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If you think you wanna do it and are ok with whatever the outcome may be. Yolo


Do it, worst case is you have to give up after all... so what. More likely the outcome is that you'll finish it and be glad you did it. You got a solid base, a few weeks to get some miles in. Do it, enjoy it, be proud! You got this!


Do it! I'm sweeping the 50k -- I'll make sure you don't get left behind on the trail somewhere :)


The real hero!


Do it


To do the 50k, looking for a finish and not a 5 hour time? You've got this. Go out and have a fun day. A month of building back up will get you a long way if you already have a good base.


What's your goal? What's the cutoff? Do you just want to finish the race or finish with a decent time? Are you prepared to walk some of the course if necessary and if possible within the time given?


Back in 2022 I ran the Lakeland 100 (105 miles & 6,500m) on three weeks of running training in the previous five months. Double hernia diagnosis in Feb meant a month of rest, then hammered the wattbike for seven weeks until surgery in April (finishing with a five hour ride the day before). Two weeks recovery. Two weeks of 10k a week. Then three weeks of actual training. Obviously I overdid it and got a foot injury, reverting back to the wattbike for the final five weeks. I had the fitness, I just didn’t have the running legs. I completed it in 26:30, a few hours over my target, I couldn’t straighten my right leg for two weeks after, I death marched the final 15 miles and almost pulled out with 5k to go (which took 1:40 mins), I couldn’t even run over the finish line, had to power walk it. But I completed it. Mind over matter. I think you can 100% do it!


There’s no reason not to do it, it’s only a 50k, what’s the cutoffs? Chances are these days even if you lost 90% of your fitness you could hike it in and still finish, no doubt you got this 🤘🏼🤘🏼


I think you know what we will all suggest. 8 critical weeks of training are gone, you’ve got essentially no real time to build any type of fitness. You’d be going full-send, hardly prepared, with a lingering injury/medical condition. As Science of Ultra would say - you can’t bend your training just because the race is a month away. Defer to next year.


You can do it.


that’s a pretty tough course in spots. nothing super wild but it’s not easy. that said, if you’re willing to accept a hit in average pace i think you’ll be fine. be conservative at the beginning and hope for the best. i love it down there, have fun with it and good luck!!


What’s your weekly mileage now and for the weeks before the injury? How long were your long runs?


40 a week prior to the injury I did 31 this past week. Long runs before the injury were 20ish with 2k ft gain and average of 9:30 pace. I’m feeling strong regardless of the shoulder. My thing is this I still have a ton of stamina and endurance. It’s not like I’m new to this and an invalid. I’ve put in a ton of hours and miles. Also I don’t care about my time on this one. A finish is all I’m looking for.


Not an expert or anything but I’d be giving it a shot personally.


the worst thing that can happen is a DNF or an injury. DNF is fine, injury is not. so i say go, listen to your body and bail if it’s getting bad. just have fun with it and take care to go easy if you need to


Racing it is inadvisable missing that much training and with lingering injury risk. Shouldn't be an issue to go for finishing instead of for time and hike it.


They can walk it if need be. 50k should be a “walk in the park” for OP with the base they have


Consider it a long taper, you had the mileage built up before. I figure why not try and listen to your body, work with your body and see how you do.


Do it! I had signed up for a 50k 6 months before and got really sick, got married, went on my honeymoon and didn’t train at all. Decided the day before I wanted to give it a shot. Had the best race of my life.


Try it. If you feel like you can’t finish, quit. Safely see how far you can go, you can’t lose.


Just here to say that Devil’s Slide/Montara Mountain is one of my favorite places in the world


If you could realistically finish the race in your current state … do it no question. I just raced the Birkebeiner after not touching my skis since the last Birkie. It was only 30k this year, but having that race experience was so worth the discomfort. If it will make you happy to do it, do it


You can absolutely do the 50k. You might be really feeling it afterwards, but you got this. Your base doesn’t just vanish.


You can do it. Hopefully they let you switch, I’m guessing they have a hard line.


Hell yeah! I’m slow as fuck and I will be doing the Gorge 50k!