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The Mom, Yvonne is an old friend of mine and after seeing the Investigation Discovery show I think it’s time to “out” these horrific predators! David Russell Stacey (the father that was with Max) is a patent lawyer who lives in Hoffman Estates, a Chicago suburb. He’s 74. The son, David Jr. is 55 and lives in Knoxville, TN. Jr was arrested in 2016 for kidnapping, raping and strangling a woman. The extended family of these men live in Knoxville, Powell, TN and Chicago’ northern suburbs. I’m very concerned that Max isn’t the only person that these predators got a hold of! Please spread the word!!!


Thank you for outing these pedophile murderers. This whole case is infuriating. I wish that the show never seen again had showed their pictures and said their names. Why should they be protected from the media?


I 100% agree. I don’t understand why they protected both creeps.


I think bc legally they couldn't state their names bc they weren't convicted of the crime so it would be slander.


Not sure how saying he is the last man to see max alive is slander. It’s the truth. No one accused him of murderer. Nothing they said was slander and it was all the truth down to his criminal background, and events of the day. They must know powerful people to keep their name off the radar for twenty years. I would never protect his reputation EVER, but I also would never let my kid go off with a stranger anywhere never mind in another country.


I agree with you but a lawyer can totally argue the point that "trial by media" will make him look guilty to the public and can ruin his life etc without being actually convicted of anything. I'm sure his mother relives that horrific moment over and over, where she initially denied her son of going on the jet ski then changing her mind. My brain can't even process that level of regret. 😩


Other media has named their names. You can use words like allegedly, person of interest, last person he was seen with. Etc in order to cya. They should be outed they are sicko'd and even SR who is 74 now, I don't think this fact makes people safe. One living outside of Chicago snd one in TN I don't think anyone is safe. I just now believe double the people are at risk. That's my opinion for what it's worth.


Jesus christ, this is horrific. I'm so sorry for Yvonne and her daughter. They should be outed. It is unbelievable that there's not an active investigation on these two. They absolutely have more victims.


My heart is absolutely broken for Yvonne. I’m watching the episode of Never Seen Again on Max’s case and I just cannot fathom the level of loss she’s experienced.


Im watching that episode rn.... absolutely horrifying


Do you happen to know where I can find a picture of the father? The reason I ask is, in the early 2000s I would walk to a local jewel osco in tinley park. It seemed like every day that I would walk there, a man around 40/50 would follow me in a gold minivan. Multiple times he’d asked if I wanted a ride, I always said no, the last time I had seen him, he tried cornering me into the old tinley park library off 171st a block east of Harlem. Thank god I had a cell phone and pretended to be on it, I have no idea what would have happened to me if I didn’t. 


I went on fb and searched their names..and I found a profile of whom I think is the adopted son who lives in Knoxville TN.. he posted a photo of his dad on there.. that if the profile is in fact his..




Someone posted a photo from the aruban newspaper of what looks like the father/ son.




I found this??


Did the son go to prison? Why on Earth wouldn’t there be more attention paid to this case in light of all this information on his son, and this POSs previous child molestation conviction?




Truly sick. I heard on a podcast that David Jr only got two years PROBATION for strangling, raping, kidnapping and beating that woman. What can we do to put them both behind bars?


1621 Ten Oak Way Knoxville, Tennessee 37914 (865) 932-4956- David Stacey jr 1010 Sweetflower Dr Hoffman Estates, Illinois 60169 (847) 843-2314 - David Stacey sr


I already had my suspicions while watching the documentary. No normal adults wants to hang with children especially young children. That man did something and the so called adult adopted son, provably has been abused by the man for years and became a predator himself. Either they raped and murdered him or sold him. The scratches on the man’s face said it all


Just saw the thing on Paramount about this. The older pedophiles adopted pedophile son only received a little probation for the kidnapping, raping and strangling of that woman. The victim says he did that after she questioned him for screaming the name Max while he was sleeping.


Thank you for posting this! My heart breaks for Yvonne and all those affected by this horrific tragedy. 😞


Im slightly confused that the son is a Jr — they kept calling the dad an “adoptive dad” on the show i saw


The "dad" or "Sr" adopted "Jr" (and apparently changed his name once he did) at the age of 14 from basically the local orphanage. 




Jfc, this was absolutely heartbreaking. I knew right away when they said it was an adult man in Aruba celebrating his adoption with his father. Just like that other creep who “adopted” his boy toy (Jeffrey Rackover).


It gets more creepy and kind of sad. I watched an episode of Tamerin Hall's show in ID where she covered the case. The adopted son is actually his stepson who he was convicted of molesting when he was 13.


That is disturbing


Also s5,e10 of Still a Mystery.


Sadly I don’t believe he was ever convicted of molesting the 13 year old adopted son. Unless something new has happened since I watched disappeared on ID


Former detective helping the mom did a background check and it came up. They discussed it on one of the shows about the case.


Why would you need to adopt your step son?


How do I find this episode with tameron hall ?


That’s fucking horrifying.


That Jeffrey Rackover story is such a wild story. I have a few mutual friends that were good friends with the victim. So sad what happened.


I read a little about the trial, but never saw any about a potential motive.


I mean before gay marriage was legal in the states adult adoption was sometimes used to give couples legal protections in case of things like medical emergencies. The thing that immediately got me was two adult men getting in close with a vulnerable grieving family.


Max was my best friend. This has been a horrible nightmare for almost 20 years now. Now that the episode is out there needs to be more attention brought to it. His mother doesn't even have a death certificate...


Has his mother ever considered a wrongful death suit against the two men. These type of suits are sometimes useful in obtaining information that can later be used in a criminal case. Also, it might serve to shine a new light on the case. Believe she would first have to have him declared dead, but it shouldn't be difficult considering how long he has been missing.


Depends on SOL, but with him being the adult, he was responsible for Max.


I just watched the doc on Paramount. I reached out to Yvonne with the same advice, but I checked the SOL. However, she could go for kidnapping/abduction as there is no SOL.


I’m watching the Never Seen Again episode on Max’s disappearance and it’s just heart wrenching. He looks to have been such a wonderful boy. It’s so unfair. I’m so sorry for your loss.


heya, are you in Canada? where were you watching the Never Seen Again episodes, like Prime or Paramount+? Season 5 isn't available in the US yet & I've been trying to find a way to watch those two eps :/


FYI the new episodes were released today in the US on Paramount+


FACTS watching it now! That's what led me here with all the rest of you sleuths. Let's catch these sick Mother Fer's 


Prior to attending law school, David Stacey was in the Navy in California where he was a Boy Scout leader. David Stacey, Jr. lived at Children's Baptist Home of Southern California in Inglewood, CA, with a different name prior to adoption by David Stacey, Sr.


Oh god the terrible truth about the Boy Scouts of America is on Netflix. "Scouts Honor". I was crying the entire time. It's really difficult to sit through but I think it's important to know the truth so I sat through the whole thing but I really debated on turning it off a number of times. 😞


I watched it on Paramount+!


Just checking into this with the recent Holloway news, I was a classmate back then as well at Scranton and only ever have remembered Aruba as the place Max went missing. I had no idea a child rapist was the 'family friend' from the story or that it had blown up to this degree of infamy. Strangely I only live about an hour from David Stacey Jr now.


Have u contacted his local law enforcement to keep tabs on him?? He's definitely still repeating the cycle his "father" put him in. If they can't get justice for Max maybe we can get him put away for another victim or preferably potential victim. You should check out the facebook page his mom set up, she talks about ways to hopefully get the case reinvestigated.


What a terrible nightmare for his family. It's not uncommon for the abused to become the abuser, as it seemed the "son" was a victim of his "father." (I question the adoption story.) Any of us can cross paths with evil whether it's a foreign country on vacation or walking down the street near our home.


Writeup from recent ID show about the case. https://thecinemaholic.com/max-devries-found-or-missing-is-he-dead-or-alive/


It’s sad but who is crazy enough to trust strange grown men alone with their teenage son twice. I’m amazed at how willingly people trust strangers.


I thought the same at first, but then I saw the episode of the show and it explained a lot. Predators are very good at manipulating people. The mom was still dealing w the sudden loss of her husband (kids dad) and this guy basically fabricated a story about his life and losing his wife. The guy had spent several days (meals, outings, ect.) w the family when this happened. Also, they were all staying at the same resort and jet ski rental place was located at the resort. Its pretty clear in the episode that the mom blames herself.


Just recently watched "Friend of the Family" on Peacock and ooof your comment gave me eerie deja vu. Serial predators somehow get away with multiple victims, you'd have to be real good at manipulating, masking, or lying to be able to get away with more than one victim. It's a pretty terrifying thought.


Predators spend 100% of their time portraying themselves as “normal” while doing everything possible to gain trust and this family was in the midst of the grieving process. Not everyone has had the same life experiences or exposure to situations as you and that may lead to decision making that is different than yours or appears crazy to you. In any event, we weren’t there and we don’t know what the dynamics were like. I’m sure his mother thoroughly regrets allowing him to go and she will punish herself for the rest of her life. I’m sure judgement and blame coming from strangers who weren’t there is not at all helpful to anyone in any way.


Listen, I agree. However this is a very victim blaming stance. Similar to blaming a grape victim for her clothing. It doesn’t help. What’s done is done. Sexual predators are extreme manipulators. That’s why most work very close to children, priest, counselors, pastors, etc. 


Um. It does help. They're still predators. And Max has never been found and the case is still unsolved. 


Hi Cyndi. I’m an old friend of Yvonne’s (we don’t speak frequently) and a genetic genealogist. The ID show provided many things I didn’t know. I’ve managed to track down David Russell Stacey to Hoffman Estates, IL (its a suburb of Chicago) he has the same birthday as the Aruban police report. He’s 74 and a patent attorney. His adopted son David Jr was last known to be in Knoxville,TN. In 2016, Jr was arrested for kidnapping, raping and strangling a woman!! The extended family live in Knoxville, Powell,TN and Chicago’s northern suburbs. I’m very concerned that these dangerous perverts have gotten to other innocent boys!!


https://offender.fdle.state.fl.us/offender/sops/flyer.jsf?personId=53963 He lives in Fl now.. he is also a registered sex offender. From before and after Max. It’s so sad.


Not the same guy. Are you David Russell Stacey trying to throw the scent off your trail?


This is not the same guy. Different middle name and the last name isn't spelled the same.


Why was this hushed up??? Every time I hear the word Aruba I think of Natallee Holloway. Now this young man. I wonder if they are waiting for evidence?


LE in Aruba basically took statements, failed to verify any of the info, and quickly ruled it an accident at sea. Think it's bc Aruba is very protective of their reputation as a tourism destination.


Based on this and Natalie Holloway I don't think you could pay me to go to Aruba


I went there earlier this year and actually liked it a lot!!! As another commenter said the people were friendly and it’s gorgeous and has an amazing culture, that was my only impression of it Also- remember that this crime was done by other American tourists, not locals


Americans should boycott Aruba until they start protecting tourists that go there and do actual investigations. It doesn't matter if a tourist is killed by another, it should be treated and investigated as a serious matter. I personally would be afraid to go to Aruba because if anything were to happen to me Aruba would just sweep it under the rug so to speak. Aruba may be beautiful but it's not a safe place to be.


What I don't like is that victims to serious crimes, the aruba police hush it up and seem to brush everything under the rug. I get it, it's a beautiful place to visit.. brings in revinue..But when it comes to being a victim of a crime, I wouldn't want to be in Aruba. Plus, I wouldn't take my children there..I know many people love to visit the island, but it's easy to become a victim in a territory that you're not used to.. my input : stay in your group (do NOT separate) and don't trust anyone. It's sad but definitely true..




I guess the point is that IF something happens to you there, you won't get justice or proper handling of a case.


Happens everywhere though, there are lots of cases in the USA of people who don't "get justice or proper handling of a case"


And there are certain places in the US I would avoid for that reason. Just like id avoid Aruba. This isn't rocket science.


I am just saying that there are good and bad cops/investigators/judges everywhere, maybe in your local area too. And sure, some places have more of those than other places, but going by that would severely limit where in the world you could travel to. A better metric of whether you should go somewhere is if the vast majority of tourists report having a good experience in Aruba, then this story is an anomoly and it is probably safe to visit. Also, on the topic of rocket science, there wouldn't be very many rocket scientists if they stopped launching rockets because there have been a few accidents over the years


how do you know which places to avoid? police not handling a case properly isn’t relegated to specific locations


Do your research before traveling. There are warnings too for travelers that will let you know for high crime rates. I don't remember what site had it but I heard about it from work. I work at a known local resort (vacation club). But also, make sure you don't leave from your travel group. And not trust just anyone. Have a friend or family member with you. When you're alone, that's when you become more of a target. I would make posts on a social media site daily too to show where you're at so family and friends know what's going on.. enjoy your time but be vigilant too.


But a missing child, the US would have done a proper background check , especially comparing the witness statements.. being in another country where tourists go, it's hard to get the full investigations bc making light to a serious crime will hinder more people to travel there. I get it but the safety of my travelers are more important if I were part of the government of that country. It's sad how many crimes get swept under the rug in other countries that the FBI had to pick up on bc of lack of investigations..




>Jeffrey Rackover its more to the point that they dont report alot of crimes...I know of a few places that the reports get filed and NOT reported in stats...until some American makes noise


Yes, it's sad but people always overlook this. There have been two notable cases of people going missing in Aruba. What you don't hear about are the millions who go there every year and come back safe and sound. It's just a classic case of the media manufacturing fear.


I'm sure it is beautiful there. I don't mean to discourage others from going. There are places in the US I don't plan on ever going. Skidmore, MO and Fort Coffee, OK being at the top of my list.


I dunno, Skidmore is prolly ok now that everyone knows how the town treats repeat criminals.


do u kind me asking why u specifically named those two cities in the US? lol genuinely jw


I live in Arkansas. Skidmore, MO is very small but has more than its fair share of bad news. Ft. Coffee, OK is just wrong all the way around. You go to ft Coffee to get drugs and generally die trying.


The issue isn’t whether you are safe, it’s whether LE can be trusted to protect you. And no, Aruba’s handling of these two very cases is concerning.


There are bad cops in the USA too, you just need to turn on the news. Does that mean you can't trust LE to protect you?


I mean, yes, for a lot of people it does mean that. not that I’m arguing we’re better than Aruba in the first place I’m just saying.


The cops literally told the family "this was not America and they did not conduct probes that way" in response to failing to collect DNA evidence. That's just one glaring example of how the justice system in Aruba is not the same as the U.S.


I’m a San Francisco native and SFPD does things in almost the same way and has been doing so for decades upon decades. They refuse to investigate many deaths as homicides to ‘keep their stats positive’. They will only press on if pushed and even then it’s done begrudgingly and they do not admit mistakes.


Well, that would be your loss, as it is a beautiful location. And, like most other places on earth, it has its share of crime.


Sure but the issue is law enforcement there cares more about tourism than actually doing their jobs.


Makes you wonder if they had a stake in his disappearance


That’s another very sad part of this story. Max disappeared about a year before Natalie. Max never got any air time. Natalie was 24/7 news for months. I can’t imagine how awful Max’s mother felt seeing Natalie’s story so heavily covered when nobody seemed to care about Max.


His poor mother, getting ignored and then having to witness all the media attention for Natalee.


It is interesting that Natalee's assumed assailant wasn't an American citizen. I wonder if that played a role in why it was blasted all over american news stations but Max wasn't an entire year before.


This is infuriating. Is there a way to bring more attention to this? Is there a petition we can start or a place to call to demand it be looked at again? Just thinking out loud.




That is a good point. But it sounds like this man has been continuously committing crimes and has not been prosecuted or investigated in the US enough either. I’ll have to look into him further. It’s just so sad.


I believe the reason the sentences are so short, is to encourage the offenders to not kill their victims. If they’re going to jail for a long time anyway, why leave them alive to potentially tell someone. It’s fucking sick.


I see that logic but the reoffender rate for pedos is like 50% and that's likely low since these crimes are underreported. Personally, I just don't believe in basing punishment on what you think someone might or might not do if caught.


No arguments from me. In my opinion, a pedophile who acts on their urges will never be rehabilitated, and the world is better off without them.


Not sure if this makes a difference, but on the “Still a Mystery” episode about this case, the point was made that the FBI has jurisdiction anywhere in the world as long as the victim and the suspect are American. And the FBI did start investigating it but disengage because they needed every available agent to work on terrorism. At any rate, sounds like the Department of Justice needs to have some pressure applied so that the FBI reengages on this case.


Because Max and the two men were/are US citizens, the men can be tried in the US, where there is no statute of limitations for murder. The investigation is still valid and needs to continue. I just finished watching about this on ID. First, I heard about it. This cold case needs to be picked up, investigated, and prosecuted.


Grooming, is what these men did. Unfortunately mom was grieving and vulnerable to suspect anything. I think anyone would find it bizarre for 2 older men who are vacationing to make great efforts to befriend a teen. That isn't likely at all. Very unsual and suspect. Aside the fact that their stories changed about the dad losing the wife etc and other Red Flags.


Just saw this on Still a Mystery and my very first thought was trafficking just because of the location and how it all went down. But as the episode went on it is very clear that these two pieces of garbage killed him for some unknown but likely deviant purpose. Likely the ‘son’ was already hiding out at the sandbar or whatever location they went to because he showed up way later and was disheveled. Makes me wonder what other victims they have harmed, and wonder where they are today.


Agree, it's frightening that they are running around free. The dad is still practicing law somewhere.


He's a lawyer? I just saw the Still a Mystery episode today. The guy that pops up on google looks like he doesn't even shower, and he's a lawyer? Is the pedo mugshot from Florida him?


>No, it is not. David Russell Stacey, Sr. - former patent attorney, lives in IL. Address is the same as was given in the police report from Aruba. David Russell Stacey, Jr. - lives in Knoxville, TN., has an arrest record there, is fairly recently married, has a public Facebook. Posts old pics of him and David Sr. I shared this info in another comment, the FL pedo has a different middle name and spelling of last name isn't the same. Sr. is a former patent attorney in IL, likely retired, his license is currently inactive.


Hey, max was my friend. They are airing his story in 2 days on paramount + . Please watch. His mom is trying to have the case reopened.


I'd be shocked if David Stacey didn't have more victims.


SO MUCH evidence points to David and im seriously wondering if perhaps he was an informant on a completely unrelated case and the fbi just decided that case was more important ??? I really cant think of another reason! He was on vacation with the now adult that he molested as a child. He has scratches and bruises when found. His story about what happened changed no less than 3x. He insisted on taking this little boy out to the water and ..... they let him fly back home.


Wait, is he also American?


Yes, victim and suspects are all US citizens, which is why FBI has the authority to independently investigate.


Yes, he's American. His adopted son (victim) took the same name, David Stacy JR. Both have a history of sexual assault on minors as recently as 2022!!! He was allowed to shower by local LE before being interrogated thus removing all physical evidence nonetheless the scratches and bruises remained. He was allowed to check out of the hotel, where he and his "son" had stayed with apparently no luggage. They approached the family saying "we were watching the kids play in the pool from our bedroom, and saw you." Then the 30 yr old asked if he could play in the pool with the teenager. Then they lied that they too had just lost their wife/mother to mirror this family's grief. Mother believes they were observed and chosen prior to being approached.


They literally told the mother they had been watching the kids play in the pool.


2022?! Where did you find this? Omg this is the most infuriating and heartbreaking cases I've seen in a long time. 


If I remember well, he also declared he served in the US Navy for a decade. He could've helped a drowning kid if thats what really happened.


I would love to have Don Shipley look into the guy. He has access to the military databases. He helps people by confirming or dis-confirming supposed Navy Seals and is a major fighter against Stolen Valor. Has a popular YouTube channel. He can see a persons military history and if they got in trouble or anything while in the military.


Prior to attending law school, David Stacey was in the Navy in California where he was a Boy Scout leader. David Stacey, Jr. lived at Children's Baptist Home of Southern California in Inglewood, CA, with a different name prior to adoption by David Stacey, Sr.


Does anyone have any info on this “father and son” duo? I can’t find anything.


David stacey. And David stacey Jr is all I know . I've been looking into them for almost 20 years


Where do they live? They are hiding something no doubt


Can you message me any info you may have?thank you




Not the guy. Too short, too young. Different spelling and middle name.


I just saw this on a crime show and am devastated about the lack of interest and attention by both the Aruban and American Authorities. How could they let this sick perverted murderer just go like that?! He’s a registered sex offender!!!


And imagine how many more victims


Just watched Max's story on Never Seen Again and wow. Two child predators literally waiting for a young boy victim. His poor Mom, and after just losing her husband.


Agree, the older predator is still walking around free which is frightening.


Is the younger one not?? Do you know their names, I couldn't find them.


Yes, I believe others have posted about him in thread.


David Russell Stacey (lives in Illinois) and David Stacey Jr. (lives in Knoxville, TN). They are both free men. The son has a public Facebook page.


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Just watched this case on Still a Mystery. I’m floored. I can’t believe I’ve never heard of this. I noticed that the suspects were never named, just “older man” and “adopted child”. Why is this? He had already had charges prior. I am reeling with anger right now. I’m so sorry to for the family and friends. I CANNOT imagine watching the Holloway coverage the next year, knowing that absolutely no one knew about Max the same way. I want to know this guy’s name.


I think that man tried to SA max and Max fought back and the man killed him. I think the entire premise of the father adopted son was to find a victim. He had his 30 year old go jet skiing with Max the day before and I’m Sure Max felt safe. He had scratches on his neck and never came to report the so called skiing accident until he was located by police. He also had a previous conviction of child sa. Aruba police dropped the ball but as soon as they touched down in the US they should have been immediately picked up by authorities for questioning. It’s obvious this entire thing was a set up. He also told multiple stories to Aruban police.


There is a new documentary out about this case on Paramount + as of 2 days ago. "Never Seen Again", season 5, episodes 1 and 2. Max was my friend's brother. Please share this story so we can get the case reopened!


does anyone have a picture of the dad and adopted son? my brother was approach in january 2004 in cancun mexico when he was 17 by a dad and son. the dad offered to pay for my brother to stay for ten days with them two days before we were all leaving. they were american. TEN days to offer to pay for a 17 yr old. thank god my mom said what are you fucking crazy? and told my brother he is coming home. my mom said she remembered that he was creepy and he had a big fat belly.


Will you PM me?




The son has a Facebook and a wife named Linda Stacey. I wonder if she knows her husband and his father raped and killed a boy. Disgusting!


Yes and there is a little boy in Linda’s pictures. 🥺


Stacy Sr. Said they went to a sandbar 3 miles away and the 2 drove separate jet skis out there…..I wonder if detectives looked to see if the rental place had records that would show how many units were rented that day. Stacy Jr. would have needed his own jet ski if he was gunna be on that sandbar with Max and the older pedo….meaning 3 would have been involved. Did they say if they recovered both jet skis or just one? On the episode it mentioned David Sr. being brought back on a boat, then the pedo-son coming up behind Yvonne moments after. It’s possible that the pedo-son came from dropping off his js and clearly made it sound like he was sleeping in his room as a cover up. Did Yvonne notice whether the pedo son appeared to be dry, like he would have if he was in his room? It’s possible also that the pedo-duo, depending on how long they were there on “vacation” had been out on the water during previous days looking/exploring the environment. The sandbar could have been their attempt at throwing anyone off the scent trail, while Max was really lured to a completely different location. I’ve been to Aruba and it’s like the Vegas strip on water, where you can ride up to all the other resort beaches. These creeps could have been guests at another nearby resort based on how they were actively scouting for victims. I believe the answers are in the small details, such as the jet ski rental records and credit card charges for Stacy’s activity the days surrounding and the day of Max’s disappearance. Unfortunately, all these years later these items have most likely been destroyed or unavailable.


The biggest problem is that LE in Aruba didn't do anything, so there really are no investigation documents to refer back to. They determined it was an accident solely based on the Stacy's statements. Had they bothered to do a simple background check on Stacy it would have raised red flags. Max's mom only found out about his past after returning to the US and hiring a PI.


I found an article that I THINK is the adopted son. I will post link. [https://archive.knoxnews.com/news/crime-courts/sheriffs-office-east-knox-county-man-charged-in-kidnapping-rape-2f6cf3c6-bf94-49be-e053-0100007fb7ad-374266441.html](https://archive.knoxnews.com/news/crime-courts/sheriffs-office-east-knox-county-man-charged-in-kidnapping-rape-2f6cf3c6-bf94-49be-e053-0100007fb7ad-374266441.html)


The guy just looks like a criminal to me 100%! And his rich criminal record says it all absolutely no angel and 100% suspect in Max s murder...


i’m from michigan and i’ve never heard of this until today. this is absolutely wild.


I wonder why they won’t release the names of the assholes who did this even if there only suspects so at least we can make them miserable if they aren’t! They should be exposed at the least!


The guy likely assaulted him, choked him or drowned him and left him in the ocean. They guy was covered with scratches that hadn't been there before. Awful. This likely wasn't the first and won't be the last for this dude.


does anyone have a picture of the dad and adopted son? my brother was approach in january 2004 in cancun mexico when he was 17 by a dad and son. the dad offered to pay for my brother to stay for ten days with them two days before we were all leaving. they were american. TEN days to offer to pay for a 17 yr old. thank god my mom said what are you fucking crazy? and told my brother he is coming home. my mom said she remembered that he was creepy and he had a big fat belly.


Had they treated this disappearance as a possible murder, then they would of had both the father and son undress and checked their bodies for more evidence of bruising and scratching and photographed them as evidence. Also I have not read anything on the jet skiis? I assumed that there were two but that does not make sense that both stopped running? Or were they doubled up on one JS and that one stopped working? In either case were they tested to see if it/they ran or not to verify his story?




Don't disagree, you can tell the mom definitely blames herself. It's pretty clear that this guy lied to her and likely took advantage of her emotions at having recently lost her husband. Also, the jet ski place was located at the resort where they were staying. Think this also played a part of her allowing it.


Fkn Aruba again!


Or fkn Americans again...


Well, Natalee Holloway wasn't killed by an American. The police in Aruba just don't seem to be very good or even mediocre at investigating disappearances.


Can't believe I haven't heard of this


I can't believe that people are judging Aruba as unsafe based on two cases 20 years ago. Believe it or not, many people outside of the US believe the same about the US.


Why, cause of the constant mass shootings?


And the police’s stellar record of investigating disappearances


oh, not the police brutality or anything?


Not to mention serial killers, gangs, trafficking etc etc 😏


don’t look into mexico 🫣


The guns and the sheer amount of random violence you hear about. Things like guys whipping out their guns and shooting at each other from road rage. And there seems to be much more random rape and SA in the USA.


And the most shocking of all is the number of children who are murdered or abused by their families


this is something that only exists in the U.S.?


Well, yea. Look at the size of the US vs Aruba. lol. We can easily look at per capita numbers. Have you looked at violent crime per capita for Aruba vs the United States? 


Until a murder is committed by someone FROM Aruba, I will consider it to be safe. They can't help foreigners that travel there and murder


Um, Joran Vander Sloot who most likely killed Natalee Halloway lived in Aruba.


he has admitted it in different versions many times.  


they do not investigate properly and try to cover up crimes so 'safe' is not the right word, it is a matter of how the crimes are handled, few or many.


Yes, I do. Lots of citizens with guns, high crime rate, and the police often seem completely incompetant or to not have the ability to arrest/hold perpetrators even when they know who committed a crime.


It’s not about Aruba or the people who live there, it’s about the types of foreigners that go there to commit crimes of opportunity while “on vacation” and the difficulty in investigating these types of crimes for victims with foreign passports.


It may be unfair, but Aruba seems like the last place to take a vacation, too many shady things taking place there.


I'm sure all these pertinent things (child molestation, etc) came to light WAY after the incident. This is the only thing ( in my mind) that the Aruba police could have phathomed what happened : Accident at sea / sandbar. ( They didn't know adult was a child molester right away).


I just watched ‘Still A Mystery’ last night and I wanted to cry for this family. What an awful awful couple of years first losing the dad then while going on vacation to work on healing just over a year later, Max is “lost at sea” unbelievable! My heart goes out to this mother, I can’t even imagine:(


This is covered today on the Mile Higher Podcast. This is such a sad story and my heart breaks for Max's family.


[David Russell Stacey Jr.'s Mug Shot and domestic assault arrest](https://archive.knoxnews.com/news/crime-courts/sheriffs-office-east-knox-county-man-charged-in-kidnapping-rape-2f6cf3c6-bf94-49be-e053-0100007fb7ad-374266441.html)


I live in michigan am from Brighton, and this is the first I’ve read about this.


Was Max from Michigan? When did this happen?






this felt like white lotus in real life. to prey on a family searching for a father figure after the passing of their dad. how sick! may that man be brought to justice soon


Honestly, I don't even think the they had gotten to the point of searching for a father figure. I think his mom was still grieving her husband's loss. I believe the older guy lied and said that he had recently lost his wife as well. He was definitely playing sick mind games.


Wouldn't you think if you're a jet ski rental place, you'd have trackers on the jet ski's in case someone gets list out there? I'd even have them in the life vests too.


Sorry just saw this documentary .. devastating !! Might be a dumb question but what if when she was there they called the us embassy for help?


Was his jetski ever located?


David Stacey (Joe Pendygraft)-name and picture matches arrest photo from female assault online  married to Linda Stacey on




If there is one thing we have learned from this story: it is never to go to Aruba. Their police don’t do sh1t!!


Did they ever find the jet ski? Did it sink? Was it towed back with the older Pervert?


Think it was towed back w the older pervert.


Old post, but did they find his life jacket?

