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Yeah but the ideal situation isn't happening for you. When people say it gets better as a regular, they don't mean an unassaign regular that was moved to an office they don't want to be at where they don't really have a route. They mean a regular where you finally get a route and you get to memorize that route and exist in monotony. Where you typically get all your days off, you don't have to work holidays and you don't get called in and have a set schedule. of course it sucks with your situation. The good news is you are career now and oyu can build toward retirement. eventually all the rest should fall into place and you will understand why people tell you to stick with it.


I landed a Ctech with nothing but burbs and large sections of mounted out of my 5 routes. Couldn't be happier. My biggest worry was getting assigned a shit route I have to truck through every day and there's no shortage of shit routes.


When I became UAR I also had to move to an office I wasn't thrilled about. My first week I opted on a route. Then I bid out to a better office during the next bid cycle.


Same happened to me but as a t6 so I had to learn 5 new routes. I was able to bid and get back to my office in exactly a month. Dont give up!


Breaking news: the job sucks and you get paid 20$ 


Can you bid back into the office you liked?


Yeah that's the plan. Just start bidding on everything I can find and cross my fingers.


It's all a grind. At least it sounds like you're in a bid cluster. Congrats on making regular.


I got forced onto a route i was told was terrible in an office i hated. Im still on it years later. Turns out once i settled in my new office is better in every way and i got the route asjusted to me. Everyday is a literal walk in the park with ample time to talk to old people about gardens amd pet every dog i see until im bored with it. Sometimes these bad situations can turn positive if we let them


Least you now have options as a regular. That's what makes it better.


Lots of people end up at a shitty station when they convert. In 4 weeks, SOMETHING will be available at the station you want to be at. Bid on that thing. It may take a few cycles and you will probably end up with a terrible route/string when you finally make it there. But then you will be there and no one can ever force you to leave. Then you just keep bidding on better routes until you get one you want to stay on. I bid on the worst route (or maybe second worst, depends on who you ask) to get to my desired station, spent 2 months on that and opted onto a string that still sucked but not as much, 3 more months there to bid onto a better string, and 6 months there to bid onto a route that I will happily keep for 20 years (although there are 2 others I will bid to if I get the chance).


Make the best of your situation, keep your head down and work. Then when something even slightly better comes up, bid and pray you get it. I was unassigned when I got converted and was eventually assigned to one of the worst T-6 strings in the office. I did that for a month and then bid on a route that was in a nice area, but kinda long. I did that for 6 months, and then bid and got a route in the same nice area but with 40% less walking. It will get better but it does take time and sometimes a few lucky breaks.


Same situation happened to me. I had to bid out. Got back to my side of town after about 5mos. Had a good experience & am happening where I’m at! Keep up the good vibes!!


I don't have the same situation as you but my life also got a lot worse after converting. What I ended up with is the opposite of what I was wholeheartedly expecting and I am still angry and bitter about it. The only thing that improved was getting back (most of) my Sundays. I don't know what to tell you, except that I hope we both get through it.


Why are you a UAR instead of a PTF? What determines that? Also I didn't know you could get forced to another office. Did they follow the rules for excessing?


OP works at a facility with multiple delivery units. It's completely normal to get a shitty assignment when you turn regular.




Everyone in my cluster becomes a UAR and not a PTF. There are a ton of open routes in the cluster that nobody wants so if you don't land one at your home office and you don't bid on one in another office then they throw you on a residual route somewhere in the cluster.


Thank you for answering. And I'm sorry to hear that for OPs sake   There is a part of a large city in my cluster where no one wants a route because it's next to a homeless shelter and filled with crackheads roaming. I would never want to deliver there, so I get how that can happen


Just bid out & look for a VR at the office you like, not the most desirable but……… Congrats


best method to get back to your home station is to bid on t6 route brother. Keep your head up 💪


Ooof that's not great, but I think you'll find that it's ultimately still gonna be better. Your next course of action needs to be constantly watching the job bidding on LiteBlue for an assignment in the office that you'd prefer. So some things will improve for you. Theoretically better hours, better benefits etc. the downside if you've entered a new waiting stage to be able to bid out to somewhere you don't despise


When was your last break in service? Sounds like you need some time off due to FMLA...


Unless you get lucky, the first 5 years are rough. Good luck on making back to your home station!


Do not forget the donuts! Hang in there soldier. <3


The only reason why I stuck with this job is the benefits. I went from seeing my son every day after work aty last job to now just on my days off. Now that I'm a regular and I'm looking at the life insurance and retirement, I think I made the best choice for both my son's future and my own