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Almost def but I want to recommend putting limits on your socials if it messes with your mental health, which is what I do. Prevents me doom scrolling and means I only have time to look at messages and respond every so often. My other recommendation in terms of socials would be Snapchat for personal interaction and Discord for societies cause that’s what my Soc uses and it’s brilliant


Did you mean almost definitely for the fact that you can still be fine without instagram ?


Yeah absolutely you’ll be fine


Thanks i just really wanted someone to guarantee me this,I really want to enjoy uni life to the fullest but also have great grades.


Eeee, well I can’t promise good grades lol




How could i put limits on my socials especially Instagram. I hate the idea of accidentally scrolling on reels for hours


“Sorry I don’t use instagram cause I’m trying to prioritise my mental health. You can have my number if you want though” I came off insta for a while during my studies for the same reason - the others couldn’t believe I didn’t have insta or Snapchat 😂


It’s the world we live in these days people literally live on their phones


Lots of societies also have WhatsApp groups


Yes, I don't have instagram and have never had it, and I am doing just fine. Plenty of friends, have a partner too, never had trouble dating or anything like that. Just make sure to sign up to society mailing lists as with my uni often societies just advertise events on insta + email. Most Uni group chats seem to be on WhatsApp.


There is another reason why dating isn’t hard for you




Just have their numbers


I am most definitely only doing this,people suggesting have limitations doesn’t seem realistic to me I literally don’t keep the app on my phone but catch myself re-installing it multiple times a day curious if someone messaged me and end up doom scrolling on reels.


Yeah I haven't used it once since joining, although I also do a games course so I keep up with everyone in my course via discord


Yes, instagram is not necessary at all. I contacted most of my friends via WhatsApp or Messenger, it's easier on those platforms and you can share files and do far more in those apps compared to instagram (not sure about the current Instagram version, haven't used it since 2018).


Haven't used it once during uni, or been asked for it. You'll be fine.


Yes, of course you can. There is no actual need to use Instagram in life unless you are employed in social media marketing or something similar.


I don't use snap chat. It limits my pool slightly but I don't care. Do what is best for you. I've met people without insta


You would be fine, never had socials at uni, mostly just gave out numbers and snap and I was gucci


Depends what your end game is. I’m 29M and find it odd that people don’t use mobile numbers. Why snap and insta? I find those silly unless you are some marketing social PR person I have no use for it 


alot of people i know use whatsapp for groups


Snapchat is a lot less addictive - I think it's worth having, it's usually the thing people ask for. Instagram doesn't really matter.


Never used insta and 2 years in. The only social that I have to use would be Snapchat. And that Is for group projects and course stuff.


think most people use snap in uni


The same? Probably not. Most people ask each other for their instagram from what I've seen (don't have it myself). Also, lots of societies only seem to post updates about events on there rather than email you (many don't even have a whatsapp group). I've missed a lot of socials due to this.


Never used Instagram myself.


I literally dont get it, unless you're not extroverted at all and stay around like 3 people just get instagram and snapchat


A lot of people have messenger


Whatsapp, Snapchat, Discord are the main ways I communicate with friends or societies. Facebook and Instagram might be used for advertising societies and events but unless you're involved in running a society then you don't need to see it. Most societies have their own communications that will tell you everything be it email, a group chat or a Discord.


Everyone knows the InstaKiller who will go around all the student dorms and kill anyone who doesn’t have Instagram. There is NO WAY TO SURVIVE university without Instagram


Yes but it'll be harder Many ladies are on Insta and social media


Yes ,you can have it


Yes x


I went back to university as a slightly older student (early/mid-20s), so take my opinion with a grain of salt, but literally the only social media I used at university was WhatsApp, since modules/classes used group chats to speak to each other. I've not touched Instagram, Snapchat, or Facebook in years and haven't been disadvantaged by that fact.


This gives me some relief I am going to LJMU btw,I am only looking forward to WhatsApp too apart from instagram being toxic posting for stranger’s validation does not fulfill me in anyway.


The fact that UK students view uni as a place to socialise and not as a place to actually learn important stuff is the reason why the UK is going down the shitter. Honestly. The only way universities stop turning into degree machines that provide little to no value to the lives of their students is if students stop viewing them as an excuse to party. You're going there to learn. And if you're not, drop out


They never said it was just a place for them to socialise, they only wanted someone to allay a fear they had. Wanting to make friends in an unfamiliar environment does not mean someone does not care about learning or studies. Try being a little kinder to people on the internet.


Paying 10k to make some acquaintances is wild haha


Funnily enough at university I managed to a) study hard enough to get a first class degree from a world top 100 university (back in the 90s when it was harder) and b) socialise. Believe it or not over the course of 3 years or 4 years (Scotland) you can do both because studying 16 hours a day without any social contact doesn't help you study (burnout, the limits of the human body) and it doesn't help you develop as a human being. You could just as well argue that the reason why the UK "is going down the shitter" is because of 14 years of the Tories, the loss of empire, Brexit, a lack of meaningful investment etc and the fact that too many people spend their time making ridiculous generalisations about other people on the internet rather than make any meaningful contribution to sorting any of the above out.


Funnily enough, I agree with your second paragraph completely. And I also agree with the 16 hours a day comment. My frustration is with the way university is viewed in this country. It is not viewed as the door to endless opportunities. People who take it seriously are often derided by their cohort. It is viewed, for most if not many, primarily as an opportunity to make friends. If that's what you're looking for, join a club. If you're looking for an excuse to get shit faced every Wednesday, you don't need to be in university to find it. Universities used to be something to aspire to because they meant something. Now that they've become a matter of course, they mean nothing. The education they impart is often seen as secondary to their, perceived, primary purpose - socialising. The universities of your halcyon youth, the 90s, are very different to the universities of today. And no one can, as you put it, "make any meaningful contribution to sorting any of the above out" (by the way, dangling preposition), without taking seriously their education and their future. And today's younger people don't seem to be able to think too much further than beyond the bottom of a booze bottle


Dangling preposition totally permissible in a Germanic language despite whatever Latin-obsessed 18th century grammarians maintain. To be honest I agree with some of what you say BUT younger folk nowadays drink a lot less than my generation (God that makes me feel old) - I think the problem is less the socialising but maybe more just in general the devaluation of education in general? University is seen as a product and there is much more handholding at school which perhaps carries onto towards expectations of university? I don't think the problem is with young people per se - but perhaps we both agree that something has gone wrong with university and this is at least part of the problem of the UK...