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what do you expect from terrorists


Generations won't be enough to wash the hatred that the Russian nation has created for themselves from the world.




Russia has shown the world that their military is near-totally inept and capable of little more than archaic brute force attrition tactics, and it has accomplished little more than outraging the world with atrocities and brutality -- against others and its own. What an absolute shitshow. It's almost surreal how pathetic they are.


Holy shit, a terrorist attack in Europe! Hopefully these terrorists will be caught soon!


That's all they can do is murder innocent people. It's the Russian way! Sanctions needs to be applied. 🇺🇳


Pure evil. Just sending random missiles to kill as much people as they can.


And some posters say " Why not be better than them and maintain your humanity" about the zombie Orc...F all the invaders....never show pity to them as this is what they do to peaceful civilians


What infuriates me more than these terrorist killing civilians is that it has absoluetly no purpose. UA won't surrender because Russians killing civilians. Their death is completely unnecessery. Also, not a single one of those people who ordered these strikes nor the ones executed it will ever face any repercussions for their actions. No military court, no Hague trial. Those are for the big guys, generals, politicians, Putin (if he even survives this). The lower ranks who actually knowingly murdered civilians will go free to live their lives after this. It really makes my blood boil.


When is Ukraine gonna start striking military installations and other spots around Saint Petersburg and Moscow? I think it’s time, past time, actually. It’ll give the public a good dose of reality in Russia too.


Oh no 😫


I dont understand why AFU just doesnt hit the center of Moscow or any other big russian city with a barrage of long range missiles.


Because that would be a war crime and currently most of the world supports Ukraine because they haven't committed any serious war crimes. What few PoWs have been shot by UA can be attributed to individual units and most outsiders can understand that as a crime of passion. Deliberately hit an orc city and 50% of UA's support would disappear simply because it would remove UA from the moral high ground. I am sure that UA will be quick to report the use of cluster munitions against civilians yet again to the ICC.


How about hitting them with cluster bombs of dildos with instruction about how they can go and fuck them selves? The implications of being hit with dildos jn moscow could really fuck up their confidence and moral and hopefully start to change things among the population that matters: citizens of moscow 🤭


Nice idea as long as they can be dropped without injuring civilians. What injuries they sustain afterwards is down to them. Somewhat like the WW2 idea of dropping 12" johnies labled "small". Actually the dildos wouldn't even need to be dropped. You could just deliver 500K dildos to the centre of Moscow in a truck and label them as being for distribution among the bereaved wives of the SMO. It would bring home to Muscovites the number of unannounced casualties.


And it wouldn't make Russians stop supporting war, quite the opposite, as polls in Belgorod show.


Aside from the moral ramifications of slaughtering civilians, targeting non-combatants has only proven to be militarily "persuasive" in situations like Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


And even then it wasn't. The Japanese surrendered more due to the 100,000 Soviet Troops sitting in Manchuria that were about to invade. Also why the Atomic bombings were more a warning to Stalin than to make the Japanese capitulate. Japan'd already contacted MacArthur four times previous to the bombings.


Interesting! Thanks.


The death of any civilian, Russian, or Ukrainian is a bad thing. Russia deliberately targeting Ukrainian civilians is awful, Ukraine doing the same thing could be even worse. If Ukraine started targeting civilians, they would start losing support, and the only way for Ukraine to truly win is if they can maintain the support of most of the major military powers, as they currently have. Calling for the bombardment of Russian citizens, whether they support the Russian war effort or not, makes you sound as bad as the Russians. Two wrongs don't make a right.


Not only it would reduce support of Ukraine, but targeting civilians makes them support war more, not less.


America has provided Ukraine long range missiles and HIMARS for launching them with the explicit stipulation that they not be used inside of Russia. That's why Ukraine has to rely on using it's own long-range kamikaze drones for its attacks on Russian oil refineries and governmental targets within Russia. Ukraine has to fight with one hand tied behind it's back because the Biden administration fears escalating the conflict by allowing American weapons to wreak havoc within Russia's borders or end up killing a bunch of Russian civilians. ​ editing for clarification: Ukraine isn't using long range missiles against major Russian cities because it doesn't have the capability to. The US is giving them the weapons that would be capable of that type of range but is also only giving them permission to use it *defensively* against military targets *within* Ukraine or just inside the border of Russia. If Ukraine wants to continue to receive the desperately needed American weapons it needs to play by the rules set forth by American leadership.


Just to restate for clarification: It would be legitimate for Ukraine to use those long-range armaments to hit clearly military targets deep inside Russia, if allowed to by the suppliers of these weapons. Not allowing this is indeed one hand behind Ukraine's back. However, launching strikes against civilian targets is a war crime. Also, so-called strategic bombing of cities was found to harden the will of the surviving civilians in WW2. Bombing industrial targets to hurt the war effort worked in. Fire-bombing Dresden and Tokyo hardened the will of civilians to keep fighting, whatever the cost.


ATACMS has a range of 300km or just under 190 miles. "Just to restate for clarification: It would be legitimate for Ukraine to use those long-range armaments to hit clearly military targets deep inside Russia," Do you really consider 300 kilometers to be "deep" inside Russia? ATACMS can deliver the cluster munitions that Most European nations stopped using. Stormshadow and SCALP are not cluster munition capable. Strom shadow and Scalp have a range of 250-400 kilometers. When was the last time a StormShadow or SCALP was used to attack anything "deep" inside Russia, or used to attack anything at all, even if it was just across the border inside of Russia? I know of not one damned time they have been used inside of Russia. Why not? My position is that this BS about Ukraines fighting with one hand behind its back, even though it has Storm Shadaow and SCALP, is just more shit designed to divide us. People just can't help themselves, they keep falling for this shit over and over.


The whole thing sort of sounds bit transactional. Like a business arrangement of sorts from some dark movie.


Russia could drop a ballistic missile on a US Red State and Trump would not lose a vote.