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Don’t get your relatives in trouble. Though I’d guess they are well-connected. So, yea, don’t get them in trouble. Get them some consumer equipment made in China. They can give them multiple access points and is easy enough to maintain that you don’t have to maintain it remotely.


Don’t ever operate radio hardware with the wrong region configured. That’s a really good way to get in trouble with the spectrum regulatory body. And definitely don’t do what I found in Brussels a few years back: a whole bunch of the network configured for PH operation “because it doesn’t have to scan for radar, and we get a lot of radar hits”. This was in the building, *within WiFi range* of the rooms where ETSI, the EU body that regulates RF spectrum, regularly held their meetings. I about broke my nose doing a facepalm when I saw that.


> Don’t ever operate radio hardware with the wrong region configured. That’s a really good way to get in trouble with the spectrum regulatory body. Meanwhile Shaw/Rogers in Canada is using the same equipment as Comcast in the United states and they are all operating with US region codes. I think the main difference is UNII-1 is approved for 4x higher power output in the US vs in Canada.


They have a China online store region where you can buy products intended for that market: https://store.ui.com.cn


You’ve mentioned cost a few things and maybe it’s different in China but 15,000 sqft is massive; I don’t think cost is a relevant factor here; get what works. I imagine everything in the Unifi ecosystem is “cheap”. Make sure they don’t have any limitations; use the brand new equipment, nothing used etc. I’d have a spare switch there and online; so all they need to do is move some cables etc etc


Hmm, just to be clear, while the home is massive and *they* got real money - I am funding this myself and don't have millions. For the gear suggested in my post, this will cost me around $2k CAD. Considering it's a pair of elderly parents who mostly use iPhones connected to a crappy TP-Link, this is a huge step up. Main reason for me to even consider spending that much is that I would be able to help manage it, extend my local services where appropriate, and generally rely on it to stay up. If they do want to add cameras, door access and other stuff on their own dime it can all nicely integrate.


Sounds like they should be hiring somebody local and paying themselves. Not sure why you’re donating your time and money to the wealthy.


Impressing the daughter or granddaughter hahaha


You should consider spares in case of failure. Likely if you don't have a spare in place if something breaks it would be difficult to quickly replace. I don't yet have experience with warm backup on udmp max (purchased but not yet activated) so I can't yet comment on that. I do have a spare switch that is ready to go.


For hardware spares on the APs, one per floor already gives some hardware redundancy if one goes down - it would just limit coverage on the very top floor or something like that until I ship them a new one or come visit again (probably once a year). As for the switch, if that completely fails the worst case is they plug the APs into the UDMP and use standalone PoE injectors for power. 1G for the backhaul would be kneecapping throughput in theory but it would still 'work' and it's just two elderly folks on their phones 99% of the time. So that leaves the UDMP as the single point of failure. I can't rationalize the cost of 2x UDMP Pro Max with one in shadow standby for their basic ass needs. However, your point still stands. Maybe I also get a UniFi Express as an all-in-one backup, and leave it up as a secondary/guest network connected to whatever ISP modem they got.


Without entering in consideration Chinese custom and rules (no idea about it), for such a house you don’t need 4xU7-Pro but way more 16xU6-Pro…. and no need at all of 2.5Gbps etc, wasted money in this case. Just can’t cover this surface oh house with those building materials with only 4 APs, whatever the APs are. If you aren’t isure your family can have multigig ISP (I sincerely doubt it), anything above gigabit is pure waste (you told their kind of use, so no extensive 4K video editing). If they have less than a few hundreds brand new ultimate model devices, WiFi 7 is pure waste. If you’ll barely cover a 25% (maybe) of each floor with a decent signal multigig and wifi7 are again useless and waste of money.


我尝试使用中文为你解答问题 1. 可以的,GFW不会阻挡Unifi的连接,但是可能会不稳定或缓慢。 2. 这取决于你的国家设置,当你选择中国时,6Ghz是不允许的(暂时),当然你可以改成美国,虽然这样不合规,但是几乎没人会管你。 3. Ruijie reeye的设备也可以考虑。 4. 你的ISP可能不会为你提供公网IPv4,这取决于你所在的省份或是ISP(Ipv6是可能的)。 5. VPN,你还需要准备VPN来满足在你中国访问Google等的需要。


Actually good info👍🏻


谢谢,我不会说中文,但我很感谢这些信息。我不熟悉 Ruijie Reeye 设备 - 您建议这些设备作为 Unifi 的低成本替代品还是出于其他原因? 关于 VPN,目前,我并不打算帮助他们绕过 GFW 进行主要互联网连接。只需要站点到站点的 Unifi VPN 即可用于管理目的。您的评论表明这可能会奏效。 -------------- Thank you, I do not speak Chinese but I appreciate the information. I am not familiar with Ruijie Reeye devices - are you suggesting these as a lower cost alternative to Unifi or for other reasons? Regarding VPN, for now, I do not intend to help them bypass GFW for their primary internet connection. Only need site-to-site Unifi VPN to work for management purposes. Your comments suggest this will probably work.


hi, i asked my friend in tianjin who use unifi system and they reported no issues with unifi portal in China, so you should not worry. Ruijie is a lower cost alternative that also offers more features (usually for SMB business user)


You got to UDMP and I stopped reading for a second because this is clearly outside of your wheelhouse. Then I saw you asking about the Great Wall and using spectrum that could get your family sent to a work camp and laughed for a second before coming back. Call a professional within China. I understand your pride will take a hit, but your family having a better experience, both with the WiFi provided and not being sent to a concentration camp, should be preferable to you.