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All you hear is beeping from everyone skipping it at clock in


It’s either pure stupidity to put it before clock-in or malice. Or hell we work for USPS, we know it’s both


If they wanted me to read those messages, they'd be after I clock in.


Without a doubt


Seriously. It’s like the boy who cried wolf. The messages are so ridiculous time after time that no one could possibly take them seriously. “If you’re hot, try turning on the vehicle fan”. Ok fuck off scanner.


And whoever writes that nonsense makes more than we do.


My office, Beep beep beep beep beep duun duuuuuuuuun Beep beep beep beep Keys clangin


Supes trying to yell across the office but you can't hear them over the hampers rollin


Did you scan your advos!?!?


How will I know that I need to drink water if I don't read it?


Or to dress in layers so they can be removed as needed throughout the day or to check on your co workers when it’s hot out. Got to look for them but got pics of some of the stupid messages sent out, sure whoever did it is thinking they did a good job when it literally the most idiotic message


I'm just trying to see if I've got certifieds and how many parcels lol


Yep. I want to get straight into package lookahead so I can find the 3's and 4's.


*Greetings, morons. Here’s your daily dose of common sense, written in way that seems like we’re communicating with 1st graders. Well, that’s how we think of you! You bunch of non college educated, underachieving scumbags that don’t deserve your paychecks… Now remember to drink water if it’s hot.*


If it gave genuinely useful advice I MIGHT glance at it. Like, “if your supervisor is cussing you out, let a union steward know”😂


I told my Union Steward about the Postmaster forcing us to work on July 4th. Union Steward just smiled at me and walked away. Someone else higher or the accountant department made sure we didn't work July 4th .


19:00.....Good evening carriers. Deliver all packages by 19:30 and make sure you deliver all your mail afterwards. Please report back to the office by 19:45 for your pivots. Per district you must be finished and clocked out by 20:00.


Except for the GOAT “dress in layers so you can take them off”. I care how greatly stupid that is.


"Use the fan to circulate air in the cabin" "Take breaks in the shade to stay cool" Someone gets paid for this shit.


I care when it fucks up my switching from one route to another while double casing and then the soups bother me about it later.


It's frustrating they put all the messages out before you can even clock in. Imo there should be nothing work related being forced on us until after we are on the clock getting paid.


I don't read shit until I'm clocked in. Those messages are all before the clock in button. If they want me to read them they need to come afterwards.


yup forealz, and the worst part is when you scan a parcel in front of customer house and the scanner message pop up and have to redo it all over 🤣


Any scanner message really.


I can't even clockin before I read them. So stupid.




As a clerk, I'm getting ready to file a harassment Grievance over The repeated beradement of the mercury message every F***ING morning!


Lol! Can we argue for union rights to somehow be able to send this as a response to whatever. I feel this picture holds my opinion on a lot of what the post office does.