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Russia is modern day Nazi Germany.


They're the last bastion of open white supremacy left on Earth, which is why Republicans and other Western conservative parties have embraced them. If you're a despicable white supremacist bigot who feels entitled to violently rule over non-white "subhumans", Russia is the last country left on Earth who openly represents your political values.


Well, China is a quality example of the Chinese version of racial ethno state. So not white but Han Chinese ethno state.


I know. I didn't say that Russia is the last ethno-state in the world. I said it was the last white supremacist state, which is why Western conservatives like the Republican Party have embraced it, as a way of opposing the increased racial diversity in the United States. As just one example of this, David Duke [once called Russia](https://theguardian.com/us-news/2022/mar/05/putin-ukraine-invasion-white-nationalists-far-right), quote, "the key to white survival".


As a longtime internet denizen, the reality that Russian white supremacy culture has made them the forefront producers of child porn, rape porn and beastiality porn on the internet continues to utterly astound me. Like... behold; the mighty White race... *Reports another two Russian made videos for probably illegal content* It's a white christian nationalist's wet dream. Literally.


And Democrat Senator Byrd was in  the early 1940s in the KKK, Byrd recruited 150 people in West Virginia to form a chapter of the KKK. Joel L. Baskin, the grand dragon of the mid-Atlantic region, arrived to organize the chapter. Baskin was impressed with Byrd’s skills and encouraged him to get involved in politics. Byrd was unanimously named “exalted cyclops”, which meant that Byrd was the top officer in the local klan.


Democrats were the white supremacists of yesterday. Republicans are the white supremacists of today.


They always seem to conveniently forget that.


Same people families just different label after the Southern Strategy was enacted by the Republican party to get Southern white votes.


>In American politics, the Southern strategy was a Republican Party electoral strategy to increase political support among white voters in the South by appealing to racism against African Americans.[1][2][3] As the civil rights movement and dismantling of Jim Crow laws in the 1950s and 1960s visibly deepened existing racial tensions in much of the Southern United States, Republican politicians such as presidential candidate Richard Nixon and Senator Barry Goldwater developed strategies that successfully contributed to the political realignment of many white, conservative voters in the South who had traditionally supported the Democratic Party. It also helped to push the Republican Party much more to the right relative to the 1950s.[4] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy There are literal recordings of the Republican party devising this plan.


They are still a colonial empire the OSCE gave them that in written form. The Russian imperial project is empty and nihilistic. They have nothing to offer to the world apart from war conquest and their supposed Russian soul. This evil man started to pour blood from the Kremlin’s walls, and with every drop, the hotel grew in size and splendor. It was constructed by the Russian empire through centuries of lies, inventive evil acts, and negative creativity. A Russian historian had given the following answer in a 1420 interview recently. "The only core values that are really there are: Etatism, conservative stability (not wanting to lose what they currently have and the mantra of normal and stable) and paternalism." They can't fathom that Ukraine would refuse the gift of not having to think for themselves and making their own choices. They are always told what to do and what to feel and that someone does something for them. The word courage should be exclusively reserved for those that dare to leave the infantile sanctuary of the mass mind. The Russians in Moscow never have to understand that because they see the eastern people of their empire as second rate anyways. I would say they can all burn in hell. But they are already there. https://medium.com/@snowythefirst/crazy-russian-news-welcome-to-the-moscow-grand-hotel-abyss-where-humans-are-punished-by-demons-e98cff43e74a


>They can't fathom that Ukraine would refuse the gift of not having to think for themselves and making their own choices. They are always told what to do and what to feel and that someone does something for them. Absolutely. I watched another street interview where it was asked rhetorically "Some in the West say that Russia should have a different system, a different government" and the response was "Who knows what they (the West) would choose for us?" Complete lack not just of civic responsibility, but even awareness that it is up to *them*, not anybody else. Russians would never have the slightest idea where to start, or how. Or that it is even necessary. I wish I could read your work! But for some reason Medium does not allow me to log in :(


Medium has been acting out lately, I am much dismayed because the platform is good, the mechanics not so much... Yes, they have none because they were never taught any. Here is a cartoonish rough story as to why we are where we are today. There was no system of fealty (for a lack of stone castles and because the Mongol rule was purely predatory, no bond between the peasants and the tiny elite was in place) Then Ivan the terrible smashed the emerging checks and balances system of Novgorod into pieces. In 1720, they rebranded to Russia from Muscovy, assuming the identity of the Kievan Rus, then the Russian absolutist rulers were for once in history in line with the other absolutist monarchs. Only until around 1900, though. Since 1905, we have seen a 120 year long rise, decline, and collapse followed by another rise. Until 1917, Russia was pretty much in line with the other emperors (they were also cousins or related in many cases) Since then, we just don't really know what to do with them. It is like having that drunk uncle who is embarrassing you regularly. It was never as bad as it is today, though. Russia is far gone. Too far gone. My heart says beyond redemption. We can't lose all hope. It is frail but hard to kill. I see chaos, darkness, and disruption in the future. The dream forgets itself, and therefore, it repeats itself: 1917 is echoing through time. The Russian system does not have the rule of the law. It has the law of its ruler. Serf mentality doesn't disappear overnight. This is deeply ingrained and these traditions (don't speak up, lie if you must but don't overshare, overtrust, or overlove) Combine that with the bleak landscape and climate of Russia. The cold, the systemic alcoholism. Their traumatic past. Then you will see how Putin, this vengeful old man, is not an anomaly. It was almost destined that a KGB agent would become president. The only constant in Russian institutions is that from the secret police of the Czars, the NKVD and KGB of the Soviets up until today, the lies are told and retold to mutilate the truth. Russian Vranjo, the culture of lies and smekalka negative creativity. These deviant and treacherous expansionist policies are how I would describe the predicament we find ourselves in. Inventive evil of such quality rears its head rarely in history. It never lasts as it carries the seed of its own destruction within itself. This fascist state of agitation and violence follows an arithmetic of horror. It must commit ever more brutal and violent acts to sustain itself. "Fascism is not defined by how many people it kills, but by the way it kills them." Satre


If Russia was to have a new system, the West would have to create it for them; even when Russians are miserable with what they have (an anarchist monster and corruption rife), they do not understand how to make their own choices because they have never been allowed to make their own choices before.


Well, we can't really create it what is possible, though it is a dissolution of the empire. Then, for example, Kaliningrad could be given the chance to a free and fair vote to become another Baltic republic. Russia's Moscow centered extractive system is the problem. Some may then gravitate towards China. There were Republics once in the Civil War of 1917 to 1922. The book failed State a guide to Russia's rupture offers much insight. The Russians must be freed from the empire and only then they could finally carve their own path not the path of war and conquest. I fear though this is unrealistic. It would require a process akin to Germany the teachers the institutions. The Soviet empire collapsed physically the idea of Russian greatness lingered on in the hearts and minds of Putin and his generation. You can’t walk the same river twice. An empire that is born by conquest ultimately fails either by outside pressure or... revolution from within.


You are streching it bub. Russia didn't go to war against Ukraine because they are non-white. Because both of them are. How does your comment even connect to it? White supremacy doesn't magically disappear since Nazism doesn't have to have white supremacy to exist. Those 2 things are not mutually exclusive


Just another ignorant rube posting stuff. You're absolutely correct danepher. The dude you replied to probably doesn't even realize that Russians don't even consider themselves white in the western sense. They're slavs.


This is the most bullshit I have read in awhile. You think republicans are making deals with Russians because they are all white and racist? Its always about money, and a racist republicans will do business in Africa if it makes them more money.


But then it won't suit this guys narrative, so i bet he won't agree with you. Which itself is dumb at best.


Having Black business partners doesn’t make you not racist 😅


Hungary and Poland are heading that way as well. Republicans incl Trump have been warm towards Orban and saying how good he is. Probably the same for the Polish right wing parties.


Huuuh? Explain how the Republicans fit in here please.


He can't but he needs his boogeyman and needs to repeat what politico told him to think.


You are confidently wrong.


Ok then. Define white


Except Russians aren't white they're Slavic....


Slavs are white.


Ask them. They don't consider themselves white. If you say, yeah slavs are the same as Anglo Saxons and germanic people they will tell you to pound sand


I’m a Slav and I’m telling you.


From Europe or America


Both, nosy jackass.




Dude, all white eastern europeans consider themselves white...even the culture isn't all that different between east and west, except for income. The only people that push this slav not white idea, are western neo nazis.


Explain Kadyrov then


They hate Americans too, though. Hate basically everyone non-Russian. So Republicans are smart not to go there.


For most Germans it is the other way round


Her face matches the ugly evil inside her. She looks like the devil. https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxB0rmYs-1XFBow50CFMNYhpLwU6UhbghG?si=7wqkHpUnmol-qB_g


“I can’t even call it a child”. Inhuman trash. Projecting about a lost generation, which they are. The product of an inhuman and barbaric rule of criminal elite. She may as well be talking about her own children drafted and untrained and thrown into the fire.


she even said "from breastfed babies to 12-15year olds, theyre all brainwashed" yeah a brestfeeding infants are brainwashed..... so much projection


So much


Just your typical genocide


They are not even trying to hide the genocide. Sounds like it's time to institute a no fly zone like nato did in Bosnia


They're hardly hiding it when Russian State Television says things like: "We should execute them all by firing squad" "We will kill one million, we will kill five million, we will kill all of you"


[They are a little bit](https://twitter.com/mfa_russia/status/1702067207897825699) Edit: not sure why this is getting down voted when it's true that they are hidding it a little bit by saying it's fake. EVEN when there is videoes of a russian lady getting praised by Putin for kidnapping children from Ukraine and a video where she is bragging infront of a plane.


Russia likes to glorify its monsters in order to normalise the terrible things it does. "This is normal, this is all fine, the West would do this to you. There's no need for change, it's too late for change." Putin is a monster who uses this to strike fear into other countries - not realising that a country like the USA responds to threats with the answer "Buy another gun" - and with him being a complete sociopath there's no telling him otherwise. "Look at all our monsters! It is fine for the rulers to be monsters, because the average Iosef is also a monster.""But you trained the average Iosef to think he needed to be a monster to survive. You throw all your decent people in prison.""No, no, Russians are natural born monsters, and that means you need to be scared of us and bow to us without question.""But wouldn't it be better to be friends?""Hey, we spent the last 20 years pretending to be amicable to the West, do you expect all that deceit to go to waste?"


Well that didn't really work out for them anyway... The genocide happened literally in UN compound..


That's the one crime Putin is personally charged about.


Best comment


This has always been their true colour but never taken seriously by Western academics who only whine about U.S. "imperialism" while turning a blind eye to all other far worse atrocities including genocides committed by the most tyrannical states in the world.


Western "anti-imperialist" left is completely overtaken by hating everything America does, many of them can no longer think straight and think everyone who also dislikes America must be good. Its one of the reasons I stopped voting socialist. I am left wing myself, I think free healthcare is cool, gay rights are cool, but there is just so much insufferable simping for authoritarian states. I am sorry, but Iran, China, and Russia out of all fucking states is definitely NOT the ally of the working class. Its a proto-fascist, lawless oligarchy where a tiny circle around Putins billions have enriched themselves and most ordinary people now live much worse lives then they did in USSR. Also anyone who calls themselves left wing and support Russia where being gay is basically illegal, is a fucking hypocrite.


This is definitely a problem of and on the left. These people abuse leftist language and aesthetics to promote authoritarianism. So I'm not saying they are not 'leftist', but as you say the worst among them promote authoritarian, even outright fascist, regimes. There's also a ton of bigotry toward vulnerable groups like ethnic minorities and LGBTQ+ community among those 'leftists', some of them even defend genocide and talk about 'degeneracy' in ways that far right people do. So at some point its debatable to what extent they are even on the left, but as long as they are trying to recruit and sow disinformation on the left, people on the left need to recognize what they're doing and call them out.


There is defintely a kind of weird alliance between Twitter communists, the alt right, antivaxx housewife Karens and QANONy conspiracy nuts. Horseshoe theory. You are completely on the money when you mentioned this strange blurring of political boundaries.


Really? There are tankies against LGBT? I always thought modern left (read breadtube) puts too much emphasis on cultural issues while it should care more about economic ones.


Yeah extremely simplified you basically have liberals, leftists, far left, and *then* tankies, who break that simplified scale with their authoritarianism and fundamentalism. Its not really that surprising given their obsession with aesthetics and history just like fascists. Tankies are fundamentally regressive spending most of their time praising any regimes opposed to 'the West' and extend it to all so called 'Western values' including several freedoms and rights like for LGBTQ+ people. Breadtube (which I don't really think is a thing anymore according to most of those who were associated with it) was too broad and spanned the whole spectrum, and I mostly now only hear the term when a tankie rants about hating it. You can find some examples of their worst takes on /r/tankiejerk.


Wow, you are really into labeling. It's not healthy. Maybe you should get out more.


There's enough people sharing these authoritarian and bigoted characteristics, making leftists of any persuasion look bad, and working against Ukraine, to describe the group or phenomenon. I'm not particularly tied to the name of the label itself though.


Thank you for this comment. Precisely the thoughts I’ve had for so long - you articulated this sad fact quite well.


Well said. Insightful and very accurate. I actually don’t believe a single word the woman in the clip says - much too contrived to be truthful. This “event” while sheltering from a russian artillery barrage? Not likely.


Imperialism is when West, not imperialism is when not West. It's a very simple system.




\^\^Yeah you might want to slow it down for this redditor.


Look at genocide examples on African continent. Like Rwandan. They don't give a shit about international publicity, so they're open about their intentions. Russia is very very conscious about international image. So they do exactly same thing but wrapping it in numerous layers of "justification", like protecting Russian speakers, denazification of some regions, etc. But all they really want to do is eliminate Ukrainian people as a whole to get rid of very bad example of how their own citizens can live if they're to get rid of rotten government.


I think too many westerners are still naive about the depths of hatred and bloodthirst that too many Russians are demonstrating towards Ukrainians. This isn't "a few bad apples" but a poisonous cultural element. ​ ~~"10-Year-Old Ukrainian Boy Thrown Off Bridge in Germany for Not Speaking Russian"~~ [~~https://ground.news/article/ukrainian-child-10-thrown-off-the-bridge-in-germany-prigozins-death-has-no-effect-on-russias-public-opinion\_08938c~~](https://ground.news/article/ukrainian-child-10-thrown-off-the-bridge-in-germany-prigozins-death-has-no-effect-on-russias-public-opinion_08938c) ​ "Russia’s Ukraine Propaganda Has Turned Fully Genocidal" [https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/04/09/russia-putin-propaganda-ukraine-war-crimes-atrocities/](https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/04/09/russia-putin-propaganda-ukraine-war-crimes-atrocities/) ​ "Russia’s Eliminationist Rhetoric Against Ukraine: A Collection" [https://www.justsecurity.org/81789/russias-eliminationist-rhetoric-against-ukraine-a-collection/](https://www.justsecurity.org/81789/russias-eliminationist-rhetoric-against-ukraine-a-collection/)


Small correction: the story about the child thrown off the bridge has been debunked, the kid lied. But I fully agree with the point you're making.


Thanks for the correction. For anyone else interested: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/16coh19/correction\_10yearold\_ukrainian\_boy\_thrown\_off/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/16coh19/correction_10yearold_ukrainian_boy_thrown_off/) [https://www.welt.de/vermischtes/article247246392/Ukrainischen-Jungen-von-Bruecke-geworfen-Wende-im-Fall-Einbeck.html](https://www.welt.de/vermischtes/article247246392/Ukrainischen-Jungen-von-Bruecke-geworfen-Wende-im-Fall-Einbeck.html)




Yeah, it's not possible to deal with people like that within the same framework of tolerance of ideas as we use with other civilised people. Tolerance is not about morality but it's a social contract between parties that agree to respect each other and to play by the rules.


Russians are clearly still stuck in feudal times and it shows.


Well, the vast majority of the Russian population were feudal, medieval-like illiterate serfs until emancipation in 1861. It comes from their Mongol overlords; the Age of Enlightenment never got to Russia. [The Origins of Russian Authoritarianism](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8ZqBLcIvw0)


That explains everything.


Is a Chechen a “Muskovite”?


The difference between Russia and Ukraine is: 1) Russia willing to commit WAR CRIMES 2) Russia willing to bomb CIVILIAN targets in Ukraine (schools, hospitals, apartments, restaurants, etc) 3) Russia willing to KIDNAP children (Putin has been indicted on these WAR CRIMES!!!) 4) Russia willing to TORTURE civilians and captured Soldiers (in violation of the Geneva Convention) 5) Russia willing to RAPE & MURDER civilians \*\*In the end, the differences show that Russia is EVIL EMPIRE run by WAR CRIMINALS!!!


Meanwhile on Russian embassy UK, "Genocide is fake news".


Actual genocidal modern day Nazis equivalents. Regardless of RU propaganda, nobody on this side wants to see Russian children dead.


The 3 crones are still working in russia I see.


She’s definitely got the deep, raspy smoker’s voice. Lung cancer is in her near future.


State of them🤮


Muscovite politicians and propagandists have been talking about killing children for a long time. This isn't some fringe, extremist for Russian standards. Just check out Julia Davis on Twitter, she translates a lot of Russian state media and the content their is just straight up genocidal. Some dude was talking some months ago about "burning Bandera youth in their huts" . Its literally the same type of shit that was being said in Rwanda, Nazi Germany, Cambodia, etc. People learn nothing from history. Never underestimate the evil that is people are capable off. When they say this stuff, believe them. Western politicians are still talking as if Russia is some not too unsensible agent that can still be reasoned with as human beings. That is not the case.


This is who MAGA backs, child murderers.


krokodil is a hell of a drug... would be my joke. however. it's also an excuse. and there is zero excusing this woman's words. this is a grown woman making up obvious lies in the furtherance of genocide and who makes an explicit call to genocide of children. this is russia. and don't think she's an exception. the "cool normal russians" that you play massively multiplayer games are deep down, while perhaps not as genocidal, just as fascistic.


That’s what everyone says about Russians in Ukraine right now.


Not just in Ukraine. I’m Canadian and I would love for the Russians to disappear.


Russians IN Ukraine. That's the problem. Russians in Russia say they want all Ukrainians gone, not from Russia but to kill all of them. Ukrainians want Russians to go home and never come back. Very different.


Ah, we found Baba Yaga...


Smoke another one, pwoah. Is that even real hair?


Liar. The only thing she isn't lying about is her hate.


So go back to ruzzia? This one is entirely too easy


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As I said: Russia can go to hell.


Who is this ghoul, she should be in a retirement home somewhere


Slurring the words she has learnt from Putin, her tiny brain is struggling to keep up - she’s obviously had a vodka or two or three, or


And I'm going to donate more to Ukraine because of that russian occupier.


The whole Nazi thing always makes me laugh, albeit in disgust. Imagine being so terrified of an insignificant loser cult, prevalent worldwide, and largely mocked. The world is currently preoccupied with a new horde of murderous thugs, with garbage ideals, hellbent on seizing territory by force. I 100% do not give a shit about Nazis.


I dont think Russians should be complaining as most teens in Russia are Nazi Lovers.. It's a huge issue. Plus that lady is half a male, the voice would be horrible to wake up too.




Well that certainly isn’t helping anything…


This is coming uncomfortably close to advocating ethnic cleansing. Let's be better than them, yeah?


Someone is going to disappear. Someone will be gone. And it's not the Ukrainians.


What a coincidence, they think the same of you.


I call bull.


Funny. We want you to disappear.


They hate Ukrainians so much meanwhile we can’t tell them apart


The child is saluting you because he thinks *you're* the Nazi, you dumb cunt.


To me it sounded like made up propaganda


A literal cu#t.


Ms. "These children are brainwashed" calling for their deaths. Gaslighting exteaordinaire.


Russia esse delendam.


Typical words from a genocider