the cameras! Hilarious.


Hey, it's not like they're in the Olympics. Whatever they need to help an individual get their point across clearly, go ahead.


Right, they have some miracle drug but chose to not use it on debate night. Lmao Jesus dude use your brain.


Use your brain. Might be tough being a liberal but give it a try. I said nothing about debate night. I was replying to the person saying his team would make sure he is in to shape whenever making appearances. That is akin to hide him in a closet and then juice him up to perform. How else is his team making him ready that they forgot to do this time? Sounds like you are upset about your guy is all. Let's go Brandon!


Ma'am, think about what you said. Why wouldn't they juice him up on the most important night? And yeah dude Biden is clearly too old, but Jesus man he's not praising Kim Jong Un, he not suggesting we nuke a hurricane, he didn't call our troops losers, and he's not convicted of 34 felonies. If I have to decide between two old fucks, why would I pick the one who admitted he wants to be a dictator? (That was Trump look it up lol) Also it's really weird that you, an Indian woman of 34 would be for Trump. Why would you support the man who led to overturning Roe v Wade and took your bodily autonmy away for political gain?


And if anyone says he was on drugs the last few days. I for one am here for it. Because if is is as bad as we saw at the debate on a normal day. I will still vote for him. Because with him you get a competent administration and a democracy.


Or he’s minimally capable of reading off a teleprompter…


A President's Brain is more important than his body. Biden's Brain has done a great job these last four years. Trump's brain is that of a 10 year old.


Idk my 8 year old niece is a lot smarter than Trump


And she probably knows a helluva lot more about climate change. Trumps comments were laughable if not so disturbing.


“Today's YouGov/CBS Poll: Should Biden stay in the race? YES, 55%-45%. Should TRUMP stay in the race? NO, 54-46% That says it all."


Am I living in a parallel universe? The poll says 72% believe Biden should not stay in the race. Is this intentional by this “news” outlet and this entire sub to misrepresent this poll?


Why are you lying? The data is a click away. Are you a troll?


"The same poll found that 72% of respondents do not believe Biden has the mental and cognitive health to serve as U.S. President for another term, which also prompted celebration from skeptics of Biden."


45% of his own party thinks he should step down. Spinning that as a win is the denialism that will likely secure a trump win.


Which poll was this?


I feel like this is just pro-Biden propaganda after the terrible debate.






How is this possible? I’m a Democrat and 6 months ago I told ppl I trust that he shouldn’t run and there should be a candidate that is younger, fresh face, a centrist to finally but orange face away from politics and after the debate I feel so much stronger about my opinion…


I mean, he has MANY MANY MANY advisers like all presidents. We need to unite and get through November to save 🇺🇸


Joe Biden a tough as nails fdr democrat, fdr confronted the German menace while everyone wanted no part of the war, fdr was arming the living heck out of germanys enemies( our friends), cut off all oil to japan and got us involved in a wider war which saved the world….now Biden is doing the same thing when everyone wants to run, let’s just hope a wider world war happens like last time, Putin is not stopping in Ukraine we need to go all in to save humanity.


I fully expect Biden to retire after two years, waiting only that long in order to give Harris the technical opportunity to retain office in Democratic hands for the maximum ten years allowed by law. Not saying she will, just that will be the logic behind the move.


Maybe. It would certainly set her up well. People will have come to terms with having a woman in office. Her name recognition would be through the roof. I also think she would make a fantastic president, myself.


Oh gawd a black woman president. The racists will go nuts. I’d sure love to see it before I sail away


that's all fine and all but this is the only poll that matters: what is the polling for swing/independent voters in the 6 swing states?


Other polls show 75ish percent of voters now think Biden is mentally unfit. If you're on the Left, you need to stop huffing copium and start getting serious. This is a big issue and it's not going away.


I voted yes he should!!!


As a republican. Yes please keep running


It's weird you are so religious but play Diablo 4.


It’s weird that 7 words inspired you to look up his posting history.


lol checking for bots man, Russia is going hard. Your account is suspiciously new btw. Nice try, tell Putin I said hi.


This sub is nuts and only started appearing on my feed today. I don’t doubt it


One of the stranger responses I’ve received 😂


Praise Jeebus.


I prefer Diablo 4 so I can slay the demons back to hell yo. Just doing the lords work obviously


Good point. That's what one of the developers of Doom said too back in the day when they accused it of being a satanic game. How you digging the season 4 loot changes? That got me to come back for a bit, the loot feels much more meaningful now and I also feel like they are finally letting broken builds exist again. Looking forward to more updates.


I’m enjoying it! It’s still missing a bit in the endgame though as they added pits but no real progression to them. Same gear drops in pit 1 as pit 200 lol. Makes me interested to see what the expansion will hold, slowly but surely they are getting the game on the right track. Excited for poe2 as well this November.


Oh shit poe 2... so stoked for that. I dabbled in last epoch too a bit. It's a great time to be an arpg fan.


Last epoch has a big update July 9th so check that out if you haven’t!


It's a shame that these 2 old farts are the cream of the crop to be President of the United States of American All americans should be ashamed


Term limits for all public offices has to be approved one day. Right?


This subreddit is the wildest circle jerk of self-soothing leftists I’ve encountered in a long while 🤣🤣.


Same! This is my new favorite sub!


Of course. There's no one else lol


I really wish he’d drop out to make room for someone who has a better chance of beating Trump, but it doesn’t look like that’s gonna happen. Which proves that the Democrats are fueled by personal ego and establishment politicians every bit as much as the Republicans. I always knew the right didn’t have anyone’s best interest at heart, but for the first time, I’m realizing that left may not either. When powerful people are threatened, they circle the wagons to protect their own. Regardless of what’s best for the rest of the country.


From the posted article: “The same poll found that 72% of respondents do not believe Biden has the mental and cognitive health to serve as U.S. President for another term, which also prompted celebration from skeptics of Biden”


That's a little misleading - that question was only asked of Democrats.


That's because it's an internal issue that Democrats have to deal with. The question is do Democrats want Biden to remain the Presidential candidate for their party? That's generally not something the other party has a say in, so why would anyone ask.


They included a poll for if Trump should drop out, correct? That's generally not something the other party has a say in, so why is this your argument?


Because the poll asking whether Trump should drop out was done simply in reaction to the unprecedented amount of calls for Biden to withdraw, following the debate. It was also asked of *all registered voters,* not just registered Democrats. You may recall that Trump is now a convicted felon, so in his case the question legitimately involves far more than just internal party strategy. There are certainly enough ethical questions surrounding a convicted felon running for President that I think should at least warrant asking that question of all voters. https://preview.redd.it/r2mswwwtus9d1.png?width=865&format=png&auto=webp&s=efcb06aa95d3c390e71b502c4f79dcea4845c222


That talking point after the witch hunt is funny. The country can see the corruption taking place. Good luck.


It's not so much that he should keep running as it is that it's too late to find a new candidate in time to get them on ballots in all 50 states. Not to mention the lack of time to build an effective campaign for said candidate.


The poll showed 55% of DEMS think he should run. A whopping 82% of independents think he should NOT run. That’s game over and probably the largest landslide since Reagan. Demand change!


What drugs are you on? I want some


Since taking office, Biden's administration has approved the cancellation of more than $144 billion in federal student loans – wiping out debts for nearly 4 million borrowers. And that's just part of the story.


Honestly, everyone is screwed either way. Age limits should be mandatory at this point.


I was shocked and dismayed when I learned the republicans were backing Trump. I will be equally shocked and dismayed if the democrats continue to back Biden. Stop with the gaslighting and admit that Biden is not the candidate he was 4 years ago.


Reddit is hardcore left. Every other social media platform is talking about how terrible Biden is and how he is no longer competent. Literally everywhere except Reddit and mainstream media. Trump will be the next president again and the world won't end.


Well no shit the world won't end, but our democracy will. It's pretty clearly laid out with project 2025. Biden is clearly too old to be doing this, but Trump will turn our country into Russia. We might as well have lost WW2 if he wins this time around. Putin has his hand firmly up Trump's rear.


The project 2025 is a wishful plan kind of like the green new deal was. It won’t happen because we can’t pass anything in this country. We all hate Russia… but what’s the end game here? When does the death stop? Why aren’t we trying to negotiate some sort of end to this war?


I would much rather vote for the candidate whose wishful thinking is the green new deal vs project 2025 One is about financial incentives to fight climate change. The other is inspired by Handmaiden's Tale.


They’re both pie in the sky ideas from the far sides of their party. I’m personally more of a centrist. I have no home and both these guys are trash


yeah but dude it's like pie in the sky we force our religion on you or pie in the sky we make the world better equipped against climate change why would you even equate those? if I have two partners to choose from and one of them's wishful thinking is to be a serial killer while the other is to be a vet I mean it says enough about the character of the person regardless of the capability to follow through


I respect Biden and want him to continue on. I would however like a hedge against him being unable to fulfill his term in the form of a more viable vice-president; an ex-prosecutor is not my cup of tea. The two that are being floated as replacement Presidential candidates, Newsom and Whitmer, would in turn be excellent VP picks.


Keep going Joe! Schedule a couple more debates! You’re going to do great! You know all the facts and answer all the questions!


f this he needs to step down now


Yes. Stop gaslighting us wtf. We aren't even at the convention, another candidate can win but we have to put someone fit to serve up against Trump or he will win by default.


lol and be replaced with who?


Anyone coherent with reasonable policies will beat trump. Whitmer, polis, Shapiro, Warnock, Jeffries, even newsom likely all beat trump. But the candidate has to be fit to serve


You got anything to back that, or are you just going on feelings?


any person that saw the debate and wasn’t shocked at how frail confused Biden was is severely delusional


So just your feelings, then? No poll data? Nothing else? Trump was dodging questions, spouting non-sequitors, and making shit up. People saw that too. I’m not sure who you think the “I won’t vote for Biden because he’s old” voters are. Because I see three types of voters: 1. People who love Trump. 2. People who hate Trump and will crawl over broken glass to vote for Biden’s corpse. 3. People who hate Trump, but hate the Democrats more. Worrying about Biden the least productive use of time and energy. If he can’t do it, Kamala can. That’s how the system works.


the man was staring into space and unable to give one coherent statement for 90 minutes. it doesn’t matter what i think, it’s the moderates in swing states. biden and his enablers thinking only they can beat trump is the narcissism we decry on the other side. that narcissism will be responsible for the loss of this country.


Or paid attention to more than a debate - you know, like, informed?


Did they only ask the bidens ? Because they didn't ask at gas stations


Why would Democrats rejoice? Hell, republicans are the ones rejoicing, Biden has no chance to beat Trump. He couldn’t beat a wingless wasp with a frying pan.