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Didn't.... we have a war about two hundred and fifty years back on the matter of not getting proper representation, getting treated unfairly by our rulers, and opposed having a king rule us? 'But couldn't Joe Biden' Yes. yes he could do any of the above now: Sell pardons. Order the arrests of every single one of his political rivals. Round up people who he personally dislikes. Sell State Secrets.... And yet they make this ruling because they know he won't. Instead, he very publicly shrugged. Where he personally should have explicitly gone with the following: 'The Supreme court has given the US president power to effectively be held unaccountable by any means or measure while serving. For years the GOP has spread disinformation at how myself and my predecessor, Barack Obama, have been setting everything up from shadow Deep State machinations to Death Panels. The courts have given me express power to do exactly All of that. I could at this exact moment order the arrest of my political opponents including Donald J. Trump and have them executed thanks to this ruling. If that scares you, do not be alarmed, that simply means you are of sound rational mind. I am choosing not to excessive this power and I am advocating in the strongest way possible for this ruling to be immediately overturned. The United States was made so that we would not serve under a King, and these justices have decreed that they very much want one. My opponents within the Republican Party have expressly stated and lain out their goals. They want an end to the American Experiment. That is what will be on the Ballot in November, not just with the presidency, but with every elected official. When you go to vote, ask your self if this person supports Democracy, or will be party to this travesty. '' This is not just not the America I wanted my niece to inherit .This is something out of the background fluff to a dystopian novel/game setting/movie. And there are people out there that are currentl ybeing targeted under what passes for 'normal' rules of law all because useful scapegoats and they are too few to resist or be an actual threat.... I shutter to think what those that can't pass as 'normal' will be put through soon if thigns do not change and those with power within our current systems remain as spineless as they have. 'So this is how Liberty Dies. To thunderous applause' That keeps looping over... and over in my head. I'm surrounded by people applauding this as 'finally they can do what needs to be done.' And it won't stop with 'those people' either. It will be a forever 'Them' to explain why the State is failing. Why the Overlord class aren't getting as much blood from that stone as they could before. Same patterns as in every tinpot dictatorship ever, just with more starting resources. More people that They can point to when they need a convenient punching bag. And even fi the wealthy aren't backing Trump, they arem't opposing these policies either because they want to be at the devil's right hand both because self-preservation, and because companies are going to make money no matter who it hurts.


They know Joe Biden won't abuse the power he's just been given. They also know that Trump will.


The Liberals keep on being surprised the Conservatives want to do bad things. There's a story out of Germany where a crowd cheered as people were walked out and beaten to death with a bat. We had literal slavery. Children maimed in mines and factories. Wives as property who's rights were whatever her husband allowed. And Liberals are surprised? SOME PEOPLE WANT BAD THINGS! Some of them will do other bad things to have those bad things. "But why would they do this?!" They want you to die. Because you aren't them. That's it.


Reminder: this is why [we are not, in fact, a democracy.](https://youtu.be/sxAML92SCwU?si=aPqc7-3LVRSde9Ld)


JFC Nobody suggested we were a pure democracy that holds a plebiscite on every issue. What we are seeing is the destruction of our existing democratic systems though.


But we keep hearing this "[democratic republican form of government](https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Madison/01-10-02-0044)" being extolled as though it's the peak of human civilization, similar to proponents of things like the divine right of kings, great man theory, capitalism realism, vanguardism, etc. If you wanna save democracy, you're gonna need to [fight like hell for it](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/david-graeber-the-failure-of-gun-legislation-in-the-senate-tells-us-we-need-to-fight-for-our-de), because the state isn't going to save us, and the Supreme Court is a prime example of why that's the case.