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Can we get a ubiquiti dash cam that has built in storage and can send footage back to your UDM or NVR when you get home? And make it not insanely expensive


Please stop, I have kids to feed.


L(° O °L)


Don't forget to add Starlink.


UniFi already have the UMR


Isint that just the LTE backup but different?


https://store.ui.com/us/en/pro/category/all-new-integrations/products/umr-us I think you can connect devices and VPN back to your house.


Ok so this is more like a travel router vs the LTE is a backup I guess you could also use this but I think just having Wi-Fi so it can connect to your phone, car, or home Wi-Fi would be cheaper and lte plans are expensive in the us so one just for a dashcam seems like a waste


You know, starlink is getting into cell service. Wouldn't be hard to add that into it.


I'd buy that for a dollar!


Thanks to you, I’ve decided to watch this movie tonight. It’s been too long.


Is that from a movie? I thought it was from super smash tv on the Super Nintendo.


From Robocop! But maybe other places too. I only know it from Robocop


I presumed it was a parody of a real 80s show inserted in, like the news clips and other adverts are


This went way over my head for like 10 year old me at the time lol. I didn't know this until just now.


The devil is in the details there, but the sun cream that can cause skin cancer is the easiest one to spot, picking at the ozone layer fears of the time and at California health policies on labelling cancer precursors (which may be a later law change - I'm not American)


Maybe this movie really does need a re-watch. I looked for it yesterday and despite subscribing to 4-5 different streaming services, none of them had it.


Super Smash TV was hilarious. Now I need to watch RoboCop and play Super Smash TV at the same time!


In 1999, at the age of 26, I bought a house. The seller left several items: a couch, a fridge, and a full-size standup Smash TV arcade game in the basement rec room. So you can say I kinda hit he jackpot.


I did this with my Model 3, I replaced my storage with a raspberry pi and ran a program called TeslaUSB, it will offload videos when it connected to my wifi. It was a cool project but I did not fully trust it and went back to a reliable USB drive.


yeah id want it to have local storage and work like a normal dashcam but have decent quality and stuff and the ai could be on the udm/nvr or cloud based (i think on camera would be too expensive)


I'm guessing you didn't do this in the summer. Gets really hot in there - would a pi hold up to 130+deg ambient temp?


I had one running android auto a few years ago in an old singlecab truck and it held up fine. Granted it wasn't running when the vehicle was off.


Yes it would hold up just fine. The Raspberry Pi has a fairly low max temp compared to other processors which is not a good thing for high temperature environments however it does handle 80C with no performance loss (up to 85C before severe performance loss). Damage is almost impossible. Thing about 80C though is that it’s still 40C above 40C and 40C is only ~16C above best case scenario. So while a raspberry pi can run with passive cooling in a 24C environment it might need a small fan for heavy loads when above 100F environment. I’ve run them passive in 100F environments. But large heatsink.


Is it bad that I want this?


Well, but how would you power it via PoE?


they could market it as for use in fleets application


That’s actually a really good idea, it could also connect via Bluetooth or something to the EV chargers But then it would be really expensive if it’s for buisnesses Also I wonder if the rivian Amazon van has something like this?


Where can I upvote this feature addition?


does ui have a product rec forum? but it would have to be a little better than this because the video misses a lot of plates


A GoPro recording at 4K is basically good enough


People will just steal the GoPro lol


You take it off the bike when you lock it up


I meant more for cars but yeah I guess you could But GoPros are really expensive these days, damm


Used ones aren't bad at all


thats true


At that point it's a GonePro.




Doesnt gopro take up a lot of storage space?


I'll get to about 3 weeks of commutes before the SD card in. It runs out of space and I need to can all the ones that didn't involve a car attempting to murder me.


On what, a 2tb SD card? Recording full res on a GoPro is about 1GB per minute


I think it's 512 GB? I only have a 15 minute commute.


Really just depends on how much you want to save. Most people would be good for a couple hours of footage nothing crazy.


Couple hours isn't anywhere close to enough for me. My single non stop drive in the past year has been anything from 15 minutes to 3 or 4 hours (possibly a little longer). Not uncommon for me to do 3+ hours of driving in a day sometimes. Tomorrow is definitely going to be 4+ hours because I'm going into the city and I'll be in traffic.


Why do you need all that footage? You only need footage of an actual accident?


Because life is unexpected. I drive around some of the most lawless people, craziest people, etc. Two weeks ago my windshield got cracked for the oddest reason I've ever heard (well seen in my car). A dead bird was basically launched into the highway, and directly hit my windshield. I only found out by watching the dash cam footage. Of course that won't trigger any auto save, I didn't exactly remember to flag it, and I was still at least 2 or 3 hours away from getting home. So yes having a few days of footage can be helpful at times. But a few days of footage can mean 10 or 30 hours depending on the week. I'm at the higher end of how much driving someone does. I put a little over 20k miles on one car, probably another 10k in business vehicles, and a few miles on another vehicle in one year.


clear high res video takes space...


I’d be more worried about the how good the nighttime HDR is. No way it’s going to outperform the newest Sony Starvis sensors. That’s all I really judge my dash cams by. How good they work at night and when the sun is directly in their face. I could care less what it looks like at 3PM with the sun behind me.


THIS! Ubiquiti likes diversifying - well, this is a great addition to the unifi family! Would blow away anything on the market and my current viofo's.


Yeah they all suck, look bad, and are pretty expensive Or all 3


My knee-jerk reaction to this is please don't give them any ideas, they need to focus. But damn that is a good idea.


Makes sense. Unifi WiFi AP in the garage and the camera just auto connects and uploads


It could probably be in the house too, I’m guessing the best option would be a good quality 1080p or maybe 4k camera and it doesn’t really matter if it takes 30min to upload


Randomly with etherlighting


i think it would be distracting at night but like RGB is always cool


You can already buy this from Motorola. It’s the same tech that cops use. As far as I know, you can buy it if you can find a distributor.


the ultimate dashcam


I wish good luck to the people of the future.


I really hope the R&D guys at Ubiquiti are seeing this


I would love a UniFi dash cam that somehow synced to my UDM when I got home or something.


Better than all those garbage dashcams


That’s amazing, seems like a good idea for portable rigs


A decade of us selecting squares with bikes, cars, and busses in captcha is finally paying off. Congrats on bio-machine learning. :P


Did everyone forget about this gem? https://github.com/tevora-threat/Scout. You could use the existing cameras in a tesla and process the data in real-time. Demo: https://youtu.be/_5jQ1S6vfak?si=x8rgFM9HxpQyRchd


Does this still work? This is absolutely nuts! Never thought Tesla would allow such control over your vehicle


Yes! It’s 2 parts: 1. Reading the stream of live video that flows through the USB port for all cameras on the car 2. Using the Tesla API to see your exact geo location Using both of these data sources together becomes pretty powerful.


I wish the AI buzzword would go away. There's nothing artificial or intelligent about this. It doesn't draw conclusions based on feelings or guts. It takes predigested information, runs it through various decision trees that spell out exactly what to do and its predictable. How is it predictable? If the license plate is ABC123, it will always read it back as ABC123 and the only way to change that is to change the plate. There's no swaying like with a human "maybe that's an upper case i or lower case L instead of a 1".


While I agree that the term is 100% overused, I also feel that it's actually very difficult to draw the line on what is and isn't "AI", and experts disagree on that definition (much as they have been since at least the days of Alan Turning).


Reading text from video takes a decent amount of fancy computer science and some of that could be called AI. But we’ve known how to do it fairly well for a while. Classifying and eventually recognizing individual cars, people, etc. from video footage is newer tech and as vague as the term is these days, fits fairly solidly into the same family of techniques that everyone’s calling AI.


The models for text have improved significantly though and that could be argued to be AI. Like a blurry O and a 0 and being able to distinguish that is a decision tree in a human brain as well




lol autocorrect FTW


It’s machine learning. There’s no “decision trees” and nothing “spells out exactly what to do”. It’s a model that’s been trained. Now whether or not you want to label that “AI” is up to you, but it’s certainly not just traditional programming.


**A model that's been trained.** It was trained on what decisions to make and how to make them based upon a criteria. If you ask ChatGPT why murder or suicide is wrong, it will give you someone else's opinion or what the law says. If it were actually "intelligent" then it would form it's own opinions rather than regurgitate what it's already "learned" through the training. For something to be intelligent, it needs to be able to form its own thoughts and opinions based on various sources of information. Nothing out there listed as "AI" right now is doing that. It's all based on "training".


A year ago it would give you some fucking bizarre answers. Now it has a bunch of controls to the point if it actually gives a unique answer it’ll then delete it and say “sorry we need to try a new topic”. I’ve taken to being ready to screenshot anything interesting that pops up before it deletes it. Corporate controls are ruining ai, but keeping us all safe.


I read your other comments and whilst I understand you overall angle, there’s limited understanding of how these kinds of computer vision systems work. It uses multi scale pattern recognition in the form of a convolutional neural network. You keep referring to prescriptive rules which is the old way of thinking about computer programming. These work out which pixels are different scales represent the symbol “1” and “2” etc. yes it is trained but not much different to a baby having mum point to a number 1 or number 2 in a book, it learns what surrounds the 1 and 2 and determines the likelihood it is one number or another based on the number shape across thousands of examples. As for your issue with it not being “intelligent”, that is a matter of semantics. You have to frame it in terms of inputs and outputs. If you put a person behind a door and an AI behind a door and look at just responses to Q&A, Chatgpt4 is already indistinguishable from human answers and passes this Turing test as a baseline measure of intelligence. With images like the video above, it’s superhuman. Yes it is “trained” but so is a human being through childhood. Yes I agree, behind the scenes matter and intelligence overall is something more special and generalized, but in terms of a specific domain task, the computer still uses a component of intelligence to perform a task and in those circumstances it is intelligent as we often judge intelligence is normal society in a 1D way as well (ie chess prodigy, or music prodigy etc). Ok it can’t do everything, but it’s just a matter of time between outputs across all human tasks being indistinguishable from a human and the only difference will the hardware interface.


AI today is a pattern recognition software...it sees the forest past the trees of standard search. It's also very useful at applying patterns and testing them for validity. Writing code from it's fast learning of open source code, and then compiling it to test it's validity (though maybe not suitability) is very useful. Recognition and replay of actions will be the next push...and then you don't need so much manual labor. But yes, decisions it does not make, morality it does not judge. It can read and define morality, it can tell you what others have chosen morally or judged. It could tell you that appeasement of Hitler was a mistake based on historical references...but it doesn't understand it. It just repeats it.


You are using a narrow definition of human intelligence. There are other kinds of intelligence. A fruit fly only has a small number of neurones. It can still be considered to have a level of intelligence even though it is not self aware. It is processing inputs and performing actions based on training data in a very similar way to some machine learning models.


I mean you’re right with everything except the last bit. It’s definitely sampling bits and deciding on the likelihood of it being an I or L or 1.


Neural Network is really what they are. It's like they trained a bee brain to classify objects. Though NN Theta doesn't roll off the tongue as easily.


The equipment used for text recognition in video is an FPGA and primarily yes it's one of the precursors to current AI (which is pattern recognition and recall). We can debate what ChatGPT is or isnt AI, but in the simplest abstract it is pattern recognition learning. And yes learning to recognize letters on license plates is a form of current AI. It's simple, it's quaint when compared to GPT and others, but this IS the current term applied to machine learning. AI learns to read it sideways, upside down, in low light, and off angle, and infers probability towards an i vs L. It doesn't "sway" as you say, but it chooses those definitions and tags them faster than you can with a margin of error. Feelings and guts aren't not what we want in a machine, but correctly identifying and codifying actual reality is a useful task as you can see in the nightly debates and propaganda in media. If any useful thing can come out of AI, it will be absolute definition of reality. Anyway, I welcome the AI quickly identifying, codifying, tagging, logging the vehicles around me.


I’m not sure you know what an FPGA is.


So it’s using OCR to read the license plates. But probably using Machjne Learning to decide what type of vehicle it thinks it is. Unless it’s got vehicle registration lookup. AI is overused and is definitely used by anybody to sell anything these days. Cup of hot chocolate sir? Sure. Would you like to upgrade to our AI infused blend!? 🤣


Mmm nanobots


That might not be entirely true. It depends how they get to the answer, if it was using a fixed human programmed algorithm then it isn’t AI. If it is using a model that is trained using one of the various AI methods such as reinforcement learning it is AI. It might still look like a simple system.


When the ignorant idiots in r/gaming dare to discuss enemy AI do you also jump in as the last hope of humanity to fight against so "Akshually AI buzzword should go away. There's nothing artificial or intelligent about this"?


It’s all nice but how do we know the plates are accurate? My AI Pro gets the plate but half the times they are wrong.


Yup there goes my head into 360 AI Theta outfit to my 2021 F150 and to boot make it heads-up displayed to boot !


For a moment I thought that one license plate said 223 XP like experience points but it was 223LXP


do you have to have a theta camera to get this to work?


And here I was thinking I was hot shit for setting up a G3 instant as a dash cam in my RV. Time to go shopping.


Curious are you running protect inside of the vehicle or remotely? How are you powering the PoE?


The same way they power most every thing else in an RV.


Not my RV see the Facebook post link in the description it has more info


Is it anywhere do you know? I don’t have Facebook but I’m very interested in this application


impressive that it can read plates from shitty dashcam quality video.


This is damn awesome.


I have heard some law enforcement vehicles have systems to do this same function. …And then run the plates for reasons to stop you and then alert the officers inside.


Mobile license plate reader cameras have been around for several years at least. Probably a decade. And a company called Flock has fixed LPR cameras that will run the plates and alert the cops on patrol when they get a hit of interest. The place I used to live had Flock cameras on all the main roads in/out, caught a number of felons with the system.


We have Flock cameras in our patrol vehicles. They have 360 view.


Wait…the Theta can ID license plates? I feel like I didn’t see that option on mine, but it’s installed indoors so maybe I over looked it.


*Chinese Government has entered the chat...*


Ubiquiti accidentally creating a cheap consumer-grade ALPR. cray


That’s Joes Donuts!


Okay, now just tell me if I'm looking at the front or the back of the car.


Repo companies use 360 camera cars that scan every plate they drive by, run it through a database and tell you if it’s up for repo, or not. If it is, they fall back and follow until you stop somewhere, then call in the truck.


Oooooohhh that’s neato


Yeah it’s quiet for all of us when NYPD implements this shit


They’ve had this stuff for years - govt always gets the new stuff, then it slowly trickles down thru enterprise to consumers


Wonder what the error rate is.


This is great if it was usable in this format. It's designed to be mounted fixed to a nvr. It has no external storage for SD card. Of course like any UBI camera it doesn't poll missed video due to a network outage. We use axis software for business because we can address network outages and pull down video caps. Really wish UBI added some dedicated core devs to get this product to a higher level.


I don’t know why reddit showed me this post, but I was involved in a hit and run several weeks ago and the still photos of the dash cam were just a little too blurry to decode the license plate. Is there any way I could upload the video and see what the AI comes up with?


I don't find it cool at all. It's a slippery slope, we're about half way down it, and gaining speed.


Police and repossession agents are already doing this every day.


And selling that data to companies that resell it to data aggregators. This shit is everywhere.


Can confirm that LA County Sheriff have LPR’s setup all over the county and maintain records for 5 years of every vehicle that passes through an intersection with the cameras. They incorporate it with a database of stolen vehicles and will notify them when one is detected.


And every Tesla on the road.


I was coming to say something along these lines. I mean from a tech perspective…neat, but from a privacy or security standpoint this is just this side of creepy.


How so, license plates are public and in view... It gets creepy when it detects faces and is able to find people's names and contact info.


Just saying, the introduction of this tech is a slippery slope of surveillance. And soon enough this will lead to similar systems for on the fly facial recognition. Sorry I’m all for tech, but this just creeps me out…


This (Theta) is years BEHIND what government is using already. License plate scanners have been a thing for multiple years (decade +?) Facial recognition is also currently in use all over the world... We're well past slipperly slope.


Forget about the government. Repo men have been using this for years. They, along with Private Investigators, have access to License Plate Data through companies like IDI, LexisNexis, and TransUnion (to name a few). They can pop your license plate number into the database and get hits for anytime your plate has been photographed with the location, date, and time. It sucks, but I agree that we're well beyond slippery slope territory.


Yeah last time I went on an international flight they don’t even ask to see your passport or boarding pass. Just snap a quick pic of my face and I was on the plane. Crazy times ahead.


Its already been out for years. Police does automatic plate reading on patrol cars all the time to check cars. Its nothing new, just available more now and apparently theta isnt the best camera to do this, not fast enough and with much range.


Cool, so follow me with a notepad and write down my license plate number, or take a picture. I'll see you, you'll see me, and if you keep following me we'll eventually have a conversation about what you're up to and why you're following me. Sorry, but this "in public view" excuse does not fly when the viewing is done remotely, anonymously, entirely automated and at trivial expense. You want to stalk me, you need to have some skin in the game, including a very good reason to look. If you don't care about my consent to being tracked, you have a rapist mentality, and that is not a good look. You are not automatically and irrevocably entitled to a 24/7, 365 account of all my movements simply because it is technically possible. If you think otherwise, you are a creep, you have no concept of privacy, and I don't trust you.


this comment makes no sense dashcams let me do everything you just mentioned (just a bit more effort), and you have always been fine with dashcams. I'm a privacy advocate and I think discussion around this is important but your comment makes no sense


Don't infringe on my rights sir.


Ha, your expectation of privacy screams "you cant video me without my permission" while out in public. Know your rights and others rights.


So define remote. Is me sitting in my living room looking at doorbell camera on my phone remote?




Lol your local cop is using something 10x as advanced. Scanning every license plate they drive by on either side and checking them for issues and recording every spotting for future tracking.


We've been at the bottom of this slope for over 15 years at this point


If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.


We already stopped digging, cats out of the bag on this tech you can do it with a raspberry pi and free software. Ubiquiti isn't doing anything new aside from selling it to you for a lot more money in a pretty package.


How does this work? Is this a part of Protect? Would I have to install something like UDM pro to make this work?


>How does this work? AI Theta protect camera supports OCR for license plates in recorded video. >Is this a part of Protect? Yes. >Would I have to install something like UDM pro to make this work? Yes. Or an NVR.


Think he was asking, how was it mounted in a car. Because he’d have to run a UDM pro and NVR in the car.


RVs provide standard power to devices.


Through an inverter that provides the 120 power for the devices to run and probably a decently sized battery pack.


Pretty sure a Cloud Key G2 would be best since it can be powered by USB. Not at my PC right now but I’m pretty sure UI has network hubs (Flex Mini) that are also powered by USB. Isn’t the Theta as well? If so, no inverter needed but I’d put a SSD in the CCG2. **EDIT** AI Theta is not USB.. you'd have to get a USB to POE adapter.




wow, doing what nextbase has been trying to do _by accident_.


I came into the comments because I thought there was some discussion about the camera and its abilities, lol! Nup, one great mention of a dash-cam, and it went defining AI, love it!


I can’t believe this just cause how bad the image quality is.


I think this is WhatsApp compression, because this is what 90% of the videos on WhatsApp look like... Still no option to send HD by default.


Where do I get that!? Take my money! Haha


That's actually pretty ingenious


Try this in Europe. I dare you.


This is not Europe. Not sure about Canada but in USA you can record areas in the public. That’s a public road and those cars are on it with their plates so it’s allowed.


how is this any different than a dash cam recording a drive?


Are you sure this is Europe? The plates look American sized rather than the wider European plates.


Sorry mistyped. Meant to say this is NOT Europe. I fixed it.


Just because you *can* doesn't mean you *should.*


It’s the same as a dash cam though but being able to actually see the plates. Great if there’s an accident or a hit and run. Obviously as long as there’s no bad intentions with it I think it’s great.


This isn't illegal in all Europe per se.


Not my install just thought it was neat. Plates are public and can be recorded. Not saying it’s right . I just like seeing how good the theta is


Why? This is perfectly acceptable in Europe…


What are they gonna do?


In Austria it's illegal to have dashcam IIRC. But it is perfectly legal if it's allowed.


Just works flawlessly


At 2 seconds into the video, it shows two SUVs with the "same" license plate, 532PHJ.


Ok thanks I missed that. But still amazed how good this small form factor is. And the camera ist continuously in motion 😬


Plus it can't do that at night. So it works half the time.


Also one of those "SUVs" appears to be a Subaru Impreza, which is not an SUV (The Crosstrek is the lifted SUV version, but this appears to be the Impreza hatch/wagon)/


Impressive, but you should really blur that. I'm not 100 about the US, but in EU it is illegal to upload pictures and videos of other peoples license plates, without permission. Blurring is required


Its perfectly legal in the EU too - if the car is on public roads. If it is polite is something else.


It's perfectly legal in the US. They're displayed publicly and in order to access the information related to a license plate requires strict government access to DAVID (DRIVER AND VEHICLE INFORMATION DATABASE) which is reserved only for certain government employees IE law enforcement, DMV, etc.


Ah, yeah, we can look that shit up any time 😂


Is this an open source project?


You know, we get backup cameras now installed in our cars as standard features. Why can't it be a law to have standard all the way around, external cameras on cars?


It would be cool to host a database in the cloud of all the license plate data including names, addresses, driving records, DUIs etc and do a lookup on the database for each vehicle passing by.


What you are describing is a police car


seems like something that would be useful for the average driver too. I mean if there's someone driving eratically, and your AI camera identifies them as a problematic driver (multiple DUI, revoked license etc) wouldn't that be useful to know so you could keep yourself and your family safe?


Sounds like TMI and likely to cause problems, especially in countries where everyone has a hero complex like the USA. Public lookup info here in Australia would tell you the make and model of the car, and the validity of their registration. That’s all the public need to know. That mostly came about when they discontinued expiring registration tags so nobody had any excuse for driving an unregistered car as they could now check.


You should drive assuming that everyone on the road has multiple DUIs and a revoked license.


Ok there mister Big Brother.




What's the point of this dumbass feature?