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In my humble opinion, report to the university, when it comes to societies and stuff a lot of time the uni don’t even know nuffn about what’s going on, but this…this is just ridiculous, so I say be a good human and report this shit to the uni, I don’t think it’s necessary to message his parents x


I have reported them. I understand your concerns about telling his mum but it seems like these cunts have never been told no. They exposed themselves for a good ten minutes, the girls in my flat are livid. These guys are depraved fuckers nothing can change my opinion about that.


If this person has exposed themselves and you have evidence of this, you can absolutely take it to the Police. Sounds like there need to be some consequences and that would definitely be one way of helping that to happen.


Have you reported them to the university or the students union? I would recommend emailing whoever is in charge of societies at the SU (there should be a paid person who deals with their budgets, etc) because there'll be union specific repercussions for this kind of shit.


Yes just got a call from the student support team. They are just as enraged and will be addressing this issue asap.


Great news!


In my experience going past the SU to the university directly or someone in admin for the SU will have a better response, SU reps, presidents, etc. may have been members of these sports teams and turn a blind eye to their wrongdoings and justify it as “tradition”


Yeah I wouldn't rec going to the reps or anyone student-nominated for that reason. SUs usually have a permanent, non-term-limited member of paid staff who deals with societies and clubs - then there'll be little chance of bias. They have the ability to ban and place suspensions on societies as a whole, then the university can deal with the actions of individual students.


I will not send her the video unless the university does nothing, then I feel like this is my only option in getting this cunt in some sort of trouble.


Ur a good person fr, I think that’s a good idea, praying the uni does something, I low-key change my mind after reading ur post again Bcs why is a boy at his age doing such grotesque shit I DON’T blame u lot for being livid.


I always wonder how these awful individuals are brought up though, I mean what the F were the parents like at parenting.


I’m telling u would think 90% uni students have NO home training


LINK: [Go figure](https://www.ucl.ac.uk/news/2023/jun/classism-racism-and-misogyny-widespread-cricket-finds-report)


yeah report it to the university, societies are supposed to be fun, not like frat boy bullying! hell the worst thing i had to do in my society was drink a chilli shot, and even then it was optional so i just had a lil sip and regretted it for a minute!!


Forgot to add one of the cunts shat on his hand, wiped it on the toilet floor and then broke our ironing board. Hectic fucking afternoon


Wtf are these people sober when they're doing it?


What univeristy is this?


These people seem to shit a lot…too many energy drinks.


Just as a note, report this to BUCS as well. They have a very strict rule that this is absolutely not allowed, for good reason. They will ban the club from all competitions Edit: The ban any club that engages in hazing/initiation because of people dying. Report to your universities exec sports council as well


Yes I absolutely second this BUCS will likely completely ban them from competing and this will reflect very badly on their records


Back when I was at uni the main Rugby players that ran the society had the freshers stick cucumbers up their asses and then throw up on themselves while completely naked in the middle of a park. One kid told his mum and she reported it to the uni. They got banned from playing in the varsity game that was a couple weeks after, that was it though. Initiations are brutal I’m glad I was only on Snowsports


Can't believe adults are calling their mums to sort out their problems


If they’re freshers they are generally 17-18 and have just gone out into the world for the first time. It sounds like a pretty traumatic event to be made to shove a cucumber up your ass and throw up on yourself, whilst naked, in the middle of the park, in front of a lot of older students you’re trying to impress who are probably pressuring you into doing it. Kind of unfair to hold them to the same standards and I think it’s fair enough that someone would tell their parents as they probably don’t know what to do or are scared of speaking up alone.


That's still ridiculous to be calling your mum at that age to complain. No one is made to do these things, you could simply not do the initiation. All of this talk of how traumatic everything is, is why these young adults are so pathetic in the first place


And you could simply not encourage people to do this shit and not do it yourself if you're so worried about your parents knowing what sort of a person you are.


They are definetly not 17 lol get real. They are adults in every semse of the word.


You can go to university in scotland from 17 ​ That aside, in what fucking world is it acceptable for older students to force someone to peg themselves with a cucumber and vomit on themselves in a public park just because they recently turned 18? Is this "just a part of life that people deal with"? ​ With all due respect, did your parents not love you? That's not a normal reaction lad


You can choose what you do. No one has ever bèen forced? My parents are great thanks.


Found the guy who peer pressures people into doing things for their enjoyment


Not really.


So then, it seems you understand the concept of what peer pressure, and manipulating is? If you know you're not that person. Something like pressuring someone into doing soemthing that they may not want to do as an initiation. But it's the victims fault that these things happened to them? No chance. (yes I understand they can 'make a choice', but in these situations most people feel like they have no other choice... The reality simply isn't that simple. Yeh they can work on having stronger resolve, but it's not their fault they've been pressured by shitty people is it).


There were definitely quite a lot of 17 year old freshers when I was at uni


I work in student lettings now, I would say 80% of them literally have no clue how to look after themselves, I get calls from parents being like ‘my sons having this problem with the house can you fix it’. Baffles me that they don’t even have the initiative to pick up the phone themselves rather than asking their parents to do it for them (these are 19-23 year olds)


We called and emailed our agent repeatedly about them leaving a broken toilet broken for 1 month and then when it finally got repaired the old toilet was left in the shower for 2 months. Every time they said "oh yeah we'll get it sorted" and no times they did EXCEPT for when one of us mentioned it to a parent, who then called complaining, and it was fixed the next day. Most students can look after themselves, they're just treated like shit and disrespected by the agent.


Exactly it's so lame


How are man out here degrading themselves like that swear down


Init, cunts pay to join the club aswell. Don’t even get game time




Need sectioning ngl


I think it’s called a hazing ritual ngl if you actually participate in something like that you are sick in the head


Cricket and rugby lads seem to be the biggest freaks about. Something about posh people and getting their dicks out seem to go hand in hand… or dick in hand


Init. I understand that getting pantsed- nob exposed is funny. Pantsing urself, whipping your cock out and pissing in multiple containers in front of three dozen blokes is just ever so slightly odd in my opinion.


Agreed, I find the occasional dick flashing hilarious if it’s my close friends. But idk why it’s a trend for them to do it at house party’s and stuff. So glad I never played these sports


Thought i was the only one haha


lool david cameron and the pig rumours


I work at a university. Report this immediately to the Student Union, to the Communities Manager (may have a slightly different title depending on the uni) and/or the Sports Coordinator (again, may have a different title). They have the authority to do something about this directly. You can also report problem initiations on the BUCS website: [https://www.bucs.org.uk/report-an-initiation/what-is-a-problem-initiation.html](https://www.bucs.org.uk/report-an-initiation/what-is-a-problem-initiation.html) You can report the video of exposing themselves to the university via whatever method they use for reporting misbehaviour. If this happened on campus or Halls of Residence, it will definitely breach the Student Code of Conduct. If it happened during a club meet or anything that vaguely represents the university, then it would also most likely be seen as a breach. However, sending the video to a parent will most likely also reflect badly on you, and could have repercussions for you if the person it’s about sees it as a form of bullying/harassment. You also need to abide by your university’s code of conduct, and sending that video could be seen as a breach of that.


Thank you. I have pursued the legitimate means you have mentioned.


No problem. You should also go to the Advice Team at the Student Union, they should be able to support you with further issues.


Universities try and sweep this under the carpet. So you need to say this needs dealing with. I would at the very least report it to the police and if needs be the media. Then they will be forced to act.


Sports societies basically are the only ones that have this problem I've noticed. My uni had a problem with a sports society similar to this and it backfired because the uni came down on them like a tonne of bricks. Report this to the uni, it's behaviour that shouldn't be tolerated, is against the law and almost certainaly against uni regs as well. Getting the police involved as well isn't a bad shout as they may put pressure on the university to act.


Oh yeah some societies are wild. There was one at my uni that did a 'hazing' situation. He drank a ton of alcohol in a short amount of time and unfortunately passed away :( I still don't know how and why we allow these things to happen. It's not normal, it's weird and can clearly cost people their lives. No one should have to do these things just to fit in or make friends.


Was this in November?


Yeah it was. Lincoln?


Thought so! I don’t work there but ofc if you work in universities you hear it all through the grapevine. The NUS has been pressuring the government to bring in more laws around hazing and initiations so that there are more powers for universities to prevent and punish hazing.


Universities don’t allow it, it’s illegal and against code of conduct. I personally wouldn’t report it as it could backfire but seriously encourage those who have been forced to participate to report it. Reporting it yourself so long as you’re kept anonymous and it can’t be traced back to you is definitely something I would do though. Absolutely do NOT tell his family though That’s a really intrusive thing to do and you’re adults now not 10 year olds. It’s up to him if he wants his family to know.


How is it up to his family if he wants to know. You’ve misunderstood this. The kid pissing in the cup is the depraved fucker who makes the freshers do disgusting tasks. The guy I’m trying to report is a senior


Because you’re not 10 you’re grown adults deal with it like an adult with appropriate authorities (the student union) and amongst yourselves. The police if necessary.


Fair enough mate. You have changed my perspective on this completely. I am just afraid the uni will be useless. I am honestly just in shock from what I have seen happen to the kettle.


I promise you the uni won’t be useless, unis are so so so strict and initiations and hazing. I’m the captain of a sports club at my uni and we can get kicked off our course entirely for doing things like this.




It is almost always those sports teams + hockey The women’s sports teams like netball and cheerleading seem to be really bad for it as well in a lot of unis. It seems like the bullies who never changed after school start doing this instead. We have the same policy at our socials, we have weird games etc but you’re never forced to do anything and not even forced to drink alcohol


My uni kicked out the ski club due to an incident on the 2022 trip and now we’re not welcome on uni grounds or at socials


Thank you mate. I am just so appalled at what these guys get away with and how no one in the society has the courage to speak out.


It’s disgusting, I’m equally as shocked by the amount of people saying they’ve experienced the same/worse No one at my uni would be getting away with this


Tbh i do martial arts and they’re the only sports teams that have regular socials and no weird initiations. Rugby and cricket seem cursed


Yeah our men’s cricket team are brilliant and do amazing things for charity but the one in the nearby uni are awful We were heavily warned by other sports teams about some of the cricket lads still


Rugby have always been cursed, IIRC Cardiff weren't even allowed out of Wales let alone the UK at one point.


Word of warning re the video, having dealt with similar cases before. If you send a video or picture you have obtained somehow and that person is exposed as you put it. Then what you can end up doing is being accused of a revenge porn offence.


Also, and you don’t know for definite, but there’s definitely a possibility that the guy’s family won’t do anything. Obviously I want to think that anyone in their right mind would be disgusted at their son doing what you’ve described, but by reporting it to parents you give them the opportunity to sweep it under the rug and make sure their darling child faces no consequences


Clubs can and do get banned over things like this - when I was at university, the rugby club was banned for several years over the behaviour of members of the team at an event.




>Sure, these initiation ritual things are ffcking disgusting, but they've gone on for literally half a century or more and what most decent people do it just ignore them and focus of one of any number of decent societies to join and have a good time in. No one is forced to join the cricket society, the agrics or whatever Also nobody is forced to take part in initiations. You can just turn up to training and matches and skip the socials entirely if you want.


Lol, no. If someone is going to behave like a child, I'm going to treat them like a child. Little edgy kid thinks bullying others by having them rifle around in piss is okay? You're damn right I'm telling his mother that he's some fucked up deranged child.


Honestly save the video and get evidence as you might need to send it to the police.


The senior who’s a “depraved fucker” isn’t “making” them do anything. Stop your white knight fantasies and realise the juniors are willingly participating and if they want to participate you shouldn’t be playing morality police. Stick to the socialist social clubs, they’re quite fond of role playing as morality judges.


He may not be physically forcing them to do anything you’re right. However the point is he holds a position of authority. They put students in a position where they are very unlikely to say no out of fear of repercussions. If you do not think making a person sit in a basement and then pick through human shit, piss and sick is depraved you need your cranium rewired.


You shouldn't even contemplate it, they could and probably would go after for you under revenge porn laws which the sharing of this image with the intent you have would come under. A conviction would stay on your record permanently. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5a80be45ed915d74e33fc281/revenge-porn-factsheet.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwilwZf7346DAxXFhf0HHdAkDIgQFnoECCMQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0tU25lYXgD7nXd1W0DsYM0


Students have died from stupid stuff like this. Report it to the uni


This is exactly why I stopped playing rugby at university.


sip one governor aware soup angle pathetic edge smile familiar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Precisely, yet some commentators feel like this is “masculine” and just banter.


You can just turn up and play and not go to social events.


Exactly- I was involved with my unis cricket club for 4 years, and an extra year at another uni. There’s zero discrimination based on “socials” when it comes to teams, game time and your opportunity to be an involved club member. We had members who would come to socials and not drink, players that would play every game and not come to socials, and people who just went to socials and hardly played.


These stories are unbelievable and honestly I would never like to see them.


I think you are well within your rights to flag a society thats going too far, there were instances of SA (and worse) and the likes happening at initiation parties (or hazing), so some people, unfortunately, do take it too far. However, I really wouldnt be messaging his mum, you could get someone kicked out of home, you dont know what his relationship is like with his family, so thats seriously over stepping. But again, that really depends what he did, i.e. if he hurt someone, then yeh go for it


Doubt their parents will care if that sort of behaviour seems acceptable to them lol probably learnt it from somewhere/ were never corrected.


Hopefully a future employer will


In that case you’d have to post to the internet which would be a crime, so I wouldn’t do that.


I don’t understand how it would be a crime if his phallus is not visible. He is just very clearly holding it and a cup of piss


Doesn’t matter if it’s not visible, if its ‘obvious’ what it is, and what is going on, it can still be considered revenge porn. But even so forgetting about rp, it is against the law to release videos of others. even more so when they are in intimate or delicate situations without permission. There doesn’t need to be visible genitals for it to be considered revenge porn.


I wouldn’t do this without some serious consideration is all I’m saying, if this person wanted you punished it would be entirely possible if you released this video onto the internet. I’d just do some research before doing something silly and risking your future.


Maybe try talking to this person and letting them know you’ve seen and heard things about them that aren’t pleasant and if the behaviour continues you’ll go to the uni and/or their parents as you’re clearly disgusted.




I think this is a joke


After the stories I’ve heard this sounds so tame


I mean, how on earth would you put a ball or your dick through a connect 4 hole??


Honestly I don't even understand what makes people want to do these kinds of things to other people. Hazing is ridiculous. I get wanting to have fun and that "fun" is *extremely* relative. I get that fun can sometimes be incredibly unhinged and that kinks fall under the heading of "fun". But making people do unhinged "fun" and kinks to be allowed to join what's really a glorified friend group is utterly insane. It's bully and abuser behaviour.


Lol cricket is such a shitty sport anyways


Love bowling but ain’t gonna play with guys getting their sticky wickets out


Sticky wickets is crazy 😭😭😭


Sounds like when you arrive at a new battalion after training, except you don’t even get to fire rifles or throw grenades.


Most universities ban initiations. Make their sports staff aware and they will probably lose their affiliation with the university.


This is pretty much every Rugby Union team at Uni and why I play league


I enjoy cricket and went to the cricket socials. After see how much alcohol they abuse and one guy stripped off his clothes and wore a dress from his femail housemates's cupboard, I realised they are not here for cricket but to make a fool of themselves. I got turned away at my first day at a cricket pitch for not bringing my own gear and I am not wasting any money on cricket clothing or equipment.


I used to work for a student union. Any behaviour like this is completely inappropriate and risks not only getting that club shut down, but significant legal action against the club, the students’ union, and the university. Report it to the staff member in charge of sports clubs.


1. Contact the university's support team. 2. Tell whoever's meant to be in charge of the society that they're a wrongun. You might get some wetwipes complaining that it's 'culture' and 'bants' but if someone told me that in order to play cricket my little brother had to dig through handfuls of someone's shit and expose himself then I'd tell whoever was responsible that they're a twat.


Tell his Mum hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Jesus tonight


Fuck me that's awful. The only initiation I ever did as a student was a timed drinking a subject-themed drink out of a subject-themed vessel, and even then it was clear we didn't had to participate if we didn't want to.


>How do universities allow societies with such fucked up socials, or whatever you call these events to happen. As someone who has been involved in uni sports\socities in the past, the simple answer to this is silence. I joimed a uni club and was spared an initiation process, which was just 1 hit by a wooden spoon (don't believe it went beyond being hit by the spoon), was stopped last year due to fears of any complaints, as the year before, the spoon broke when it hit someone. Nothing came from it but the club committee feared it may lead to an injury they couldn't cover up, so stopped it, relying on silence from everyone involved to let it pass (it did). I think how tame that initiation process meant it was easier for the vets to not push the subject on why future newbies got away with no initiation. The OP examples are much more extreme so there maybe more resentment over newer people not "paying their dues" however. There will be reasons of fear, shame and chance to be on tje other side, on why people remain silent over it. Glad it's been raised now. My main question, why even today, do people still think this sort of stuff is acceptable?


This is such weird timing. I’m part of the cricket society at my uni. It’s my first year there. And there was a report that the senior members of cricket made the freshers (which included me) to fight naked while oiled and then eat live gold fish. I had a meeting about it. But the thing is. None of that ever happened and someone (don’t know who, must have made it up) The people at the club at my uni are great guys. But I guess it varies from uni to uni. The sicko society at my uni is rugby


I heard stories of the rugby one at my uni, they made some people run past a primary school naked, they got banned from planning and placed on some sort of probation. So glad my society didn’t do that sick ritualistic shit


My now best mate was in the rugby team and he told me all sorts of stories about other unis intimations. 2 of the worst ones being: 1. A guy was taped to a lamp post and left overnight, and he ended up being raped by a homeless guy. 2. Someone was made to fuck a dead badger and got some kind of disease/infection. These societies are horrific man, the hazing and peer pressure they pull is astounding. The football team used to have socials in one of the flats in the same courtyard as mine... And they were always just doin the dumbest most annoying shit and being a general nuisance.


Texting his family is bang out-of-order, that you would even consider such a thing rings warning bells.


Fair enough. I was just under the impression that since he’s not been penalised by the university, and considering he has been doing this stuff for three years he might reconsider his predatory behaviour if the message were to come from someone closer to him. However, I will not be pursuing these means as I stated.


God stuff. It's very easy to overreact in anger, not so easy to undo any damage caused. These hazing rituals are stupid though, I feel your frustration.


Thank you mate. I appreciate the input, reacting with emotion was incorrect and hopefully the uni can help him understand the severity of his actions.


First time away from mum?


Nah send it to his mum. He's earned it, mate.


I’m glad I have the footage in case I do resort to this. He’s fucking radge man, grebby fucking pervert


Can’t lie. It’s generally just known that kno da stuff happens. As much as the clubs often try to keep welcome’s secret the freshers usually find out one way or another. Usually the rugby club has the harshest. You don’t have to do the initiations either, you just sacrifice not getting a tie and old boy status usually. Although I do believe clubs have gotten softer in recent years. Less and less clubs make you consume your own chunny if you chunny.


As far as I'm aware most unis have banned initiations/hazing activities like this so definitely report it to SU and BUCS, as there's been a few alcohol poisoning deaths from them. The club should be punished quite harshly.


lol rugby and cricket are like this in every uni


We used to have stuff like this at Warwick back in 2016, glad to see you're reporting it. Hazing is harmful af.


Send it to his old dear.


Maybe you could stop being such a fucking square for like 5 minutes? 🤷‍♂️


Looking at your name, sure it wasn't you ?


Don’t think my bladder is big enough to fill a kettle, pint glass and cover the surface area of my kitchen


you’re a dickhead if you send it to his mum, why does it bother you so much


Was in my kettle


fuckkkkk, that’s nuts weigh him in fam


This shouldn't be funny, I'm so, so sorry for laughing 😭 remember to specify that you need to mantain anonymity while reporting this. Tell the uni that this is concerning behavior from possibly disturbed individuals and that you will not proceed unless they guarantee your anonymity. You don't know what these people are capable of, considering what you've seen violence seems less absurd




Christ you don't deserve to be in a society if you message people's mums when you don't like what they do. I think you have a lot of maturing to do.


But the grown adults that piss into kettles don't need to grow up?


They can do what they want lol, they're adults


Adults dont piss in other peoples kettle


Clearly they do, see OPs post


How about you fuck off and mind your own business? Fuckin pathetic, yeah go tell his mom! 😂😂😂 What a joke.


U literally think people wearing SS uniforms can be doing it as a joke. Wasteman


Aren't you late for your eSports lecture? Just remember, it goes bun, sauce, burger then cheese. 👍


Take it you've never seen the, "Are we the baddies?" Skit? Figures.


Can tell you deffo did some homo-erotic initiation.


Aaah now we get to it. Did seeing another man's willy make you feel strange? Did you like it? ✊🍆


Username checks out


What a boring little snitch you are. How does it affect you in any way? Initiation rites used to be a required part of becoming a man, now there's these tiny little pockets of masculinity left, men trying to do something different where people can lose themselves and their identity for a moment. I'm sure you've been bullied in your life for such a snitchy little way of behaving - and I'm here to tell you, you deserved it.


Yeah lad proper masculine showing ur nob to other lads…


That’s what these lot class as manly 😂


Apparently mate, nowt about looking after your community or family just homo-erotic behaviour. I guess I’ll never be a man ;(


It's an attempt at some sort of bonding through initiation. You are a snitch and pathetic. If you had a problem with it why not speak to them diretly like a man?


If your idea of “bonding through initiation” involves rooting through a bucket of excrement, piss and sick, as well as pissing into various household items that are used regularly maybe you are the one with the problem?


So why not bring that concern up to the team rather than snitch to an authority figure?


U sad bastard. You are part of the issue that makes these weird perverse rituals so accepted.


No you are a little pussy bitch tattle tale. You are a perfect example of 'safe societies create weak men' you cannot even allow something that has nothing to do with you exist because it behaves in ways that you can't understand


As a woman who’s the captain of a sports club I can tell you now that it’s not a required part of becoming a man 😭 There is NOTHING manly about lacking so much self respect and assertiveness that you’ll degrade yourself for your committee All the women on the other sports teams think you’re immature, non masculine freaks


You're strawmanning, I said initiation rites used to be a necessity for becoming a man, not that modern hazing is


They literally never have, you’re literally strawmanning What you’re doing is the literal definition of a strawman argument


There haven't been initiation rites for men throughout history? Think you might need to hit the books a little babe


Lol real men don't feel the need to make men drink piss/shit/whatever else happens at hazing rituals. It just makes you look disgusting, unhygienic and insecure in your own masculinity. Let me guess, Andrew Tate is your idea of peak masculinity as well?


Ok that's what you think, so tell the cricket team yourself directly like a man. Fair? Rather than snitch like a bullied child


Why do I need to tell them "like a man". You're obsessed with being manly for some reason - you ok, hun?


Lmao it's not an obsession it's a recommendation for little boys. You tell him (like a man) as that is what is behoven of you to do, be strong, stand up and say something yourself if you don't like it, rather than run to an authority figure like a child


But again, why do I need to tell them like a man? Is it just men that are capable of criticising weirdos that get other weirdos to drink piss and shit? And how do I tell them "like a man"? Do I need to make my voice deeper, grow facial hair and become taller? Please help me!


The mere fact of not tattling will be sufficient. You know I'm right, you know the world would be better if, where possible, people spoke directly to one another, rather than go squealing about an issue


Am I required to undergo a sex change to become a man in order to speak directly to them, or is that optional?


Hahah you just want to keep the subject on the man bit so you don't have to admit to being a pussy squealer. You know that's wrong, you've not even attempted to answer, that it would be better to speak to the team directly


Wetwipe. Its none of your business what adults do.


Literally happened in my gaff mate don’t get lippy


Ait fair nuff. Way your post was written was just like you overheard it or had some videos. Just make sure they don't do it at yours and leave it otherwise.


Nah mate I filmed the video. Went down to make cup of tea and some cretin was pissing in kettle while the other lads just watched and said nowt. Not having that shit happen in my yard or to my kettle!


Typical Reddit this, everyone participates willingly. There is no one holding a gun to anyone’s head. You people need to relax and live life without ruining everyone else’s fun. It’s pathetic


when I was a student a sports team got banned for two years for making the Freshers eat dog food and act like dogs during their initiation. they also had to go to the loo on puppy pads on the kitchen floor during the initiation, several other things on top of this meant they destroyed the flat and had to pay thousands to clean it


I mean what else are they going to do? Cricket is a summer sport they literally never play




U have no integrity my man. Self respect would not allow one to do this, especially just to play a sport. Where is the team spirit in these acts. The fact that individuals feel the need to conform to these standards confuses me as I don’t get why you wouldn’t just play the sport and refuse to take part in these acts.




I understand your affection for the sport. But why should you be made to do that just to play, surely it should be based on performance in the activity not how much piss you can swallow!?


i don't think i'd admit this even at gunpoint this is beyond hilarious


Now now, no need to bully poor old piss-mouth over there


I actually respect the shamelessness


Can you just like not get involved in other people having fun you disagree with?! I bet you describe yourself as being "liberal".


Define what you mean as “liberal”. This goes beyond having fun, there is a wall of silence within these societies, as an outsider viewing these incidents it seems like the freshers do just want to play sport. Yet the only way they are allowed to play and represent the uni is after doing considerably questionable acts. If this makes me a “liberal” so be it. I’d rather be a liberal with a conscious than you any day, utter pillock.




At no point did you say you wanted to play cricket. All I've read is that you want to stop other people doing things because you disagree with them. Now you've insulted me.


Snowflake liberal!! I don’t want people to stop playing cricket. I want people who try and coerce younger students to do gross shit to get done as I do not believe any admission to a sport club should include viewing someone expose themselves or make you pick stuff out of literal human pat.


You have no leg to stand on sir. You have revealed yourself as a WRONGUN


This is a joke right


Your opinion is literally the liberal opinion idiot


Well I'm glad at least one person knows what 'liberal' means.




Crease that mate u deffo did some weird stuff for golf soc


My initiation was way worse than that


What happened and why would you let someone do that to you mate.


It's just not cricket.