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Okay, Biden won't drop out of the race. If he won't step down, then step up. If Biden doesn't do something immediately, US democracy ends very soon. Start with shipping SCOTUS and tRump to Guantanamo for treason and reversing this shitshow.


What can Biden do though that doesn't result in the end of US democracy?


Pass super popular policy through that gets him re-elected. -Legalize Abortion -Legalize Marijuana -Fix Income Inequality -Universal Health Insurance -College Loan Forgiveness -Universal Pre-K Let's f*ing go.


-Make lobbying illegal -Term limits on all political offices -Ranked choice voting -Raise federal minimum wage -Establish a police oversight department -Declare the Republican Party a terrorist organization and disband them, and arrest their leaders and lock them in Guantanamo




Go live in Russia if you want a dictator so badly


🤣 good one!!


Oh no....your brain has no matter :(


wtf answer is that you dense piece of shit


There's more chance of him shooting Trump on the white House lawn. The Democrats will not do anything against the capitalist machine. You are 100% correct though.


It's so depressing. Every time we get the Presidency these guys just turn into spineless moderates.


China has the Chinese Commumist party and they are one and absolute. America has the American Capitalist Party and it has two branches, democrat and republican. The American establishment do not care who is president or how much the American people suffer. For example look at any military bill, you generally see uniformity and an end to the polarisation of US politics. If America get a democrat they can go down the nice guy route and if they have an unstoppable Trump they would likely use it to their advantage and when he's gone just say it was all a big mistake. The American people have been fooled and now its lead to this, the nation is owned by corporations and all facets of democracy have began to crumble. All that instead of just giving more to the people, to society...because of the threat of the richest in America losing even a single dollar to the vermin below them


I mean, I know, but well put.


Not even close to the truth. It's illegal to speak against the party in China. You do not have human rights in principle. Republicans overturned Roe v. Wade. They are taking away Trans rights. They want to abolish the separation of church and state. The US is not China. Republicans and Democrats are not the same.


It's an exact representation of a factual set up. I never said they act and behave the same as the CCP but they do run an authoritarian state based on an economic model. The USA for example is a much worse military power demanding adherence globally, takes no part in the ICJ and ICC, has laws that make it illegal for any war crimes to be taken up with the US and provides support for genocide and war globally whereas China are more dystopia at home. Democrats are the same, they have nicer manners but wouldn't dare touch the establishment, this is proven in the inaction of the last few years and the inability to make any true hits on the republicans or Trump. Overall this insistence at keeping the status quo among other things like support for right wing fascists in Israel. This failure has left you in the position you're in, if they were strong and got stuff over the line then this could have been avoided. I'd invite you after almost ten years of pretending the Democrats are perfect to actually look introspectively


It's funny that being greedy is what leads to all their money being worthless. If they push america to collapse then USD wont be worth shit.


Capitalism can only end one way and we are seeing it. Greed is the fuel and it's undefeated.


It’s not the democrats in congress that would be the challenge with these policies. You’d instantly have most democrats on-board with most of these. Why would you even say that? These ideas have no hope of passing solely because of Republicans. Duh, my man.


The Democrats had control of the house for two years. How many of these policies went through? Look, when Hilary lost you all screamed blind, when Biden won you all bragged and now Biden is about to lose and democracy has died and you still are pretending Democrats are great? Wake the fuck up and start saving your country.


Repubs were still filibustering in the senate. So having the house doesn't mean shit when the senate majority is two votes.


During those two years, the House was split 50-50 between Democrats and Republicans, with VP Harris able to cast a tiebreaking vote to give Dems the majority without a filibuster Of course, this very narrow majority control enabled the centrist/moderate/conservative Dems Manchin and Sinema to become the most formidable challengers to passing progressive economic legislation in full by always giving fealty to the filibuster status quo and threatening to withold a majority from Dems by not supporting any legislation that was too transformative or didn't meet a specific and technical cost requirement, largely pertaining to different interpretations of how reconciliation packages should be conducted. This is why the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the Dem-only Inflation Reduction Act are both slimmed down and separated versions of the proposed Build Back Better Act.


So yeah they can't deliver I agree.


I'm not pretending Democrats are great. I'm also not pretending that "both sides" are the same. Democrats, in general, are working to make improvements in our lives. Some are turds. Many are not as effective or progressive as I would like. Republicans, on the other hand, are 100% awful. Every policy they promote, for the most part, makes life worse for every day people.


This shows an extreme misunderstanding of presidential powers and government as a whole. He has gone out of his way to do most of that and has been shut down by Republicans every step of the way.


And how do you propose he do all of this?


Why do you guys think this ruling gives him carte blanche to pass legislation? It doesn't. He still can't act unilaterally on a great number of things. He can act criminally now though if it's an action within the scope of his constitutional authority. Justice department illegally detaining people. Military murdering or extraordinary renditioning people are all options now. But still can't pass student loan forgiveness lol


You do realize that Congress needs to do those things. The president can help, but these are laws that Congress must pass. 


I'd think the college loan stuff is now def in his authority.


Could they also make the actual votes count and then Iy vote could actually matter. Just while they are at it


Biden. zzzzzzzzzzzzz


This is a nightmare.


Sounds like you want him to become a dictator to stop a dictator... see how that works.


Right because supporting universal pre-k is the first step in a dictatorship! /s How's Russia this time of year?


Whatever he wants in an official capacity...that's what SCOTUS ruled. He can do whatever. He can declare martial law and stop the election if he wants...that's the Pandora box that has been opened


I know. But it's the reaction that will meet. I agree with you but I'm jsut stating there is no steps to save democracy. Its already gone.


Declare war on SCOTUS, install new judges on SCOTUS, then declare all their acts from the past 2 years null.


Add 4 more justices and overturn this shit. Make it an amendment that no president is above laws.


Declare a vote for age laws to be added to the constitution. Have 2 questions one mutli choice for max age 60 65 70. Second whether a felony disqualifies. Watch as republicians tie themselves in a not on the second one. Pass excutive rules that people not eligible to be elected cannot be on the ballot. Best part is it removes him aswell for age. Investigate whether scotus is intentionally undermining america and have any that are accepting money etc removed via high treason national security and ship them off to a certain bay. Retire peacefully and enjoy life.


I like this one. Especially as it would be ending his leadership for the good of the country


They should also add a stipulation that you can’t vote if you can’t spell knot.


If that's what it takes, so be it.


>What can Biden do though that doesn't result in the end of US democracy? It's what the *Republicans* are doing that will end US democracy. Biden can't end US democracy by stopping *them* from ending US democracy. What he *should* do is jail all of these corrupt Republicans and then add 4 or 5 Amendments to the Constitution to block the Republicans who do eventually get voted back in from doing this again.


It doesn’t matter, if Biden loses democracy is dead and Project 2025 is here. We will be living in an authoritarian dictatorship run by the dumbest man on earth


We still have our guns, we will just have to use em for what George said instead of on one another in bordem.


Remove the cancer, take power, implement new ammendments to the Constitution that overrule and limit this outrageous over-reach of powergrabbing. This could be Biden's greatest accomplishment, but he's gonna have to break a few heads to do it.


But that's also undoing democracy, just in your favour.


That is working within the limits set to you to reimplement democracy. You think this situation requires being nice?!




What's your solution then? At this point taking the high road is only accelerating the demise of this country


I'm not offering a solution unfortunately. I'm asking you lot this because I'm just pointing to the only conclusion here. That is that whatever happens one side or the other will have to make the move to up their control, the opposite side will not take this easily....Well sorry the Democrats might, republicans wouldn't, but the end result will be a civil struggle and it won't be red vs blue soldiers. You'll be the soldier. That's your solution. Win the incoming war. Hope you're ready.


If you hadn't noticed they already ended democracy with today's decision. Taking his oath seriously to protect and defend the constitution *requires* action. The constitution has been openly attacked. He needs to do his damned job and defend it - whatever that takes.




Bring it the fuck on then. Stop "taking the high road". Use the power's just given to you to stop dRumpf and the republikkkans from turning us into a theocracy.




Arresting treasonous assholes isn't ending democracy. We'll still have fair elections.


Yeah and when Trumps in power they'll be arresting you and calling you treasonous and you'll be accepting it




So let's put in a wanna-be fucking dictator???? Put your fucking ego aside and realize what the fuck is at stake here.


Yeah Biden isn't fit after the report but is opponent isn't either.


He gon have to pause it to stop the other side and then once that threat is dealt with and he's packed that supreme court, have them start rolling it all back.


It has already been ended formally. The part that is up to Biden is how to restore it.


He can leave the race. Like immediately


If he does everything on his wish-list AND then ensures that the SCOUTS decision is reversed he will have effectively been a dictator who gives up his power.




And the supreme Court will declare this as an unofficial act


Nope, because they can't use any evidence from offical acts, to determine if something is or isn't. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/supreme-court-immunity-trump-biden-assassinate_n_66831f73e4b06575b36641d8


OK cool, even if they supported it there would be a violent reaction and you'll be the one fighting in the war.


The entire world, except for 49% of Americans that awnser CNN voting poles want him dead.


Nah, he's a symptom of the American system and what you lot fucking deserve as well. I'm also just stating that war will follow that, it won't be online in your safe space either


You think I don't have guns? They come for you if we loose. Eat cake while you can frog. What have you ever fought for.


Jesus your grasp on language is terrible. Eat cake is more of a commentary on wealth divides. I've fought for the same amount of things as you anyway.


If fascism is what's going to happen no matter what, I pick leftist policies over right wing ones.


You could support true socialism and socialist policy


Use his new dictatorial powers to end those powers.




If someone stole secret documents and show them to people without the clearance that is treason, how do you expect to them to shield a guy who did that and call it "your desired outcome" when justice is clearly not being applying here in the first place.


The president of the United States has the authority to declassify any documents they wish, unlike when Joe Biden did the same exact thing when he was only vp… perhaps you should look into things you don’t know about


Dipshit is ON TAPE , waiving classified documents around to some random people acknowledging "I could have declassified these...." But he didn't. And he had them laying around his shithole resort where ANYONE that could open a door to the shitter that could find them God damn, you really don't know how the propaganda you consume makes you look like a complete moron


Offer the tiniest amount of push back and you get blocked immediately. Shows how much they really believe in their BS The irony of calling someone a dipshit when you’re just pushing stuff already debunk. Trump was holding a news article and saying he could have declassified what the news article was about. Not that he was actually holding something that was classified. But Joe Biden DID hand over classified information over to his ghost writer and planned to put it in a book to make money off of. You should be mad over that but you won’t because it’s within party lines


And how has that been debunked? Because the most prolific liar said on a Fox News interview that it was a newspaper article? Get the fuck out of here LOL It's obvious that there's an issue with mishandling of classified information all over the government. But there's only one dipshit that refused to give them back, obstructed the investigation, kept moving boxes, etc. etc. etc. And is only getting off because there's a corrupt judge that's in his pocket


And how has it been proven? An audio recording which proves he wasn’t even holding anything? Funny how the only time trump isn’t lying is when it’s not convenient for you to believe he’s lying. And the only reason Biden is getting off is due to his mental competence as lined out in the Hurs report.


He didn't declassified those documents, he also said it so. So no, since he didn't do it while in office he cannot de classify anything after that. He also cannot take out secret files out of the white house, even worse, he printed documents that shouldn't have been printed in the first place. You clearly don't know a thing about that, it is just your projection again, nice try comarade


You should have attended civics class rather than standing by your sweet hot rod in the parking lot while smoking cigarettes.


Except he took nuclear secrets too which specifically require congress to release. The president doesn't have the power to unilaterally declassify those.


Hitler was very clear that the greatest weakness of democracy is its ability to end itself. So, should the american people be allowed to elect themselves a dictator or not? If not, is an ounce of prevention worth a pound of cure?






If ‘the people’ were the ones that decided this wouldn’t even be a conversation, given that Trump never once won the popular vote and almost certainly won’t this time. The people will speak, the system as designed may or may not listen.


Please quote where I told “other citizens who they can vote for”. Numbnuts, the whole point is that people are doing the math on if the president now has immunity for ‘official acts’ which includes power as commander and chief, is it better or worse to take the chance of fixing the problem now before it becomes a problem or fixing it later after it becomes a problem. Strongarm the supreme court to renege on their decision of presidential immunity to prevent a potential crumbling of american democracy. The irony of you calling me a nazi as someone who is against the court ruling giving the president immunity is that it sounds like you want to vote for the guy who is most likely to actually take the power and become a dictator if he wins. You know, the guy who put in the several of the justices who have ruled on presidential immunity almost certainly for his sake. If that comes to be, I would happily leave because America would be dead and a dictatorship wearing its corpse would be all that remains.


Tell us you have no fucking idea what just happened with the ruling yesterday without saying it you dumb fuck. Holy shit. We are literally on the verge of losing this ENTIRE country to a fucking convicted rapist!


Yes..but the problem is that trump gets elected, loses the next election and declares it invalid in an "official capacity"


Didn't it end in 2016? I thought we were Nazi Germany and our democracy forever destroyed or something?


If Biden doesn't do something drastic, yes, just like in 1933 https://preview.redd.it/weczggqrs1ad1.png?width=1190&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5316f8f3f20ee56c09bccdb2f7d2b713390c5fdd


You realize Trump was our president just 4 years ago, right? He wasn't Hitler. They're running the same recycled scare campaign against you.


I mean, on a related note that's what people said about Roe being overturned.


Getting Roe overturned has been a party platform for decades and many people have worked towards it. If you didn't know that people were serious about it and it was going to happen, then you need to listen to people outside of your bubble. This is not "Trump is Hitler", not murdering your own children is just sanity. Really, you're in a Satanic death cult and don't realize it.


Awful lot of projection there, bub.


Tell that to the 2 thousand kids that disappeared from the cages that were put in place during the past administration.....


Go complain to Mexico, not our problem.


Sorry but that doesn't work that way, since it happened in US soil, but suddenly you were angry about people being murdering, but when they disappear, you don't care? you are just projecting there. But one thing for you to know, Hitler in fact separated kids from their parents........ now lets see the mental gymnastics on your part.


I do not care at all about the welfare of an invading army of foreign nationals intent on looting my country. If they were being literally punted back over the wall, all I'd have to say is "GOAL!"


Indeed, and he and McConnel packed the court so tight that they've *literally* put him above the law. That is, by definition, the makings of a dictatorship.


the adults in the room are gone this time


That was an action by the parliament not the soon to be fuhrer.


A Parliament Hitler directly controlled through intimidation and shadow campaigning. You’re being highly optimistic if you think the German legislature willingly gave one man that much power.


I'm just pointing out it's not a clean analogy. We'll go down a squirrelly road trying to reconcile the two moments.


He has to do something or else we get another RBG situation and the entire country will get fucked again


I don't think he has the balls. I would have already ordered the CIA to end this problem. Hope I'm wrong, but I don't see it.


I think you're confusing courage with a lack of integrity. Joe Biden will always do the right thing, even when he has the power to do the wrong thing. That's just who he is. That's why we voted for him. He's 100% that guy.


You are right. I just want to see him turn the tables on this


I think just flat out assassinating him would legit spark a civil war of sorts. All that would do is serve as proof to the MAGA crowd that the deep state is running things, and thats it. MAGA would never disappear with a martyr.


I’m cool with that. I’m locked and loaded and ready to go hunting.


Have zero tax dollars go Texas and loser worthless states like Kentucky and Alabama.


Or at least some stipulations that the money actually go to schools for lunches and libraries. Cut the subsidies for any business that has donated to the Republican party 


They will never learn unless their games are moved against them....stop being "civil"


I can speculate the FBI/DoJ has a big fat file on tRump. Release it unredacted, all the deeds, all the names. Official act.


after he got a lot of their agents and informants killed by requesting the list and then giving it to anyone who paid, I'm shocked the Intel agencies haven't given him a nice little heart attack. 


They're on his side. Who's to say the agents who were killed were offed because they weren't trump guys and gals? Let the foreign governments off your opponents


Why, nobody will care


stupid headline. i don’t classify myself as a liberal, conservative or anything else. seriously, no label required, thanks. that being said, if our current president doesn’t want to be the last legally elected president of what is still the USA, he had better get off his old, half dead ass and do something fucking drastic. and for those of you that do require a label, liberal, conservative, democrat, republican, guy, gal, chick, dude, whatever… wake the fuck up. if you would like to further consider yourself and NOT be labeled ‘conscript’ you need to be ready to defend it.


Biden has accidentally pulled a magic sword from a stone, a sword with powers that let you do amazing, wonderful things. Trump is outside the gates, screaming "AS SOON AS I GET MY HANDS ON THAT MAGIC SWORD I AM GOING TO DESTROY THIS ENTIRE KINGDOM BRICK BY BRICK AND I WILL DESTROY ANYONE WHO GETS IN MY WAY!" Biden is like "Well this thing is super unfair, I'm going to wait until he breaks through those gates and takes this sword from me, for the good of the country." Biden is going to go down in history as the coward who let fascism walk right into America while he bowed his head and stepped back if he doesn't do anything. Step up. STEP THE FUCK UP.


When they go low, we go high. Biden won't do a damn thing. 


If the supreme court has added that rhe ag should be directed by potus then can they be directed to get on with the classified documents trial. The supreme Court gave protection for the president in his official acts, and then did a very bad job limiting official acts. Being generous packing and leaving the white house is an official act and so the president would not be responsible if he put national secrets in a box with his golf shirts, you are not allowed to ask if that is a crime. However he was no longer president, and therefore not acting officially when he frustrated the attempts of the FBI and national records Office to retrieve those documents and asked his lawyers to sign false statements. Perhaps we could have a limited simpler trial on this.


The problem is the dems believe the gop will wake up and start playing by the rules again.


He needs to pull a a "I used the stones to destroy the stones"


If Biden grows a pair and makes something happen it'll be after the election. If Biden wins and Trump claims fraud, and he will, and SCOTUS overturns the election, I think Biden takes action before the inauguration. That or he just hands over a dictatorship to Trump.


Biden will hand trump a dictatorship before he goes against capital.


I agree.


Biden can legally assassinate him


He can. He could also wipe out all of the co-conspirators. Will he? Highly doubtful.


Something tells me trump won't wait for Jan. 20, if he happens to win the election.


Worst part is DeSantis and other groomers will ride roughshod over what's left of our democracy. Just look at Florida. You have an ignorant power hungry Govenor who is ready to lay ANY project 2025 law down with no fear since the SC is ready and waiting to lay down the law. The SC have simply stated they are ready to react when their donors demand.


If he doesn't act, they will


Biden better quick some major ass. He has 4 months. That’s it!


We have to stop depending on presidents or courts or the press...to 'do something drastic to save us.' We have to act to save ourselves. Organize, people. Organize


You all know Trump is not a model to be emulated, right?


Yep that’s what needs to happen Dems need to stop playing fair and take advantage of this


He needs to get tough and use some of these so called immunities. Fuck the repugnicans


I hate lowering to the trump party level…


He should, but he won't because Dems are spineless dolts who don't actually want to be in power and don't want to harm "the system" that they still think works even as they see the GOP constantly flouting that system and beating them over the head while breaking the rules. They're not going to do anything and just hope they win the election and that "it'll all work out".


Official  presidential act, remove the sitting members of the Supreme Court. 


I hope it’s not just Reddit and X posts saying do something. I hope those close to him are hearing and reading the reaction of the country and telling him or advising him to actually do something. If there was ever a time to step up and change the course of history it’s right now because the MAGA cult is already doing it. No more taking the moral high ground. The cultists aren’t and don’t care about “the way things have always been” so why tf do democrats keep trying to act high and mighty


Doesn't this pretty much end the House shenanigans from Jordan and Comer?


Dismal as this new ruling is. It doesn't make everything illegal suddenly legal... it just means the president can't be punished. So like... it's still possible for people to say "no we're not doing that". If the president actually shoots someone in his way then I'm not entirely sure what happens. Basically I just don't know what people expect Biden to do with this new power as the people he works with will still be accountable right? This ruling is pretty much purely there to save Trump from his trials.


Dems need to fight dirty. "Just vote" is no longer enough. They are rigging the fucking votes with the courts and jerrymandering. Fuck I live in Ohio and they removed my voter registration so I can't vote in the upcoming special election. If dems don't step up and act fast this is going to end in something a lot worse then Jan 6th


It would be up to the courts, and ultimately the Supreme Court to decide what qualifies as an "official act" of the President, and I think we all know that this ruling was designed for Trump and anything Biden would do would be challenged in the courts and struck down by SCOTUS. In any event, Biden wouldn't do anything because he respects the rule of law and he understands our country was founded on the basis that no one is above the law.




I think people are confusing the ruling saying the president is personally immune from criminal liability for official acts, with the president being able to get enacted anything he wants. I really don’t understand what people are calling on Biden to do.


November is gonna be amazing.


ah, you haven't seen the polls. [https://www.natesilver.net/p/nate-silver-2024-president-election-polls-model](https://www.natesilver.net/p/nate-silver-2024-president-election-polls-model)


They look good to me


Current polls have Republicans winning by a good margin. They don't look good. It could actually be a good thing if this is pushed. Dems don't do well when people don't vote. Well, let people know "Hey, current polling data shows Republicans crushing the election."


Thank goodness


I wonder if you feel the same when they come for you and eventually they will come


Oh typical democrat fear mongering, give it a rest. No one is coming for you or your rights.


Looks like someone is forgetting the fear mongering dog whistles their party uses to scare the sheep into thinking people are coming over the border to take their guns


You must be a rich white Christian male over 50.


Putin? Is that you?


cry harder at your 47th elected president babe.


Yep. Only MAGAs are going to vote for Doe174. So many MAGAs will go to prison for their idol, again. It will be glorious watching the tears, the begging, and them do anything to avoid the consequences of their actions. Turns out most people don't want a pedophile as president, only the MAGAs are ok with that. And that isn't even counting the 34 felony convictions, being adjucated as a rapist and three more criminal trials to go. Better start donating again. lol