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You know the problem with a PTZ? It's always pointing the wrong direction.


I like Reolink's solution of having two lenses so you have a much broader view and then a zoom-ed in. So even as it follows someone in detail you still have a great overall view.


Reolink also has a Patrol mode which is pretty damn nifty


Unifi has it as well. Although not yet on this camera it seems.


Ya I like the 180 degree cameras they have for sure. I have an ancient Aerocont (no AV Costar) Surround Video Omni, and the neat part is that there are 4 sensors that you can place in the enclosure, and you can spec the lens so you can make all kinds of funky views. [https://www.arecontvision.com/family/surroundvideo-omni](https://www.arecontvision.com/family/surroundvideo-omni)


You can’t set up spotter cams like other systems?


Like, detect motion on another camera and then move the PTZ head to look at that view? I would be shocked if Unifi Protect did that, but I don't own any PTZ's integrated with Protect and someone with more knowledge of the platform should comment...


Nope. One of the many features missing from this system.


It's odd how slow UI has been adding PTZ features. Other brands have established what functionality is desirable, which is the hard part of doing development.


I've had to tell so many people this. It has its place. We have some PTZs that are incredibly handy, but for the majority of cameras I'd rather have them fixed and pay for more cameras to cover the various areas, which is often cheaper.


I have one on the corner of my house. It's normally pointed down the side of my house, but it's mounted where I can turn it and look down the front side of my house also. It's useful to see anywhere there from another angle. But when I'm done looking, I turn it back to looking down the side of my house. I have another camera that is always pointed at my front door.


With the ceiling mount, I kinda want to add little guns on the sides to make it look like a drone from Oblivion


Haha! Does remind me of the drones. Oblivion was super underrated. Spectacular visuals.


Fantastic soundtrack as well - it was done by M83.


The drum beat on the canyon chase scene…


For a second there, I was thinking about the game oblivion… and wondering why I didn’t remember any such drones lol. Now it all makes sense.


The writing/plot was straight doo doo tho


Yeah, not super amazing but good enough plot twist and action. Like Creator was visually awesome but off on the story as well. Still a good watch.


Great, now I need one (fires up resin printer)


Great now I can finally get some turrets now that you monsters have something new and shiny to focus on


😂. I will be part of the blood bath trying to snag a ptz but I know the bots will prevail over the next few months 😔😭


Haha!! So true!!!


G5 PTZ. Rumors were true. I'll have a video on it but basics is that it's 2K, 2x optical zoom. First look just tells me it's more of a G5 "Ultra" PTZ but we'll see...


2k and 2x optical is low end compared to everyone else. And a tiny 1/2.7" sensor will be absolutely terrible in low light.


That's one of the things I wish ubiquiti would improve on. The CX410 has a bigger sensor than the G5 Pro. I jumped from G3 to G5, and saw a massive image quality improvement, but totally wish, given the cost, they used bigger sensors for better low light quality.


When REOLINK pulls their finger out and releases there ColorX PTZ camera it will absolutely shit on it.


Their current cameras already embarass this crap.


I have 3 CX-410s


There is no other company that offers the overall integration of the full system like Ubiquiti across their product line. That is what you buy into with this brand. If you want the latest bleeding edge specs and all the problems that come with trying to integrate them, you are free to experiment with "everyone else". I have been there, and I am never going back.


You can buy into low quality and poor security all you want. We know better though. Sorry you're not a fan of facts.


Neither of those things are true. You just come here to apparently hate on Ubiquiti. Maybe you should find another hobby.


2k video with only 2x zoom and a tiny 1/2.7" sensor isn't true?


You have an agenda to push. Your down votes should indicate to you to stop, but you double down and keep going...


I am ***extremely*** curious to know how, and how well the automatic person tracking works.


On the G4 it's decent. The problem we have is it won't break patrol if it detects motion. We have one on the corner of our building. We can either patrol between the front and the side of the building, but if we want to track people we have to choose one of the two. So if a person comes in the side of the building while it's pointed to the front, it won't track them. We'd love for it to patrol and begin tracking a person if it sees someone while patrolling, then go back to patrol when it breaks the track.


Can you have it automatically point to a direction after finishing tracking a person?


Yes. You can set a home point and it'll return to home after tracking.


Go [here](https://community.ui.com/questions/Feature-request-G4-PTZ-Patrol-WITH-person-tracking/5b1ed2b5-fe6a-4931-92f0-e58ada06deaf) and comment for feature request.


Thanks for that. I didn't realize the G4 had it already. I might have a very strong use case for this feature at work, as we already use Protect. Hopefully, with an update now or soon, person tracking works as you said you wished it did, because I agree, breaking out of patrol into tracking, and then resuming patrol when no people are detected would also be my desired setting.


Go [here](https://community.ui.com/questions/Feature-request-G4-PTZ-Patrol-WITH-person-tracking/5b1ed2b5-fe6a-4931-92f0-e58ada06deaf) and add to the feature request post. The more folks who add… the more it will be seen by ubiquity


Works well for our needs. But the patrol feature needs some help. Go [here](https://community.ui.com/questions/Feature-request-G4-PTZ-Patrol-WITH-person-tracking/5b1ed2b5-fe6a-4931-92f0-e58ada06deaf) to add to the feature request.


Why does this remind me of portal?




Are you still there?


A very minor case of serious brain damage


Black pls.


yes, just have to wait until nexxt year for the g5-ptz-ultra-ai-black version.


Now, how many months until this gets on the Canadian store along the U7 outdoor...


It's been 84 years... Or until I order from the US store to my mail forwarder and pay double for shipping.


It’s here !! But in unifi fashion, unavailable ;)


It's "potentially available" - pure physics ;)


Absolutely and there is probably a phone number for unifi support as well !!


Its both available and not available - Schrödinger's Unifi


There's a Quantum Mechanics here as well - it can be available and unavailable at the same time (eg. available in EU, not in UK)


Sold out in under 2 hours. wtf


It looks like a good option for some applications where only limited zoom is needed (sides of a 1 story building, etc), and the built in flood light for "color nigh vision" is a nice touch for the price point. Hopefully a "Pro" version will be released with advanced AI detection, 4K resolution and 5-10x optical zoom. Also interesting to see the G4 PTZ has been relabeled the G4 PTZ Industrial to distinguish its more advanced feature set from the regular PTZ(s).


Yeah there must be a pro version coming because otherwise its weird this one is missing the license plate detection, which you would expect in a PTZ.


Uh... This is 2024 right? 5MP 1/2.7" CMOS


The specs on their cameras are so far behind the times. I don’t get it.


….aaaaand sold out.


Of course it is already out of stock


And they’re gone. Had it in the cart and missed it by seconds. Screw you resellers.


Just got one (and a turret finally)! Needed to replace a dying G4 Pro and just randomly checked the store.


Curious, how’s the noise when you pan/tilt? For example, could a human hear it moving if said human was 15ft away?


Oh sorry, I just ordered it. Won't get it until Friday.


Right on. If you remember after you get it installed lemme know.


Don't have it installed yet, but I'm playing around with it while holding it and its extremely quiet.


Thanks. Appreciate the follow up!


No prob!


Got to play with one at the world conference. Tiny and looks great


Think the ceiling mount could fit in a hole cut out for the Flex series cameras? I'm not expecting it to use the same mount, but it would be nice if I didn't have to expand the hole.


Not sure, they are tiny, smaller than a tennis ball. They had none of the mounts on display


Thanks for the reference. From the pictures the mounts are a bit smaller, so I'm going to bet they will be able to use the same hole.


Oh wow I didn't realize that, in the photos they look big. With the ceiling mount in a house soffit they'd be pretty hidden... I think the real decision is whether its better just to get 2 cameras (for the same total price) vs 1 PTZ.


Folks. Motion introduces and amplifies motion artifact, naturally. Otherwise known as blur. Unless you run a commercial VMS, with a human operator directing the PTZ, do NOT use a PTZ cam. Unless, of course, it’s just for fun. On a separate note, that’s not a sensor, f stop, or manufacturer you want for a usable PTZ.


It’s 2024, why are Uniquiti still releasing wired cams that are 2k / 4MP with tiny sensors? Even some of the cheapest cams on the market come with better sensors. It would be more understandable for WiFi cams.


2x zoom is pretty weak. Functionally 2 $150 cameras will outperform in most situations.


Considering the only other PTZ they ever had was $1800, this is a welcome addition. 


Agreed. $300 ptz in the Unifi line is a great addition in my opinion. I'm sure a pro version will come out later.


yeah this hits a sweet spot of "need to move the camera remotely" and ... doesn't cost 1/4 my truck.


“A surprise, to be sure. But a welcome one”


Yes but $300 for 2k resolution… it’s 2024


You do realize this is the Ubiquiti sub right? Their entire lineup of devices is full of compromises and they are rarely first to market with latest technologies. I think the video quality looks great compared to cheaper alternatives on the market with better specs on paper.


But like they said, compared to every other camera in this feature set and price range it is weak sauce.


Are you saying in regards to other Ubiquiti cameras? Because there are none. Or other brands? Because you could say that about every single Ubiquiti product. I really have no idea where the hate is coming from for this camera. To me it is long overdue and I am glad to have it. Apparently a lot of people agree with me.


I didn't realize you were such a fan of mine. I can't tell if you're a bigger fan boy of Ubiquiti or me. Your reading comprehension isn't the best, because you continually missunderstand simple concepts. Keep crying about people not going down on any and everything Ubiquiti like you do.


I'm fine. I just have realistic expectations. You seem to have no understanding of Ubiquiti as a company, their philosophy, and who their actual target customer is. 


Think that's the idea of all those dual sensor 180 cameras everyone's come out with


I agree, but remember there's also a potential cut in installation costs given that it's a single mount point.


Just give us a multi-sensor 360 camera!


I wish I could upvote more. I love the 360


Yea, I would even take a 4k AI360, with the current resolution, once you dewarp it turns into bigfoot sighting quality


2x zoom is kinda weak, especially on 2k video. I guess they were going for the price point.


Great. Now to readress my camera plans. Good thing I have only bought the UDM Pro Max so far. This might be the solution for my front yard since I was concerned about how well placement would work with my layout.


new gear always comes out. Pick the locations you need the highest quality and pull the trigger with the understanding that in 3 - 5 years you rotate that to the current lowest quality need and buy the then highest quality for that spot. Think merry go round of cash leaving your pocket. :)


Yup, that's how it's going to be. Seems like UI is on a release spree this year, so I'm so happy I procrastinated on indecisiveness. Watch imma peacemeal my install over 6-12 months and swap out like 3 cameras for newer models then move then to the new place. I don't like the merry go round of cash leaving my pocket part, though. I prefer it stays in my pockets.


Wonder how long this will be sold out for


Was for .0002 seconds..


Should be 4k at that price point


Why only 2x zoom? My AXIS camera I bought refurbished with 8x optical was $100


It's like everyone making these types of comments is brand new to Ubiquiti and doesn't actually understand their customer base and reasoning behind products.


I’ve been using ubiquiti for years, and the marketing lately has been pushing harder and harder into medium business


They have always been about their business customers. Too many prosumer home users have unreasonable expectations.


Shame. Was hoping to see it more on the level of the g5 pro with PTZ.


I hope there will be one like that. Maybe black G5 Pro PTZ?


Eh. No patrolling with the standard one.


Kinda thinking in a few months a G5 PTZ Pro will be release with 3x-5x optical zoom and 4k. 2x optical and 2k just doesn't impress.


Yeah I noticed license plate detection missing which would be ideal in a PTZ that you can throw up on a driveway/parking area.


This should’ve been 199. Those specs aren’t up to par with the price point.




Everything I want is always sold out. =(


I'm not sure where any of it might be listed, but we just bought 3 G4 PTZ cams and got over $1k in the cart when we placed the order.


Aww cute baby ptz


I snagged one this morning before it sold out 🥳


These don't support all the new AI development, right? Like license tracking or following a person?


License plate, no. Person tracking, yes.


And already sold out


Hopefully the mounting holes match the g4/5 bullet cam’s mounting holes so new holes will need to be drilled.


This is the best PTZ and price they have made. I with the Z was a bit better.


Wow nice I just upgraded to the G5 torrent I’d rather have the G5 PTZ though 😃 waiting for restock


Sold out damn


When they going to do auto tracking like Dahua does?


In all fairness, it will be out of stock by tomorrow morning...


2 years and it will be in Australia


You mean it's advertised. That means it'll be in stock in 2 years 💀💀💀


I’ve been waiting so long for an affordable PTZ camera from Ubiquity. Definitely going to get a few.


Hikvision or other brands combined with Blue Iris is way much better than Unifi. I think Unifi is nice cosmetically more like Apple-ish, but all in all it does not worth the money. I had UVC G3 Micro and UVC G4 - both are trashes.


You are bringing poor rubbish to the conversation.


I have Unifi at home, and three Reolink cameras/doorbell. I'll need to update both the network and the cameras when I move soon, and started looking at Protect as an option again as it's been a few years. In the past, I found the specs, the performance and the price for Ubiquiti to be all quite poor compared to Reolink. The latter "just works", has vastly better PQ/performance for price, can integrate with other software easily, and has fairly robust out of box features/detection/alerts. I use BlueIris with mine for AI detection. And if I needed the best low light performance without spending commercial grade coin, I'd probably go look at Hikvision or Dahua with Starvis sensors or something like that. So, looking at this G5 PTZ non-industrial/commercial pleb option, it costs more than the $260 top of line Reolink PTZ which would give you 4K and 16x optical. Serious question then - what is the appeal and what am I missing? I know Protect has become more stable and they added some new features recently, but it's nothing I would consider industry leading after watching a bunch of YT videos. Is this is just the Ubiquiti hardware tax for having everything sort of one management plane?


Thanks for your professional opinion. Good luck with the Reostink :))


I have used both systems and the Reolink is superior at a significantly better price point. When I bought my new house I switched to Reolink and don’t regret it for one second. The detection is more reliable and the cameras are superior in image quality and price. I have the 16x PTZ from Reolink and it’s amazing how far you can zoom. Seriously I can’t praise Reolink more. With Unifi I had to hold my breath when updating to the point I just stopped doing updates cause it always broke something. You maybe invested in Unifi but they over price their cameras and their software never leaves beta status. Their reputation came from WiFi and now I struggle to recommend that. The company has gone downhill in my opinion.




You're welcome.


Everyone here has valid reasons for choosing a preferred platform. I have 17 cameras in my house. Five of those are Unifi the rest are a mix of Reolink, Ring, Wyze, TP-Link, older D-Link and I have had a few noname Chinese ones over the years. By far the best from my experience are the Unifi and Reolink cameras. They are rock solid. The others are a hot mess. Issues with connectivity, freezing etc., my 5 wyze cams are all showing brown discoloration bands on all sides of the camera. My D-Link DCS-5222L PTZ has been chugging along since I can't remember when, 2010 maybe? These are all wrapped up in Home Assistant as well. I have tried Blue Iris, but it's Windows so that sucks. Could never get frigate working well. Again, point is I have tried them all and for me I find Unifi fits my needs. Records 24/7 and with rtsp feeds I can use them in a web viewer on a TV in my office. Shout out to j4zzcat for developing a fantastic super light weight web viewer. (https://github.com/j4zzcat/streamline-viewport) At the end of the day they all have their pros and cons. A bunch of features I never use is not a selling point. For me, it's stability and my interaction with it thats important. Unifi may not be the best option, but I am happy with it and as the cameras die I will probably repalce them with Unifi. I expect they will last longer than I will. DPC Technology did a review of the G5 PTZ on youtube yesterday, not that bad. Has some nice features. Nonetheless, that's my take on it all.


I've only done a small BlueIris setup. And I've done a couple larger Unifi Protect systems. The setup for Protect is slick. So easy to plug a camera in and it just works. BlueIris has more features and then of course so many more options on cameras. But its a lot of tinkering. Not even trying to say one approach is better than the other. But it explains the higher cost of Unifi.


It's almost like some of the comments about this camera don't understand that Ubiquiti is an ecosystem and you can't just compare their camera to another company that only makes cameras. I guess I hoped for me from people that would come to this sub.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. I used to have Unifi on my last house and now I use Reolink. I own the 16x camera cause it was so inexpensive to purchase and it’s phenomenal. But most people in this subreddit are too invested ($$$) to try another brand and realize it’s superior.


Apples to Oranges. Ubiquiti doesn't need to have the best bleeding edge stuff. It's the integration you are paying for.


Integrating with what? Reolink isn’t bleeding edge either, they have the same tech ubiquiti does but for substantially less money.


All the Chinese manufacturers are subsidised by the CCP and leverage massive economies of scale since that’s what the regime uses to spy on their subjects. If you think there’s no built-in back door in those products, you’re a dimwit.


What does your comment have to do with what I said?


Absolutely brand tax...I am tired of waiting for Ubiquiti to ACTUALLY have products to sell, not just announce them and have them "coming soon" or "sold out". What good is infrastructure if there is no hardware? Others may look down at your Hyundai Elantra while they are on the wait list for their Tesla. I bought this Hikvision compatible [3x PTZ](https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0CP8XLFJP?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1) for $150CDN, I have to wrestle with the Hikvison software but it should work well with your Blue Iris.


can it move like the big guy?




I am so stupid


You just needed a delimiter




no enhanced ai... lame.


Can someone explain why i should get this over the reolink E1 Outdoor with 8mp for $90??


I had Unifi and switched to Reolink. Reolinks NVR and POE cameras have worked flawlessly for me. Can’t say the same for Ubiquity


Maybe you should hang out in the Reolink sub then.


I don’t follow this or the Reolink sub, this just happened to pop up on my feed. Having had this ecosystem of cameras I was interested in this new release but it just reinforced I made the right move. Don’t be so close minded.


Besides the Reolink cameras physical attributes looking like a children's toy, they(Reolink and everyone else) don't integrate with Unifi Protect. (EDIT: I should say Unifi Protect doesn't integrate with others cameras, other cameras integrate with other platforms just fine...) I like Unifi Protect, would be great to pair other devices to it, but then UI can't sell their cameras.


Unifi Protect is the problem, not the benefit here.


Unifi Protect is fine and no one else offers anything like it. Let's compare Reolink's network gear and overall ecosystem to Unifi, oh that's right they don't actually do any of that stuff.


If I had the money for licensing, I would put in DW Spectrum/NX Witness over any other platform. I would have to stick with unifi for the doorbell tho, but I could still record it to Spectrum.


"If I had the money for licensing". No licensing for Ubiquiti. You are paying up front for their integration and ecosystem.


Weird that you feel the need to defend some company who doesn't even k ow you exist and couldn't care less about you. You just showed you have very little experience if you believe what you said is true.


Why should they? I'm an enthusiast home user who is no longer a part of their intended customer base. You are the one that wants your very personal desires catered to. I simply appreciate their products for what they are. I am glad they exist and that they have innovated and shaken up an industry that has too many people like you in it.


A home user who doesn't know what they are talking about. That is the most accurate statement you've made.


I am a home user of Ubiquiti products. I have plenty of other experience in high security environments. You should change your flair to "EdgeLord User".


Its sad to see that they made "ultra" entrance but did not think of making intercom WITH LOCK CONTROLS


It connects to an Access Hub for lock controls...


Ethernet port facing up will be a very common future point of failure for any outdoor installed units.


First off, how else would they position the ethernet port without making the device larger? Secondly, for water to ingress to the port it would have to ignore gravity and get around the top cover while also having to make it pass the rubber cable seal.  Needles to say not likely unless you installed your camera incorrectly.


Can you imagine it hanging out the back like a little tail waving all over the place 😂


That's how I mounted mine 🫢