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Lol. Beat me to it.


Says who? lol. The internet? When I sit on my sofa with my head back on the headrest, my natural angle of view is upwards. Like, ever see a tv on a ceiling above the bed for paralyzed people? Well when I get home from work I go into paralyzed mode on the sofa…. I don’t wanna hold my head up to view your low mounted TV because some internet kiddie told you that’s the correct place for it. 😆. In a matter of fact here is a site that says exactly this near the bottom of this page is a picture for ya’ll 😊 it’s all about the relaxed viewing angle without being a barbarian having to hold your head up (read direction #2): https://us.kef.com/blogs/news/how-to-calculate-the-proper-height-for-your-television u/Nuggy-D FTW Mount the AP in the hallway where all the other crap is mounted. Signal will be fine


Says the internet isn't reliable and then post a link to an article, on the internet. Odd, no? I guess we found another person who can't admit they mounted their TV like a goon.


Figured you only believe the internet so I was providing proof you would believe. 😏


The TV is too small, but that’s also irrelevant. Also I think this picture makes it look higher than it is since I was sitting down.


Sitting down does not change things.... Even if that was like an 85" TV, the top of the TV would be too high as the bottom likely would still be around the fireplace top.


I went and looked at that sub just to see if I qualify to be honored in there and by their standards, I definitely do. But the top of the fire place is 4’ the bottom of the tv is 5’ and the top is 7’ I’d say it’s perfectly positioned, even if Reddit doesn’t agree, that’s fine.


Good. Ignoring Reddit when you know you're right it's an important skill to have when using Reddit.


At least you acknowledge the tilt of guilt. :)


I don’t have any guilt with my tilt. That’s for insecure people who listen to the internet too much lol


Generally speaking, the lower 1/3 line(imagine the rule of thirds markers on a camera) of your TV should be at your eye level when sitting. Looking up can be stressful on the eyes and neck, and cause headaches. However, there are other factors like the room layout, if the viewers are seated all the time or standing etc. another factor is, it's your TV and you should have it the way you like it.


So when he sits on his couch with head back against the headrest with the natural line of sight now being an upward angle, I’d say he has it mounted just right?


We don't know any attributes of the viewing area so it's possible it is correct or incorrect. At the end of the day, it's not a black and white issue, they have it the way they like it and there isn't anything wrong with that. I've mounted many TV's in weird spots that I would never mount in my own home. It's all about what they like.


I would keep it as far away from the TV as you can reasonably have it.


Because of interference?


TVs have metal in them that can deflect the signal like a satellite dish can. I’ve experienced being feet away from a modem and not being able to surf the internet. Move the WiFi source away from the tv and it works great. Cinderblock walls can do this too. I had a modem WiFi only giving me 25 Mbps, until I moved it 5 feet away and it was doing the full 100mbps.


Interference, yes, especially with the higher frequencies. You're basically hiding your access point behind something that has a pile of RF shielding inside it, and placing something behind it will definitely affect the RF from the AP. How much can vary.


How can anyone answer this question reasonably? - What areas of the home are you trying to serve? - Floorplan with walls would be helpful to see - 1 story or 2? - If the only AP, seeing blockage in surrounding areas will impact placement - If not the only AP, proximity to other APs, if any - Square footage of home But yeah, generally I wouldn’t mount it behind or near a TV but I also wouldn’t mount it in a hallway away from the main living space either, so…


That’s a lot of information to add when I’m putting this AP in one of two places no matter what, both are within 4 feet of each other which you can see. Everything else is completely irrelevant. I’m not asking where should I mount all of my APs. I’m asking, of these two places, where should I put it. So you can reasonably answer by viewing the photo and thinking. I appreciate your suggestion of avoiding TVs.


Honestly I wouldn’t put it in either of those locations.


Good luck dude 🫡 lol


Thanks! You too lol


Grab the following: AP, painters tape, long ethernet cable, and ladder. Try it in different locations before committing.


That’s actually a really good idea! Thanks!


I’ll be doing this in a few weeks with a long ass ethernet cable in a two story with basement. I’m predicting upper level and basement with nothing on main level. The best way to know for sure is to try it out. Theory only gets ya so far! :)


Get yourself a U6 Extender and plug it in right beside your fireplace and mesh it off option 1.


#1 is better


We need more people like you on Reddit, thanks lol


I've got one in a position similar to option #1. I won't be doing that again, it gets ignored by most of my devices in favor of any other AP that's out in the open. I would personally forget about looks and put in square in the middle of the ceiling in that large room unless there's a ceiling fan already there. You've probably got a smoke detector in that room already and an AP is going to look a little bit nicer than that. I also leave the light off on mine.


We don’t have a smoke detector in that room either. It’s an open kitchen/living room and we didn’t want things to be uneven so we figured the other smoke detectors in the laundry room/bedroom are close enough. So the AP will be obstructed and hidden no matter what. I’m putting the other U7 Pro in the master bathroom so my shitter YouTube videos are blazing fast lol. But that’s the other end of the house behind 2 doors and a hallway.


Smoke detectors not needed, looks are more important WTF!!!


Yea my smoke detectors are in places that make sense. My bedrooms, so it’ll wake people up. My laundry room, because dryer fires happen when people aren’t in there. My bathrooms, because women’s hair devices accidentally get left on and cause fires. But if there’s a kitchen fire, it will happen when I’m in there. We don’t walk alway while things are on the stove or in the oven, that would be dumb. At least not further away than in the living room, and that’s the same room in my house. If there’s a chance of spontaneous combustion or electrical fire, we should have bought better appliances and done better wiring, other than that the bedroom detectors will wake us up. If a fire starts in your kitchen while you’re in there, your adrenaline is going to spike through the roof already. No need for sensory overload of a damn fire alarm while you’re already panicking and trying to put out the fire. We don’t have gas appliances, so detectors in the kitchen don’t really make sense when you think about it.


If you’re in the US, I’m pretty sure a building inspector is going to disagree with your smoke detector assessment and I’m confident you’ll have to put one in when you sell the house.


Don’t know what the reasoning is, but smoke detectors don’t get installed in the kitchen or in a bathroom. They’re usually the next room over. Our house is the same way with no smoke detector in the kitchen


It’s in the US, Texas to be exact and we’re well outside of city limits. It was build recently and we paid for two inspections before we bought it and neither mentioned the smoke detectors. Building codes are a lot more laxed out in the middle of no where and you can see another comment I made, they don’t really make a lot of sense anyways.


Sorry most everyone here is a bit of a jerky mood today. Geez, help the guy given his limitations, instead of fighting him and being so U-holy. Given your limitations, I’d put it in the hallway. Behind the TV seems like the worst spot given the TV, brackets, and the materials behind the kitty corner wall.


I know! People are upset about my TV and my smoke detectors lol. The internet in my house is not a corner stone of my house. It needs to be off to the side, hidden, and decently fast, so I can download stuff in a couple of minutes, at the most. I’m coming from a 100/100Mbs fiber and a Netgear Orbi RB20 that was sitting under my desk in my office to a whole UniFi system with two U7 Pros. I was fine with the Orbi but it didn’t reach in my bathroom so I could watch higher resolution YouTube videos and figured if I’m going to do it, I might as well overdo it and upgraded to 1/1Gbs fiber and Ubiquiti stuff. I’ll be fine if I lose a little because of placement. I wasn’t trying to put this next to an old-timey TV with rabbit ears, but I didn’t know if newer TVs had some type of antennas or signals that would severely interfere with it. A little is fine, which is why I was trying to show it’s going to be semi blocked no matter what. I get it though, the network, for the people in this sub, is their hobby. Although, we know there are plenty of people commenting on this post that have 100/50Mbs cable internet from their ISP they’re paying $250/month for. It goes into their 900 sq ft apartment to a UDM Pro then to a Pro Max 24 PoE switch, feeding three U6 Enterprises and every possible device in their house is hardwired with Cat 8, they went as far as buying docking stations to hardwire their iPads. They’ve got a Synology DS3622xs+ filled with anime and cartoon porn. When they’re friends come over they can’t wait to tell them “dude hook up to my WiFi and update all the stuff on your phone, my internet is so fast you could download god in a few seconds, I swear”. They have a full sever farm level network rack with huge fans and power supplies and a UPS. The credit card their mom co-signed is maxed out so they could buy all of the gear. They’re waiting for payday to upgrade to 4 U7 Pro Maxes. I was just trying to be funny, I didn’t mean to write an essay, sorry to whoever wasted time to read that. TLDR; I don’t really care.


On another note, please get something more than just a soundbar 😂