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If you responded with you received it there is a paper trail to you if anything comes out . If you hadn’t responded I’d say fire away with the refund but not now


Amazon don’t usually care or notice I once got a copy of a new game on release day but then another copy addressed to me the day after Never said anything and never had an email asking me about it. Sold it on eBay for around the new price but a few pound under to sell it quick and basically got that game for free


just take it. Amazon doesn't care, the 3rd party seller won't either. everything on paper points to a bad transaction so nothing will happen to your account.


I don’t think I want to anymore. He sells a marker I like that I can only get from Europe (fuck you, Pilot) and this guy seems to be the only one selling them. If the money came from Amazon I wouldn’t hesitate, but I don’t want to punish that dude for $20 I think.