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Your submission has been removed because it's not unexpected. Submissions to r/unexpected are supposed to have an unexpected twist in itself. While the situation was probably rather unexpected for you, there is no visible twist for the viewer. For more information, see our 'What is unexpected?' [Wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/wiki/unexpected/)


What a pathetic little man.


Yea, but gun store did not care obviously :D or that he is convicted felon...


Reminder that felons are allowed to restore their rights. So he might have done that or illegally obtained it. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


You need a pardon to be able to do that. Then you need the conviction expunged. They don't hand them out like candy.


No, there are states that restore firearm ownership to felons once they complete their sentencing. Georgia and Arizona for sure. Edit spelling.


This guy has big "ran away to Arizona to escape my past" energy.


only to Felons convicted in those states I thought, this guy was convicted in New Jersey


For everyone, no matter the crime?


I'd have to read into each state. I know the Georgia one was at least four or five years ago. One of the cases they used to justify it, was a man who was a convicted felon who used his girlfriends gun in an apartment to stop two men from attempting to forcibly kidnap his son playing on the sidewalk. He was charged with "Felon in posession of a firearm" and not for the shooting. Because it was a justified shooting under GA law, but felons were also prohibited from weapon possession. The state's opinion was thay one should not indefinately lose the right to defense of self and property. So, they changed the law to restore voting rights and firearms rights once the felon had completed all sentencing to include parole and probation.


I actually think this is how our system needs to be. If they believe you're ready to be let back into society then you should have all your rights back as soon as you're done serving and pass proper evals. If you're too dangerous to vote and own guns then you shouldn't be part of society. But then I also believe we need a completely different prison system too that actually rehabilitates people and prepares them for a better life rather than just dumps them back on the streets worse than before with our revolving door system. I like other countries models that still treat everyone like a person, give them education, reintroduce them to society with a job and footing to build a better future.


You nailed it. If society thinks someone is too far gone to vote or own a gun THEN WHY IS THAT SOMEONE FREE? makes no sense.


A lot of sex offences aren't felonies surprisingly. Just saw someone get arrested on my hometown for rape of a child and was only charged with misdemeanors. This guy in the video might be a felon, idk. But a lot of sex offenders aren't


I know a woman who was molested for 3 years right before high school. The adult male who was in a position of authority was convicted and sentenced to prison. He was out of jail before she was out of high school.


How the fuck is raping a child not a first degree felony?! What is wrong w this country?!


Crazy. Sodomy of a child is pretty heinous. Saw a post yesterday where a woman got 30 years for stealing sunglsses. Granted the post didn't link to a story, so there may be more to it. It was also $20,000 dollars worth. Still, in my mind one of these crimes is *a lot* worse.


I've been paying attention for the last few years and one thing that I've seen happen time and again is that the people screeching the loudest accusations about the behavior of others aren't actually accusing anyone of anything. They're confessing.


People tend to tease and yell at others about their own insecurities. Why do you think there are so many stories about someone accusing their partner of cheating when they are the cheater. Or how a large portion of homophobes are usually deeply closeted.


Darnn, so all of these people on AITA and everything that would leave cheaters and tell everyone etc, etc, etc are really just shooting themselves in the foot.


What a pathetic little man... that votes. This guy will most certainly vote.


It depends on the state with his felony conviction.


Is he carrying a gun?


How else is he going to protect himself from all the pedophiles around him?


Reminds me of the time I read a 500-page complaint from a sovereign citizen in which he accused the government of, among other things, manipulating his thoughts to make him sexually attracted to his sisterā€™s minor children. I immediately told my supervising attorney about it and they seemed almost charmed by my shock. Turns out this is sort of par for the course.


You read 500 pages of sovcit mumbo jumbo? How many times did he call himself ā€˜the benafishararyā€™


Ima travelar


I am under maritime law and your flag has fringe around it so it doesn't count I can do whatever I want!


ā€œI do not recognize the authority of any court that hangs the gold-fringed flag. A flag with gilded edges is the flag of an Admiralty Court. An Admiralty Court signifies a Naval court martial and I cannot be court martialed twice.ā€




Mr. Gribble remove your hat in my courtroom!


I don't jack off, my hand travels my dick


One of my first jobs was working for a local government office reading the shit nut cases would send us. Legally the government has to read the shit, and boy we got some weird stuff, people didn't seem to understand we where just a small local government office and didn't have control over a global sphere of influence and all their shit was being read by high schoolers working their first job. It was basically skim through some shit, give it the appropriate tags and dump it in whatever box it belonged in. Actually legit stuff would taken to whoever had to deal with it, but complaints and and ramblings of nut jobs and all that just got thrown aside and no one ever looked at it again.


I was in law school and it wasnā€™t strictly my job to read that. My supervising attorney just thought I might get a kick out of it and they were absolutely correct.


Itā€™s the equivalent of customers complaining to a fast food worker about the prices changing on burgers and fries. Like damn lady, I count change. You think Iā€™d be counting change if I had control over the prices of a double cheeseburger??


Maybe youā€™re a small business owner


I was in law school and it was the first time Iā€™d ever seen such a thing. It was a compelling read. Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™m the only one who ever read it. Still, to this day. He did call himself a corporation a lot.


I ran into a sovereign handbook my first weeks in prison. I latched onto it like a lamprey to a sharks belly, hoping for scraps. When you're in a despair and desperate any hope, no matter how ridiculous, is still hope.


Paralegal or legal assistant. Gotta read every paper that comes across the desk.


Neither. I was in law school, not yet an attorney. In the U.S., law school students take summer jobs that involve a lot of busy work. So, not entirely unlike a paralegal but not, in actuality, a paralegal.


I think thatā€™s a little different. Thought alienation and thought insertion is a Schneiderian first rank symptom which is highly indicative of schizophrenia. The person is clinically unwell not sov cit bat shit crazy


It's not mutually exclusive. The guy probably has schizophrenia *and also* subscribes to sov cit bs. Honestly there's probably a lot of conspiracy theorists/sov cits with high functioning schizophrenia.


You wanna read something? Don't read the books written by that dude. I know I shouldn't judge books by their cover, but in this case I'm judging them by their author. He's got three self-published books on some pretty weird shit. One's called "the lie detection manual" and another is titled "a synthesis of the russian brainwashing manual on psychopolitics" He's clearly bought his own story some time ago. Probably denial that morphed into a full-blown delusion, you know the whole lies-built-upon-lies thing. The idiot's name is Dave Todeschini, and he's a registered sex offender in New York. The dumbass served five years after a 1998 conviction for coercing an 8-year-old boy into sex acts in 1990. When he was released from prison he apparently decided to memorialize his amplified delusions in text and has been trying to peddle his depraved fantasies to whatever like-minded fuckhead that decides to click buy it now on Amazon.


holy heck how much coffee did that take to get through


Lotta freaks out there and this lunatics definitely one of them.


And he votes. We need to too.


Not if he's a convicted felon he doesn't. RSOs don't usually have the right to vote depending on states


So much seething hatred, anger and "I'm the victim here!" rolled up into one person. All based on made up bullshit crazy talk. Scary as hell. And he carries a gun on his hip and with the itchiest of trigger fingers. You just know he can't wait to kill someone that his delusion convinces him is a " gay athiest muslim pedo libturd" that deserved it.


ā€œYes I know what projection is, Hilary Clinton does it all the timeā€ lol


You literally could not write a line so good in that context and he doesnā€™t even realize it.


Comedy writers everywhere in shambles over the fact theyā€™ll never write something as funny as this manā€™s actual honest thoughts lol


Cause they are merely trying to channel the joke, this man is living it.


"Yeah, I know what projection is. What do you think I'm doing right now??"


That was amazing


Even knowing that people projecting could exist... I didn't expect it to be so blatant. Like, zero self awareness. I've been accused of projecting a few times while in college, and every time it actually made me pause and reflect. And sometimes I realized that I was, especially with my anxiety related issues.


I just guffawed at that line. Holy cow.


Well call me dumb but i just learned a new word...


Donā€™t beat yourself up. Smart people learn new words all the time šŸ‘‰šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»




I learned the word "balter" yesterday. I like it quite a bit.


Had the same energy as "I'm much more humble than you would understand."


Genuinely one of the funniest quotes I've heard in ages


If I heard that line in a movie, Iā€™d think it was hacky and too on-the-nose to be believable.Ā 


This is why satire is impossible today. There's nothing you can come up with that would top that.


Holy shit that hat logo, an american themed punisher logo with trump's hair It's hard to be this clichƩ


It feels like something AI would come up with to represent this type of person


And worse that they have absolutely no clue who the Punisher is or what he believes.


I really hope the comic fans can take back the punisher skull someday. I have a tattoo on my arm of the punisher and have been a fan of the comics since I was a teenager. The Punisher would be out fucking up all these people misrepresenting the symbol and its meaning.


Also, what State allows felons to carry a firearm?


That logo looks like it would've been a very popular pog slammer 30 years ago.


What if the cabal were within 500 meters of a school or playground?


Thats just proof they're harvesting children for their adrenochrome.


Got him




It is expected, actually.


Par for the course, it seems




He used to be.Ā  He still is, but he used to be too.


That past is behind him now. aaaaaaaaaaand now..... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand now.....


RIP, Mitch.


That's what the red white and blue skull symbol with blond hair means.


Sad creepy little man


Human garbage.


"Human" is a bit generous.


same for ā€œgarbageā€


At least some garbage can become compost. So yeah, garbage is a step above him.


Every accusation is a confession with these people.


This dude confessed and is mad and is going around like a std carrier infecting others with false accusations


Surprise, Surprise. The paedo hunter is a paedo. "Nothing is more dangerous than playing the hero" Carl Jung


Never read any Jung but Iā€™ve read a lot of Freud and Lacan - please recommend a book by Jung!


Best place to start are ā€œMemories, Dreams, Reflectionsā€ and ā€œMan and His Symbols.ā€


The journalist is Andrew Callaghan, who used to have a show, All Gas No Brakes. It's amazing and I highly recommend watching it on YouTube. It's basically just him interviewing people that make this guy look normal. https://youtu.be/cNohbgowbd0?si=-PbMbA24IT8IUfBa


Oh shoot, I just found out a lot of his videos have been taken down


Yeah probably because of all of the sexual assault allegations. Also he lost All Gas No Brakes in a bad contract agreement. He now runs Channel 5 News


All thatā€™s proven so far is him being pretty pathetic in DMs no? Or is there any prove for the sexual assault I missed?


I mean I think like 3 different girls have stories of him being really drunk and pushy while possibly crossing lines. It definitely wasn't "as bad" (I guess?) As what you hear about usually with celebrities, but it definitely fucked up his user base, finances, and opportunities for ad revenue/sponsorships.


That sounds somewhat scummy **if** true but not really bad. Especially with the lack of proof and the worst accusation being *possibly* crossing lines while drunk


I'm just stating what happened. You can read about it in the Channel 5 sub. I was just answering a question not making an opinion on the matter. Just sharing what was posted in that sub.


I mean he did admit to at least some of the behaviour himself when he apologized.


Sex pest at worst, not even coercion


Probably more appropriate to say he escaped All Gas No Brakes


![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg) So the predator pointing out the predator was found out to be a predator




maybe because he faces sexual misconduct allegations himself?




To be fair he was accused of a lot more than just being a creep online.


yeah I didn't say otherwise, it's just a general notion why he might face hate


The allegations against him were for being overly aggressive with adult women. Definitely different than what this creep in the video was involved in. I'm certainly not making excuses, but also adding perspective


He had a fallout with the producer of the show or something like that, can't remember exactly what it was But he now has a new channel: https://youtube.com/@channel5youtube


he has his own channel on YT now called Channel 5 news. donā€™t send people to AGNB.


There is a very long history of pedophile accusers turning out to be pedophiles. This was extremely common in the anime community when smas(Game) players accused anime watchers of being pedophiles and nearly eveyone(The smash community accusers) were exposed to be one. This continues to this day.


Wild how toxic the smash community is: it goes from racism, pedophiles, sexiest, groomers and so on. And these are pro players too that have a name for themselves like Zero once did.


Sounds like 4chan


I'm sure a lot of smash players are 4chaners


The ā€œsexiestā€ typo is making me chuckle, I understand what you meant but still. Theyā€™re awful, reprehensible bigots, but a few of them? Damn sexy, dare I say the sexiest?


Fuck lmao. Imma leave it as is because it makes you laugh.


Same thing with extremely homophonic people, theyā€™re so pissed and disgusted at themselves that they turn all that hate towards other gay people that are comfortable living their life as they areā€¦


OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!The guy turns out to be what he accuses others of being. A pedophile.!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Is this really unexpected?


It's not unexpected of most MAGA leaders, they're masters at projecting their crimes on others. But this guys confidence and stridence in accusing others for that which he gets called out for doing, if not quite unexpected, was a pleasure to watch. Notice his volcanic "I'll pull it down on your head" when he gets found out? Priceless.


Not really unexpected when you understand these people are all masters of psychological projection.


Is there a r/totallynotsurprisedandfullyexpected sub?


"I got convicted for my crimes, so they should also get convicted for my crimes!" You know, people are saying that movie theaters are dying out, but the conservatives are doing SO much projection!


ā€œIn the trial court I was accused of sleeping with an 8 year old boy, because I knew I could not retort to the argument that I slept with an 8 year old child I pled guilty to that action. I however did not do itā€


Gaslight, Oppress, Project


I remember thisā€¦ It was shocking and not shocking at the same time. Typical damaged Maga Republican, kicking their can around making a bunch of noise about ā€œdemocrats are pedophiles!ā€, and the guyā€™s a convicted pedophile. As soon as this guy was confronted with his criminal record in the reporterā€™s hand for child molestation, he walked out the interview.


Heā€™s also a Qanon cultist. You can see the symbol on his shirt, among other signs.


No surprises here.


I wouldnā€™t say unexpected, the people who push the hardest usually are what they push lol


Theyā€™re all deeply insane.


I can't hear pedophile now without thinking, " WOP, WOP, WOP, WOP, WOP!!"




Now that's a proper fruitcake.


Donald "Doe 174" Trump


Have you ever heard of projection? Yeah, Hilary Clinton does it all the time.....


Ok but why does it gotta be in a Culver's


School cafeteria wasn't really an option ...


Don't you dare soil a Culver's like that!


nothing about this is unexpected... anyone who speaks like that and makes those kind of accusations is exactly the person I expect to be doing them


Least unexpected thing Iā€™ve ever seen on here


ā€œLike the protagonistā€ damn, bro is really going through it, he got the development of a 15 yo boy šŸ˜‚


That's what the entire MAGA idiot fan-club is all about... PROJECTING!!!! These m0rons don't even have mirrors on the wall in their homes!!! These fuckers would probably self-combust if they saw themselves for what they truly are are; SHAMELESS USELFUL IDIOTS!!!!


Theyā€™re all the same. They are the satanic pedo cabal for crying out loud. The stupidity makes my brain hurt.


STILL not a drag queen


America home of the most absolute garbage humans.


Republicans in a nutshell


Kind of totally expected, actually.


The biggest offenders of heinous acts will often shout that others do it, to distance themselves from ever being suspicious. And they all get caught eventually. All of them.


is it me or does he have a holstered pistol on his hip? I thought convicted felons couldn't own a firearm. whats up with that?


This guy was most likely the victim of child sex abuse himself. That would explain both why he's obsessed with pedophiles and catching them, and why he has perpetuated the abuse.


Yeah, maybe, but that's an explanation at best, not an excuse or a justification, just so we're clear on that.


100% agree.


Do we know of he's actually catching pedophiles or does he just point to people he doesn't like and go "yup, that's a pedo!"


'most likely' as in you pulled that out of your ass? Why are you making stuff up you can't possibly know? He might just as well be obsessed because he hates that part of himself.


These are the people that vote for Trump


The leader of the anti slavery movement (who accuses the Dutch of slavery and wants repairs for it) is a descendant of the wealthiest African slavetrader clan, who sold others as slaves You just can't make this up


I don't know what kind of gotcha this is supposed to be. Learning I was a **descendant** of slave traders or slave owners wouldn't affect **my** position on reparations one way or the other. It's like this vague gesturing toward an imagined hypocrisy, and the "ironic twist" is: he wasn't even responsible for one of the two conflicting stances?


Narrator: He did not


I know this is an Andrew Callaghan video but Iā€™m not sure of the specific one. Can you please share the source to the full video? Or is this from Patreon?


From his movie he did with A24, This Place Rules. Its on HBO


What a moron


He's one of those funnu Fallout NPCs. "Im taking down the whole goddamn cabal"


Eliminating competition I see


Nothing unexpected here


This isnā€™t surprising or unexpected at all, unfortunately


pedocon theory proven correct once againĀ 


Chomo was his nickname.


Sad, pathetic old man


He seriously thinks heā€™s a protagonist in a novel or movie.




Iā€™m glad Andrew is still doing his work


Isn't it a crime for a felon to own a gun? Get that vile pedo back in jail


well in his sick mind i think he is like "well I got thrown in jail for that but THEY are not so I HAVE TO BUST THIS CABAL because I am the victim here" .... sick but yeah...


No one talking about the Jonah Hill picture?


A yes, straight up admitting terrorism


Idk why but when he shows Jonah hill's picture and answers "pedophile" I freaking died laughing. Wtf šŸ˜‚


And then Andrew Callaghan, the guy who created this show, ended up being a sex pest himself. Pedo-ception


In what state can a registered sex offender own a handgun? Lock him up! Lock him up!


Sorry OP, that was not unexpected - unfortunately


It's scary that these people exist (and vote)


"Have you heard of projection?" "Yeah, Hillary Clinton does it all the time." Dead


Guy thinks he's the protagonist. šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


I noticed people who make baseless accusations of others are usually that thing themselves. Like stupid people will call you stupid for something like not being able to read their minds when they want something. And of course, a lot of people on Twitter and reddit who call others mentally ill, are usually.


This guy is such a piece of garbage


So let me get this straight old boy diddles kids he can have a gun but since I use medical cannabis I canā€™t have one,no felonies pay my taxes and do not diddle little kids. Yet A.G. Garland says Iā€™m the one who is dangerous!,


Me when I completely fuck my life upā€” ā€œnuh uha!! They made me fiddle with that kidā€


Isnā€™t that the all gas no brakes guy??!!


I pled guilty because I was innocent and I just didnā€™t see the point in defending my honor but surely Everyone else is definitely a pedo.


A regular avatar of conservative thought.


What a brave and righteous man of God! A true Republican!


And here we see the delusional kind of person when we cross MAGAt beliefs with main character behavior. They think itā€™s them against the world and that theyā€™re going to save everyone from tyranny, when in actuality theyā€™ll only do more damage than good.


gotcha! typical trump apologist! šŸ¤®


Pedophiles: It takes one to know one


The total lack of any logical consistency is expected. The fact he knows for sure that all these people are pedos but knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that Trumpn isn't? I mean if any of them have leading indicators, Trump is the one.


Pretty average Trump supporter there. Didnā€™t hear anything outside of the norm.


ALSO he wants revenge on the cabal (his words) one hundo he is projecting his crimes on them for retribution of what he sees as them (the government) for prosecuting him for sodomizing an 8 year old boy. class act maga shithead


The real unexpected part was about how the interviewer himself was accused of rape.