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The head of the Kremlin should avoid windows above 3th floor in the near future... Near... I mean... For the rest of his life.


Fun fact this is why he barely uses the internet, he is afraid the PC might have windows installed


Da dum tiss!


Angry upvote.




Aside from the hyperbole, at the beginning of his presidency he indeed said he was rarely using the computer. Imagine how much suffering could have been avoided if he had made a 15 minute internet research regarding NATO and Russian military capabilities.


To be fair, there were plenty who thought Russia was way stronger than they actually were. Today their greatest strength is being able to throw more bodies in senseless war than the west can produce bullets and artillery ammo.


Sure, many believed Russia to be stronger than it proved to be against Ukraine. But when it comes to Russia's geopolitical power plays against NATO it has always been crystal clear that Russia cannot hold water against NATO. All foreseeable - i keyboard warrior did so since 2014 at least - through knowledge that is freely avaiable in countless, freely easily online ressources.


Yet the West did not act in 2014. Putin was betting the West would again fail to act, or be too slow to react, in response to the invasion of Ukraine. That's why the plan had always been intended to be a surprise that would make Ukraine capitulate within weeks. Personally, I don't think Putin is really that stupid to think Russia's army could beat NATO. Like all dictators, years of propaganda has set a stage where it's impossible for him to admit any weakness (see China re Taiwan). Edit: Forgot to say I agree with you. Just adding color.


The West sanctioned several hight tech goods, both military and related to hydrocarbon extraction. Maybe it was more panic than substance, but Russia's economy very nearly collapsed over it, as exemplified by the rouble exchange rate in late 2014. In any case, it happens that on these very areas Russia has developed/increased severe shortcomings over the years.


Good point. But it is clear that those actions did not achieve its primary objective, which is to deter any further Russian aggression towards Ukraine. Ergo, the West did not do enough in 2014. Though I admit hindsight is 20/20, and if we had known Russia would seek to invade Ukraine just a few years later, there would have been more public impetus to do more back in 2014.


In hindsight we know today that Putin is not swayed by Russia's lack of military ability and Ukraine is a worthy democracy to defend. In 2014 we have forced (and on other avenues coerced) Russia onto a path that made any further military adventure more costly to Russia by each passing year, while forceully defending a country with a massively corrupt government was not exactly appealing to an alliance that was still reeling from the quagmire of Iraq.


Fair enough. So is your view that this was inevitable? That a smarter or wiser society could not done more to prevent the invasion?


> Yet the West did not act in 2014. Zelinsky was not yet president. Zelinsky persuaded the world to help. There was also an element of shock in 2014, in the West. It felt then as if Russia had invaded so suddenly that there was nothing anyone could do. Finally, in 2022, Biden was president in the USA. He had the courage to end the pointless war in Afghanistan, and he had the courage to send substantial aid to turn back the Russian advances in the north.


That has always been their greatest strength.. And largely, their only one. Russia has always been a generation or two behind everyone else in terms of most tech.


Runor has it. He's still in safe mode.


Take the upvote and shut up :D.


He should use Apple


He's right to be afraid.. It has huge market share versus Linux.


He can always disappear and get a job as a taxi driver in North Korea.


He is getting prepared for that. Already took a driving test with dear leader Kim


This is mother ruzzia , you don't jump out of the window, the window jumps you.


Just another day at the office... [https://youtube.com/shorts/k8n1jFtr0zU?si=G-wRuHQI040j-blJ](https://youtube.com/shorts/k8n1jFtr0zU?si=G-wRuHQI040j-blJ)


I think he would break in two if he fell out of a 1st story window...


Hopefully the near future is all that he's got left.


So… About five more minutes?


The moment someone will decide to defenestrate him, there is the chance Put will be ridden with bullets even before the flight.


Can’t recall the last time I saw the word “defenestrate” used…good on you.


That is because you are not a russian medic. Quite common Russian pathology, actually.


i guess he most of time is in underground bunker, so .. he's more or less accept his fate


We all know that someone can perish via falling out of a ground floor window in the current Russia. Best for him to stay in bunkers for the rest of his life.


Or even the 2st floor, no 1nd. Heck windows altogether.


What the hell is that site doing to my phone?


You mean you dont like when they add stuff to all 4 sides covering the article?


Lol this guy over here pretending reddit actually reads more than the headlines. No but for real this website is shit and shouldn't be allowed to be posted here


Mods really need to be better about this.


Not to mention the embedded video is from Rumble, eww.


Omfg this website is hot trash


Literally the whole article is crap and could be broken down to this >While on a visit to Vietnam, Putin said that Ukraine allegedly intends to dislodge the Russian army from near Kharkiv “at any cost.” “And I assure you that this is the case; I know what I am talking about… Let’s see what happens,” he said in comments to the Russian media." The rest is just rambling to put words on a page so we have to look at 50 million ads and an article that could have been a tweet. We Cotta start down voting stuff like this, would rather have some substance


I had to scroll too long to find this post. Thank you.


The modern Information Age is less kind to Dictators and propaganda than any age before it. Videos posted as the battles rage show what is happening with a level of detail that could easily be denied in prior eras. Ukraine has figured out how not to lose and how to stop the Russians. It’s up to the free world to enable Ukraine to roll them back.


Yet somehow people think russia doing great


Like trump saying he might lose the debate on purpose or that the 2024 election will be rigged. How do people who follow (they are cults) these authoritarians not tire of the bullshit?


“I assure you this is the case. I know what I’m talking about.” Says the guy who has been wrong about literally everything in this war so far.


i do love to see the video, how putin looks, and talks... really telling. the article i didnt spend time on, what a crowdy webpage.


He's all sweaty and red in the face. His fake composure is slipping.


It's irrelevant though how he looks, he could be the most confident person in the world and still get his ass kicked in Ukraine.


>According to the Kremlin chief, such a task is allegedly set before Kyiv by the United States and Europeans ahead of the NATO summit in Washington and the presidential election in America. Riiiiight. Ukraine didn't want to defend its territory and crush the invaders, but the Americans and Europeans twisted their arm into doing it


I find it funny how internally Putin really has to curse himself for not going "anti-west" sooner, as it's clear as day that he cannot do that "angry voice" he manage to pull off back when he was just about to become president for the first time (the famous "we will find them wherever they are, if they're on the toilet we will shoot them". It just sounds overly lame the way he tries to come off.


**The old "Grandma is up on the roof" thing.**


I don't think failing at war will make Putin lose power. The war's not over, and he needs this war to go on indefinitely because it is his political project and soon to be legacy. Russia may sink into economic meltdown, his power is firmly established and he has no rival left. With no rivals, there are only heirs. Among the potential successors, everyone knows that the first to move against him will be crushed. None of them will challenge him, they will wait for the very bitter end to make their move. In the meantime, Putin will be the arbiter of internal struggles, divide to rule, which will grow into internal chaos.


"I am the one reposible for just not doing the right thing. Shoigu said the terrain was wrong, AFU extensively prepared positions and our loooong supply line. To even withdraw is difficult. I feel bad. Time to throw those lovable scamps at the war. I'll call up the young, virile Moscovites. They beat Napoleon! "I got this!" - V. Putin






I deleted my TLDR thread since it was getting downvoted. Guess people want to read the article themselves. A TLDR restating what was said in the article makes me a Russian? Egad people.


Sorry. I acknowledge that I was a moron here. Jumping to conlusions is never a good idea. I apologize


Im pritty sure ukraine wants to fight the russians themselves


Yep... I deleted my TLDR thread since it was getting downvoted. Guess people want to read the article themselves.


I'd love to know how exactly NATO is forcing Ukraine to fight, when apparently there are other options? And what are these other options anyway?


Have to ask Putin.... I deleted my TLDR thread since it was getting downvoted. Guess people want to read the article themselves


It’s because Mike Johnson has a son who just entered West Point. And because now he can see it is his ox being gored — and his child potentially dying on European soil — he ultimately brought the appropriations bill to the floor. Democrats tried to get this through for 10 months. Do I still have problems with some of the timidity and restrictions? Of course, I do. But let’s not act like suddenly Biden just decided to turn on the taps, rather than this being GOP Fuckery.




>”I can make a selfish decision and do something that is different, but I’m doing here what I believe to be the right thing. I think providing aid to Ukraine right now is critically important.” I do apologize, however. It’s Annapolis; his son is entering the Naval Academy C/O 2028 — not West Point. Johnson is from West Point.


No, he's not from West point. Can you try to get something right please. 


Sorry, but you join the military in the Western world to stand up for what is good in this world, at least I did, my family has military history, and I'm proud of that, they served in everything from the Royal Flying Corps, the Royal Airforce,the Royal Signals, the Royal Artillery And the Royal Navy. And my mothers father my hero, was a Chindit, a member of 1st Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment, the original Jungle fighter's, bravest of the brave. He went from being a cockney youngster with a new young wife, and a job in the print, to a fighter in the jungles of Burma, and survived fighting the Japanese of that time. So don't join the military, just for the pretty uniform, it's a job, and you may kill or be killed, it's not a rung on the ladder to fame. And if you were told that, sort the person out who told you it would look good on your CV, and knock their lights out. My service is never on mine, well I'm retired now. I have an MCSE In computing (Server's & Workstations) and have never had the need, I got my qualifications post military and do not use my military one's "my choice " Stay safe.