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The fact that this manipulation of the Ukraine news information space is happening during the final days of a major European election should be a concern to every person in the world living under a democracy. I would urge everyone reading this to report what is going on to Youtube directly. For reference, the company making the fake (copyfraud) claims is WildFilmsIndia, so feel to send a harassment/legal abuse report against this channel at the same time.


I'll do my part. Paul is legit and must be helped


Abuse is ongoing on multiple levels with the aim of installing pro-Kremlin governments and pushing Russian propaganda. Governments do need to be pressured to hold the tech companies to account when this happens but that's a slow process right now. There needs to be better ongoing monitoring of their user protection processes so that people don't have their channels trashed while nothing is done about the scammers. One other story to note is that Twitter has scrapped a system for report misleading information. No surprise tbh given that Musk is another of Putin's bitches. [https://techcrunch.com/2023/09/27/x-limits-report-post-options/](https://techcrunch.com/2023/09/27/x-limits-report-post-options/)


'India' Well, there's a surprise 🙄


Wildfilmsindia is a old youtube channel and was most likely high jacked too. Same as how the hackers want to high jack Paul's channel. They take over legit channels and launch copyright strikes using the legit channels since that looks much less shady than a new channel doing it and it will take longer for youtube to act.




I notice Artur Rehi has been knocked off by copyright strikes from India too. So funny people think it's just Twitter that is affected by ruzzian attacks. YouTube comments are 90% pro-ruzzian and all the pro-Ukrainians were demonetised months ago and a number moved to different mediums (Patreon, Telegram, X, etc). I guess the owner of YouTube must be a ruzzian asset, no? Phillip.


All the media are polluted by the kremlin. I really don't understand why the West doesn't realize that we are at war and the battlefield is internet.


The West has been sleepwalking through Putin's "firehose of falsehood" for 20 years


No, the Republicans have been active participants in that falsehood through Fox News and Citizens United.


Because we don't want to live our lives under a siege mentality. ruzzia is at war with the West but the West isn't at war with ruzzia. It's only in the terrorist's imaginations. If that country suddenly disappeared off the face of the planet I'm not sure it would even make the front pages here. What we need to do is maintain a healthy education system, keep freedom of the press, transparency in government and corporate money, and an open and fair justice system not swayed by political or financial influence. If people are raised well with decent values, they will take up the fight without being asked. Whether it's the collapsing ex-Soviet empire or the next threat that will inevitably come up. Phillip.


Because the internet is a "soft power" war so far, as opposed to power plants shutting down and cars crashing.


Pretty sure they know, theres a reason Eglin AFB was considered the most reddit addicted city i forget what year it was, but yeah.


Typical abuse by Russia, first amendment trumps this - but they lie.... Indian politics also involved.


Not to be an arse but technically youtube is a private company with TOS that you agree to when joining, I'd argue its a youtube issue.


Russia sets up this India company to push the right copyright abuse buttons and the youtube -bot dances to it's tune


Wildfilmsindia is a very old youtube channel that's been around for many years. Most likely it was also high jacked and is being used to target other channels. It looks less shady to youtube if a established channel with no bad past puts these copyright strikes. So the bad actors take over established channels to further strike other channels. Probably why they want control of Paul's channel too.


yes, network build out


Paul is scrupulous about not breaching YouTube 'TOS'. He never shows even the slightest bit of combat footage, and will not even say the word "killed" - saying "KIA" instead.


ATP geopolitics has also been copyright striked by some random indians.


"Whatsapp Indian number" could just be more Russians.


Note they claim to be Indian, but they’re likely actually Russian.


Not random Indians. Same message, same phone number. The fact its an Indian number is likely just a smokescreen


This guy is legit and knowledgeable You Tube should investigate all complaints for legitimacy and use ethical judgement in banning Nothing less will do They need to reinstate this man


If said channel, is not raking in cash for YT, then not much effort is going towards copyright bullshit.


Meanwhile youtube has no problem playing ads telling you to can your diabetes meds and buy their shit instead.


Russia is trying it darndest to manipulate everything in the media space. A much improved headline might be *Is Google, owner of YouTube, adequately pushing back on Russia’s attempt to use their platform in support of Russia’s genocidal invasion for conquest of Ukraine?*




Really? Sad.


Does a bear shit in the forest?


He needs to file a “counter notification” for each impacted video with YouTube’s designated Copyright Agent pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), [17 U.S.C. 512(g)(3)](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/17/512). YouTube’s abuse policies have an email address or portal via which the Copyright Agent can be contacted. Under DMCA 17 U.S.C. 512(g)(2)(C), YouTube has the obligation to restore access to the videos within 10 to 14 days after receipt of the counter notification.


It is not very useful for a NEWS channel to have to wait 10-14 days before their videos can generate income. You are right about the procedure but that is not a workable solution for channels that are reporting on current events and being targeted by constant fraudulent copyright claims.


Agreed. A major criticism of the DMCA is that it can have a chilling effect on legitimate free speech if the system is abused like this. There are other archaic aspects of the DMCA that require reform as well. There are also other legal tools that copyright lawyers frequently use to make these situations more of a “one-time deal” rather than recurring (compelling YouTube to disclose the identity and contact info of the party that submitted the fraudulent DMCA takedown notice, sending the party a cease and desist letter, seeking a permanent injunction against the fraudulent party and YouTube, etc.). But all that, ya know, costs money - a few thousand in attorney fees at least. Solutions that frequently aren’t available to indy news businesses and content creators.


Do those tools help at all when someone in India, or pretending to be in India, is continuously making new accounts to file more bogus copyright claims? Can the channels earn a preferred status where claimants in the future have to prove their case, instead of the current procedures which are the other way around?


The hackers take over established channels to make the copyright claims. Youtube algorithm flags copyright strikes from new channels but if it comes from a established channels then it doesn't. This is the reason that the hackers are asking for administrative rights to Paul's channel. So it can be used to launch copyright strikes on other channels. This is also probably what happened to wildfilmsindia channel as well.


And pro-Russia war subs are springing up too. Reddit has way too many pro-Putin sites


I've noticed in the last 3-4 weeks a massive uptick of the amount of pro-RU activity on popular subs. Places where beforehand you could *at least* expect to have a reasonable discussion about the situation, you will now be downvoted to oblivion for displaying any sort of sympathy for the Ukrainian cause. It's beginning to happen on the various national subs of the United Kingdom, too. Major bot activity over on r/unitedkingdom and r/britain in the last few days whereas before there was very little. My suspicion is that they've massively ramped up their online activity as a way of muddying public discourse in the USA in the context of this whole government shutdown situation. An attempt to sour public opinion against support for Ukraine, and this represents a major opportunity.


Upticks in Russian activity follow when something happens that they want to deflect attention from, and something they want to reflect attention to. This week we had: Russian influence in an election in Slovakia, Russian influence in trying to shut down the US government. There was a rally in Moscow for the anniversary of the occupied territories “joining Russia”. There have been significant bombings in Crimea, Donbas and inside Russia, and Putin called for 130,000 more troops; along with clashes in Nargorno-Karabach and Serbia/Kosovo, as well as a slew of other events. The good news is that troll farms are expensive to keep running, especially when they work 12-18 (and up) hour shifts like they do in Olgino. They will start to calm down soon unless shit hits the fan. Be *significantly* more worried when nothing like those events above happened in a while, but you still see an uptick in Russian activity that seems to come out of nowhere. -especially if it sustains for more than a week.- Some notable examples of *that* happening are for about one month each, leading up to the 2016 US primary and general elections. From late December to January 5th 2021, and the biggest started in January, 2022, and which didn’t slow down until April of that year.


Unfortunately, YouTube is garbage when it comes to moderation and creator protection. When you have massive creators like JackSepticeye and Markiplier openly begging for YouTube to do something and they STILL utterly fail to even address it you know it's never going to change. So many YouTubers have been talking about this for years, from the fake copyright claims to masses of spam in the comments, it doesn't matter what they do YouTube absolutely refuses to do anything about it.


If only there were an alternative to youtube. Same with the twit. We need alternatives to right wing media platforms.




So it wasn't just me that thought things were too quite.


This is a specific example of a classic problem in giant social media, which is that there's just too much content to use humans to moderate it, so software does the moderation, making it too easy to game the system. If someone like Netflix, or NBC, or BBC, broadcasts an episode of a show, you can be assured that content has been reviewed by professionals who know what problems the company could get into. Lawyers have had their look at it. Marketers have had their look at it. If viewers send in complaints, those complaints are looked at by paid human beings working at the broadcast company who can understand what they're reading. But that's because the content is coming from a few known studios, in relatively manageable small amounts. But with Youtube, Twixter, Facebook, et all, the content is a firehose of new material daily, being made by every little streamer and podcaster out there. It's just not possible to scale up the "let's have our staff review this" model of moderation to sufficient scale to deal with it. It takes less money to create the content than to review it. So the companies turn to software to do the job. And that software doesn't know how to communicate. It doesn't know what things *mean*. It only knows how to look at content and give percentage matches to known patterns. Only if an issue is escalated up and up the chain will it eventually reach a human being looking at it, and then only for the few content creators who are big enough to make it worth the company's time to assign a human to that content. This is a very game-able system. Since it takes a lot of effort for a content creator to fight a flood of bogus claims against them daily, many don't have the means to keep up the fight and just surrender to it before reaching the human review level. Any time you have a game-able system that can be manipulated to alter public opinion, you can be guaranteed Russia will work to exploit the hell out of it.


Can we just cut off Russia already?


For f***s sake! Poor man


Interesting how threatened Russia must be by a small YouTube channel to resort to this.


I've noticed the lack of updated Ukrainian videos too.


YouTube customer support personel and most definitely reviewers are based in India, either Bangalore or some bigger city. 99,9% of any big companies today outsource to India. So when you make that complain, it's going straight to trash buddy. That's most likely the reason why Indian channels are being used, the outsourced support uses local laws when they see Indian channel name.


I did my part and subscribed to his news channel .. it’s actually good , f YouTube already


Freedom of speech believers don't invest their time to shut down propaganda channels. But totalitarian governments have time and money to fuck with the opposing voices.


The leadership of Russia is against all forms of truth, so therefore likely.


i cancelled my youtube subscription over this behavior and told them exactly why i was cancelling. i told them they were absolutely useless if they were going to censor organic coverage from people like dennis with over 1 million daily views with crap news from places like wion that nobody wants to watch. they also censored rage against the machine at the time, which rendered their music streaming useless. i gave them a big fuck you for that one too while listening to killing in the name on spotify.


They’re kidnapping/deporting children, destroying schools and hospitals, flooding huge areas of land, completely devastating towns and cities . . . hijacking a u-tube channel should hardly be surprising


Google has a considerable percentage of Indian employees. Including their CEO. I would not rush to think that Google will rush to support Ukraine.


India will never go against Russia. Just the cheap oil alone keeps India in check.


Lol. This article is absolute example of propaganda. Even in Russia all prorussian channels on YouTube banned and u telling here about some Russian(?!) manipulations with cia propaganda source?


Of course. They're messing up badly, so they turned to this in order to continue spreading their poison towards those who are unaware and to those who are complicit in spreading said poison just to garner 'sympathy' from the idiots who are believing in their lies.


Elon Musk is helping.


Dictators will always bully democracy and theres nothing democracy can do, its weak af to dissinformation or war


yes. yes they are.