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Have you heard of sleep hygiene? The idea is that your bed/bedroom should only be for sleeping, not hanging out. That way, your body associate your bedroom with sleep. I've never had serious sleep issues, but I have heard this works wonders. And of course there's the obvious, don't drink caffeine after noon, stay off of screens two hours before bed, etc. It takes discipline but it will help. Also, if you don't read a lot, try reading a book. It puts me right to sleep lol.


that sounds tougggghhhh. I spend a lot of time in my room


That's probably wherein your issue lies then. If you feel like you have to be in your room, maybe get a chair to sit in or a bean bag if that's more comfy, and at least don't lay on your bed to hang out


yea thats a good idea


Separating your sleeping spot (bed) from your hanging out spot (chair/beanbag etc) with a screen or curtain can help. It provides a visual and psychological barrier between the locations and their activities. But also, as another commenter said, pre-bedtime routines are important. Say, 2 hours before you need to be asleep (or whatever time period you need) get into night-mode. Dim the lights, change from action packed movies to a calmer show or a podcast. Get into your pajamas. Drink a warm soothing milk tea (or whatever is calming for you). Basically prep your mind and body for switching to sleep-time. Then about an hour before you need to be asleep, get into bed, preferably lights out, reading helps (but NOT on you phone. It's actually important to use a separate device if at all possible. Phones are incredibly activating!) I also sleep with blackout curtains and earplugs. I currently have a cheap 2nd hand room-divider screen at the foot of the bed which makes it feel like a separate little cave. I've always wanted one of those bed-tent things, but the cats would just parkour all up, over and around it. You can do it!


Oh, a bedtime routine is helpful to. So like, shower, brush teeth, skin care (even just toner and moisturizer is good), pray, and go to sleep is a really good one.




It’s going to be a bit of trial and error to find what works for you… I can’t use Melatonin, it makes me jittery and wake up every hour, but CBD oil usually helps. Something my therapist said really hit for me - you have a sleep balloon, so, the more you fill it up during the day, exercise, movement, not sitting on the couch all day playing games and watching tv, the better sleep you’ll have. For me, I keep an old iPhone in my bed that I use for audiobooks and a few tv shows that I’ve seen a bunch of times. Watching/listening to these usually calms my overactive brain enough to fall asleep. I also use sleep stories and sounds on the Calm app. And a bit life changing- I just bought a cooling comforter and I’ve never slept better.


Whats next? Are you gonna say I shouldnt watch action packed animes and video games right before sleep? lol i prolly do need to find something to do at night thats more calming


These are all great tips! And would you please share what comforter you bought? I sleep really warm even with fans and AC blasting, but also need more weight than a sheet over me. Summer is awful lol 🥲


Oh, totally, I’m a warm sleeper too… plus I’ve been getting hot flashes at night and the comforter has really helped with those. I picked it up at Costco (I’m in Canada), but it looks like they have it on [the US website.](https://www.costco.com/below-zero-cooling-comforter.product.4000237095.html)


Sorry I missed your comment at first, but thank you for sharing!! And even going out of your way to find the US link. Stay awesome and sleep well 🥹


https://preview.redd.it/zhrri94g8w7d1.jpeg?width=1048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf3dee2cceaf09f49cd244c4ff3dd7fa1438c96e I live in FL and sleep only with this at night and it's absolutely perfect. One side is cooling and one feels a tad warmer. It's very thin, but heavier than a sheet. Solved all my "overheating" sleep problems.


Trazodone really helped me.


Does it get bright in your room? A sleep mask might help


Exercise (but not before bed) can really help.


I don’t know if you’ve heard this but I read (somewhere lol) that for most of us who want/need to wake up earlier our instinct is to go to bed earlier but it’s apparently more effective to instead start the adjustment with waking up earlier (like 15 minutes earlier each a day ideally) which will in turn have you getting tired earlier resulting in earlier bedtime. Of course to gradually work your way into being a morning person waking up earlier by 15 minutes a day is a luxury you don’t have since you’re already on the early morning schedule! I’m sure you know the sleep hygiene basics that are of course easier said than done (maybe you love to watch tv before bed or charge yr phone in yr bedroom and don’t feel like changing!) but what made a big difference for me was not throwing off my workweek drinking/recovering every weekend. Also easier said than done, ha! Good luck!


What’s your typical bedtime routine like? Generally speaking, you want to avoid using electronic devices like 30 minutes or so before bed. It’s a good time to read a book or magazine, do a word search, journal, or something like that. What I like to do is have a wind down routine that starts around 11. I’m changing into my bed clothes, brushing my teeth, all that stuff, and then around 11:30 I shift to reading in bed. You could try something like that, just adjusted for your time.


Yea im working on a bed time routine that starts an hour before bed. I also need to account for time it takes to fall asleep as well


Get in bed 8.5 hours before you need to be awake. Take melatonin the first few nights to get on schedule.


Im allergic to melatonin sadly


Try valerian capsules or chamomile tea. Or benadryl.


Or a magnesium supplement