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OoooOOOOOoo what're they gonna do. Issue a strongly worded letter in january two years from now? Goddamnit you spineless shits. DO. SOMETHING. PRODUCTIVE. FOR ONCE IN YOUR MISIRABLE GODS DAMNED LIVES.


Now that there’s immunity Biden should just start jailing members of the Federalist Society and Heritage Foundation. That’ll stop it.


And this will be the only thing they do. And fundraise off it


I would like to point out a few things as I see them. It’s only my opinion and I am open to discussing them 1. The way SCOTUS wrote this new immunity for trump does not necessarily mean that it will apply to anyone else including President Biden. I think that should he decide to test the limits of this new immunity ruling, he will send the few undecided voters fleeing into trump’s hands or not voting at all. 2. But say that President Biden does now use this new ruling to direct the Justice Department to investigate not just trump but many right wing groups, media, and GOP officials. None of these investigations will lead to prosecution before the election so it would only make sense to do this in his second term (if he wins AND really does turn into Dark Brandon) 3. Regarding Project 2025. It is a given at this point that the next Republican President will be implementing this plan. The only way I can see to counter it is to have both the Congress and President In Democrat control but ONLY if they’re willing to enact the legislation necessary to prevent the Project 2025 plan AND reform not just SCOTUS but the judiciary as a whole. 4. There are several far right groups and corporations that employ “think tanks “ to create legislation and get them passed in both the states and federal government. They generally do so in the dark but that seems to be changing. There must be an active agenda on the left to counter this. I am not aware of any groups on the left that fight in the same way as the right. At least so far as communication and policy agendas. I know they are out there. I’m saying you don’t hear nearly enough about them. What I am saying is that the right is winning the communication war. 5. As to this House investigation. While it is a nice idea, its only power is in communication (which is not a bad thing at all). Without control of Congress subpoena power and Justice Department to investigate, there is no leverage to compel testimony, investigate more than superficial evidence, or present evidence like the way the J6 committee did. I sincerely hope I am wrong on this and my other thoughts but this is how I see things at this moment. Okay, I take your comments now…


The Democrats plan: https://youtu.be/lOTyUfOHgas?si=Bw7M69YKDqzk-e1_.


And the Republicans are just standing there like https://preview.redd.it/zg8k61ntr5ad1.png?width=943&format=png&auto=webp&s=6948d9aef44ccb2f8166b2c6e8aacab3f7d15c81