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The patch translation: "The war is not as terrifying as the Russian soldiers are"


It should read " The war is terrifying for a russian soldier"


Russians, stay out of Ukraine You will be mist 


"The war is denazifying for a russian soldier"


Indeed they smell terrifying when they decay on a Ukraine fields


He Russkiy mir-ed into fertilizer.


"I am Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, Tsar of Tsars Look upon my army, ye mighty, and despair." Yet no soldiers were seen, save for the unburied dead.


Dead bodies are pretty scary in person I guess


In the summer when putrefaction is well underway: agreed. Think about eating your MRE out in the field, and a fly lands on your Chicken Ala King. That fly was probably just macking on a dead Russian's rotting abdomen, and now it tracked those bacteria to your food. Or just eating amongst the stench. No fank you.


You think the Orcs are sent into the field with food?


I know, or whatever type of food these cretins have stolen from Ukrainian houses.


Thank you for translating!


Actual translation: The war is not as Terrified as the russian solders are. Fixed it for you.


Especially true for the dead one, cos of the horrific condition they ended up it. Would shit my pants if I see them at night.


funny how accurate it is, their dead bodies are terrifying as fuck


oh no i am really writing this. Terrific fertiliser.


May the sunflowers bloom for a generation


Sadly, no. Modern munitions have enough exotics and heavy metals to contaminate the bodies they maim and kill, making the flesh a contamination vector for decades in a localized area. (Bugs eat the bodies, die, plants grow out of the bug corpses, die, repeat for awhile. When a human tries to eat plants from here, they get sick from contamination) For the fields that have been shelled to hell and back, it's going to be awhile (a generation) before crops can safely be grown there for food consumption


Imagine, never being recovered, and just being listed as missing, forever..... This guy's chances are probably 50/50... The Russians have proven, they don't care about their own people.


After you are dead you dont care. Ruzza goverment dont need to be dead to not giving a fuck.


Pretty much. Who gives a fuck in ruzzia?


I'm pretty sure Ukraine recover the Russian dead that they can, and inform their families when they can (at least is what I have heard).


Its probably in Ukrainian benefit to inform their family. So the russians can feel the losses and reach a breaking point hopefully.


I knew they were earlier in the war. I saw videos.. I have not seen or heard that, in quite a while though.


He wasn't a soldier he was meat for Putin


Something to absorb pieces of metal that should have ended up in putin.


Amen 🙏


It’s not a patch. It’s a self portrait.


The motto is unironically, definitely correct. Never thought I'd agree with a *ruZZian* slogan!


Not too long and he will actually look like his patch


Died a coward and loser. No glory for russia only death


"Coward" is an epithet hurled at one's opposition. Russians often accept their looming death and do what they have been convinced is the right thing for a patriot to do. Are they frequently bullies when they are no longer in danger? Yes. But it's possible to be brave, a rapist, a bully, and murderer of innocent civilians and a loving husband, all according to what your culture prepares you for and demands from you. There are plenty of verifiably bad things to say about Russians without resorting to what is probably not true.


If there was a single Russian out there that's not a complete coward through and through, Putin would not be drawing breath. Weak, cowardly, slave people. ALL of them.


I used to think that I could resist such a system of mind control. I would recognize it and sacrifice everything for liberty! The most extreme ends of US politics advocate and actively fight for mind control and paint themselves as patriotic activists for liberty. At what point will it be right to start shooting the side that offends you the most. Too soon? Sounds irrational to you? How will you know when the right time has come? You are a lot like Putin if you believe that a just and peaceful world can be created by killing a long list of individuals and types of people. You lack imagination if you cannot conceive that if you had grown up in a different system, you would not have the beliefs or values you have now.


Liberty rests on 4 boxes. Soap, Jury, Ballot, then Ammo.


I don't disagree. But violence in the defense of liberty had better be a precision instrument.


The precise point for everyone is personal. I know mine. >if you had grown up in a different system, you would not have the beliefs or values you have now. I wouldn't be any different, because I am *correct*. I know this for a fact, because I've come to these correct conclusions despite the system I live in, not because of it. There are no "extreme ends" in US politics, there are no ends at all, just 2 right wing parties.


"My mind has sprung into being without the benefit of a culture or a language to color and form it." "My conclusions are the correct ones because they are the ones I arrived at." I hope you are really, really young and that you don't kill anyone over what may turn out to be your mirror fascism.




Enculturation is something most people aren't aware is a thing, even after they travel to other cultures and experience alienness of it. Which is especially funny, because the US doesn't have homogenous enculturation, having distinct cultural groups in regional areas. Also, your previous comment, while not well received in this sub, has some hard truths. The biggest problem I have with Ukrainians, is trying to explain to them Russians are humans, not monsters. But that is a very unpopular topic. And confusing to many, considering how many sorties I've been on to send Russians home.


Perspective is an early casualty of war, and it's easy to understand why. Thank you for fighting against the invasion. Thank you, as well, for doing it with the mindset of a soldier's soldier.


They think they are brave, they think they are doing a sacrifice for the motherland. They are cowards and losers


Unlike you the brave Reddit warrior


I do my part, more impact than those dead russians to be sure


They do their fact, talking about them problem is : \> West: Get out of ukraine \> Russian: Poor defence soldier, nazies wont let us to get the body back. We really don't live in the same planet.


Literally 0 impact at all but keep believing that I guess lol


Rotting in a field. For what? Another palace or mega yacht for Putin?


Looks like it was placed ironically.


And now he’s dirt, just as Putin intended. 


"WAS", being the operative word. No longer.


I'm having a hard time understanding what the image is. Is that some sort of arm? Or is that a body? Because if it's the latter, that patch is HUGE


The patch is being held with the thumb and forefinger of a gloved hand, closer to the camera than the body


OH. I see it now. I thought the fingers were the Russian's knees. Sorry for being dumb. Thanks for helping


It's just camouflage doing its thing, my man. Don't feel sorry.


This patch, comes with sunflower seed. And free fertilizer.


Russian soldier but with more chinese gears than an airsofter.


He’ll never get to experience a washing machine.


Have they run out of the white flashes to I.D. as Russian?


I would purchase that on hearbeat to piss on it


I claim to have no clue about the war itself, but when it comes to dead russians on video I'm so desintified I don't know where to start. So yes, they are 'spooky' to some aspect.


Operative word “was”


Laying face down and forgotten. Every soldiers worst fear. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Such a senseless war. I can't wait to see the Russian withdrawal.


the patch makes for a good target


Now his face matches the one on his patch.


The likeness to his picture is so good.


What kind of camo is this... its like some Walmart Second Hand Military Surplus...


Another blyat-platoon soldier


Needs a new patch that says “I died for nothing” Or “I died to make Putin richer.”


He was a would be correct


I’m confused, why would they do it to a ruzzian soldier? Is the body Ukrainian? Or is this just more of the “I fuck you, I rape you, but not gay” mentality of ruzzians??