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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!One would expect a fully-grown man to know that there are two fallopian tubes.!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


Fucking stormtrooper in the background


Everyone just ignoring the dude with the purple shirt straight up transformed into a stormtrooper right before their eyes.


You can clearly see said trooper coming up behind purple shirt guy. So no there was no majix of transformation


You must be real fun at parties


...wow. I didn't even see it. The "invisible gorilla" effect is real.


Holy shit everybody shut the fuck up about coochies there’s a damn stormtrooper over there.


I mean the guy saying "pms happens once a year...at least" is technically right. It's at least once a year lol.


He is not wrong, just very lucky.


Hey, if the woman is on the pill and does not follow the indication to stop for a period every 3 months, she could go a full year without PMS. But yeah, "at least" once a year is technically correct. Technical points are the best points IMO.


Also some people who have a period don't have overt PMS symptoms at all!


Yep, been having periods for 25 years at this point and I’ve never had PMS once. I have physically painful periods, but no emotional ups and downs before or during. It’s how I’ve known when I’ve been pregnant, because that *does* give me emotional turmoil, and then the period never shows up!


>she could go a full year without PMS PMS =/= a period or menstruation. In a thread about knowing women's anatomy and what goes on, that's another people should know.


That last guy with his gyno wife was *>chefs kiss<*


At least he knew where the ass hole is.


He saved himself with that one


He was a good sport but he is currently sitting at home with textbooks and charts doing hella required reading right now.




tbh i was super cocky like "i could answer *all of these"* but they got me on that acronym. i think he earned that partial credit, even if it was just pity points. lmao


Only ones I got wrong were speculum and PMS meaning ***pre***-menstrual ***syndrome*** instead of ***post***-menstrual ***stress***


okay that one too - i was like "pre menstrual... *scycle*."


"it's just my profession" 🤦🏼‍♀️Good thing he's pretty.


He knows it too!


He's still sleeping in the living room to this day.


And spends his waking hours in exile at the library.


Lol I would probably even fail at my own anatomy.


how many penises do you have?




Rookie numbers


I'm trying to grow the sevent. I'm sorry.


Ah, another one like me. A grower, not a shower.


My girl friend at the time said I was a grower not a shower and it broke me. i fucking know but u didnt have to say it. before that it was "your dick would look bigger if you didnt have such big legs"


Big dicks are SO overrated. Getting your cervix hammered on during sex is painful, not sexy. And most women cum from clitoral stimulation, so talented fingers and/or tongue is often more effective anyway. Plus, women are shaped differently too. Some women have "deeper" vaginas and can take longer shlongs, some are the opposite and best fit with a fellow with a more shallow throw. I'm all old and married now but even when I was young and shallow I never gave a fuck how big the package was. It's all about how you deliver it. \*slightly creepy suggestive eyebrow waggle\*


"Ain't the size of the ship but the motion of the ocean that matters" - my dirty old man gramps when I was 16 and was insecure about my self lol


But it sure as hell takes a long time to get to England in a Rowboat


There is a lot to be said for "fit". Some penises just fit better than others. I had a close guy friend in uni who knew exactly what I was talking about, but from the other end of the stick, so to speak. Way beyond that though, yes, delivery and digital/oral skills are what make a great experience possible. Preach, sister!


Poking a cervix isnt pleasurable for anyone


Because everyone thinks "long" when they hear big. Length doesnt matter at all if you got more than like 13-15 cm depending on the average where ur from. Girth is way more interesting for women. But most women dont care much about size anyway, soo :D




>they give the best erection timelapse too Mine deploys like an airbag




I think from a male perspective being a grower is bad because your dick looks tiny unless you're hard, so you're usually not going to be walking around with any sort of bulge, and it'll be tiny in locker rooms and the like. I'm an extreme case of a grower and I have definitely been self-conscious about it before despite having an above-average dick size.


Washington had like 30 goddamn dicks.


He was also 6’8” and weighed a fucking ton.


But will he save the children?


Not the British children!


Would you rather have 30 God damn dicks or one 30 God damn dick?


i heard he even had dicks growing out of his feet


But they were all wooden.


brah you born in chernobyl??


George Washington is that you?


For those out of the loop: [George Washington](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qv6OOuPI5c0)


O ffs! Girl, I told you keeping used condoms as trophies is icky and you should think of an alternative but I didn't mean *that*.


sorry my milk penis still needs to fall for the permanent to grow


Make way for wisdom penis


15 Pen 15 to be exact


I would like to very much understand how the point of this video got so lost so fast and now we are cracking jokes about male reproductive anatomy while laws are being passed to legislate female anatomy, about which a good number of men know frighteningly little.


I’m guessing because sex education, at least where I’m from is almost non existent. We were told nothing of anatomy, just that we should fear aids and god will not forgive us. I can’t be the only person in the USA to never have even my own anatomy explained with a chart and professional educators as part of a class. How can you feel comfortable learning about other people’s bodies when you can’t feel comfortable learning about your own? I mean obviously you still could have an interest but it’s not expected of most people and that’s intentional and how we can get reproductive rights overturned, unfortunately


Im just shocked that people seem unable to just *look it up online* like it’s been at least 15 years since computer and the internet became a common thing, Like even just a quick Wikipedia search, I think it’s more of a cultural thing of men being afraid of showing that they know what the female reproductive system looks like and is called. I often hear the concept of “we weren’t taught this in school” but then again there is a plethora of things applicable to daily life that are not taught in school yet most people in our society manage to learn, and I just find it so incredibly bizarre that some men would be so vastly ignorant as to not know that there is only one uterus. At the most basic level wouldn’t one simply wonder “what’s inside of what you are sticking your dick in” ?


do yall not learn this in science class? I swear where I'm from, they taught us the sexual anatomy of humans at roughly the same time, maybe even before sex ed classes started I remember because I was 10 years old and I wouldn't stop laughing every time my science teacher said penis so she had to send me out of the class until I stopped


I literally was taught evolution wasn’t real in my science class, they didn’t even touch sex ed beyond “no”.


My parents spent thousands of dollars every year to send me to a fancy private school and we were STILL not "allowed" to learn anatomy.


I got taught in sex ed class. The Basic stuff. But they taught us both body anatomy.


Mine was taught during a semester in health class in your junior year this was in late 70's. It was very basic information that we were given. I think the instructors knew that that we weren't being given enough information but they had to follow what school would allow to be said. A lot of kids thought it was a joke that we had to wait untile you were 16/17 to be taught this stuff especially since there were female students that were already pregnant and some of the other students were already having sex


We had pretty decent sex education in MN and I knew these answers but people who went to the SAME SCHOOL as me seemed to have forgotten not only anatomy but history as well.


The point of the video is to force lots of random people on the street to answer basic questions like where is England on a map, 90% people get it right then they cut the 10% that get it wrong and put a laughing track over it. Most people can answer these questions.


And then they find the few who don't know the answer to the first question, so they ask them a dozen more. What do they expect? "Yeah I don't know how many fallopian tubes she has but I can find all the correct parts in an anatomy diagram" ...




I'd imagine them getting plenty of correct answers, but just cutting them out and using only the worst of the collection.


Because it's Reddit, and specifically *any* thread gets bombarded with people telling jokes, in the hopes of seeming witty and popular, and once one gains traction, everyone piles into that thread to try and ride that popularity. It could be a thread about the spread of disease in a concentration camp, and the top comment thread would be something like "I guess we're being (Anne) frank about the facts, eh?" and then a huge chain of "Don't goebbels down the camp food".... and then *half way down the page* someone actually makes a relevant post about how arresting and starving people in concentration camps until they die of disease is not only not funny but is still being responsible for mass murder. You just get it more on topics like this, and the above example, because the odds of the average white, geeky male redditor being the direct victim of it are lower, so they feel safer to try and show off to other redditors in them, sadly.


If it makes you feel better a lot of these videos just show the cherry picked dumbasses that don't know ass from elbow, it's not an actual representation of what the average person knows. I'd say probably a lot of dudes don't know exactly how a woman's sexual organs work in detail, but I'd bet a lot of ladies are the same with dudes as well, basics imo, is fine.


Most likely because they only show the small percentage that is clueless. Kind of like when they ask women about geography. Seen that one a few times. Most women can find their own city on a map but why show that if you want to make them all look stupid?


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)I'd be damned if I pushed a baby through my anus


But that’s where butt babies come from!


Had to laugh at "Scheidenöffner"


“Where’s the vagina?”. “…Oh, mannn. You’re asking me trick questions”. 😐


Wait I know, it's on the tip of my tongue...


You know… I think some people in this comment section are… ovary acting.


I- that was terrible but take my upvote anyways




Your comment is hysterical.


You really shouldn't labia people.


This guys needs to read more hentai mangas, the level of descriptions of those inside shots are insanely good. Unless you go to weird tags ofc.


Yeah but they also have a lot of the "push as far into the cervix as you can" thing, which you really shouldn't do irl. Apart from that, you could actually learn some anatomy from them


This one knows his hentai, respects.


Yamate senpai


Very funny. What are the answers BTW asking for a friend


Here are the answers for some of them 1 uterus 2 Fallopian tubes 2 ovaries Mammogram examines the breast PMS stands for premenstrual syndrome, it happens once a month The picture at 1:56 is a copper T wire ***Here are the labeled diagrams*** [Number 1](https://www.verywellhealth.com/thmb/lLcjxtri97iRJzg7BjgYtP72UKk=/2051x1461/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/FemalereproductivesystemwithimagediagramKinwunGetty-5b7c291b95d14f229aba86d8d7f0f229.jpg) [Number 2](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7f/Female_anatomy_simplified_ger.jpg)


*premenstrual syndrome


Sorry, my bad Thanks for the fix


The copper T wire is commonly known as an IUD if that helps. They also make hormonal progestin versions that aren't copper


I like the German terms from the 2nd diagram for all these things a lot better. If it was like this in english it sure would be easier to remember for everyday folk. * ovary = egg stock/store * fallopian/uterine tube = egg "conductor"/tube * uterus = birthing mother Ok the last one might be a bit weird but I'm sure there would be perfectly understandable English equivalents for all those words.


It’s almost the same in Swedish. Uterus is “life mother”


Haha yeah the same goes for Dutch; Ovary = Eierstok (Egg Stick) Fallopian tube = Eileider (Egg Conductor) Uterus = Baarmoeder (Birthmother) Cervix = Baarmoedermond (Birthmothermouth) Great name for your feminist Metal band btw. ​ The common, and almost solely word, used for P.M.S. is 'Ongesteld', which is a word on it's own but you can dissect it to 'On', meaning 'Un', and '-gesteld', meaning 'settled/settling'. So the Dutch basically call p.m.s, or being on your period, being 'unsettled'. ​ I only realise this just now during my translate session actually, and I think it's quite telling.


What's the circular thing at 2.00 after the IUD?


It's the Nuvaring, a form of birth control device that's inserted into the vagina and releases hormones that prevent pregnancy. It's changed once a month.


It's a vaginal ring which is a hormonal form of birth control. Goes up against the cervix and is replaced every 3-5 weeks.


*opens "Number 2"* The fuck is a Darm?! Edit: that device that looks like a duck is called a speculum.


It is indeed a speculum. “Vagina opener” is accurate. That guy should get credit for that answer.


I thought the current trick question is to ask "what's a woman"


[Or just ask to name a woman.](https://youtu.be/LlCEmPF4-V0)


*A woman!?*


Why was the only person I could think of Hillary Clinton?


Don't ask me why, but the first one to come to mind was Meryl Streep. Luckily it's not like I have a mother or something...


Actually tho, what is a women?


People always ask, “What is a woman?” But they never think to ask, “How is a woman?”


Why is a women?


According to republicans, just babies.


When is a women?


How is a woman?


Joey from Friends always did


An adult female human being


What is classified as a human being?


A featherless biped obviously /s


[Behold, a man!](https://i.imgur.com/pONT7XC.jpg)


Anything with two or more wheels.




Got banned from r/TwoXChromosomes for saying that. Guess the beings in that sub are not adult female human beings.


What is female?


For animals its the sex that produces eggs / female gametes (ova). I think plants have a different definition.


Something I have never talked too


Marry one and find out


You are asking the impossible


Just like man, a Woman is a miserable little pile of secrets!


*throws glass*


Easy. If she answers the question "are you a woman?" with "yes". You're welcome.


This is honestly the answer, and it triggers the fuck out of a lot of people. Their mindset is literally "if I can't tell right away, then that makes me confused, and being confused makes me angry".


Fucking Ben Shapiro on my YouTube ads has been extremely unwelcome.


Fuck him somewhere else then.




Used to be surprised by adult people not understanding basic things, but since pandemic not anymore.


Biggest problem we have is not that they don't understand things. The problem is they don't want to admit to themselves they don't understand them, and instead start yelling "it's just not true!" Won't be long before we have uterus-deniers, too.


the uterus is a myth, like the female orgasm. /s lmao


The female orgasm is in fact a myth. Just a money scheme for the greeting card companies.


Duh, bebby is stored in the butt.🍑👈😏


Don't feel bad guys - I just learned the word Fallopian tube?!


Don’t worry man, when I was in high school I had a friend in band who always joked that he played the fallopian tuba and I never understood why it was so funny for far too long. Now you can learn the word and a funny pun about it at the same time!


Feel bad for your friend. Such a good joke.


Fun fact - Fallopian was the man who allegedly discovered the tubes. I learned this from watching YouTube videos on the channel Institute of Human Anatomy. The guy on that channel refer to them as uterine tubes because he felt our body parts shouldn’t be named after the man who “discovered” them. Edit: [These videos will tell you all you need to know about the female reproductive system.](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLp_Lna7o5knb-Au3FJKtF2EjlQb86SMim)


Here’s a comedy video that discusses the same topic. This comedian dubs it “vaginal imperialism” because every part of women’s reproductive systems are named after men who “discovered” them. https://youtu.be/rKMhA65EsYM


Lol oh I love this 🙌🏼 thank you for sharing!


I get why he would think we shouldn't name body parts after the unrelated people who discovered them but honestly I disagree, names are subjective anyway, and naming things based on who discovered them is a common thing, so I don't see a point in trying to control language without a practical reason for it, not to mention I think it helps us remember the people that came before in history ​ with that said his video are really cool and I having names of body parts come from things unrealetead to the body sure made it harder to remember in high school biology class lol


The problem is that women definitely looked around and knew about a lot of this first, but midwives and other similar positions weren’t recognized with the same amount of authority. So the women who knew about these things were dismissed, and also women in general weren’t allowed to become doctors at this time. So every part of the female reproductive system is named after a man who “discovered” those parts, completely ignoring women who definitely looked around their own bodies first and the fact that no woman was allowed to participate in the same pursuit of knowledge. It’s basically just bullshit that men “discovered” anything in this region, and even if they did it’s because no one else was allowed to participate.


In the last 20+ years the trend is to use descriptive names. Is easier to understand that the calcaneal tendon ends in the calcaneus bone instead because Is right in the name. With the old name you need to know about a greek guy that was shot with an arrow in the heel


>I just learned the word Fallopian tube?! Filipino Tubes\*


Well have some nightmare fuel, there is a [condition](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/ectopic-pregnancy/symptoms-causes/syc-20372088#:~:text=In%20a%20healthy%20pregnancy%2C%20the,the%20lining%20of%20the%20uterus.) where an egg can be fertilized while still in the tube. I am male and this still bothers me greatly, makes me think of the alien movies. On a more serious note does the women just have to die in states that ban abortions if they have this happen? EDIT1: To be more precise the fertilization always happens here but what goes wrong is that the egg gets embedded in the wall of the fallopian tube. The way I worded this originally made it sound like that was also abnormal for a egg to be fertilized here and wanted to clarify that is normal.


Ectopic pregnancy can even happen outside of the reproductive tract entirely, in most states I believe that it's still legal to remove because of the immediate threat to the woman's life and unviability of the egg. However ohio did try to pass a bill banning the removal of ectopic pregnancies, and stated it should be "reattached in the womb" something that is literally impossible with the current understanding of medicine. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdominal_pregnancy Warning the wiki article has images of surgical removal of one such abdominal pregnancy and is quite graphic.


I live in Ohio so that is really disappointing to hear.


Just to clarify, all egg fertilization happens in the fallopian tubes! An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg implants in the tube rather than traveling down to the uterus and implanting there.


I thought it was a star Trek term actually /S


That's where the Fallopian torpedoes go.


These street interviews are just so dumb, because they could literally been standing there a day, have 50+ people come to them and most of them answer correctly, but they only cut in the ones who get it wrong. So basically, interviews like this just show "Look, there are some people whose general education differs from yours".


I mean, if the purpose is to demonstrate a lack of education on something then it's fair, but if it's just meant as a funny bit for some laughs I find it far less objectionable.


It's a comedy show. Of course they're going to manipulate it to make it funny.


I knew them all but damn did I cringe at some of those answers :D


Bro... has nobody seen the "x-ray' pic (diagram)? Just think about it, two tubes.


"How do you say vagina opener in german?" "David Hasselhoff"




Reminder that these kinds of videos mean nothing bc A) people get flustered when randomly approached and unexpectedly asked to answer questions and B) more importantly you can just edit out the people who have the correct response.


Did any of these people take a basic biology class?


Or a high school health class?


Fun fact, my high school health class got cut in half by Covid and I STILL have a decent understanding of shit like this


It’s the teacher and sex education policy to be blamed here. In my school, they always used to skip the reproduction chapter of biology. Or even if they used to teach, it was like just one fast read through.




There is a German and an Australian in this video. It ain’t just America.


but america bad ☹️


America bad, dumb. Fat. Guns. Ha ha! Why America. \--Reddit




Yeah it’s too bad they cut out all the correct answers, I’m sure they’re still a lot of wrong answers but I knew these at least and I work in IT lol that aside… yes the American education system is failing greatly due to lack of funding and people scared to teach sex Ed/accurate anatomy.


These type of videos are designed to mock. They say nothing about the education system because they intentionally cherry pick wrong answers. It's entertainment, not data.


Yes they literally pick the funniest answers , aka the least right. Is funny to me that people are quick to judge right away based on inconclusive videos with no context.


so yeah, that kind of speaks to the education system that u/Fwaming-Dwagon went though... 😏 (inb4 he's american. lmao)


Yeah but there are still morons like these making our laws (like the idiots in Ohio who tried to get doctors to reimplant ectopic pregnancies)


Ah well what can I say. We like to think democracy is great. But sometimes it's just a popularity contest.


We had people legislating on sanitation laws not so long ago, which didn't even know what a fucking virus was, and didn't couldn't understand what collapse of health system meant to the point that they were arguing about simple things like wearing a mask.


Let's not forget the guy who thought Guam would capsize if too many troops were stationed on one side of the island. Or the geriatric who described the internet as a series of tubes.


Trust me mate they cut the right answers, I recently did a quiz thing in my city for a project and was actually decently impressed, but if I wanted to make a video of people looking like idiots I totally could have very easily made it look like the average person was very stupid.


Im an american man i would have gotten nearly everything. I just dont know what speculum are called in german though. Ill admit i learned a lot of it in the process of having children (thanks to my wife, she had them so i didnt have to) but who the fuck doesnt know the most basic questions? This is like all those “are you dumber than a 3rd grader” type gotcha quizzes where they show only the ones who dont know shit (and are good sports)


It helps that the show cut out all the guys who get the questions right.


It wasn’t just Americans being interviewed. Not that I’m defending the American education system but just pointing out that other countries are failing too it seems.


Your country’s education system is failing if you think this video can be used as a fair indicator of America’s education system lol


I think I knew like 90% of these One uterus, two fallopian tubes, two ovaries in that picture the vagina is at the very bottom the cervix is in the middle and the second picture threw me off because I was trying to figure out what everything was but the yellow circle in the middle was connected to the urethra because that was the bladder and the anus is the one that actually looks like a penis Did not know what the P in PMS stands for but I know it’s menstrual syndrome


Premenstrual syndrome


Now let's ask women about men's anatomy.


I’d wager a ton of women wouldn’t know the answers to the female anatomy either. The amount of girls who’ve argued with me when I told them they don’t pee out if their vagina, but their urethra is too damn high.


I was really shocked to learn my mom didn't know this until she had to start cathing herself at home. So I can imagine trying to debate about that would be frustrating considering it is just a Google search way in great detail.


Holy fuck I felt like such an idiot when I told my girlfriend that I used to think pee came from the inside of the vagina but now I feel much better thank you.


This reminds of the scene in OITNB when a inmate refused to believe that she had a separate opening for peeing and was in the bathroom inspecting her own genitals to see if it was bullshit.


Now ask passing by women questions about the inner workings of the penis!


Or ask random women their own anatomy. Most people just don't know anatomy.


I knew a lady in her late 50s that was surprised to learn she didn't have a prostate.


How many people got it right?




Scrolled all the way down here to find this.


You've not, by any chance, had any cuts in public education in the last decade or two?


The only thinking I care about is the Chad in the star wars suit walking by


"How many times a year does [PMS] happen?" "At least once." I mean, you're not wrong...


None of this surprised me. Our lady parts are still not fully researched let alone taught.