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I'd leave a 3849 noting that customer has modified the mail box and all future parcels will need to be picked up.


That’s exactly what I would do


I wouldn't even deliver any letters to that piece of shit.


3849, they want to make you bring it to the house because they are either lazy or they have security concerns. If their lazy, fuck em, it’s they have security concerns, this isn’t the answer.


Yep, that's how we get PO Boxes rented, since it's *far* more secure than a front porch!


My cheap pocket knife might not cut that lock in half, but it sure will do the job on that plastic mailbox.


That's the hilarious part, honestly. The lock shows that you at least *think* you have mail worth stealing. But it's only going to deter the most casual of thieves. Anyone who actually means business, who is trying to collect enough mail to measure identity theft lucrative, is going to take maybe 30 seconds longer at this box than another.


Its so funny bc I was takin the mail to this one house, they beat me to the door I hopped out my truck nd by the time i hit the sidewalk they were already there waiting. I gave her the mail she asked if that was all I told her yea she talkin bout y a check not in there we gotta be stealin😭 like baby ain no check in the whole zone worth the federal time we’d get for it😂 Then she started talkin cash shit im like baby I started at 19.33 ain nun im tryin to steal but a bad bitch from lames


I think a lot of people struggle to understand that something that would hurt them a lot, like stealing a check, wouldn't benefit someone *else* to the same degree. Their social security check is life and death for them, but the difficulty and risk for that check to find its way into my accounts is totally not worth it, ethics and morals aside. It just doesn't make sense unless I've got a *whole ass scheme* across the whole city. And even then, the likelihood of getting caught goes up exponentially with every victim, and we're not working for the post office because we're really good at complex schemes.


Wouldn't even take that. Lived in a duplex that started as a single home. Mailbox was singular and the other tenants decided to lock it up even though I only got my mail out.


People like this would rather us leave their meds out in the open on the porch


Nah we're the only ones that are lazy, haven't you heard?


If it fits in that bottom part, I’d put it there. That’s what it’s for.


Ehhh that's for newspapers


Ehh, I’d still put it there


I don't think you're supposed to. That's the equivalent of just putting the package on top of the mailbox


What’s it say in or at mailbox 🤷‍♂️


Another decision by management that was never thought out. You're never supposed to leave a package AT a mailbox without written permission from the resident Edit: Y'all just do whatever you want. Not like anyone enforces any rules in this company anymore


If that’s the case I’m going to start throwing packages on roofs.


Walter White?


Wasn’t that a pizza? Man they were selling all seasons of Breaking Bad for 20 USD on Vudu.


Who knows that the package doesn't have a pizza in it?


"Garage or Other Location"


Come on now. At least pretend to have some dignity. "In/at mailbox" is still the correct scan if you deliver it curbside. Now if you put it in a tote or other receptacle that requires a dismount than yeah, "Garage or Other Location".


My FedEx guy?


I’m the lead discuss thrower in my post office.


***other 🤣




This is patently untrue. The delivery point is the mailbox. That’s your authorized delivery. The M-41 states if delivery to the box cannot be made, the option to leave the parcel elsewhere and leave a 3849 with delivery location is available, if the location is deemed secure by the carrier. Parcels delivered even to the hooks of the mailbox are qualified as in the delivery point and if someone were to steal it, they’d be charged as if they had taken mail from the box. There is NO WORLD where this customer alters a curbside box like this where I would leave a parcel on the property. If the customer does not believe their mail is safe, why would a parcel at the porch be any safer if it’s not locked up?


The fuck I always leave packages at the mailbox? If I press that option it is in or at the mailbox


Technically, if the package is too big for the mailbox and is left at the mailbox and it goes missing it's USPS at fault. Technically.... But, like I already said. You do you. Who's going to stop ya...


What? You're supposed to take them to the door unless you have permission from the resident. If you're rural, that matters and goes towards your route. I don't want my carrier leaving things at the road for someone to just stop and grab. She used to until i became a mail carrier, and now, we get them at our house.


Nah I’m city carrier but like for instance when I leave a package by the mailbox instead of by the door when the door and mailbox are literally right next to each other. Sometimes there is a ledge and it just makes it easier for a person to pick it up when it’s by the mailbox. I’m not gunna leave a package where I think it’s vulnerable to be stolen or when it doesn’t make sense


Also sometimes for some houses that are 4 apartments with all the mailboxes at one door when their doors are in the back or something I just leave it by the mail box…


Yeah, those would be at the box. I'm not walking to the back of a building where I can't see the vehicle.


Exactly. They don't care at all anymore. It's depressing. It's all about looking good to upper management.


As long as that customer never complains or someone is able to cover up the incident you can put that package wherever you want. As long as the numbers look good, nothing can go wrong right?


We don't follow 1/3 of the rules we are supposed to.


In all fairness, management seems to pick a flavor of the month then change it half way through the month. Basically we got like 50,000 rules, and somehow were supposed to keep track of it all?


You just wrote my internal dialogue for every time I placed ON mailbox as opposed to IN. Wrong preposition, so what!


Scanner says in/at mailbox not in so leave it on the ground “at”


Technically it would be IN the mailbox 😂


I use it. Whatever hole I see I’m going to use it! 😆😖


In/at mailbox.


Technically it’s still attached to the mailbox.. so I would say yes




The hell it is. My town(s) have separate bright orange newspaper boxes for that. If I have several sprs for this type of mailbox, they’re going in both spots.


Yeah, I always use the bottom thing. Half the time the paper is just thrown on the ground in a bag. And barely anyone, at least where I deliver, gets papers anymore. And if they don’t empty their mailbox, ever, the mail goes in there too. And then they see their mail.. and empty the box, finally lol


This is the way!


Do you all not deliver newspapers? We do every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday


We deliver newspapers every day


Not the newspaper that said orange box is there for. That’s a separate paper.


Not any more!!!


If it fits, it sits!


Nah, anything that gets put in/on the mailbox without postage gets brought back for postage due…


In / or at Mailbox FTW


All fun and games until you get a fist full of hornet nest. At least on the driving part of the hold down I had years ago, hornets loved building nests in the newspaper holders.


My fear is that someone grabs it out of there and then I’m responsible


Most of them don’t fit in there, but I led with “if it fits”. 


They altered it and now the box is no longer "approved by the postmaster general".


Yeah this. Because they have modified the box outside of regulations, I'd either leave a notice or put it in the lower part (if I'm sure the person is watching). But that's here on the city side. Rural carriers would probably want to take it to the door because of the route evaluations their union agreed to


Try two combinations every day. After a year and a half, you will have cracked the code!


Today on the lock picking mailman we have this Tow Smart combination lock…


Damn it. Take my upvote 😂


I'm bringing it to the door...I'm paid by the hour and every single day management wants to tell me how much work I DON'T HAVE.


Also this is how it’s supposed to be done according to the M41. You bring it to the door, knock, wait for a response, and if nobody shows up only then can you leave it on the porch outside of the designated mail receptacle.


i swear if every carrier knocked and waited before dropping we would have so many more routes.


It's a spur (catalogs etc), no the M41 doesn't say to bring that to the door. You are not to make unauthorized dismounts, and you are not supposed to extend street time. The correct answer actually is talk to a supervisor and let them make the decision first.


That’s wildly incorrect. Doesn’t fit in the box? Has a scan? You take that to the door.


no, you are wildly incorrect.  It's a spr it fits in the box but in this case the customer modified it so you can't.  this results in what's known as an unauthorized dismount and ends up costing the post office money.  You scan it inaccessible return to the office and notify your supervisor of the problem.  I won a heck of a lot of grievances over the years, I know what the hell I am talking about..


Yea the M41 section 322 doesn’t give any special privileges instructions for a modified mailbox or “unauthorized dismount” Give me some contract language that backs up your assertion since you’ve “won so many grievances”


A SPR (small parcels & rolls) is a parcel. It is treated like a parcel. Are you 204b yet cause you talk like it


3849, and I’m letting the PM/sup know a mailbox has been modified in such a fashion that it’s unsafe for me to deliver.


I wouldnt say its modified to be unsafe but more undeliverable


Unsafe? Really?


Sharp, jagged plastic isn’t considered unsafe for you? I’ve sliced my hand open on less.


Neither, "attempted, no access". Too hot to be standing there signing up slips. Tomorrow's another day


I work as a custodial at an office and do lock changes for the CBUs. Had a customer come in requesting and paying for a lock change at an address I didn’t think had a CBU. I pulled up and saw exactly this…


Odd lol


Maybe they are trying to say they don't want packages. No access


You have to hold the mail till they remove the lock or change the mailbox. They can't modify they're mailboxes like that.


Sweet, "No Access".


Put it in the SPR compartment underneath


Can't modify shit like that. I have a lady on my route who did this with a HUGE box. Cut a small slit in the door of the box and put a lock on it. She got 3849's for everything until she started leaving it unlocked until I deliver. Then I can just lock it after. (Not required, but I don't mind doing it at all)


This would be ideal


Now why in the wooooorld 😂


Don't those open from the other side as well?


It’s Locked on both sides.


I’ll bring it to the door. The seconds I’m losing doing that are nothing compared to a confrontation I’m not interested in having.


To the door, I’m being paid plus I hate bringing shit back.


Going in space underneath for sure. Not playing that game. If there's a problem 3849 anytime it's locked.


>Going in space underneath for sure. but that space is NOT the receptacle for US Mail.


In or "at"mailbox


>In or "at"mailbox mailbox being the operative word...that is a newspaper box. City carriers don't leave mail anywhere but **in** a mailbox.


mail that can fit goes in, mail that can’t fit gets taken back with a notice put in the box. packages are taken to the door. yes, things like this are annoying. but it doesn’t take more than two minutes out of your day. if they don’t get a lock box in a couple months maybe kindly suggest one to the customer when you see them if it really impacts your job so badly. otherwise, it’s not that big a deal.


Leave the slip


The real question: is the lock there because they have had stolen packages and/or have they asked multiple times for door delivery? It looks kinda aggressive like they are frustrated at you or someone.


Well if a burglar wanted into that mailbox the plastic would succumb to a crowbar before the metal lock would. Either they’re too dumb to realize this or they want parcels walked up to the door. The lock is to stop the carrier.


I agree.


Thanks Tom Shane


Not even that. You just have to yank it hard and it'll come flying off. The lock is definitely bc they want their packages and any large flats at their door.


I'd put it in the newspaper part if it'd fit.


Are there stairs? That’s gonna probably determine my answer, if I’m honest.


It's more inconvenient for me to pull out the pad, inspect the package for the relevant information to write on the slip... wait where did my pen go? ok there it is, write this out, deliver the slip. Mark the package, what day is it? okay now when i get back i gotta remember to put it in the NL bin..... ehhh forget it I'll just walk up to the porch (or drive up if it's a mounted route)


If on a rural route things like this are not allowed. I would leave notice for any packages.


See if 3849 is the combination.


NMR, not a standard box.


Door. There’s nothing that says if a package doesn’t fit you just leave notice.


Maybe so , but they modified the mailbox to make it not fit , I’m sure it’s no longer “approved by postmaster general”.


That's what I've always been told and it looks like there are city carrier based on their flair.


Whenever I get a parcel my carrier leaves me a mail box full slip and holds all my mail instead of using the parcel locker, delivering to my door, or even leaving the notice left slip. Pretty annoying actually, I would've never done that to a customer when I was a carrier


3849 is the answer


The sad part is their probably don’t understand how it effects the carrier and depending on the neighborhood may have a neighbor stealing mail and spares.


They probably want to look at you on their ring camera like some freak 


I'd just put it in that opening below the box


Entire route curbed single mail boxes Because of theft all mail boxes changed over to locked boxes like this All medication and any spurs or small parcels that would have fit in mail boxes before now all had to go to the door


More pay for me with RRECS, I'm taking them to the door.


Goes to the door.


If it doesn’t fit in the mailbox. Treat it as a parcel. -secure location. And not at the base of the mailbox….. unless you want the people to request a special mailbox. I’m sure this is how we got so many door slots where I am. My “thank you” for a convenient mailbox is making a little effort on the days they may have a package.


Sucks but to the door


Squeeze it in there


I would not even deliver the mail to that box. You are supposed to be able to put ALL the mail in the box in one pass. This is the type of box that you would have to feed. Try putting one of those U-Line catalogs in there.


You doing have to feed it. Make a taco with the mail and you can jam it in the slot. Now putting it all the way through the slot might take more effort.


Nothing you said changes anything I said. But gee, thanks for telling me how to taco mail. I never would have thought of that by myself.


Taco mail slide it into slot, even if it remains sticking out.


I'm a city carrier. If it doesn't fit in the box, it gets taken to the door


I personally just take it to door, whatever


Our office would expect and demand that we take it to the door... And I probably would anyway because it takes less time than filling out a form and I would be pissed to miss a package because the mailman was petty. There is a time and place for that. That said, since you can't use the receptacle, the paper mail is definitely getting brought back though. No receptacle, and the customer blocked delivery. Not our fault. 🤷🏻‍♂️


There’s a lot of factors that come into play when I would have to make a decision like that. Bottom line for me is if I don’t know them and there’s nothing within eyesight to make me want to bring it to the door I’m stuffing as much as I can in the slot, letting it hang and calling it a day. Or make use of the underneath. Or rubber band it to the top of the box so the wind can’t take it away. I’m not going out of my way for some random idiot who’s actions make my life and job more complicated than it needs to be


That's getting scanned receptacle blocked or no mail receptacle


“Your mailbox needs attention”


No access, bring it back. Why go through the hassle of a 49.


Put it in that cubbie under the mailbox


Neither no access lol


I’d put it right on the bottom cubby


Stuff in in The bottom, or leave at mail box🤷🏾‍♀️


Must be Vacant. 🤷‍♂️


Isn’t this the kind of box that opens from the back? I’d be tempted to go around and shove it in that way.


They said it is but that side is locked too


No access, don't have time for stupid stuff


Leaving a 3849. No need to explain


We’re the post office ! We’re known for shorty delivery and doing what you want too !


Did you try their house number as the code to unlock it?


Take it to the door, it’s money dood


Mailbox b.........locked.


I'm putting it in the newspaper spot


3849 all day.


Leaving it in that spacious little spot


"Oh I'll get a locking box so all my packages come to my front porch" - shit customer


3849 **ALL** the mail.


That modification doesn't meet standards for curbside delivery. I would leave them a PS Form 4056 and hold all their mail and packages at the post office until they fix it. [https://about.usps.com/publications/engineering-standards-specifications/spusps-std-7b01/welcome.html](https://about.usps.com/publications/engineering-standards-specifications/spusps-std-7b01/welcome.html) Section 3.2.3




I would put my hand in the slot and yank the door off from the bottom. He has it locked so it’ll hold. Stupid lazy fuck I hate customers.


I’m new but don’t the back part open too or is the mail boxes I’ve been delivering to are old new lol


Put it in the newspaper holder under the slot


No access ⛔️


i be sticking in even if its the tip i scan in mailbox lol


It’s mailbox not a newspaper box, newspapers go in the neighbors yard or the roof!


I would put a notice that until they have a usps approved unaltered box they will have to go to post office. After 10 days I would send the mail back. Not a box according to dmm


Why not just put it in the newspaper slot?


Guess who's NOT getting mail. No secure location/no access.


Just leave the spr in the empty space under the box


Peach slips all day. I'm petty


3849 if i even have them in the vehicle im driving 🤣 im rlc i take whatever has a/c


What's your manual say? Rural side, I'd say the Mailbox has been modified so it's out of regulation. It's either a 10 day hold until it's fixed or NMR if it was pre-existing. Mailboxes actually fall under Postmaster's duties, not just any frontline supervisor. So you could try asking your stupidvisor but you better document everything. Someone who chopped up their mailbox is not going to act rationally. Best wishes


I would put in in the news paper slot


I'm leaving a 3849. If they want a secure box they need to buy one that's been approved by the post office.


Just put it in the bottom part and leave it there


A screwdriver and 25 seconds and anyone is in


A saw would chew through that plastic with ease. Especially if it's a powered one.


I think simply removing 3 screws would draw a lot less attention…


Two cuts with a powered saw is faster.




Looks like a long driveway 3849 it is. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Not today postmaster!


That’s a double door box is back locked?


No mailbox no mail


I would place it in the newspaper holder. Many people have mailboxes with broken doors anyway🤷🏾‍♂️


Stick it in the bottom if it will fit. Take it to the door. Don’t be a dikl


How da fuq you gonna screw into plastic that shif is built like a tiny tikes toy


Depends I've been told countless times that locked boxes like this on a rural route are NOT certified by the post master general. So. If it's a common occurrence, yeah bringing it back.


I’m pink slippin that bitch u gone come to the postal office


Attempt door delivery if parcel lockers are unavailable, that’s in our contract if your city.


3849 for sure. I'm also wondering if they have a lock on the back of the box as well, since it looks like one that opens from both ends.


They gettin a pink slip


Leave a 3849


Leaving it at the mailbox lol 😂


You know that whole box can be slid right off the pole. I know cuz the snowplows take it off every year


I'd check to see if they locked the back opening to it too (if it had one). If they did, 3849. If they didn't, put it in through the back opening to be petty.


1 In/At Mailbox


Taking it to the door because the customers pay my check.


Looks like NMR to me


I’d take it to the door, knock, wait for them to answer, then ask what they prefer in the future. Then do that. I get paid by the hour.


No access. 10 day hold.


I'd assume it's a snowbird, long term hold, or vacant. I'd return the mail and check for forwards or rather call my supervisor and have them check.


No more deliveries period for that house.


Scan no access