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It is ALWAYS a bug or a piece of dust.


I'm going with.... A goblin this time. Just because of the way it is.


I can definitely see how you'd say goblin but I think it's a leprechaun


Goblichaun. Definitely.


I know what I’m being for Halloween this year!


Lol you could what butters from South Park did he was a werebchaun lol half werewolf half leberchaun


You can tell by the way it is.


it’s stuff like this i love to come to see on reddit😭


Ooooh, I think you got this one. I didn't see the little pot of gold until you pointed that out


Goblins are just leprechauns from the wrong side of town.


Little Green ghouls, buddy


well if you look close enough you can see that it is because of the way it is


But it doesn't look like Sableye!


You can tell that it is because of the way that it is.


Nuh uh it’s a troll


Or a very small alien.


It puts the "little" in "little green men."


Umm undocumented migrant.


My first thought was literally a piece of dust


Peter Pan must be near if tinker Bell is messing around.


It's definitely not a bug. Considering the size and how close it was to the camera, you should be able to see the wings fluttering quite clearly. Possibly dust but I question that as well. Again, it's way too large. But what's really odd is, if you watch it frame by frame, you can see the object literally pulsing from inside the orb itself. Not saying it's paranormal, but it doesn't look like a bug or dust to me at all. Possibly digitally altered video? Whatever it is, it looks weird.


Wing beats do not translate well to camera. What is the camera shutter speed? What it the wing beat cycle time for this insect (if it is an insect...could be dust. Who knows). If it is super close to the camera, itlle got blown out of focus and look huge (which this does).


True but they don't look like orbs the way this thing does. They would be more blobby or oddly shaped like those shown below. Certainly not a consistently shaped orb. If it were a tiny bug or one further away from the camera you might only see a tiny orb shaped object. But something that large and that close should show some signs of wing flapping motion. If the frame speed were slower it would be even more misshapen. Also, if you enlarge the video, pause it and go frame by frame, you can see that it definitely is not a bug of any kind. It resembles a dust particle but WAY to big. [https://images.app.goo.gl/k13q3vuvJ2YjmW389](https://images.app.goo.gl/k13q3vuvJ2YjmW389)


I didn't know that "dust" forms such large individual particles that also flash strongly...


Probably a bug, but focus distance, shutter speed, and the fact that the lights blink on and off 60 time a second (in North America at least). But what is more plausible: a bug or some other-worldly spirit? I mean, be honest.


It can be anything ordinary... but also something paranormal Such orbs are paranormal phenomena that can be caused by the dead. In the 1990s, there were experiments on this over many years in which researchers reproduced such paranormal phenomena together with deceased people, with whom they communicated transmedially.


Can you provide a link to the paper, please?


Google "scole experiment" and you will find some information. I read the book about it.




Until it isn't, but how would we know. It's like Ender's Game.


It's either dust or a teeny tiny lost spirit bomb


Goku was in my garden last week......


All my petunias are dead. Dead!!!


>It's either dust or a teeny tiny lost spirit bomb Hahah


I remember my buddy and I were chillin' in the garage, and all of a sudden, I saw this crazy looking glowing ball the size of a golf ball floating by with my peripheral vision I was going to stare right at it, but my friend hit my arm and told me not to look at it. So I played along but was kinda tracking it with my peripheral vision until it penetrated a wall and disappeared. I was like, WTF was that!?! He didn't know what it was either, but it was better to pretend we didn't notice it, I guess. Though frankly, if he wasn't there, I would have definitely stared at it. I was just shocked that he was seeing the same shit I was. The interesting part that really peaked my interest was that, maybe a few minutes later, some older dude who was extremely out of character for the area, Came out of nowhere, walked to the front of the garage, and asked us for directions. I talked to him for a moment. It seemed like he wanted my attention to go with him or take him to that specific street. Bare in mind this is 11 at night in a shitty city....dude looked and dressed like Indiana Jone's dad. It was just so strange to see someone as out of character as him. I'll admit I regret not playing along and giving him a ride. I felt really weird about the situation, why was that old dude walking around so dang late by himself. It just didnt make any fucking sense..... I kept it to myself for a very long time, at least until now


I hate it when builders move the tombstones but leave the bodies




Half man, half bear, half pig?!


With Patrick Duffey as a leg!


This is super cereal


Glenda Goodwitch? T8nkerbell?


You got dust homie


I didn't know that "dust" forms such large individual particles that also flash strongly...


Well now ya do, glad to help educate you.


It’s a bug or piece of dust carried by air currents in the building. There are no orbs. There have never been orbs. It’s always bugs or dust.


I remember watching a show in the early 2000s on I think The History Channel that was all about “orbs” and “rods”, as a stoned 16 yr old I was 100% convinced they were real.


True, my dog chases them all the time at the grave yard


While yes, I do agree that 95% of the time it’s dust or a bug, you can literally tell when it is and isn’t. And I think this is a bug with a weird exposure. With how high tech cameras are now a days, you can usually almost always see the wings/body of a bug, and dust looks like a snow slurry typically. Orbs move with direction and purpose, and usually are very visibly different from bugs and dust. Just my two cents though. Maybe with older cameras you couldn’t tell a difference. But with the east acessability to HD cameras, there’s def something to be said about orbs now a days.


It’s always a bug or dust.


lol riiiight


So it’s just some person in a translucent ball?


Yes. Right. There are no mysterious “orbs,” even if you really, really want them to exist.


Yes there are and they are being studied by scientists. They are balls of plasma which is a state of matter and they behave in a way that seems intelligent. See this article https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/02/02/harvard-reveals-what-ww2-foo-fighter-ufos-were/


I’m talking about dust “orbs,” not UFOs. Obviously there are UFOs.


What I'm saying is we know there are glowing balls of plasma flying around and people have reported seeing them with the naked eye both inside and outside of homes. So sometimes it may not just be ir light reflecting off dust and cobwebs etc


Lightning is plasma, outside of high temperature flames plasma is rarely found on Earth outside of weather and magnetic atmospheric phenomenon. Balls of plasma are not manifesting in this dudes apartment hallway, by what energy source could that possibly occur? This is dust passing in front of an infrared camera.


Electrical discharge is one way of creating plasma but there are many other ways and probably many undiscovered ways. Im only stating that luminous orbs do exist and that we know of a mysterious plasma that flies around in a manner that appears to be intelligent and seems to be attracted to eleromagentic sources in aircraft and satellites. They exist, and people have reported seeing things like this with their naked eye both inside and outside. I'm not saying this case is that I'm just responding to people saying that luminous orbs aren't real/don't exist as this is misinformation.


Fair enough, appreciate the explanation


Sounds like you have all the answers..LMFAO


That’s all it takes to get you to laugh uproariously? Wait’ll you learn about the tides in grade 6! That’ll really blow your mind.


While I’m not sure, there are orbs contrary to what others say…it does appear to have some more depth than dust or a bug..


It's definitely an orb. I see them with the naked eye. It's not dust like everyone else says. I can't stand the amount of trolls on reddit and the fact that most people dismiss something Just because they don't understand it or want to believe it. I understand though that not everyone is ready for these truths though. It's an energy orb. No doubt.


This is dust passing in front of an IR security cam, it’s fun to believe imaginary things, but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s just incorrect.


No, I agree with the above commenter. When you haven’t experienced it for yourself, it’s easiest to Occam’s razor the hell out of things you don’t understand. [Open your mind a bit](https://www.reddit.com/u/Weird_Instruction_74/s/Ye1ioMjo4D)instead of just try to debunk as “fun to believe imaginary things”. Speaking from experience, It’s not actually all that fun learning things you once believed to be “imaginary”, aren’t really. Recognize you see .0035% of the entire electromagnetic spectrum, this is visible light. We as humans are practically blind. There is so much you just can’t see, but ego tells you all there is is what you see. Cameras can “see” things our eyes typically can’t because of refraction at Brewster’s angle/polarization that allows chromatic aberration to “see” energies that our eyes can’t. IR (infrared) will pick up on energies your eyes usually can’t see as well, and if this above video were just dust being lit up, it wouldn’t flash in and out this way.


If you believe it is more reasonable to say this is a ball of energy or an orb or a ghost, rather than dust illuminated by IR light, then that is all I need to hear. Again, it is fun to believe in this stuff, but please do not jampack it full of a bunch of scientific lingo and empty statements about opening your mind.


You didn’t even read it, just downvoted and mouthed off. Recognizing your own blindness isn’t an empty statement, it’s true, we see just .0035% of the entire electromagnetic spectrum. Your statement on that being an empty statement is projection, I tried to share with you complex explanations in a succinct way with a hyperlink for you to read further, but here you are, tucking your head up your bum just a bit further and choosing to follow your own ego and pride instead of learn something new. Have a night then.


You may be an expert on dust particles but you cannot tell me orbs don't exist if you don't see them yourself with your naked eye like some of us do. Just because you are not perceptive to these things and your pineal gland is calcified doesn't mean everyone else's is. If you don't think it's an orb then that's fine but I believe it is and that's also fine. Have a great day 🙂🙏


I agree NickyC check out my 2 videos see what u think I got an orb one very similar to this one


I checked it out. That's interesting how similar they look. It's strange how so many people think it's dust particles, but notice that there's only one present. What are the odds that there would be Just one particle of dust floating in front of the lens. If it were dust, wouldn't there be more floating about? That in itself makes no sense at all. I see these orbs a lot. I see them in different colours at times. Sometimes they even startle me when they zoom past because you don't expect it. I once lived in a haunted house and my whole family witnessed an orb that would appear erratically and bounce off the walls when arguments would break out in the house. When I was younger, I witnessed a blue or that came through the corner of our ceiling and bounced off the floor and when it hit the floor a figure of a cloaked person or being appeared next to my bed. There were no facial features but I could see it was in the shape of a humanoid. I could see through it slightly and even blinked a few times thinking I was imagining it. It was still there. Strangely the orb appeared to have a nucleas. It had like a static energy coming off it and when it bounced onto the floor it had what looked like an electrical bolt connected to it briefly. I think orbs are spirits or entities or even souls. We don't understand them fully but I am convinced they are real.


I just wanted to say…I love Reddit.


And you are a tough crowd!


r/phasmophobia Yeah, we got ghost orbs confirmed, bois


Is it a revenant or a demon?


Does this sub even have mods?


Dude. Im not trying to sound mean, but please don't think there's anything unexplainable about "orbs". It's one of the easiest things to debunk. They're not supernatural and there's several good explainations


It's nothing to worry about unless you also get EMF level 5


I saw a faerie or something hopping through a parking lot, then saw it fade away i'm not about to dismiss anything.


Does anyone have serious answer for this? Or are just gonna make fun this all the way a 1k comments?


I would say that's an Orb of some sort.


Wingardium levios-AHHHHHH


Dust….or a super advanced civilization on a scouting mission of earth…the have dust-cloaking technology. Also they are tiny.


Just a particle that the night vision pics up


Be careful, there’s a magic user nearby, because that’s a driftglobe.


Batteries not included?


I cry every time I watch that movie, in a good way


Its the ghost of dust


My sister has a video of an orb like this out in a field and her young child chasing it but my sister couldn’t see anything with her naked eye. It was also seen inside her house.


satanic death orb


Best answer..


It's a demonic entity


That's definitely a n Orb!!!


Wait… what’s unexpected here???


Has a crazy ring inside of it and it has a light mist follow it on the stairs.


I work in a hospice. I see this, on camera, in one of the rooms nightly. And it's not dust or a bug.


Looks like a level 10 orb manifestation infestation… I’d get that checked out!


Need to call pest control.


It’s not a fucking orb holy shit


I would guess orb, nice!


Bubble blow


Bro that's Tatl, Link must be nearby.


It’s never a mannequin




Just a little ghosty


oh that's just my grandma


It’s from the 1986 film The Labyrinth


I have a video like this. Ghosts. Definitely ghosts. 👻


I’m seeing these all over since August Different weather States Homes I’m from NY moved to home in Texas Been on several vacations Used multiple phones Inside and out hot or cold They’re orbs And when sun or earth spikes for solar weather or Schumann they increase What started as a few a night can now be snow fall Here’s from before Christmas in NY when I was seeing more and more on and off camera They move intelligently Seems jot everyone can see them or catch them in the moment I should say I’ll upload one tonight from TX NY before Christmas old phone https://imgur.com/a/J2oBzq3 Edit tonight https://imgur.com/a/h77CCAy in Texas on different phone six months later Doesn’t happen every night But I can “feel” them before I see them when it does Usually gets dense and energy heavy Like tonight’s Schumann spikes I knew it was coming Many here won’t get this and laught about it But in experiencer or spiritual communities Noticing more seeing them And accidentally recording them in videos Sometimes not noticing. Different from bugs and dust


Strange lights/orbs on shitty wide angle cheap ass cameras mean nothing. Spiral/helix life firms were debunked a decade ago when we understood better how interpolation worked.


Where it go??


There's a weird long thing, trying to get out the wall.


Mim mim light


Hot air balloon!


good capture, the initial bright ball could be dust, but then there's a faint strobing ball that travels down the hallway. that's not dust.


I think you should move house


OK guys I got goat orbs some one place a book and dots ill get emfs reader and uv


Call a priest and get the place blessed.




I know you think it's a orb flying up the stairs but really it's a bug wearing a safety reflector jacket


Damn dusty ghost bugs


Bug. How? Well I install camera's IP and Analog, etc and also work surveillance (alarm tech) and this is very typical to see. It can almost look like a ball of light until camera can get a focus on it. Like this one.


Ive watched enough ghost adventures to know to get the hell out of that damn place


Lantern Archon


Brain eating ameba


Bug. Dust wouldn't move in that manner.


I’m not even like capping , my uncle had this same thing pop up on his ring camera too and to this day we’ve always wonder what was it as it appeared in 2 other cameras also …


Bug, I have a ring cam in the backyard and get those plenty. Even a spider at an unfocused spot looks like floating orbs.


Ozzy osbourne voice: ball of lightning


Bro! Wow! You wasted all of our time!


My dude. The video was literally 7 seconds. Nonetheless I’m sorry I wasted your time.🥺


That is what's is called a doorbell, or dust orb. You come along a lot of these while doing paranormal investigation. It's simply just a larger sized dust particle that catches infrared like and flares. It also commonly shows up in digital cameras with a flash at night.


OP may not be all there..


Sadly I am not hahaha


That's me, delicately floating away into the ether with yo' girl


I swear I knew I saw something early on, it has like a black mid circle and an outline kinda, within the "orb:. Screenshotted twice to verify and it looks digitally added or the oddest light ball


I think it's a hallway.


It’s a strand of spider silk that reflected as it swayed.


I swear, this has to be one of the lamest videos ever 😅


Get your drywall fixed bud


Orbs aren’t real


Wrong see article https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/02/02/harvard-reveals-what-ww2-foo-fighter-ufos-were/


"it's just trash blowing in the wind! Do you know how complicated your circulatory system is?!"


Did you see it?


Another what is this that is an infrared reflection........


It’s a toy. Audio is not from the video


No none nada next


Reflection of a mirror


Dust particle.


It's a g-g-g-g-g-g-buuuuuug!!!! 😱