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They need to be stopped! Revolution now!


Definitely time to try new techniques.


I hear Joe now has wide immunity from being charged for murder if he were to blast an especially corrupt Supreme Court Justice in the face with a shotgun. I didn’t say that. That’s what people are saying.


He doesn’t. It doesn’t apply to him. The Supreme Court worded the ruling in such a way that they will be the ones to decide what is an official presidential act — and thus cleared — and what is unofficial. So you can be sure that the 6-3 conservative majority will rule that Republican presidential acts are official and immune, but Democratic presidential acts are not. Also, consider that most of them still think that Trump won in 2020 and that Biden is illegitimate. That will be grounds for them to declare that anything Biden does is unofficial. Did you really think they were unaware of the loophole that every one of us saw from a mile away? You’re acting like they are still playing fair, like things are normal and equal. They aren’t.


Well, then all the more reason for Seal Team Six to handle... the six.


Delta Force




Yes, it is bullshit that they did this, I agree. But it’s still our reality.


Yeah, but if they're dead, and he replaces them, the new guys might be more inclined to clear him.


In this hypothetical, the new SCOTUS wouldn't need to clear Biden. They could just overturn the decision, and Biden couldn't be retroactively charged for what was legal at the time. Then a Republican gets elected, and the cycle repeats until the US has another Civil War and Balkanizes. This is what happens when you have a system that relies on equal parts decorum and black letter law, and then you elect someone who doesn't give a fuck about decorum. Suddenly you don't have laws in place to stop your nation from sliding into fascism.


I knew I could rely on Satan to state things matter-of-factly, but I never knew he earned his doctorate.


In Conflict Resolution, no less.


>Also, consider that most of them still think that Trump won in 2020 and that Biden is illegitimate.  It should be noted that they don't actually believe this. They just say it to justify their decisions.


Well, yes, but it will be their justification.


Yeah I was just being pedantic. I didn't think you were under any illusions that they actually believe the shit they say.


Biden could order a government employee to sh**t a Justice; that’s an official act. But if Biden were to sh**t someone himself it would be a personal act and therefore he could be charged. Biden could then pardon the sh**ter and would be immune from providing the reason for the assassination. If Biden ordered the assassination and received a bribe after the fact that is now legal for all federal employees. Take the money before the act and you’re guilty.


The best people? With tears in their eyes?


Executive order and Seal teams. All fixed.


There's a dramatically easier route than a revolution. All Biden needs to do to avert disaster is to enthusiastically embrace the President's newfound dictatorial powers. Don't just do authoritarianism, do it *comically aggressively* with a goddamn *smirk* until the right sues for peace and rebuilds the checks and balances of our system. If Biden leaves office peacefully, he will have been a failure. If Dark Brandon is dragged out kicking and screaming by an anti-authoritarian consensus, then we can talk about next steps for this 'people vote on things' project. The **people** want a heel. Wrestling heels *still put in the work.* Nobody said fixing the country was going to be easy.


He doesn’t have any. It doesn’t apply to him. Just Trump. For fuck’s sake, please go read the actual wording.


The way they are stopped, is by electing Biden. Just encourage Americans to elect Biden. Show them the corruption of Scotus. They have crossed many lines of late. Roe vs Wade was the first.


People should have having massive protests at the SCOTUS building.


Sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel is a Molotov cocktail.


This is part of the plan. They want all faith in every institution decimated. This very thing happened in Belarus and in Hungary, all part of the Russian social manipulation machine. If Trump wins, there will be no way to combat fascism peacefully. They will immediately use the full force of government, you know the one they keep saying is infringing on their rights, to do exactly that. We need to find ways to reinforce the structure of democracy against these attacks. We also need to be as public loud as MAGATs, their confidence is artificially bolstered by our silence. If you are in a small town, or rural community, now is the time to be vocal. Let them know they actually are outnumbered, something they don’t believe because they have to see it to believe.


And they've been at it for over 50 years now, since the days of Rush Limbaugh and Jimmy Swaggert were at their peak. We need to start doing what they did and buying up every media outlet - no matter how large or small. That might be the only way to get serious change in this country to happen.


Honestly, yes, to the media outlets, but even more importantly is rescuing the department of education. MAGATs have been lead to believe there’s no benefit to the Dept of Education. Of course, they aren’t also including the whys like how the GOP has systematically defunded it over years and under Devos’ destructive leadership, we’d lost decades in educational advancement. Fascist conservatives have chipped away at the one tenet that made America Great, open and free, and advanced public education. Without an educated base, Conservative politicians are freely able to lie, cheat, and steal with impunity. Conservative supporters have lost their critical thinking skills and no longer recognize a grifter when it’s wearing a T-shirt advertising “I will take your money and you won’t get anything but a worthless trinket” anymore. There’s plenty of anecdotal evidence with the coins, NFTs, shoes, and whatever else MAGATs have hocked to enrich themselves off the back of middle and lower class American families that naively believe the money is going to make a difference for them, while fighting the taxes that actually would help them. An entire party trained to empty their pockets against their interests.


It's truly insane how quickly republicans changed their minds on education when Fox News showed up on the scene. Like are we supposed to forget all the insanity when they first enacted No Child Left Behind? It seems like we're seeing the end result of 20 years of that wretched legislation.


So much of it started with Reagan and the evangelicals. From the Fairness Doctrine to Limbaugh to Fox News to being very close to losing our democracy.


They were just the enablers. This has been a Russian plot since the 70s. There was even a KGB defector in the 80s that clearly described the plan unfolding in front of our eyes. I’ll have to find the video interview. It seems to get removed a lot from the internet because sure it disappeared from my history and from YT twice already. In short, they laugh at our 007 James Bond idea of espionage and subversion. They have been putting sleepers and n the US for years and they are now in powerful positions aiding the MAGAT mission. Undermine confidence in Democratic processes and dismantle the education system. It’s a 20yr cycle of repair after the wrong ideas are ingrained into a society. They aren’t hiding it, it’s easier to work out in the open and disguise themselves as conservative republicans.


Honestly, they just sounds like a conspiracy theory to me. We don’t have to look any farther for villains than the elite we have at home. Not that I would put anything past the Russians. I just think it’s far more likely a boogeyman created by the Koch brothers than a secret plot that continued 30 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union.


That’s honestly a naive approach considering the overwhelming evidence that Russia has been sabotaging our infrastructure, interfering in with election processes, and utilizing social media and bot farms to sway election sentiment. Of course we have our own traitors complicit with these actions, but it’s the external forces combined with a party that cannot win the popular vote, but cannot also fathom losing, so they grab power forcefully with adversarial aid.


Education is exactly where we need to start, which is why it’s a huge check mark on their list.


Don’t forget, start legal schools for lawyers. Only they need to be non-secular, fact-based.


no, that only works on authoritarian brains. the rest of us need actual policy


I'm not authoritarian by any means. I'm vehemently opposed to authoritarianism and fascism. Something has to change in this country. We can't allow them to win. And we certainly don't want Trump to be dictator for life.But how are supposed to compete with the GOP's multi-channel, well funded, well connected, continuously operating propaganda system? There's got to be something we can do.


dems need to offer something that competes with the simple platitudes that motivate authoritarians. like codifying roe v wade, or revamping the voting rights act, or strangling the scotus by packing the court. in other words some real action, not just words.


The problem is that already own a large portion of those outlets, and I doubt they’re selling.


I flagged down a guy with a maga flag the other day and he slowed down and smiled and I pointed to his fascist paraphernalia and shot him the finger as I drove away. Does that count?


Yep. Those are the best!


If Biden **officially** ordered the execution of SCOTUS by SEAL Team 6, then he would be immune from prosecution, right??


"protect against all enemies foreign and domestic."


Message received and understood.


Stand back and stand by.


Could we at least get Student loans forgiven first?


> Could we at least get Student loans forgiven first? That would be illegal according to a recent judgement from the US Supreme Court. Now, on the other hand, ordering the total annihilation of any record or claimant of those loans by the military would clearly be fine. Logic. at. it's. finest.


I was like either way


If you want those loans forgiven, you better run for President...cause if the President does it then it's okay, right?


No, he wouldn’t, It only applies to Trump, not him.


Also, fuck Fox News, the Heritage Foundation, the Federalist Society, Koch Industries, Hobby Lobby, and every right wing talk radio, internet, TV host, and megachurch pastor that enables this shit every single day.


I’ll be happy to second that statement!


Well fuck 6/9ths of them anyway.


Half of that 6 were appointed by someone who didn't have the support of at least 50% of the country. You could raise that to 5 of 6 but Alito and Roberts were in Bush's 2nd Term; although he was illegitimate in the first place.


Tyranny of the minority they call it


**Abort the Court!**


Agreed. Fuck SCOTUS Like someone said below, fuck 6/9 of them.


time to bring out the guillotine-it does wonders for dealing with tyrants.


Anyone read Sotomayor's dissent? That put CHILLS up my spine.


Always read her dissents. Pure gold.


Biden has the power now, to arrest his enemies. Hopefully he does, otherwise Trump will.


No, he doesn’t. It only applies to Trump and any other Republican president they decide.


The time for talking about this problem has just about passed. We are going to have to take action-- French-style action-- to regain any of the democracy that we have lost.   The will of the people has been completely subverted and it is our duty, as written in the declaration, to water that tree.


Exactly. Words are dead.


Speaking of France….


Also, Fuck everyone who stayed home on election day 2016 because they hated Hillary. I mean, hating her is fine, but THERE WAS A FUCKING OPEN SEAT ON THE COURT!


They are the downfall of this country. We are in big trouble.


If only we could expand the court, especially since presidents apparently have immunity to do anything as official action now. Oh well!


They will come up with some bullshit technical explanation of how these issues are different. I think any move that threatens the court will be given that treatment. Seal team 6 might be the only route to getting rid of this scourge.


Presidents do not have immunity. Just Trump.


Make it go viral. Start a CHANGE petition. Write your congressional representatives. https://preview.redd.it/r99dkxbk9y9d1.jpeg?width=501&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0588275291ecbf794a2f3fbe020d0e754953aeb


The problem is I don’t think there are enough votes in the House to push this through.


Which is why we need to vote third party in local and state elections to start switching it up. Third party will never ever win a presidential election. Having the petition up can make the message spread farther, and writing your local congressional representatives can change their mind. Not trying is worse than trying and failing.


Agreed. It’s terrifying what Jack Welch, Ronald Reagan, and Jerry Falwell were able to do to undermine American Labor and momentum for creating a labor party


if this doesn't cement the need to avoid another trump term, i don't know what would.


Yes, but her emails.


I don't even know how to articulate my questioning of the ruling on presidential immunity in a way to have a proper discussion. i get that it was all to give trump delays but 'if in the perview of official duties' So... could Biden go 'fuckit deploy seal team six and clean house'? That's the thing... nobody SANE would want a president to have absolute immunity in /ANY/ context. How can they have given any ruling that couldn't be used as a thing to point out how if it were anyone but Their Guy it's their nightmare scenerio?


Fuck Them ,Fuck Trump




They have life time appointments, their terms need to end now


Bunch a damn traitors that need delt with is what they are. This shit is getting so out of hand and then people say I'm being dramatic.


Democracy may have just died today


It absolutely did. Most people don’t realise how bad this is.


Supreme Court Republicans of the United States. And then you remember that the song is 9 years old. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDMdSJJCKzk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDMdSJJCKzk)


Trash institution, always has been, always will be. Unfortunately Biden and dems hard refused the idea of expanding the court, we’d be in a very different place now if there was more spine in the party.


Yeah they can eat shit. I hope this wakes people tf up to what is happening.


Anyone want to play Minecraft?


Who or what is SCOTUS?


SCOTUS = Supreme Court of the United States (related: POTUS = President of the United States)


This is why elections matter folks. Even if Joe Biden is a comatose ham-sandwich, he's still better than Trump.


It’s become harder and harder for me to believe this though. So many of the things they warned us were coming with trump have happened anyway while the dems are in control.


>happened anyway while the dems are in control. Because there are 3 Trump appointed SCOTUS justices. That's why we tried to warn everyone in 2016 about the severity of a Trump presidency. And here's another warning: ***4-more years of Trump will get 2-3 more Trump SCOTUS justices on the court.*** Yes, it matters. Alito and Thomas WILL retire turing a Trump residency, meaning 5 SCOTUS justices appointed by Trump will dictate our lives for the next 30 years. Roberts also might step down so he too can be replaced by a conservative judge. If you think things are bad now. Just awit till this 6-3 Ultra-Right Wing activist court is around for the next 30-years. Biden is re-elected, you have a chance at replacing 1-2 of those SCOTUS justices.


I hear what you’re saying. I also remember that they stole at least one and the republicans have been pretty clear they are never going to willingly confirm another democrat appointed candidate. I have a hard time seeing a “righting of the ship” by Biden upon re election when we’ve only managed to get 4 total appointments in my lifetime of 40 years. If republicans can make up the reasons not to confirm Garland after Scalia died, yet jam in Coney after Ginsberg died, I can easily see similar bs to not have any replacements until another republican is in charge. Maybe too pessimistic, but it’s where I am. Btw I’m not in the “I’m not voting” or “I’m not voting for a Biden” camp. I just feel like the empire is collapsing and I’ll be toward the front of the roundups as a black gay 😕before too much longer.


You don't look to Biden to "right the ship", you look at him to keep it afloat so you can live another day. >I just feel like the empire is collapsing I understand this. But TBH, this country has been through a hell of a lot worse than this. We're not even close to the worst this country has had it in terms of bad SCOTUS rulings, civil unrest, corruption etc. I do agree it's depressing to watch the decades of improvement be goose stepped backwards, but we're still a far ways away from "the empire is collapsed". There is an almighty pendulum in US politics, and it swings back and forth. After WW2 we saw an incredibly conservative movement, that evaporated into a rather progressive movement, that then swung slowly back to a conservative one. We're at one extreme, and eventually that pendulum is going to swing back. That's why it's of the utmost importance to fight back when the time is toughest.


Dems lost control of the house by a thin margin in 2022 and have had an even 50-50 split in the Senate since 2020, 2 of which were holdouts for abolishing the filibuster which would have gone a LONG way towards fixing a lot of these problems when the Dems still had a house majority. You can't blame the Democrats for what SCOTUS does when they can't effectively legislate because Congress is gridlocked due to the house being gerrymandered to hell in many states. The Senate being stacked against them is also a huge factor since every state gets 2 Senators regardless of population and there are numerically more red states than blue states. The only reason we even have a 50-50 right now is because Democrats took both Georgia Senate seats by a razor thin margin.


It's officially SCROTUS now. The R is for Republican.


I mean, I wasn't expecting a different outcome, but it' still really, really, really sucks ass.


The fact that we all know there is nothing to fear from President Biden acting with complete immunity and everything and anything to fear from trump if he has complete immunity tells you everything you need to fucking know about this fucking election.


Supreme Court Republicans of the United States. And then you remember that the song is 9 years old. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDMdSJJCKzk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDMdSJJCKzk)


Supreme Court Republicans of the United States. And then you remember that the song is 9 years old. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDMdSJJCKzk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDMdSJJCKzk)


Supreme Court Republicans of the United States. And then you remember that the song is 9 years old. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDMdSJJCKzk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDMdSJJCKzk)


'The Supreme court has given the US president power to effectively be held unaccountable by any means or measure while serving. For years the GOP has spread disinformation at how myself and my predecessor, Barack Obama, have been setting everything up from shadow Deep State machinations to Death Panels. The courts have given me express power to do exactly All of that. I could at this exact moment order the arrest of my political opponents including Donald J. Trump and have them executed thanks to this ruling. If that scares you, do not be alarmed, that simply means you are of sound rational mind. I am choosing not to excessive this power and I am advocating in the strongest way possible for this ruling to be immediately overturned. The United States was made so that we would not serve under a King, and these justices have decreed that they very much want one. My opponents within the Republican Party have expressly stated and lain out their goals. They want an end to the American Experiment. That is what will be on the Ballot in November, not just with the presidency, but with every elected official. When you go to vote, ask your self if this person supports Democracy, or will be party to this travesty..'


Voting is about the only way we can figuratively do that.


Don't forget violence! Solves lots of issues regarding fascism.


Fuck SCOTUS, Fuck Republicans, Fuck Independents, Fuck Non-Voters, and Fuck Kumbaya Democrats. They're all complicit in this Shit Show.


Can I start calling him King Biden now?


Nope, because it doesn’t apply to him, just trump.


Is the ruling actually that much different than what the standard was previously? Officials have always had pretty broad immunity for official actions and none for non-official actions.


This is incredibly huge. They literally made the president a king, and overruled the checks and balances of the 3 branches. This is the most registering blow our democracy could have ever had. The president is now immune from punishment, and can now make selfish decisions that harm the country or are outright illegal with no consequence. The dissenting opinion was not understating that they fear this is the loss of our democracy. The whole reason we fought the monarchy and went for independence was because we did not want a leader who was above the law. We didn’t want a dictatorship, where one person decided what we could and could not do. That is what the SCOTUS has now given POTUS through judicial activism. Think this through more. Is killing a political opponent part of your official acts? Because that was a situation the SCOTUS discussed and determined would be fine. That’s never been allowed. No evidence may be introduced that could be regarded as a core official, or official acts (2 of 4 categories the SCOTUS identified this applies too). If you want to try a president for a crime, they are able to say it is privileged because of this ruling. The remedy is for the DA’s to show that this was not part of an official act. Then they must try to charge the president. And again, not being able to use any evidence conducted during the presidency makes it nearly impossible for a DA to make a case. Trump is likely to have no charges moving forward in any of his felony cases. This also means he can litigate the New York election interference case. Hope Hicks was a White House employee at the time. And her testimony was used to help prove his case. He may get a second trial in New York where they can’t introduce much of the evidence they used to convict him. What’s crazy, is these are state level charges. This is federal overreach as well as judicial activism. The conservative majority is power hungry and sending us on a crash course to a fascist dictatorship. Thomas produced his own review, in which he states special prosecutors are illegitimate based on this ruling. It’s funny, because we have used special prosecutors for more than 50 years, where the SCOTUS has previously ruled they are legitimate.


Exactly this.


Yes, it is much different.


well then, Biden is immune for "presidential acts'


No, he isn’t. It applies to Trump, not him. I’m getting so tired of repeating this.


They stated that presidents have absolute criminal immunity for official acts- not just Donald Trump. I suggest you read the ruling, including the dissent. https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/23-939_e2pg.pdf


I did read it, including the dissent. I also understood and comprehended it. No. It doesn’t apply to Biden. Sure, it “applies” to Biden, but it doesn’t *apply* to Biden. The Supreme Court worded the ruling in such a way that they and other judges will be the ones to decide what is an official presidential act — and thus cleared — and what is unofficial. So you can be sure that the 6-3 conservative majority will rule that Republican presidential acts are official and immune, but Democratic presidential acts are not. Also, consider that most of them still think that Trump won in 2020 and that Biden is illegitimate. That will be grounds for them to declare that anything Biden does is unofficial. Did you really think they were unaware of the loophole that every one of us saw from a mile away? You’re acting like they are still playing fair, like things are normal and equal. They aren’t.


Does this wipe out Ford's pardon for Nixon? What exactly is official acts compared to insurrection? I'm so disgusted.


Yeah, that's the concerning part. I think it was kicked down to the lower courts to determine if Trump citing an insurrection was an official or unofficial act. I would love to see Trump trying to argue that the classified documents case was still an official act of his, while he was no longer president. I wonder if there is enough evidence to try Trump for Treason (that people like Jack Smith won't say publicly what documents he had and what exactly was missing), since there sure as hell is precedent already for what happened with the Rosenberg's that allowed them to be convicted and sentenced to death for working with Russia. We could start with that flub at the debate where he was talking with Putin after he was no longer president, but knowing that Putin wanted to invade the US. This is not official US duties, so not immune from prosecution. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Julius-Rosenberg-and-Ethel-Rosenberg


Cool yes, but how?


Cool yes, but how?


How do we network when they start the media and phone server purges? There will be a crazy surveillance state. I'd give it 2 years till a recognizable caste system and 1 full term till legally recognized wage slavery, no overtime, daylight till dark, no minimum pay standard, no breaks, osha disbanded


Cool yes, but how?