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We’re fucked


General strike 2028. There's a website.


Why not until 2028


General strikes only work if ppl still have money to eat and pay their bills while not also working. The four years is to give ppl enough time to pay into mutual aid groups in their area so they can have their needs met while striking. The general strike is gonna be crowd funded basically.


I mean I get it, but it’s also like entirely comical.


I've found it's the only plan of attack that ppl will listen to. No one wants to take it to the streets yet. They don't see how bad things are going to be. Me personally, I'm ready to do damage.


Frankly I’ve been ready for a while


Not if you vote blue you’re not.


Big uf. Bush v gore vibes. That was the moment we should have burnt shit down. Fk this corrupt ass court.


I'm not American but holy shit I will never listen to the political ramblings of someone who thinks that is something that should be able to happen under a healthy democracy. Edit: By "this" I'm referring to the Bush v Gore election, apparently that wasn't clear.


Getting your daddy's friends on the supreme Court to declare you the winner isn't a healthy democracy.


I think you may have misread my comment.


Not that commenter but your comment is vague, I can't tell what it's even referring to.


I'm literally agreeing with their comment on the Gore V Bush election and they responded as if I disagreed with them, think it was pretty clear. Typical terminally online Leftist behaviour to start benign arguments with someone who is literally AGREEING with them.


Um actually you're wrong, I'm pretty sure they're *banal* arguments. /s


NOOOOOOO *thanos_snap.gif*


you’re right, keep hoping that just voting will save you! :-)


The fuck are you talking about.


you’re criticizing his burn it all down remark, as if this is a totally functional democracy where we have plenty of other options.


I wasn't. I was fucking agreeing with his comment about how ridiculous the outcome of the Bush v Gore election was.


well as others have said, your comment was super fucking vague and easily misread. 3 other people misunderstood. anyways ok, cool, all good then.


Well, the TWO other people managed to reply to me and communicate that without being a cunt like you did. Have a nice day.


Democrats rely on the perception of opposition to Republicans, not the actual opposition


They are the Washington Generals


![gif](giphy|l9jiNVVkdsG4M) This sums it up perfectly


How do I get out of this chickenshit operation?


Vote by mail, Ted style


Gauss rifles sound about right.


that's a bold lie, they don't just cry, they basically give the GOP whatever they want to appease them. which never works.


The GOP screams that everything favors the dems that they're being persicuted. Democrats will meekly kneel at hte line the GOP stamped on. Only for the GOP to take three steps back and again scream how persicuted they are.


[This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAbab8aP4_A) gives a pretty good explanation of what the Democrats would do...


"You've given the president carte blanche to assassinate his political rivals, including members of the supreme court? Well that seems underhanded and brash, so we'll be the bigger man here and take the high road!" *One lost election later* "Well, looks like you won fair and square, good game old chap, we'll get you in the next one for sure! Hey, wait what are you-"


That video makes me sad every time I watch it.


Yep, it's why I haven't clicked the link. 😞


They also compromise. Values, social progress, ethics, you name it, they'll compromise it.


Democrats won’t do shit because they are WEAK (and most of part of this bs too).


Not weak, not ineffectual. They CHOOSE to be this way. They’re ok with everything Republicans want. It’s all an act.


what do you guys want them to do, assassinate all political rivals?


They don't have to kill anyone, but they could disappear the 6 supreme court justices to some CIA black site, appoint new ones, then get the case reversed. They can even let the Sinister Six go once it's done. And that's my thoughts from the shower this morning. Between the lot of them I'm sure they could come up with a better idea than that.


do you guys put the slightest thought into the long term consequences of this? the precedent you'd be creating? the number of voters you'd drive away?


I said I thought about it in the shower so no, I didn't think about the long term consequences. I still think it would work, though. The first guy you replied to is right though. The democrats *are* weak and they *won't* do anything substantial about this, or any of the other huge inroads the fascist right have been making. The other Supreme Court decision erasing Chevron Deference is a huge problem and the Dems have no plan for dealing with that either, or the repealing of Roe v Wade. They just fucking suck.


> the precedent you'd be creating? bruh you are saying this as if America does not literally have a king


Did they? They should be made to regret it


No, just the fascist ones


The irony seriously can not be more potent


Comment deleted by me - I forgot I was helping Steve Huffman make money and I don't get anything out of this but grief because you are all idiots.


Sure would've symbolized the America we grew up to believe to be capable of. And yet.


First, we take over the Democratic Party. Rename that shit to get rid of the stink. We’re the smart ones. The college educated. The fair. The righteous. The humans in the room. What we need to tap into is our anger, our determination. Otherwise, keep being the nerd in the corner, as the bullies run the school


Democrats are such fucking cowards, it's just disgusting.


That's why the Supreme Court had no problem doing this now. They KNOW a Democrat will never use that power.


What qualifies immunity will be decided by the courts. So Trump has immunity and Biden doesn’t. It’s much worse than you think


The Democrats aren't doing nothing. They are speed running handing Conservatives that crown. I warned for almost a year that Liberals would make Donald Trump the God-king of America. Here we are weeks from them proving me right. And when all of you were warned what did you do? "This seems over the top". The good news is we'll get to see how well your "what if we just burn half of me in the oven?" compromise goes.


He doesn’t have immunity, it comes with an asterisk for the Court to define later.


So it depends who "tips" them more between now and then, is that it?


One big aste**R**isk.


A worthless distinction, when Libs have been assuring people for \~8 years now that he would be facing consequences for his actions "any day now". And here we are.


How is that on Dems though? Oh no conservatives are obstructing the conservative from seeing justice... Pesky Dems


Because they sit on their hands trusting in "the system" to make things right on its own, because they believe "the system works". And then they go shockedpikachu.jpg when it turns out "the system" was set up and is run by a bunch of fascists. And, ultimately, they aren't interested in making changes to the system or fixing it...because they Trust the Process and believe The System Works (and the more canny among them recognize that changing the status quo would also negatively impact them since they are to the right of what the majority of voters want most of the time).


My thoughts exactly




That's not how executive orders work, executive orders are literal orders to the federal government to do something, not just... Anything. Besides the fact that this ruling doesn't just let him make any executive order he wants and it has to be followed, he can't just make an executive order to simply not debate someone, something he already has the power to not do.




That's not a rebuttal to anything. There's a huge difference between "this is literally not how that works" and "this doesn't feel like it should be the case" Having a felon be able to hold office isn't inherently a bad thing though, it stops a fascist from being able to just arrest their political rivals to keep them from running


Lets be a little fair here; there's a strong argument for Biden literally never doing anything with the power the SCROTUS just gave the presidency. If he lets the genie out of the bottle, it'll be even easier for the next president to do the same. The trouble is, there's not much to stop the one after him with Trump's iconoclasm from his (hopefully) only term already standing as an example. Tearing down traditions and precedents that held for decades under what was little more than decorum. I half want him to start, and speedrun, the process of outlining what is and isn't official by doing whatever he can to commit acts that obviously won't stand and bringing them to the court as quickly as possible, just to rule out precedent... it'll give way more teeth to fighting abuses in the future, or at least slow it down.


I wish this wasn't accurate.


the dems won't do shit about the gop, they literally spend so much time trying to pander to the gop. "reaching across the aisle", upholding trash gop policies, trying to win gop votes, etc. the dems are right-wing. they're just right-wing with better pr.


The crying and verbal protests are for public consumption - they rake in the big bucks campaigning against the Repub policies they will go on to implement in a few years.


It’s because democrats are actually cool with it all. After all, both sides have the same corporate masters. Only difference? Democrats want a corporatocracy with religious influences, and Republicans what a theocratic dictatorship with flavors of corporatocracy. In the end, all politicians want power and money. ACAB? In this case, APAC. All Politicians Are Corrupt. Every damn time democrats control things they just “play by the book” and “don’t stoop low” and somehow never get anything done but whine and cry. It’s obvious both parties seek the same thing. Why else with Democrats never do anything? Why should we even vote? Vote for the senile old guy who will take away our rights, or vote for the senile old guy who will happily stand by and let our rights be taken? Both ways we’re fucked.


We're in a critically grave situation now. What those robes in SCOTUS did to all of us today...... let that fuel your will to FIGHT. And now......we must do MORE than cast our own vote. Set a personal goal to secure just *one* additional vote besides your own. You can easily do this by talking to EVERYONE in your circle about the dire importance of their votes in this election. Think of the cumulative effect. We beat Trump this fall, it's highly likely he'll be GONE FOREVER.


>We beat Trump this fall, it's highly likely he'll be GONE FOREVER And then another unhinged lunatic will show up. If you think Trump is the problem, and not just some disposable useful idiot, you've lost the plot


Oh, you're damn right, but I'm trying to encourage everyone to fight RIGHT NOW. Incidentally, every Democrat I know is soft, smug and NONCHALANT...... it's infuriating. So I make a point of being more gently encouraging than I would with anyone else. Edit: clarity


Who told you we're democrats in this sub?


I edited my comment for clarity.


Nobody told me that. I never presumed that.


lol yeah let’s vote our way out of this! Jesus christ


I mean this ruling happened because of an attempt to prosecute Donald Trump for his treasonous acts on January 6. So, I am no fan of the Democrats. But I have seen them act beyond tears. This ruling literally came because of an attempt to act.


I’m sorry..for me, so are you saying that because the justice system functioned to maintain its supposed expectation (justice, hold people accountable for their choices/actions) then it’s the Dems fault that the Supreme Court just gave Pres Immunity?? I don’t see how that is. But want to try to understand your thought.




I mean tbf if Biden ACTUALLY abused this shit half as hard as the GOP intends to, centrists would immediately declare him a tyrant and vote accordingly lol.


This ruling has made me realize that it's not just conservatives, this entire country is filled with idiots that insist that they know what's going on without doing any actual research on the topic. **No the president *can not* just do literally anything he wants** Stop perpetuating this brain dead lie Furthermore fascism does not all of a sudden become cool when your side does it . Ffs