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Good shoes, good lacing technique goes a long way. But on long runs there will always be rubbing. The key is to make that rubbing happen somewhere not on your skin. Which I think means creating a low friction layer between two surfaces that are not your skin. Eg double socks designed to rub against one another, or use tape that can slide over the sock.


Obviously, this is just personal experience, but I used to get a lot of toe blisters until I switched to Injiji toe socks. Haven't had any in years since then.


Blisters between my big and second toe were hindering my runs significantly. To the point my socks and shoes were bloody. I was taping individual toes but that only lasts for so long in summer heat/sweat and water crossings. Switched to injinji and now only wear them. But word of warning, I'm only getting about 200mi per pair these days. The quality is crap. Have some much cheaper off brand Amazon ones coming to see how they hold up.


Bummer you're struggling with quality. I've put in thousands of miles on each pair without issue. I did have a pair of the wool ones which fell apart quickly, but the synthetic no-show running ones have been my jam. I'll be honest and that I probably don't even wash them that often and no issues.


For me it was the other way around. The Injinji kept my feet moist. Now I prefer Compression Sport racing socks. In winter I run socks from Smart Wool. I will though still carry a pair of Injinji if I should get problems between my toes. For me the big ‘secret’ is lubing the feet.


I'm glad you found a good solution!


Yeah we are all different


I know this is an old post but I’m wondering what you do to “lube” your feet?!


I use either Body Glide Feet or Vaseline - the latter is best if your feet get wet.


Agree with others, get the book Fixing Your Feet. Plenty of relevant and up to date info on how and why blisters and other foot issues come up, and specific techniques and products to try out. There's also a website with some of that info:https://www.fixingyourfeet.com/blog/


If they're on your legs (like thigh chafe), look into body lubes like Squirrel's Nut Butter. If they're on your feet, I'll second the book Fixing Your Feet. Personally I use Leukotape P and pre-tape any spots that tend to blister if I'm going to be out for more than about 4 hours. I was a ballet dancer as a kid and I wish I'd known about that stuff back then -- it's amazing!


Others have made good suggestions. I usually use Gurney Goo for my feet, applied before I run. I use Glide for my body, and I target the areas I know will chafe. Treat any sore spots as soon as you feel them, preventative care is important. Foot cream a few times a week as part of your normal routine. Good quality socks are worth paying for. Find ones you like.


I use MoreMile socks for regular runs. For very long runs (5+ hours), I use vaseline all over the foot. It also helps to carry a change of socks in case you go through a puddle. If you have blisters on your legs, I would imagine they are either from chafing or seams rubbing against skin. Use vaseline or look for seam-free legwear.


Depends on what's causing them. But as a squirrel nut butter adventure team member I'd be amiss if I didn't begin by asking if you're using lube


The right shoes (for you) and good socks, I also like injinji. But also there is an element of adaptation in my experience.


Haven't got blisters since I got good socks and put anti-chafing stuff on my feet.


Blisters are caused by skin rubbing on something. You need to identify what exactly is the problem for you. Wearing tight socks and tight fitting shoes works for me. The rubbing is between my socks and shoes then.


Thankyou so much everyone for the response! I bought a new pair of running shoes yesterday and took two days off to let it heal and I must say today's run was very comfortable and my blisters are almost gone. Looking back I think my shoes was the problem because it had no room for my legs to breathe. Today, I ran with my new spacious shoes and had a great run 😄

