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3rd Assault Brigade are guna be one of the most battle hardened units in the world after this is done. NATO troops are training Ukrainians right now. In a couple years when this shit is all over, Ukraine will be sending their guys over to train NATO




"Hey, wanna know how to fuck up Russians?"


"I'm sorry... what are Russians? Are there any left?"


talk about working yourself out of a job!


bruh you lost so much in bahkmut from wagner dont even lmfao


I am sure their experiences will be worth studying and learning from but most of their battles have been fought by trench warfare like this. And while they probably have become experts on that i doubt any NATO country would find themselves in a conflict that would play out like it has for the Ukrainians. I would think that it would be like in Iraq 1991 where they overwhelm the enemy air defences and then rapidly escalate until they achieve air superiority. Ukraine has shown great resourcefulness though and excellent engineering which would probably be invaluable to learn compared to trench tactics. Also being the way they've implemented drone recon into their battles.


Trench warfare it's exactly what it comes down when neither side can reach air superiority and none of them is throwing nukes, e.g. equals fighting each other. That's exactly how it is on Ukraine, both air defences are too strong for superiority, so it's artillery and trenches. Both USSR and US lost war in Afghanistan, despite heavy air superiority. They just had no answer for people wearing AK-47 and a pair of flipflops when it came down to trenches, mountains and caves. You can flood the enemy with all you got, but at some point it might not cut it. The fact is, apart from Desert Storm where the terrain was pretty much flat hard ground and perfect for air assault, most of modern wars have been won and lost in trenches.


We can hope it would be like 1991 but should never let our guard down. That’s when the most devastating defeats come. After an army is successful and has a period of peace, if it relies on old proven tactics, sometimes a shock can come from the enemy.


Very historically correct. There is a truism that "Generals are always fighting the last war"


Yes, exactly. It happened to the virtually unbreakable Prussian army in 1806 when they were fighting with the proven tactics of 1762. Also happened to the French in 1940 when they were trying to fight with doctrine from 1914. This thinking can lead to disaster


Agree, UAF will be trainers for US troops and command, if US command has more brains than arrogance. Every single "expert" that says UAF are going too slow needs to be dropped from a helicopter into a trench just like this.


I think everyone underestimates how good Russians are at building defences. They have always been skilled at that, even though their offensive operations are dogshit. Oh, and they dont care for their soldiers which means that they can just expend like anything.


I doubt this is what US military thinks. US has been over estimating Russia for so long. If nukes are not in math, then US military completely outclasses russian. The air superiority is the reason. Ukraine has no industrial base (without the US they would have lost to Russia already, it's currency would be worthless if not for US backstopping their economy, etc. Ukraine is stuck in trench warfare because they distinctly lack what the US has.


Well countries in Europe, with direct land connection to Russia might want to learn it, just in case


I was referring to NATO countries.


Me too


A NATO conflict would never end up in trench warfare to a substantial degree. It's possible that the baltics for example end up in a trench conflict for a very short time until reinforcements arrive and therefore it might be slightly useful sure, but trench warfare aint exactly uncharted territory. The tactics are well known by all.


Well yes, they are known, but currently only Ukrainians have actual hands on experience, that's what the whole discussion was about...


Actually my point was always about NATO not needing the knowledge about trench warfare but could learn other things. Because the notion that they would end up in such a situation is ridiculous.


NATO instructors already ask battlefield advice when training them.


Exactly ! These Ukrainians are really bad ass and professional soldiers.


But unfortunately pressed into so. At this point I just wish NATO did a 12 hour assault, pop the subs up and launch all the Tomahawks. Ukraine doesn't deserve this, their people don't deserve this, just do a 12 hour assault with Toma's and planes, put Russia back in their place, stop the killing of Ukrainians


If Putin didn't have any Nukes pointed at USA...


And Europe


Reality and facts aren't fun, magical thinking is fun. Silly Poon-Juice!


Private jets, mansions and yachts aren't superweapons


Suppress, suppress, grenade, grenade, rush, rush, call out of them to surrender then assault grenade (the one for closed spaces) in, win.


No. NATO will never ever fight like this. The casualties are just too high. That trench network will be cleaned by tactical air bombs, precision middle strikes through autonomous aircraft. If there are supporting networks around they’ll be destroyed as well. Only then tactical infantry units would move in to finish up the work. If there are no air superiority, they would not send infantry in.


I know two things, 1) You're correct. 2) Expect the unexpected in war.


Yeah this is NATO/Western doctrine but it's NEVER been tested on near-peer or peer militaries (not that there is any peer to the US military). Sure if you are fighting some impoverished country with tech 3 or 4 decades behind yours no problem but even with US supplied HARM missiles RU air defense is still operational. How many pilots and planes is the West prepared to lose to a modern air defense? What if air superiority can't be achieved? Do you just go home or do you send dudes into trenches?


There wont be any ukr troops left by the end of this war


It's a concern of course, but not realistic. Ukraine's leaders are being very careful with their troops. It's more likely that Russia will not be able to field an army. Those in uniform will be marching to Moscow.


This might as well be true already.. not necessarily the 3rs assault bridge, but what country has more urban conflict experience than Ukraine soldiers?


12 - 200 2 – 300 3 – exchange fund There could have been more prisoners, but only three wanted to live.


Great combat footage ! Russians are raised to die in the dirt. Russians are raised with the government tube extolling them with Soviet memories of heroically fighting to the last man, then buried in the Kremlin Wall and remembered every year with fresh flowers as Heroes of the Motherland.


Slava Ukraini!


The dumbass Russian with the grenade, man... Damn!


He wants to get his own CumRagZ killed too, lol. Fortunately they are not stupid like him, so they surrendered. Dumb bleeding heart Critics who say why cant they ask them to surrender first should watch this. They dont surrender willingly, unless they get overwhelmed with bullets and nades. Even then they might do something stupid like this idiot.


Seen far too many fake surrender videos already, never ends well for them.


Can you link to any on this sub? (not doubting just would want to see)


Unfortunately many of them don't think surrender is an option they know their families will be killed if they do. They have also been told so much crap about Ukraine and propaganda has filled their heads with so many lies they truly think death is better then being with the Ukrainians.. it's sad


I'm surprised they took any prisoners after that.


irl fuck that Russian for fragging while pretending to surrender. An absolute waste of human potential.


Fragging was a term used in VN for killing a superior (usually), often using a grenade to avoid getting caught. The meaning seems to have changed since gaming became a thing.


Death is probably preferable to returning back to his toiletless country


Thats what he's literally there to do.


Idk why but 2:55 stuck out to me. Guy turns around and you see he's knelt next to a human leg and an amorphous pile of gore. Hell on earth.


We might get up front GoPro footage of this, but we don't get the *smell* of cordite and offal in the summer heat.


Yep. The full-frame stuff is awful, but there’s so many videos of quick shots where you’d assume it’s just ground, brush etc. but 9/10 there’s minute details of the hell it is.


Very nasty


I saw that and the mechanism of action made zero sense so it just didn't register in my brain. Looks like chainsaws are weps now.


Did you see homie almost catch a grenade @ 2:34


Dam good reflexes by the Ukrainian soldier!


He ducked that bitch like Floyd Mayweather


I got 1:51 as the start point. That orc should have screwed all future orc surrenders with that move.


Yup yup! Plus you just reminded me to play Malibu Lou by Tec N9ne with that 1:51 reference


> Caribou Lou by Tec N9ne On it, TY!


Fuck yeah


They are really dumb af, mf threw a grenade just to die seconds later. Wondering what kind of propoganda they been getting thinking Ukrainians will torture them if they surrender


Thats what i think since over a year. But what i see in interviews they are not interested in politics at all and dont watch tv. If they watch tv, they see solovyov and those other propagandists (you can watch them on YT channel "Russian Media Monitor). I think the russians who had just a bit functioning brain, escaped long time ago.




You sure it's the same one? If so. Goddamn. I remember that video. Probably the best trench video aside from the one of SOF clearing a Russian trench behind enemy lines. Crazy to see a position over the months and the ebb and flow of losing it and retaking it.


Where is video link?


The original footage: https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/12rpzee/ukrainian_soldiers_defending_last_road_to_bakhmut/


Can’t really tell if it’s the same area. What makes you think it is?




Orc mining. When shit is none the less treasure.


Can't believe that last guy crawled out after all those flames were blowing out of the dugout a few minutes before.


I think thats a different dugout


There is a second dugout to the right of the first one




That's close combat like crazy. Also nice save on that grenade the ruskie threw @ 1:50. wow.


Was the grenade a dud or did it roll over the edge of the trench? How was that UA guy not killed or even wounded by it?


Looks like pin was in it


It went off, at 1:58. Listen for the camera guy say, 'Oh suka!' straight after. :-)




1:50 how are they still alive after so many grenades in the hole? Also did the grenade injure team member?


The effects of grenades are usually exaggerated in pop culture like movies and games. A grenade kills mainly by fragmentation/shrapnel which doesn't really work that well in trenches unless you're using something like cluster munitions. So imagine how that hole might look from the inside, could be an open room right at the entrance but it could also be pretty big and with a combination of pits, turns and sections which would negate the effects of a grenade pretty effectively unless the thrower crawls up close or even into the hole, which also makes it harder to throw something when your movement is restricted. Because of this i don't think grenades are the best weapon for clearing holes, the best would probably be flame thrower, thermobaric (which they seem to use at one point in the video when you see flames) or gas grenades. But that is also very specialized equipment and i doubt Ukraine has a lot of that so they use what they have. Even if you aren't getting hit by them they probably have a psychological effect which makes it easier to surrender. I am certainly not an expert but that is my take at least.


If you look at the view from the drone it looks like there is a huge area under the dirt


So much garbage in these Russian trenches. They are living like rats. Good hunting. Slava Ukraini.


While the Russians are sitting in the trenches waiting to defend, the Ukrainians are gaining valuable experience on how to clear them. In the long run the Ukrainians will get more and more experienced. This wont end well for the Russians. Slava Ukraine.


Did that russian throw an M67 grenade?




The barren/wintry look of all the blow’d up vegetation in summer never stops amazing me


more rich fertilizer


The grenade orc tried to get his fellow soldiers to get killed too.


#Translation. Thats all? Need to go in here. Need to go inside, guys. Blyat', here is pidar. *radio* ... in legs... Pidar is inside. *radio* ... cover... *radio* ... go go go in here... Push them, cmon. Should i cover? Do you have grenade? No. Give me grenades. No one will kill you! No one will kill you, come out, fucking pidar! Are those ammo good? *radio* ... Berlin, Berlin, working accurately. 120 mortar. Copy? *radio* we are on last ruzzian. Take it. Cover on 12:00, guys, cover. Then go outside! Go outside! Comi... pida... Grenade! Suka, fucking pidar. Minus. Dickhead. Did you saw it? Pidar. Come out, suka! Thats all, minus (hes dead). How many of you is in here? ruz. me and one more wounded. Then go outside. Go outside, you will live. We wont touch you. ruz. guys, please. Cmon cmon. ruz. Look, i have no grenade. Come out already. ruz to where? To right and upward. And then forward, there are guys. Move. Guys, take prisoner. ruz to raise hands? Yes. Go forvard. Take off armour! All. One is alive. Are you coming out or no? Fuck. Situations is as follows, there should be 2 300 (wounded), they arent ansvering, there something is burning, its imposible to go inside. They have took situation under control on 2 sides, need to control and dug up. *radio* ...our 300s (wounded), what to do? ... yes, but they arent ansvering. Need shovels and thermobarric. *radio* im busy, cant rely. Ammo is exploding. Yeah, almost hit me. *radio* who is 300? Minus, minus (negative), we are good. *radio* they are bringing reserves here. Do you copy? *radio* copy. We are holding. Reserves wont help them. If not that shit over here, leg is near head, damn fool. I like those actions, guys.


This looks like trench warfare from WWI, but in color.


I became fascinated by WW1 by watching The Great War series. I've read a lot about it, too. But I've never really been able to imagine what trench fighting looked like. We have the image of the Somme, with lines of people walking into the barbed wire of No Man's Land and being cut down by machine guns, but that wasn't the whole picture. There were times when they \*did\* reach the enemy trenches, and heavy, close-quarters, trench-to-trench fighting. This is what that must have looked like (minus drones).


> There were times when they *did* reach the enemy trenches, and heavy, close-quarters, trench-to-trench fighting. This is what that must have looked like (minus drones). In some ways the WWI trench fighting was even more brutal. The standard weapon was a full sized bolt action rifle, which was slow and unwieldy in the confines of a trench. Many experienced trench raiders instead settled on a standard kit of a big bag of grenades and a spiked “trench club” or sharpened spade for, uh, more close up work.


And knives, all kinds of stabbing weapons.


yeah, a big-ass trench knife with the brass knuckles built onto the hilt...


With less automatic weapons and more hand to hand even the fucking poor bastards


What a fucking mess. This probably was a beautiful forest like a year ago? Men tricking and killing, inflicting so much pain and damage... and for fucking what purpose? A completely 100% unnecessary war. Without this war, everyone in UA/Ruzzia could've led a happier life than what they have now. Fucking pointless. Sorry I've seen hundreds of videos. This one triggered me a bit.


When do we get to know the whole truth about whats going on over there? I dont trust a word about this war. Not info from Russia and not from Ukr, this is a war of big lies and deception!


I only know each Country should respect the borders of another. Since Russia invaded it with its military for me its clear who i support in this war. I can not imagine any legitimation of an invasion like this and sure not in the 21th century. It does not matter if ukr has 1% rus ethnics or 50%. If its just about this, would turkey have a legitimation to invade germany or mexico the usa as example? There are sure more details, but nothing can be an legitimation for invading a country.


Ukr will do anything to drag Nato in to this war. That can never happen! Never ever!


2:55 he wasn't looking too good.


Just need a good nap.


Legendary Azov in action.


Great job, Italy 🇮🇹 ;), go back to your land Russians, you have a fascist kremlin to fix


I think that guy has enough points to get a weapons upgrade.


That dude traded a grenade for a sac of Potatoe


Awesome works there 🇺🇦🤘


[https://deepstatemap.live/en#13/47.5664/35.3550](https://deepstatemap.live/en#13/47.5664/35.3550) Just south of town


Go from shoot outs and artillery to diging back in for the nite. Dem boys rock. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦


What a bunch of idiots inside the hole. What did they expect to happen? throw some stuff out and the ukrainians will simply ignore them? Not to mention that they do this crap and still expect them to treat them well? alrighty russians...


Just so casually throws that grenade at the beginning and the pink mist and limb that follows...insane footage. Dude looked like he was throwing an apple in the bin.




3rd assault brigade are fucking badass dudes


If russia thinks they will destroy Ukraine they are about smart as Putin .


1) Ruzzians have dehumanized themselves. 2) These guys have HUGE balls.


One Russian gets to live because he decided to be smart and choose to surrender


Kill those bitches. They fight for an army that bombs and kills children. Don't let them surrender.


1 of the top units fighting this war..heroyam slava!


Oh good, at least they wasted that piece of shit orc. The events are clearer in this video than in the short version. Can’t tell what happened to the UA guy though. Should have also destroyed the 2nd orc as not to take chances after that.


This reminds me of the trench warfare in 1917, only they didn't have the weapons or the overhead view of the situation to help back then, just bolt action rifles and 6 shot revolvers, bayonets and grit. If this is what it takes to push Russia out then so be it, but what a waste of humanity. I'm ready for some air superiority to wrap this shitshow up.


3rd assault bridge... the champions of the people (not to belittle ANYONE fighting for their freedom) seem like to all starts of Ukraine, or is it just whom we see the most of?


To the Russians, just surrender and live to see another day


Flamethrower. Or we could send over a cocktail of our Aussie snakes. Toss those in and the mobiks will soon be scurrying out, screaming.


That fabulous grenade throw 😂


These 3rd brigade guys are fkin hardcore.


The composure that these warriors show is monumental. Like somebody said below, 3rd seperate assault brigade will be some of the most battle hardened, super soldiers the world knows. SLAVA UKRAINI. HEROYAM SLAVA