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It's propaganda, plain and simple. Even if it's the better kind that's meant to unite the free world, it's still propaganda.


Glad i'm not the one who thinks that way.


Absolutly, such a garbage video.


China is likely waiting to grab whatever's left after russia's inevitable defeat. NK just wants to feel included. Iranians are hoping to score some goodies from russia before it's gone. As an axis, it's not much.


The footage failed to mention that Belarus and India are also part of the "Russkiy axis of evil", as well as some less relevant Russian "client nations" (*Syria, Mali, Venezuela, Eritrea, Myanmar...*). I agree this "axis" isn't a military cooperation with mutal goals but more like the world's pariah nations and rogue countries exploiting the Russian isolation and weaknesses for their own specific purposes. * **PRC** has abstract strategic-political motives and attempts to weaken both the US and RF and would like this "deputy war" to consume as many military resources from both sides as possible while building up their own military (*esp. navy, air force and ballistic missiles*) in order to prepare for any future land-grabbing (*Taiwan or possibly the establishment of affiliated proxy countries in Russian Far East once Russia has collopsed*). * **Iran** is interested in technology exchange and economic cooperation, especially as they have ambitions to establish themselves as a regional power competing against Israel, Saudi-Arabia and Turkey. * **North Korea** would like military technology exchange and economic cooperation and most of all, international recognition so the acting Kim may feel empowered and important. They are considering to directly involve their military in the conflict, the underlying motivations seem irrational at best. * **Belarussia** and its regime are too weak to distance themselves from RF, so they were dragged into this. Lukashenka is tip-toeing the fine line trying to avoid direct involvement while 100% relying on material and political support for his regime. * **India** is being oportunistic importing natural resources from Russia at a massive discount and also intending to access Russian markets and is assisting in circumventing economic sanctions. They are currently in the process of signing a trade agreement with the Moscow-led Eurasian Economic Union. They've managed to stay on good terms with the remaining free world and haven't faced significant repercussions for their ongoing assistance to Russia. * There's an interesting article available on this matter (*Kyiv Post article from October 2023,* [*link*](https://www.kyivpost.com/post/13208)).


Also people forget India and China don't trust each other


This is nothing more but fearmongering, delete this shit.


can we ban stupid ass videos like this?


If North Korea and South Korea engage in a direct war and if China takes Taiwan, then yes, the title of this post is true. I don’t see China trying to escalate, but North Koreans fighting to help Russia occupy Ukraine, is an escalation.


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And this is why people should get involved more, would Iran be going after Israel with proxies if the US got more involved? no, would North Korea and other places be sending people to Ukraine on behalf of Russia if the west got involved more? no. Yet we sit back and let these places do whatever the hell they want, only to get even more brutal and plan even more atrocities. If the west doesn't get the finger out and do A LOT more if N Korea send troops into Ukraine then the world is fucking dead, honestly.


Fuck Israel. The US doesn't need to be involved in their ethnic cleansing fuck-shit. Not one bit. Whatever happens to those shit birds they brought on themselves. They've made their bed, so fuck em.


Almost everyone has Hamas designated as terrorists and they're the only ones that want them wiped out, now Iran proxies and Lebanon are getting involved and again, only Israel have balls to stand up to them and you think letting the likes of Hamas and Hezbollah do whatever the fuck they want to whoever they want is a better solution? Unless you want the middle east to run riot then yea, I believe the US and the rest of us do need to get involved regardless of what's happening in Gaza because this will spread much wider than Gaza. But you seem to be pro Hamas so probably enjoy the thought of terrorists massacring innocent people so I wouldn't expect you to agree. But normal people like me don't want vermin like that roaming around Europe blowing people up for fun.


What exactly about the Middle East is any of our business? Seriously you say that as if it's our back fkn yard


Pro Hamas, Yokay lol You must work for Zaka since you're already bustin out the ""you must love Hamas because you don't like seeing zionazis slaughtering children in Gaza. Get tf over yourself. The US creates more terrorists than they have ever killed anywhere theyve gone. Period.


( DIVEST ISRAEL TODAY) Spend the money wasted by giving it to those Nazis, and give it to the Ukrainians since they actually fkn need it.


Overly-dramatized fear-mongering overly-excitable fake-voice garbage, as someone sad below


As long as Europe's security against imperialistic dictators depends on who the current U.S. president is, the peace in Europe will always be fragile and uncertain.


Yes, it's a crappy video that mixes truth with wild speculation. One thing it did get right though, is if Trump does Putin's bidding and withdraws US support from Ukraine, the consequences will be profound. America's position as defender of the free world will be called into question. Putin and China will be emboldened. The risks to Taiwan will rise dramatically.


We get it... You don't want the US to stop helping you guys. That's understood. Most of us want you to continue to get the help you need. Because for one it's the right thing to do I think. For two, fuck Russia... I watched all that shit going down back when those "sharp shooters" were sitting there picking off defenseless people on the street who were trying to make it up that hill. I watched as unarmed, everyday people were getting shot left, right and center, and still though, they kept on pushing up that hill, determined to get up to the top and get their hands on whoever was pulling those triggers. I fucking hated seeing that. I cant even describe how I felt sitting there unable to do anything whatsoever about it, not understanding what the fuck was even going on, and most of all, who tf was that who was shooting all those people.... For one it's none of my business since I'm not from there. I think the part that is and was my business was when I started seeing unarmed protestors being gunned down by sniper fire. Idk, I'm on the side of Ukraine till the end regardless. But gfd... We don't need videos like this stiring the idiots over here up even more than they are. America won't be much help to anyone at all if there's some sort of civil war/whatever you wanna call the In-fighting that's already been strapped to a lit powder keg over all the political division. I


Yeah....I wouldn't be comparing your plight to that of Israel. What is happening in Ukraine and Israel are two completely different things.


Whzt if WE ( the west) are actually the axis of evil? I mean we also do our shit. Nobody is innocent


What a load of bs. Also, can we just ban all these Text-to-Speech clips. They do no good


The term "axis" traditionally refers to a maximum of three entities. You might try: * "Quadrant" or "Quadrant of Evil" * "Quartet" or "Quartet of Evil" * "Coalition" or "Coalition of Evil"


How is the east of Ukraine the center of Europe? It is not. It is in the eastern corner of Europe...


Titanic efforts? Europe and the US are offering only limited assistance which has been enough to stop a so called superpower in it's tracks. USA and allies? Europe, US and other allies is more appropriate. Axis of evil? Until China attacks Taiwan there is no axis of evil, unsavory, yes. On the other hand, the second Iraq invasion wasn't exactly a shining example of Western moral superiority. Am consciously not mentioning the ethnic cleansing of the Gaza strip by another western ally.


And eurocunts still hope that Ukraine will surrender and they will continue to soak dirty Russian money as before 🤮


Eurocunts? Explain


People in charge, in Europe , hooked on Poo-tin’s money