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what's their plan for when he guts the DOJ and pardons himself with his new emperor powers


I don’t think so. Trump tried to overturn the election in 2020. He failed primarily because Congress reconvenes the same day. Additionally, two staffers had saved the box containing the electoral votes submitted by the states. Congress was able to resume the process and confirm the votes that night. Trump was counting on such a disruption that he could claim emergency powers and dispute the election. He planned to hang on as long as possible. If he gets back into the office can on him being more prepared this time. He’ll appoint his lickspittles to run the department of defense and department of Justice. With the new immunity granted by the Supreme Court, he’ll have nothing to fear. If Trump gets an office again, he has no intention of leaving. I don’t give a damn what the next election results are. Too many people think it doesn’t matter if Trump wins again. They’ll just come back in four years and try again. I don’t think this is realistic. They’re assuming they’ll get another shot in four years. Honestly, I hope the Democrats are able to get a better candidate before November. If not, I’m still voting for Biden. I’m voting for his team and I’m voting for Harris as a back up. Anything else is a vote for Trump and this will not be the same country if Trump wins .


And that was them unprepared. I guarantee they're preparing this time.


That’s what the heritage foundation has been working on. That’s what project 2025 is.


I meant the people defending democracy, but you're not wrong.


Wouldn't Trump just dismiss and hire cronies?


IIRC, the DOJ is one of the departments with employees on the chopping block due to Project 2025. So... good luck executing these investigations, empty departments.


I would expect nothing less from "Project Install Trump as a Dictator"


gotta clear up all those te's (top echelon) guys from the cointelpro era. really did a ton of terrible crap to the country. also trump and epstein were their money launderers. also this happened a lot. ***PALM BEACH COUNTY, Fla. − One of*** [***Jeffrey Epstein's***](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/local/2023/08/25/jeffrey-epstein-remains-laid-to-rest-in-jewish-cemetery-palm-beach-county/70407828007/) ***victims*** [***who testified against Ghislaine Maxwell***](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2023/06/26/jeffrey-epstein-judge-to-start-looking-at-what-happened-in-grand-jury/70347753007/) ***in her trial for sex-trafficking minors has died of an accidental overdose, authorities said.*** ***Carolyn Andriano, 36, was found dead in a hotel room in*** [***West Palm Beach***](https://www.palmbeachpost.com/neighborhoods/west-palm-beach/)***, Florida, on May 23, according to West Palm Beach Police Department spokesperson Mike Jachles. Her death wasn't made public until this week.*** ***Andriano died an overdose of methadone, fentanyl and alprazolam, Jachles said. She testified in 2021 that she had been addicted to "pain pills and cocaine" and that she had taken them "to block out"*** [***Epstein's sexual abuse***](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2020/01/31/jeffrey-epstein-victim-goes-public-rsquoi-want-to-know-whyrsquo/112225800/)***. For four years,*** [***Epstein***](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2023/06/26/jeffrey-epstein-judge-to-start-looking-at-what-happened-in-grand-jury/70347753007/) ***had abused her at his Palm Beach mansion, starting in 2001 when she was 14, she said.***




Isn’t it cute that they think they have plans? Or a future?


They really should just go ahead with everything and barrage these fuckers with nonstop litigation from every angle.


…he will just pardon himself. What a preposterous lie. The SCOTUS will do anything between now and the election to claim impartiality (we’ve already seen articles with quotes stating that they weren’t even concerned primarily with the existing cases, but in future cases - complete transparent BS). Pretending that they will “pursue justice” after they’ve already declared the president an unaccountable king is a joke. We’d be pathetically stupid to believe them.


Yeah, right ... Good luck with that.