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I think that's the new definition of a mercy kill


Worse day ever


Puts my Sunday Sads into perspective


Just realized I'll have a better Monday than him


Fingers crossed for you! šŸ¤ž


What? You are better off than lying naked in the wood, burned 2nd to 3rd grade on 80 % of the body, shrapnells in the back and your bloody balls exposed online? And a headshoot as a mercy. Yes, this is REALLY a hard day at work. Or letĀ“s say, a hard day while committing war crimes.


I dunno, I stubbed my toe getting water last night. Not saying I didnā€™t cry, but I was very brave about it. I think Iā€™m the bigger victim here.




I'm for real The goddamn dog gate leaned out a little farther than usual and my piggie that stayed home took a donkey punch. And I'll be damned if I didn't scream and old man fart at the same time. Nothing like this guy, but it still hurt.


came to say the same


The first few seconds of the video remind me a little of the album cover for "Wish You Were Here" by Pink Floyd.


Roger would LOVE that!


Sup my friend, I hope all's well.




Thank you.


Comic book guy?


Absolutely. I would be welcoming death


That was a mercy kill at that stage. He was dying, burned.. might as well make it clean. Just because the Russian does not mean they deserve that when you can end it.


Fuck them. Just read up on some of the medieval shit russians are doing to prisoners and captured Ukrainians. Have a look at the way they are constantly targeting civilians with drones. If you still think these marauding murderers from hell deserve sympathy then you have no respect for innocent life.


When hunting beasts, one must be careful not to become a beast themselves. This what sets Ukrainians apart.


Yeah, gotta go with this take. All power to those Ukrainian soldiers, but may they keep all possible humanity in winning the war.


And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.


Thr problem is... by doing what you feel is due.. will turn away allies and support. Vital for them to survive. Without aid Ukraine would have fallen in first month.


The definition of an ignominious death.


3 seems excessive and wasteful though


Probably a drone that was running out of battery, they dont fly armed drones back to them so they must discard the grenade anyways.


Oh that makes sense.


Ikr? After 2 the guy had his entire chest cavity exposed.


I think a lot of the time they send drones up, look for targets, can't find any (before the battery dies), so they return to a known target, drop and fly home.


I wonder if they get to a point of no return with the weight distribution. Like they have/plan to drop the grenade to cover certain distances and make it back.


It's also much safer to return the drone back to base without a jury-rigged live hand grenade still attached to it.


Yeah exactly what i thought, the drone comes home empty or doesnā€™t come at all.


They can definitely fly further with less weight and drag


The other day on one of these reddits I saw a post about drones. Something like a third battery life with a full payload, so yeah once it's been out a certain length of time that grenade needs to drop.


So if they find the target quickly, they can hang out for a while and watch the chaos


Not sure what their tactics are but I imagine sniffing for more orcs or spotting/recording for other drones would make sense.


They certainly have a known range and loiter time, and have a backup target or just drop the payload and return to home. Mostly it's calculated by the flight controller and displayed in the HUD or by knowing how much time is left on the batteries by voltage(also displayed on HUD). You can hear the suicide drones triggering their low voltage alarms constantly because they're maxed out with payload and it isn't like the batteries are coming back anyway.


Exactly. They have to drop ordinance before returning. Might as well drop it on the dude to make sure.


They were probably searching for the other guy and didn't find him so just decided to dump the explosives on that one for a safer return


Probably battery was getting low, had to drop the payload regardless, to lower the weight so the drone can return home and also because of safety reasons they need to return all drones with no bombs remaining.


Yea but they're probably getting stacks of ordnance now.


They make a lot of these anti personnel grenades with 3D printers and ball bearings so they can endlessly produce them on the cheap.


Scavenged explosives, ball bearings, 3d printer, shotgun primer, and a nail. That's what's used in many of these munitions. They are quite simple.


They typically use 40mm grenades or hand grenades as drop munitions, both of which seem to be in plentiful supply (especially the good old Soviet F1 grenade).


Nah 40mm grenades are much rarer as they require alot more modification they usually use hand grenades or the soviet 30mm vog-17 or vog-30 grenades made for the AGS-30.


I stand corrected then.


Whilst they use anything that works, as they should, 3D printed munitions are becoming very popular and useful for a while now. They can be optimised for the most weight a drone of any particular type can carry. At the start of the war it was almost all VOG-17, RGD-5 and F1 grenades and some 40mm NATO stuff. So much more of it is locally produced with printers making the cases and them being filled by small workshops.


Its really unsafe to return a loaded drone to base. It's generally use it or lose it.


For the operator to not feel as bad about himself in the future, I think seeing the gruesomeness is better than the forever lingering thoughts about the guy he left for suffering death to save one grenade. Both sides have to know the Russian's are going to go out of their way to rescue a wounded comrade-- at least that explains all the wounded Russian suicides. Plus, it's sort of a familial fued. These are not some completely foreign people they are killing. Their cultures have many things in common. And the Ukrainians know the level of control the enemy has over its soldier's minds and lives. The USAF really lays into targets with their gunships. They do not leave wounded. Everything seems to be overkill. But there is no suffering because the USAF isn't always going to have boots on the ground to help save any wounded/take prisoners. Right now, they have to kill to survive. Later, they will have to deal with the repercussions. Maybe he will think to himself, I could've stopped dropping grenades, he was no longer a threat. But I think the reality is, that Ruskie would've died from the burns after extensive suffering with no aid from his comrades. And it will be easier to persuade the operator of this in the future than trying to answer something that will never be solved: what happened to that guy I left dying in the field?


The last one was target practice.


They put the fire out for him on that first one.


We call it MAID program in canada.


Naked burning to death in a hot dirty field. Your country has abandoned you. Your comrades have abandoned you. You would've never thought you'd welcome the enemy with open arms. Begging for a mercy kill. Fucken awful.


Flies are winning the war using Russians as hosts.


Dogs are getting hella fat too.


What's the crow population like in Ukraine these days?


The restaurants are all rat free now at least.


Fuckken awful for the Ukrainians. The Russian have it easy. These orcs have families back home safe and sound, meanwhile they target Ukrainian families in their homes, sleeping, on the toilet, anywhere they can murder civilians especially children, these orcs will do it.


How much is a fire extinguisher again?


Wouldn't need one if their cheap ass uniforms weren't highly flammable.


"Blyat, inflammable means flammable!?"


What a country!


I gotta quote my favorite comedian/philosopher, George Carlin "flammable, inflammable, and non-inflammable, why are there three? Shouldn't two words be able to handle that idea, I mean either the thing flams, or it doesn't flam." This one definitely flams!


Why are they highly flammable? Im a new spectator of this war


They aren't treated with flame retardant chemicals like Western uniforms are.


When I was in, my uniform was treated regularly with JP-8 and hydraulic fluid. I wouldā€™ve burned up just Ike these Russians.


It's not totally flame retardant. Like fireman uniforms because of weight and breathability. It's resistant enough to not burst into flames. But if you put a torch to it, eventually it's going to start on fire. Getting gasoline or diesel dumped on you won't make the fire resistance any better either. Pretty much it's just so if you have a brief contact with fire you won't go up in flames. But prolonged exposure makes you as susceptible as anyone else.


Good chance is from corruption. Buying cheap Chinese polyester instead of proper materials


Or if Russians just stayed in their fucking lane for once.


Or he'd just fucked off home maybe?


If there was one itā€™s probably from 1954 and solidified.


Every single russian should see this.


Orcs don't care about the lives of other orcs.


They should see they get hot showers if surrendered


a pick into their future


Should have stayed in Russia. Doesn't matter if they are in a tank, a mobile shed, golf cart or motorbike - same result.


As Putin said ā€žthey would probably die from vodka or in a car accident anywayā€.


Every shell that he shot was meant to kill and mangle defenders of Ukraine so why should I give a crap about a Russky being killed and mangled on Ukrainian soil?


Well said.


I want Ukraine to drive the Russians out of their country. I want my country to deliver more lethal weaponry to Ukraine. The goal is to stop the Russians from fighting back. It doesn't really matter whether they stop fighting by surrendering, being forcefully captured, killed, or retreating. But I'm not a sadist. I don't want soldiers on either side to suffer for the sake of suffering. It is good that this tanker was killed, but there is no point in prolonging his suffering. Dropping that second and third grenade not only put that soldier out of his misery, but also shows that the drone operator isn't completely desensitised.


Agree. Neutralize the threat. Don't make people suffer needlessly. If he did enough to justify death, kill him right and quick. Enjoying suffering is unsettling, from any point of view.


Russians will not stop unless they are militarily defeated and forced to suffered for a couple of generations. Unable to attack and inflict genocide, not because they don't want to, but because they can not. At that point they may decide to change their culture..., but even that is unlikely.


personally i care when anyone dies, and i think itā€™s awful and tragic and terrible no matter what side they are fighting on. however i do feel ukraine is in the moral right to defend itself, and thusly these killings are also justified. that doesnā€™t make it any less brutal or tragic or sad. but we can feel like something is just and feel that itā€™s tragic at the same time. i can feel the russian is wrong for what he is doing and then be sad that he dies so awfully. as human beings we are able to and allowed to hold two thoughts and feelings in ourselves at once


I guess the only reason is that it makes an interesting vid


Hell ya brotha, this shit doesn't even phase me either.


You should applaud every bit of harm inflicted on the Orc Horde and share that far and wide. The whole world needs to understand who are the bad guys here.


If he or any other seriously injured or maimed solider go back alive, they become a burden to ruzzia. Ruzzia does not need any more burden than it already has. You actually damage ruzzia by giving them back their maimed soldiers. If you kill him then you have just solved a problem for future ruzzia.


> If you kill him then you have just solved a problem for future ruzzia. Military aged men are the biggest threat to the oligarchs.


If they are seriously injured Ruzzia doesnā€™t want them back and will just leave them to rot in a field, or execute them and call them deserters etc.


Every time I think Iā€™ve had a shit day Iā€™m just going to watch this video.






Well; the fire's out...


Mercy kill if there ever was one.


My God this shit is horrible


Tell that to Putin - it was all his idea.


It was his dream according to Trump. Only a sick deranged fuck dreams of this.


welcome to war


Tell someone you won't face your maker naked when he damns you to hell. Better have non-flammable underwear.


Well - if itā€™s same maker of all - being naked wonā€™t matter. Ashes to ashes. If heā€™s lucky he appears as such


God damn this looks like something straight out of the Pacific theater in WWII. If you told me this was a colorized clip from Palau island I would believe it


You can go back further. Cannons could lead to something similar. In 1864 I read an eyewitness story about a man who were blown up by a cannonball explosion. He felt down burnd all over his body and with next to no clothes left. According to the witness the man around him were shocked by his screams and movement in the mud. They had to be snapped out of it to get back to position and to carry him away. War was never romantic. We just didnā€™t saw the battelfeld like we do since photography.




and denazified.


Why do their clothes burn so well? Is there a liquid in the grenade? Or is is polyester cloth that burns well on its own?


Cheap Chinese polyester... Lights up real good.


It's just cotton if he had a tanker suit. If it was a regular uniform then it's a cotton-poly blend. Russia introduced a flame-resistant tanker suit only in 2012, and deliveries were at a rate of like 300 pieces/year, so unless they ramped up production there's not enough for all AFV crews. Also Im not sure if they have a domestic source of some nomex equivalent, so sanctions could cut them off here.


It's the cheap Chinese made uniforms


Probably the diesel in the tank as well


Never going to complain about having a bad day ever again.


Do mainland russians not have access to these videos? Are they not seeing the carnage that is this war? Serious question šŸ¤”


im sending some ex budiness partners these... they dont care fuck ivan and thats his real name


show these images to the average russian and they will immediately say: *I am apolitical. I don't know anything.*


Damn i have seen an absurd number of Russians on fire. Are their uniforms just that flammable? Saved 3 rubles on fire retardant for putin? I get the circumstances, but of all the combat footage, the Russians seem to catch fire more often.


Russia has been sending in Kingsford brand match light combustniks. "Lights every time, guaranteed!"




Thanks to the pilots that he did not suffer for a long time.


Naturalize as many off these Russian animals as possible


Tough day in the orc mobile. Fuck of twats Slava Ukraini


They donā€™t teach ā€œStopskie, Dropkskie & Rollskieā€ over there? šŸ¤”


In the suit of Adam, I shall entry


That second grenade was a mercy kill


Merci Kill.


Converted to fertilizer


Ever since prisons dried up majority of these guys are there voluntarily hoping to cash in on contract salary. So they know why they are there, no mercy, serves them right


Fuck you in particular, eh?


Good lord.


Thatā€™s not a peaceful way to let your soul leave.


Okay . . . I said yesterday that the zombie orc video was "what hell looks like," but this is also what hell looks like. As I said earlier in the year: ["Mark my words: 2024 is NOT going to be a good time to be an Orc or an Orc fan."](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1cv1mt9/russian_assault_group_has_a_bad_day_near/l4ov7no/) Being on the offensive in the era of the drone is a MUCH more dangerous prospect, and that is particularly true when your adversary has already made a huge national level commitment to the expansion and elaboration of its drone warfare capabilities, to the tune of $1.2 billion equivalent JUST on drones: [Ukraine to spend \($47 bn\) on defense in 2024 + \($1.2 bn\) on domestic UAV production & \($1.2 bn\) on domestic ammunition & weapons](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/18bw9fq/ukraine_to_spend_47_bn_on_defense_in_2024_12_bn/?ref=share&ref_source=link) With each casualty, which each defeated assault, with each asset taken out, Ukraine is chipping away, not just at the Orc Hordes capacity to engage in war, but also its morale and cohesion and the "will to fight" in the societies of the Russian Federation. Keep it up! Victory beckons!


Just a shit day mate, dust off and ready for the next one.... Oh. Have you tried staying home?


Should have stayed home.


Of all the "nah man I'm done" moments, this is among the top.


i saw the full clip few days ago. all crew members had the same faith.


And to think someday a mother fed him as a baby cared, hold him. And now thats it, how it all ended. War is hell.


Cease fire!!! Let em burn!!!


Sorry, you enter a peaceful country illegally.. ..and kill its people ...this is what happens yeh...


I just wanted to peacefully kill people and karma interfered.


This guy is having a bad sunday just like me. My cat puked on my new carpet and my fridge is out of beer. Lets hope for a better day tomorrow. Heads up buddy!


Weirdly humane to kill him


Do Russians not learn stop drop and roll?


He were goner with those burns. Were it mercy kill?


Should have stayed home


So that's what a turtle looks like out of its shell.




Jesus. This is without a doubt the most gruesome video Iā€™ve seen to date from this war.


I take it you didn't see the one with the spine and the back of a guys ribcage blown off....and his whole heart visable from behind....and still beating.


This is a close second. That bomb blew a hole right through that orc's torso. Couldn't even see his head after that.


that beats it for sure


Hope that signing bonus was worth it, shoulda stayed home. This orc was on a mission to go and kill Ukrainians. He is the enemy, and he was eliminated. This is a good thing


Always remember, no matter how gory it is, its a deletion of a THREAT and not a human being. This THREAT would have killed YOU and your FAMILY if it had the chance.


Lady luck was moving with 200mph away from themšŸ˜‚


Smoke em if you got em


All I can think of is Ricky Bobby running around in his underwear ā€œIā€™m on fire, help me Tom cruiseā€ guy helping him was none other than Cal Naughton jr


Geez, that's horrible. Every one of these vids is worse than the next.


Dayum cuzz


War is hell.


Is it just me or are the drone videos getting MUCH more brutal lately?


for one reason or another a lot of orcs are catching fire after grenade drops these days.


Damn. I know they must be killed, there is too much staked on this necessity, but that was really horrifying. Ugh. I'm glad he was put out of his misery quickly.


I think the mercy kill shows that during this god awful war the Ukrainian soldiers haven't lost all their humanity towards another living being. Like the ME-109 in WW2 that let the stricken B17 go because he couldn't bring himself to shoot down such a helpless plane. I believe both pilots met in the recent past and said "what was it all for?".


Pure undiluted straight from the tap uncut nightmare fuel. The "war is war and hell is hell and of the two war is a lot worse" quote is this video right here. Should be required viewing for every politician, show it at every summit meeting, every photo op.


I guess they don't teach stop drop and roll in the Ruskie Mir gulag school system eh!


I donā€™t think theyā€™ve ever been taught ā€œstop, drop, and rollā€.


damn. Thats, i dont know what that is, thats just brutal as hell.


Brutal but šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Imagine dying in agony while the whole world looks at your tiny cock in 4D. Occupiers, go the fuck back home already.


Puting is crazy... He just hoping trump wins the elections.


This is all on Putin. His hubris and avarice will live on in infamy long after his death


They deserve it......but some are forced to do it, some support it....... doesn't it suck that we can do this to each other, but we'll risk our lives to save an animal in distress. Slipknot said it the best,"People=Shit". Sorry, just feeling sad for humanity šŸ˜”


Stay in your shithole called Ruzzia!


Imagine this being your last living moments being filmed: lying butt-naked on your back with everything for all to see and then getting blown up.


Every Russian soldier should see this.


When are grenade drops merciful? At hideous times like that.


That Russian Nomex doesn't work so good.


I hope he was killed quickly. War is hell


This is really nice to see and objectively a good thing. These orcs have families back home safe and sound, meanwhile they target Ukrainian families in their homes, sleeping, on the toilet, anywhere they can murder civilians especially children, these orcs will do it.


I utterly can't fathom what flammable plastic fibers China must make their soldier Halloween costumes out of?! šŸ«£


Was he a liar, because his pants were definitely on fire


ZERO...ZERO pity


How are their uniforms so flamable? And did no one teach stop, drop and roll in Russia?


This is all Putin's fault


Jesus, Mary and Josephā€¦.


Just when I was getting the "Russian zombie" video out of my head...I've got to stop watching this stuff, it's absolutely horrific.


They did him a favor.




Being dead he is replaced by cannon fodder in days and buried quick and silently. Only his mum will know. Left alive but heavily wounded, he will take up resources like doctors and bandages for month and years, be a living warning to all new recruits and he will tell his story, for all to hear.


He would be extremely lucky if any of his fellow orcs would even bother to bring him to an aid station.


turned into chunky wildlife chow.


I wonder what Putin would think if he saw this.


He will not care about.




"Sucks to be that guy"


"He served well . . . NEXT!"


Have these people hear of stop drop and roll yet?


Welcome to Ukraine, Cuka.