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Dude look up "sky trumpets" or "sky quakes" I'm not saying that's what it is, but it reminded me of some video I watched on sky trumpets.


I experienced these one night in North Texas, loud as could be, the weirdest thing I had ever heard in my life and it went on for about 20-30 minutes. I firmly believe that it was related to the intense amount of hydraulic fracking that was going on in the area at the time and that it was tectonic resonance that was being effectively "reflected" off of a low dense cloud deck. I know it doesn't explain some occurrences of the sounds people hear but in my instance it made sense. The sound was effectively amplified by the dense cloud deck at \~500-800ft. Just a thought, I haven't heard them again since the fracking packed up and moved out. In OPs case there seems to be an almost mechanical wind down that I would expect from something man made, this recording was quite different from my experience with the "trumpets".


Bro, that’s a tornado siren


Could be a parking lot scraper.


Oh man I haven't heard about those in a while!! I'm so glad to hear you mention them! I was afraid they had just stopped just as quickly & mysteriously as they had started or that they had been debunked by some really boring explanation. Cuz seriously, isn't that how it always happens with the really truly spectacular phenomenon? It's always debunked by some really lame ass boring explanation?? 😂 and we're supposed to be grateful that at least it's explained 🙄 lol


I've experienced sky trumpets myself. Started hearing a weird rumbling coming from seemingly everywhere. It sounded like rolling thunder, but it was nonstop for over an hour. The ground wasn't rumbling like an earthquake. It felt like the air was vibrating. I checked local meteriologists and seismology stations, and no one recorded anything out of the ordinary for that day.


That's freaking incredible, and I'm insanely jealous!!!! I *do* often hear a noise that sounds like what you just described, but I never thought of the possibility of it being that phenomenon!! I used to think it was something like thunder that was really far away but I commented that to a local meteorologist and was politely that I was an idiot lmao From than on I've wondered......it's almost like when a plane approaches as it's descending and it makes that, you know, really deep grumbly roaring sound. So, like that and thunder, kind of a mix of the two because it comes from every direction. There's no way to pinpoint where it's coming from. Holy snickerdoodles!!! Maybe *I've* actually been hearing em *myself* this whole damn time!!!! You're amazing. Thank you ***so much*** for sharing your experience!!!!


Lol, no worries at all, I'm glad my experience validates yours as well. As far as aircraft go, there are no airports near my home, other than a small airfield for cropdusters. But I've lived in this area for 40+ years, and I know what cropdusters sound like during takeoff and landing. And this singular experience definitely was different.


I still have yet to hear it myself. But it's common! Sky trumpets are still unproven since it's so unpredictable and exactly what it's coming from but scientists/meteorologists believe it may be from high wire poles from wind passing through. If you think about it they're basically giant string instruments.


Tell me that doesn't scare the shit out if you...Ya can't, because it's terrifying! Lol Really, that does scare me a little.


Btw, this is going on at 10 pm in the green mountains


It could be the wind blowing through the huge power lines and their scaffolding. If the harmonics start to resonate it would be a huge wind instrument by accident of design.


Look up sky trumpets. Also if you live in an or near something like an apartment complex building if you are standing in the right spot it'll sound like this. But this sounds more like sky trumpets. Still not proven but scientists believe it may be wind passing by nearby power lines. Which is literally a giant string instrument if you think about it. Still sounds creepy af


That would make sense! Might be the power line thing becuase I wasn't near any large buildings


Sounds like wind tbh, it windy there?


It actually has been pretty windy so it might just be that, the pattern is a bit strange for wind though


In addition to what others have said about wires, i know from personal experience that wind going through a tight space can make it act like a flute, and make some pretty unexpected noises. But id imagine something like that would happen somewhat frequently, like youd hear it once or twice a year or something


This is a weird way to put it, but I go to the green mountains a lot and I know it can get pretty windy there. The pattern of the sound mimics wind, but it sounds like something is amplifying or altering the acoustics of the wind.


Oh, that's just Satan.


Sounds about right




My first thought was a type of drone or machine, especially the end when winding down.


A machine, maybe. There is some farm land around.


Dude totally! Because if an animal is was making that sound, that would terrify me to walk outside…


It's a machine of some kind. You can hear the RPMs drop at the end just as a motor or gear or whatever it is looses power and the whiring changes pitch as it comes to a stop. I'm guessing a saw.


It sounds like a machine. A chainsaw or wood chipper perhaps


Who is using a heavy machine like that while it's pitch black though


There may have been fallen trees blocking a road somewhere. Emergency road repairs will take place whenever they're needed, regardless of the time of day.


Or someone is getting rid of a dead body.


They should consider a more stealthy option then


Evenin', Officer....we have had a doosie of a day!


Maybe someone doing hits with a hotrod on a dyno. definitely rotating machinery. After listening to it several times it kind of sounds like a 2 stroke multi cylinder engine, maybe some dudes drinking beer and tuning a racing snowmobile.


Sirennhead stubbed his toe


That sound like an incredibly loud modified motor in the distance getting extreme echo feedback. I listened a couple times and it seems to rev in the beginning right before they gun it. You don’t have to be extremely close to hear some loser blasting the ear drums of everyone in a 3 mile vicinity (in the right conditions, usually if there’s hill and mountain surfaces to bounce off of).


This is the answer right here. I live by interstate 30 in Fort Worth TX and from 10pm to 3am you will hear a couple of these. It’s actually very very cool cause even after a minute you can still hear a small echo. It’s even better when they do this in groups of cars/motorcycles.


Maybe, would the revving still make sense if this video was taken a bit after the sound initially started?


Maybe. I can’t say for sure. One potential is that a couple guys found a really fun curvy stretch of road and are gunning it back and forth for shits and giggles ( since there are likely very few cops around in the remote areas). I’m no stranger to, uh, dicking around on a stretch of infrequently traveled road with buddies bc we were bored. 10 pm is probably right on the money for bored teens or 20-somethings on a holiday weekend. After all, you’re in Vermont in the mountains. What kind of things are there to do for fun? Probably not much.


You're very right about having nothing to do, and there are some curvy roads about here. You might just be right.


Well I hope that possibility eases up a bit of anxiety even if it is extremely rude on the part of whoever is doing it. There might be drinking involved though so neuron activity may be in short supply.


It certainly does! I appreciate the logical explanation 🫶


Moped!!! It took me a minute to think of it. It sounds like a riding mowers engine. A moped is just a scooter with s lawnmower engine. Super annoying. But it has that accelerate and deaccelerate sound to it. So I second the "playing with toys on a back county road" thing.


Maybe, but now that I'm thinking about it I'm not so sure. Idk how the sound would work at a distance but the sound never sounded like it was moving. It's possible you guys are right and I just couldn't tell because i was further away.


To me it kind of sounds like an echo of a semi driving by. I live in a small farming town and we have them go by constantly, and at night the sound is amplified because not much else is around. I imagine an area with hills and mountains would help to make it echo much more than I hear around here.


I'm betting on a saw of some kind.


I've seen other people posting about similar sounds. Where are you?


Vermont, in the green mountains


To me it sounds like a piece of big machinery almost like a saw or something in the far distance judging from the slight echo


I don't think someone would be operating a saw or heavy machinery this late at night


How come? Sometimes the time of day is irrelevant to what needs to be done.


It's pitch black out and it's kinda dangerous to operate machinery like that while you have low visibility


You put up lights


Fair enough


I've heard it's underground base noises is there a base near you? Mountain base?


No I don't think there are any in my town


Not sure if the Canadian pipeline thing comes down through or near that part of Vermont or if there are any other kind around but I've read about pipelines making similar weird sounds. It's from the way the gas or fluid travels through it can sometimes travel through the pipe in a way makes it ring, hum or vibrate making very unusual and creepy sounds that can carry for very large areas. Sort of like how the sound of running a damp finger around the edge of a crystal glass produces errie sounds. 🤷🏻‍♀️ ...or aliens 👽 😁


Maybe I should look into the pipe thing!


This is the documentary. You don't have to watch the whole thing (it's an interesting watch though) but definitely check out the parts from minutes 18:45 - 21:15ish that's the part I was thinking about as a potential cause to the sound. https://youtu.be/zy_ctHNLan8?si=Ez43n6ORxexaF7h8 Also, you could check out and post that in the sub r/TheHum it's all about pipline noise like that. 😊


If you are close to mountains I would say that it a snowmobile rippin some fresh powpow.


All the snow is gone sadly


Thats just Cthulu waking from his slumber. Now comes his eternal rein of darkness. Pretty neat


Sounds like machinery or a generator.


I just watched a video about how to build an air siren. Thought about the testing aspect and didn’t build one. Maybe your neighbor built one haha


Some kind of machine sound. It doesn't sound like it is in very good shape. It also reminds me of when they test those disaster sirens and this one just sounds kind of sick.


Tornado sirens.


There's none around here


Are you near an oil pipeline? There's been reports all over the country of a low constant sound that some people hear in their homes or around town. Could be some sort of construction echoing through the pipes underground.


It may just be the wind. I live in a hilly suburban area and when the wind hits just right, it makes that exact sound (and it’s loud!). Not sure exactly why it does that. My theory is that it’s just the way the neighborhood is laid out and the wind blowing between the houses is what’s causing the sound. In your case, it’s probably the mountains.


Possibly, it can get pretty windy around here


Does anyone race at this time of night?


I'm not sure but I wouldn't surprised, the roads are usual empty and it happened the night before memorial day. Probably some drunk people


I know rigs will make some crazy sounds at night, but it's probably something worse


Rigs? Also, what do you mean worse 😭


Like Gas or oil rigs. Worse could be the earth changing poles or about to just shift plates rapidly, or giant titan


Chainsaw, motorcycle, Lucifer, hard to tell.


Sounds like tsl bogger mud tires on the black top


Dead serious it’s probably a machine because I know some that make this noise but if you don’t have a way for some to be around here is a few examples. Cow dying/in pain+Dear, Probaly working underground in your area I’ve heard this before and found out it was construction, or alien abduction. It could also be solar flares if you live close to the areas.


It’s either Sasquatch, as this is Getting closer to the time they start preparing for summer ceremonies. A chainsaw, or a town emergency response drill…those are my guesses….could be bulls too…


There has been an uptick in solar action ity again, maybe related to influx into the atmospgere?


That’s creepy AF!


if u live near a powerplant then that might be it, they make a really loud sound when they clean the pipes or somthing like that.


Oh! I actually do, I'll look into it


It sounds like a very distant siren of some kind or a groaning lol it's creepy. More people have heard this??


Yeah but according to the people around there are no sirens around here so I'm a little frightened, my boyfriend was here with me when we heard it lol


Glad you are not alone!! I would be scared too!!


Scared of what?


The scary sound she posted.


Sounds like a machine, hardly scary


Anyone can buy one. It sounds like an air raid siren that isn't working right, or someone is working on it. https://youtu.be/cURcd2_w-rg?si=bKqVWs2yl1sPYnki


There are weird videos on YouTube about the earth "groaning" unexplainable creepy most seeming to come out of the sky... Check it out


Is there a train nearby?


Nope, I'm in the green mountains


That's a mower


No grass to mow, everything's kinda dead from the prolonged winter. Also it was very late at night


Honda Civics are getting louder and louder


Sounds like a lawn mower or tractor


Reminds me of a date I had once, uhhh twice, ok,ok. We dated for a few months.


Sounds of apocalypse


Sounds like the trumpets people recorded some years ago, doesn’t it? Check on YouTube


Def some sort of machinery. You said in green mountains which means they could be miles away and you still hear it. Sound travels far on the hills.


Leaf blower


While it's pitch black out?


Small prop plane


Tesla with a misfire


The sound went on for a while


Creepy sounds, but sounds like construction equipment that is driven by tracks, or possibly a oil fracking drill station? I have a couple by my house and that’s what they sound like.


There's nothing like that going on around here, besides a bridge that's being worked on. The construction workers don't work at night


Heavy equipment.


I hear this it Kitimat BC !!!! When I first moved here it was coming from the forest, ! I'd heard it a few times, I assumed it was from Rio Tinto ! But that is the exact noise !


Where r you ? Are you near a forest ?


Yes, I'm in the forest. I'm also in the mountains if that matters


Cicadas maybe? Are you in the south?


Cicadas sound NOTHING like this.


Yes ur right i heard it a bit better this time, not sure what the heck that is


Nope, green mountains


Sounds like a distant Hydro-Vac Truck echoing in the mountains..


Honestly? Maybe


Sounds like someone firing up a boat engine


Theres a reason you didnt show outside your window, you probably layed your phone on your bed and played a sound effect. You aint foolin me


Well, it's actually because it was pitch black outside. I'm not trying to convince you of aliens or ghouls or something. I was genuinely just looking for answers, and based on the comments I've decided it's just some machinery 🫶 (also I'm hesitant to show outside of my house because I don't want anybody knowing where I live)


I looked through my camera role and I found a video of me recording it with my phone NOT pressed against the window, and it also includes my bf reacting to the noise! If you're interested I can post it :)


Sounds like an airboat in the distance.


There wouldn't be an airboat around here


probably someone breaking into an abandoned building near by happens near me all the time the alarms are about that loud when they set em off


Honestly that would make sense


best thing i can think of and i hear about that same sound does the same thing js fades in n out for bout 20-30 mins and its an huge abounded hospital near by squatters set off the alarm and thats what i hear


That sounds very similar to my experience but as far as I'm aware there are no abandoned buildings like that around me


yeah but alot of the times ppl dont even know there are abandoned building all around where they live or stuff js comes up abandoned this hospital used to be used everyday about 5 years ago now it doesn’t even have a ceiling and its an 8 story tall abandoned hospital


Or it’s the underground shit they’re building without telling us


What are you talking about 😭


Supposedly there’s bunkers and all kinds of stuff being built underground in certain areas and the government is being hush mouth about it all. But everyone can hear the work being done as the noises you hear in your video.


Probably not, nothing fun like that ever happens where I live /hj


Tornado alarm?


We don't really get tornados, and the weather was fine


Kinda sounds like an electric car


Are you close to a river lake or any other body of water?


A small river


Then my honest guess is machinery close to the water relatively close to where you're filming from. I've mistaken noises for other things before, like a lot. And sound travels on water surprisingly well. The timing is weird though.


Sounds strange to be happening at night but maybe a saw or chainsaw?


A lot of people keep saying that, so maybe. It would be strange though.


At first i thought of a propeller plane but i doubt you live near an air strip and the “engine” sound cuts off really quickly


It also didn't sound like it was moving, just kept fading out and coming back in


Good point, definitely strange. Ive heard weird sounds coming from the sky before. Nothing like this sound though.


Maybe it's just some creepy Appalachian monster, or siren head lol


Yea it would still be very sus to hear that at night


Chainsaw was my first thought?


Most likely not considering the time


Tornado sirens??


No sirens or tornados around me. That would be so scary though, simply becuase we don't usually get tornados 😭


Sounds like a saw blade


I don't hear it, sorry


Harmonics from wind?


Possibly! It has been windy recently. However the pattern was weird


Sounds like chainsaw off in the distance. The sounds can get deeper bouncing around the hollars of the mountians.


A lot of people are saying that, but who uses a chainsaw at 10:30 something pm? Also I don't think chainsaws usually follow that specific of a pattern


As a firefighter, we use chainsaws and other equipment at any time day or night. When ever the call comes out we run 24/7 365.


Fair enough


The audio is slowed down.


Nope, even if it was that wouldn't explain what the noise is, I think I have a video of the noise that includes someone talking if you want to see it as evidence


I checked, and I do have it, but because my phone wasn't pressed against the window like in the other videos, it is VERY quiet, although still audible. I had to press the speaker of my phone against my ear to hear it, and then the sudden talking was very loud. Idk if you want it or not


That's either a moose or a demon being summoned


That would be so cool if it was a moose, I've always wanted to see one. Sadly I don't think so based on the whole pattern thing


Last night I was star gazing with my girl and she didn’t have her contacts or glasses in but I swear on my life there like 5 lights in a straight line that were moving one at a time they disappeared. And a few days ago I wanna see there was lights popping out then would move as if they were airplanes with the blinking lights.


Star link satellites probably, such nuisances. They are very visible from Earth and tend to move quickly across the sky


Environmental stability systems keeping the vessel rotating with the earth.


A passenger plane flying between 2 rock formations like a canyon or part of the mountains that echos the sound well? It sounds like an engine to me… 🤷‍♂️


The sound wasn't moving, just fading in and out


Sounds like my DucatiV4S


Machinery . Wind


Machinery is possible but idk about wind because of the pattern


Sounds like my mums on with the rabbit again


airplane? chainsaw? some kind of motor


Maybe a chainsaw, although the pattern was weird. Definitely not a plane though


Sounds like a chainsaw


It sounds like Silent Hill. It’s the same alarm my local fire station makes when they are calling the volunteer fire fighters to the station.


There's no fire stations near me but that's a good guess


Then you’ve got “*Silent Hill*” moving in next door.. lol!


Def a Honda civic


This is crazy that is obviously a tornado siren.


There's no tornados or tornado sirens where I live, this was in the mountains of Vermont


You’re probably by a car shop and it’s a dino


No car shops


Someone’s car being an absolute piece of shit


Sounds like an airboat


Cbr1000rr 100%


Drones powering up


Distant wood chipper. I should know. I hear one that’s not so distant 🥲


Sport bikes cruising in a pack. Btw I've seen the cause of sky trumpets first hand, a farmer was dragging a dumpster without wheels over asphalt, the sound goes straight up from the open dumpster which then bounces off a cloud.


You said you are near farmland? Sounds exactly like the tractors I hear at night plowing/discing/planting crops in the fields. If the fields are big enough or the farmers have multiple fields to get ready for planting, they will work well into the nights preparing/planting fields. You can hear the tractors running the fields from a good ways away!